Пример #1
    def test_clean_source_cache(self):
        cache_dirs = {
            'source cache': text_type(context.src_cache),
            'git cache': text_type(context.git_cache),
            'hg cache': text_type(context.hg_cache),
            'svn cache': text_type(context.svn_cache),

        assert all(isdir(d) for d in itervalues(cache_dirs))

        run_command(Commands.CLEAN, '', "--source-cache --yes")

        assert not all(isdir(d) for d in itervalues(cache_dirs))
Пример #2
    def test_clean_source_cache(self):
        cache_dirs = {
            'source cache': text_type(context.src_cache),
            'git cache': text_type(context.git_cache),
            'hg cache': text_type(context.hg_cache),
            'svn cache': text_type(context.svn_cache),

        assert all(isdir(d) for d in itervalues(cache_dirs))

        run_command(Commands.CLEAN, '', "--source-cache --yes")

        assert not all(isdir(d) for d in itervalues(cache_dirs))
Пример #3
def _git_clean(source_meta):
    Reduce the redundancy in git specification by removing git_tag and

    If one is specified, copy to git_rev.

    If more than one field is used to specified, exit
    and complain.

    git_rev_tags_old = ('git_branch', 'git_tag')
    git_rev = 'git_rev'

    git_rev_tags = (git_rev,) + git_rev_tags_old

    has_rev_tags = tuple(bool(source_meta.get(tag, text_type())) for
                          tag in git_rev_tags)
    if sum(has_rev_tags) > 1:
        msg = "Error: multiple git_revs:"
        msg += ', '.join("{}".format(key) for key, has in
                         zip(git_rev_tags, has_rev_tags) if has)

    # make a copy of the input so we have no side-effects
    ret_meta = source_meta.copy()
    # loop over the old versions
    for key, has in zip(git_rev_tags[1:], has_rev_tags[1:]):
        # update if needed
        if has:
            ret_meta[git_rev_tags[0]] = ret_meta[key]
        # and remove
        ret_meta.pop(key, None)

    return ret_meta
Пример #4
def handle_config_version(ms, ver, dep_type='run'):
    'ms' is an instance of MatchSpec, and 'ver' is the version from the
    configuration, e.g. for ms.name == 'python', ver = 26 or None,
    return a (sometimes new) MatchSpec object
    if ms.strictness == 3:
        return ms

    if ms.strictness == 2:
        if ms.spec.split()[1] == 'x.x':
            if ver is None:
                raise RuntimeError("'%s' requires external setting" % ms.spec)
            # (no return here - proceeds below)
        else:  # regular version
            return ms

    # If we don't have a configured version, or we are dealing with a simple
    # numpy runtime dependency; just use "numpy"/the name of the package as
    # the specification. In practice this means that a recipe which just
    # defines numpy as a runtime dependency will match any version of numpy
    # at install time.
    if ver is None or (dep_type == 'run' and ms.strictness == 1
                       and ms.name == 'numpy'):
        return MatchSpec(ms.name)

    ver = text_type(ver)
    if '.' not in ver:
        if ms.name == 'numpy':
            ver = '%s.%s' % (ver[0], ver[1:])
            ver = '.'.join(ver)
    return MatchSpec('%s %s*' % (ms.name, ver))
Пример #5
def parse(data):
    data = select_lines(data, ns_cfg())
    res = yamlize(data)
    # ensure the result is a dict
    if res is None:
        res = {}
    for field in FIELDS:
        if field not in res:
        if res[field] is None:
            res[field] = {}
        if not isinstance(res[field], dict):
            raise RuntimeError("The %s field should be a dict, not %s" % (field, res[field].__class__.__name__))
    # ensure those are lists
    for field in ('source/patches',
                  'build/entry_points', 'build/script_env',
                  'build/features', 'build/track_features',
                  'requirements/build', 'requirements/run',
                  'requirements/conflicts', 'test/requires',
                  'test/files', 'test/commands', 'test/imports'):
        section, key = field.split('/')
        if res.get(section) is None:
            res[section] = {}
        if res[section].get(key, None) is None:
            res[section][key] = []
    # ensure those are strings
    for field in ('package/version', 'build/string', 'source/svn_rev',
                  'source/git_tag', 'source/git_branch', 'source/md5',
                  'source/git_rev', 'source/path'):
        section, key = field.split('/')
        if res.get(section) is None:
            res[section] = {}
        val = res[section].get(key, '')
        if val is None:
            val = ''
        res[section][key] = text_type(val)

    # ensure these fields are booleans
    trues = {'y', 'on', 'true', 'yes'}
    falses = {'n', 'no', 'false', 'off'}
    for field in ('build/osx_is_app', 'build/preserve_egg_dir',
                  'build/binary_relocation', 'build/detect_binary_files_with_prefix',
                  'build/skip', 'app/own_environment'):
        section, key = field.split('/')
        if res.get(section) is None:
            res[section] = {}

            val = res[section].get(key, '').lower()
        except AttributeError:
            # val wasn't a string

        if val in trues:
            res[section][key] = True
        elif val in falses:
            res[section][key] = False

    return sanitize(res)
Пример #6
def execute(args, parser):
    spec = MatchSpec(args.match_spec)
    if spec.get_exact_value('subdir'):
        subdirs = spec.get_exact_value('subdir'),
    elif args.platform:
        subdirs = args.platform,
        subdirs = context.subdirs

    with Spinner("Loading channels", not context.verbosity
                 and not context.quiet, context.json):
        spec_channel = spec.get_exact_value('channel')
        channel_urls = (spec_channel, ) if spec_channel else context.channels

        matches = sorted(SubdirData.query_all(spec, channel_urls, subdirs),
                         key=lambda rec:
                         (rec.name, VersionOrder(rec.version), rec.build))

    if not matches:
        channels_urls = tuple(
                prepend=not args.override_channels,
        from ..exceptions import PackagesNotFoundError
        raise PackagesNotFoundError((text_type(spec), ), channels_urls)
        return matches
Пример #7
 def ms_depends(self, typ='run'):
     res = []
     name_ver_list = [('python', config.CONDA_PY),
                      ('numpy', config.CONDA_NPY),
                      ('perl', config.CONDA_PERL)]
     for spec in self.get_value('requirements/' + typ, []):
             ms = MatchSpec(spec)
         except AssertionError:
             raise RuntimeError("Invalid package specification: %r" % spec)
         for name, ver in name_ver_list:
             if ms.name == name:
                 if (ms.strictness != 1 or
                 str_ver = text_type(ver)
                 if '.' not in str_ver:
                     str_ver = '.'.join(str_ver)
                 ms = MatchSpec('%s %s*' % (name, str_ver))
         for c in '=!@#$%^&*:;"\'\\|<>?/':
             if c in ms.name:
                 sys.exit("Error: bad character '%s' in package name "
                          "dependency '%s'" % (c, ms.name))
             parts = spec.split()
             if len(parts) >= 2:
                 if parts[1] in {'>', '>=', '=', '==', '!=', '<', '<='}:
                     msg = ("Error: bad character '%s' in package version "
                         "dependency '%s'" % (parts[1], ms.name))
                     if len(parts) >= 3:
                         msg += "\nPerhaps you meant '%s %s%s'" % (ms.name,
                             parts[1], parts[2])
     return res
Пример #8
def move_path_to_trash(path, preclean=True):
    Move a path to the trash
    # Try deleting the trash every time we use it.
    if preclean:

    from ..base.context import context
    for pkg_dir in context.pkgs_dirs:
        trash_dir = join(pkg_dir, '.trash')

        except OSError as e1:
            if e1.errno != EEXIST:

        trash_file = join(trash_dir, text_type(uuid4()))

            rename(path, trash_file)
        except OSError as e:
            log.debug("Could not move %s to %s (%s)", path, trash_file, e)
            log.debug("Moved to trash: %s", path)
            from conda.install import delete_linked_data_any
            if not preclean:
                rm_rf(trash_file, max_retries=1, trash=False)
            return True

    return False
Пример #9
def parse(data):
    data = select_lines(data, ns_cfg())
    res = yamlize(data)
    # ensure the result is a dict
    if res is None:
        res = {}
    for field in FIELDS:
        if field in res and not isinstance(res[field], dict):
            raise RuntimeError("The %s field should be a dict, not %s" % (field, res[field].__class__.__name__))
    # ensure those are lists
    for field in ('source/patches',
                  'build/entry_points', 'build/script_env',
                  'build/features', 'build/track_features',
                  'requirements/build', 'requirements/run',
                  'requirements/conflicts', 'test/requires',
                  'test/files', 'test/commands', 'test/imports'):
        section, key = field.split('/')
        if res.get(section) is None:
            res[section] = {}
        if res[section].get(key, None) is None:
            res[section][key] = []
    # ensure those are strings
    for field in ('package/version', 'build/string', 'source/svn_rev',
                  'source/git_tag', 'source/git_branch', 'source/md5',
                  'source/git_rev', 'source/path'):
        section, key = field.split('/')
        if res.get(section) is None:
            res[section] = {}
        val = res[section].get(key, '')
        if val is None:
            val = ''
        res[section][key] = text_type(val)
    return sanitize(res)
Пример #10
def move_path_to_trash(path, preclean=True):
    Move a path to the trash
    # Try deleting the trash every time we use it.
    if preclean:

    from ..base.context import context
    for pkg_dir in context.pkgs_dirs:
        trash_dir = join(pkg_dir, '.trash')

        except OSError as e1:
            if e1.errno != EEXIST:

        trash_file = join(trash_dir, text_type(uuid4()))

            rename(path, trash_file)
        except OSError as e:
            log.debug("Could not move %s to %s (%s)", path, trash_file, e)
            log.debug("Moved to trash: %s", path)
            from conda.install import delete_linked_data_any
            if not preclean:
                rm_rf(trash_file, max_retries=1, trash=False)
            return True

    return False
Пример #11
def handle_config_version(ms, ver):
    'ms' is an instance of MatchSpec, and 'ver' is the version from the
    configuration, e.g. for ms.name == 'python', ver = 26 or None,
    return a (sometimes new) MatchSpec object
    if ms.strictness == 3:
        return ms

    if ms.strictness == 2:
        if ms.spec.split()[1] == 'x.x':
            if ver is None:
                raise RuntimeError("'%s' requires external setting" % ms.spec)
            # (no return here - proceeds below)
        else: # regular version
            return ms

    if ver is None or (ms.strictness == 1 and ms.name == 'numpy'):
        return MatchSpec(ms.name)

    ver = text_type(ver)
    if '.' not in ver:
        if ms.name == 'numpy':
            ver = '%s.%s' % (ver[0], ver[1:])
            ver = '.'.join(ver)
    return MatchSpec('%s %s*' % (ms.name, ver))
Пример #12
def parse(data):
    data = select_lines(data, ns_cfg())
    res = yamlize(data)
    # ensure the result is a dict
    if res is None:
        res = {}
    for field in FIELDS:
        if field in res and not isinstance(res[field], dict):
            raise RuntimeError("The %s field should be a dict, not %s" % (field, res[field].__class__.__name__))
    # ensure those are lists
    for field in ('source/patches',
                  'build/entry_points', 'build/script_env',
                  'build/features', 'build/track_features',
                  'requirements/build', 'requirements/run',
                  'requirements/conflicts', 'test/requires',
                  'test/files', 'test/commands', 'test/imports'):
        section, key = field.split('/')
        if res.get(section) is None:
            res[section] = {}
        if res[section].get(key, None) is None:
            res[section][key] = []
    # ensure those are strings
    for field in ('package/version', 'build/string', 'source/svn_rev',
                  'source/git_tag', 'source/git_branch', 'source/md5',
                  'source/git_rev', 'source/path'):
        section, key = field.split('/')
        if res.get(section) is None:
            res[section] = {}
        val = res[section].get(key, '')
        if val is None:
            val = ''
        res[section][key] = text_type(val)
    return sanitize(res)
Пример #13
def install(prefix, specs, args, env, prune=False):
    # TODO: support all various ways this happens
    # Including 'nodefaults' in the channels list disables the defaults
    new_specs = []
    channel_urls = set()
    for elem in specs:
        if "::" in elem:
    specs = new_specs
    channel_urls = list(channel_urls)
    # TODO: support all various ways this happens
    # Including 'nodefaults' in the channels list disables the defaults
    index = get_index(channel_urls=channel_urls + [chan for chan in env.channels
                                                   if chan != 'nodefaults'],
                      prepend='nodefaults' not in env.channels,
    actions = plan.install_actions(prefix, index, specs, prune=prune)

    with common.json_progress_bars(json=args.json and not args.quiet):
            plan.execute_actions(actions, index, verbose=not args.quiet)
        except RuntimeError as e:
            if len(e.args) > 0 and "LOCKERROR" in e.args[0]:
                raise LockError('Already locked: %s' % text_type(e))
                raise CondaRuntimeError('RuntimeError: %s' % e)
        except SystemExit as e:
            raise CondaSystemExit('Exiting', e)
Пример #14
def install(prefix, specs, args, env, prune=False):
    # TODO: support all various ways this happens
    # Including 'nodefaults' in the channels list disables the defaults
    new_specs = []
    channel_urls = set()
    for elem in specs:
        if "::" in elem:
    specs = new_specs
    channel_urls = list(channel_urls)
    # TODO: support all various ways this happens
    # Including 'nodefaults' in the channels list disables the defaults
    channel_urls = channel_urls + [chan for chan in env.channels if chan != 'nodefaults']
    index = get_index(channel_urls=channel_urls,
                      prepend='nodefaults' not in env.channels,
    actions = plan.install_actions(prefix, index, specs, prune=prune)

    with common.json_progress_bars(json=args.json and not args.quiet):
            plan.execute_actions(actions, index, verbose=not args.quiet)
        except RuntimeError as e:
            if len(e.args) > 0 and "LOCKERROR" in e.args[0]:
                raise LockError('Already locked: %s' % text_type(e))
                raise CondaRuntimeError('RuntimeError: %s' % e)
        except SystemExit as e:
            raise CondaSystemExit('Exiting', e)
Пример #15
 def ms_depends(self, typ="run"):
     res = []
     name_ver_list = [
         ("python", config.CONDA_PY),
         ("numpy", config.CONDA_NPY),
         ("perl", config.CONDA_PERL),
         ("r", config.CONDA_R),
     for spec in self.get_value("requirements/" + typ, []):
             ms = MatchSpec(spec)
         except AssertionError:
             raise RuntimeError("Invalid package specification: %r" % spec)
         if ms.name == self.name():
             raise RuntimeError("Error: %s cannot depend on itself" % self.name())
         for name, ver in name_ver_list:
             if ms.name == name:
                 if ms.strictness != 1 or self.get_value("build/noarch_python"):
                 str_ver = text_type(ver)
                 if "." not in str_ver:
                     str_ver = ".".join(str_ver)
                 ms = MatchSpec("%s %s*" % (name, str_ver))
         for c in "=!@#$%^&*:;\"'\\|<>?/":
             if c in ms.name:
                 sys.exit("Error: bad character '%s' in package name " "dependency '%s'" % (c, ms.name))
             parts = spec.split()
             if len(parts) >= 2:
                 if parts[1] in {">", ">=", "=", "==", "!=", "<", "<="}:
                     msg = "Error: bad character '%s' in package version " "dependency '%s'" % (parts[1], ms.name)
                     if len(parts) >= 3:
                         msg += "\nPerhaps you meant '%s %s%s'" % (ms.name, parts[1], parts[2])
     return res
Пример #16
def handle_config_version(ms, ver):
    'ms' is an instance of MatchSpec, and 'ver' is the version from the
    configuration, e.g. for ms.name == 'python', ver = 26 or None,
    return a (sometimes new) MatchSpec object
    if ms.strictness == 3:
        return ms

    if ms.strictness == 2:
        if ms.spec.split()[1] == 'x.x':
            if ver is None:
                raise RuntimeError("'%s' requires external setting" % ms.spec)
            # (no return here - proceeds below)
        else:  # regular version
            return ms

    if ver is None or (ms.strictness == 1 and ms.name == 'numpy'):
        return MatchSpec(ms.name)

    ver = text_type(ver)
    if '.' not in ver:
        if ms.name == 'numpy':
            ver = '%s.%s' % (ver[0], ver[1:])
            ver = '.'.join(ver)
    return MatchSpec('%s %s*' % (ms.name, ver))
Пример #17
def _git_clean(source_meta):
    Reduce the redundancy in git specification by removing git_tag and

    If one is specified, copy to git_rev.

    If more than one field is used to specified, exit
    and complain.

    git_rev_tags_old = ('git_branch', 'git_tag')
    git_rev = 'git_rev'

    git_rev_tags = (git_rev,) + git_rev_tags_old

    has_rev_tags = tuple(bool(source_meta.get(tag, text_type())) for
                          tag in git_rev_tags)
    if sum(has_rev_tags) > 1:
        msg = "Error: multiple git_revs:"
        msg += ', '.join("{}".format(key) for key, has in
                         zip(git_rev_tags, has_rev_tags) if has)

    # make a copy of the input so we have no side-effects
    ret_meta = source_meta.copy()
    # loop over the old versions
    for key, has in zip(git_rev_tags[1:], has_rev_tags[1:]):
        # update if needed
        if has:
            ret_meta[git_rev_tags[0]] = ret_meta[key]
        # and remove
        ret_meta.pop(key, None)

    return ret_meta
Пример #18
def handle_config_version(ms, ver, dep_type='run'):
    'ms' is an instance of MatchSpec, and 'ver' is the version from the
    configuration, e.g. for ms.name == 'python', ver = 26 or None,
    return a (sometimes new) MatchSpec object
    if ms.strictness == 3:
        return ms

    if ms.strictness == 2:
        if ms.spec.split()[1] == 'x.x':
            if ver is None:
                raise RuntimeError("'%s' requires external setting" % ms.spec)
            # (no return here - proceeds below)
        else:  # regular version
            return ms

    # If we don't have a configured version, or we are dealing with a simple
    # numpy runtime dependency; just use "numpy"/the name of the package as
    # the specification. In practice this means that a recipe which just
    # defines numpy as a runtime dependency will match any version of numpy
    # at install time.
    if ver is None or (dep_type == 'run' and ms.strictness == 1 and
                       ms.name == 'numpy'):
        return MatchSpec(ms.name)

    ver = text_type(ver)
    if '.' not in ver:
        if ms.name == 'numpy':
            ver = '%s.%s' % (ver[0], ver[1:])
            ver = '.'.join(ver)
    return MatchSpec('%s %s*' % (ms.name, ver))
Пример #19
 def name(self):
     res = self.get_value('package/name')
     if not res:
         sys.exit('Error: package/name missing in: %r' % self.meta_path)
     res = text_type(res)
     if res != res.lower():
         sys.exit('Error: package/name must be lowercase, got: %r' % res)
     check_bad_chrs(res, 'package/name')
     return res
Пример #20
 def name(self):
     res = self.get_value('package/name')
     if not res:
         sys.exit('Error: package/name missing in: %r' % self.meta_path)
     res = text_type(res)
     if res != res.lower():
         sys.exit('Error: package/name must be lowercase, got: %r' % res)
     check_bad_chrs(res, 'package/name')
     return res
Пример #21
def test_read_no_link(tmpdir):
    tempdir = text_type(tmpdir)
    no_link = join(tempdir, 'no_link')
    no_softlink = join(tempdir, 'no_softlink')
    s1 = read_no_link(tempdir)
    assert s1 == {'line 1', 'line 2', 'line 4'}

    s2 = read_no_link(tempdir)
    assert s2 == {'line 1', 'line 2', 'line 4'}
Пример #22
def test_read_no_link(tmpdir):
    tempdir = text_type(tmpdir)
    no_link = join(tempdir, "no_link")
    no_softlink = join(tempdir, "no_softlink")
    s1 = read_no_link(tempdir)
    assert s1 == {"line 1", "line 2", "line 4"}

    s2 = read_no_link(tempdir)
    assert s2 == {"line 1", "line 2", "line 4"}
Пример #23
 def ms_depends(self, typ='run'):
     res = []
     name_ver_list = [
         ('python', config.CONDA_PY),
         ('numpy', config.CONDA_NPY),
         ('perl', config.CONDA_PERL),
         ('r', config.CONDA_R),
     for spec in self.get_value('requirements/' + typ, []):
             ms = MatchSpec(spec)
         except AssertionError:
             raise RuntimeError("Invalid package specification: %r" % spec)
         if ms.name == self.name():
             raise RuntimeError("Error: %s cannot depend on itself" %
         for name, ver in name_ver_list:
             if ms.name == name:
                 if (ms.strictness != 1
                         or self.get_value('build/noarch_python')):
                 if ver is None:
                     ms = MatchSpec(name)
                 str_ver = text_type(ver)
                 if '.' not in str_ver:
                     str_ver = '.'.join(str_ver)
                 ms = MatchSpec('%s %s*' % (name, str_ver))
         for c in '=!@#$%^&*:;"\'\\|<>?/':
             if c in ms.name:
                 sys.exit("Error: bad character '%s' in package name "
                          "dependency '%s'" % (c, ms.name))
             parts = spec.split()
             if len(parts) >= 2:
                 if parts[1] in {'>', '>=', '=', '==', '!=', '<', '<='}:
                     msg = ("Error: bad character '%s' in package version "
                            "dependency '%s'" % (parts[1], ms.name))
                     if len(parts) >= 3:
                         msg += "\nPerhaps you meant '%s %s%s'" % (
                             ms.name, parts[1], parts[2])
     return res
Пример #24
 def ms_depends(self, typ='run'):
     res = []
     name_ver_list = [('python', config.CONDA_PY), ('numpy', config.CONDA_NPY),
                      ('perl', config.CONDA_PERL)]
     for spec in self.get_value('requirements/' + typ, []):
             ms = MatchSpec(spec)
         except AssertionError:
             raise RuntimeError("Invalid package specification: %r" % spec)
         for name, ver in name_ver_list:
             if ms.name == name:
                 if ms.strictness != 1:
                 str_ver = text_type(ver)
                 if '.' not in str_ver:
                     str_ver = '.'.join(str_ver)
                 ms = MatchSpec('%s %s*' % (name, str_ver))
         for c in '=!@#$%^&*:;"\'\\|<>?/':
             if c in ms.name:
                 sys.exit("Error: bad character '%s' in package name "
                          "dependency '%s'" % (c, ms.name))
     return res
Пример #25
 def ms_depends(self, typ='run'):
     res = []
     name_ver_list = [('python', config.CONDA_PY), ('numpy', config.CONDA_NPY),
                      ('perl', config.CONDA_PERL)]
     for spec in self.get_value('requirements/' + typ, []):
             ms = MatchSpec(spec)
         except AssertionError:
             raise RuntimeError("Invalid package specification: %r" % spec)
         for name, ver in name_ver_list:
             if ms.name == name:
                 if ms.strictness != 1:
                 str_ver = text_type(ver)
                 if '.' not in str_ver:
                     str_ver = '.'.join(str_ver)
                 ms = MatchSpec('%s %s*' % (name, str_ver))
         for c in '=!@#$%^&*:;"\'\\|<>?/':
             if c in ms.name:
                 sys.exit("Error: bad character '%s' in package name "
                          "dependency '%s'" % (c, ms.name))
     return res
Пример #26
def main(args, parser):
    if len(args.packages) > 1 and args.version_compare:
        parser.error("--version-compare only works with one package at a time")
    if not args.update_outdated and not args.packages:
        parser.error("At least one package must be supplied")

    package_dicts = {}

    [output_dir] = args.output_dir

    cran_metadata = get_cran_metadata(args.cran_url, output_dir)

    if args.update_outdated:
        args.packages = get_outdated(output_dir, cran_metadata, args.packages)
        for pkg in args.packages:
            rm_rf(join(args.output_dir, "r-" + pkg))

    while args.packages:
        package = args.packages.pop()

        is_github_url = "github.com" in package
        url = package

        if is_github_url:
            source.git_source({"git_url": package}, ".")
            git_tag = args.git_tag[0] if args.git_tag else get_latest_git_tag()
            p = subprocess.Popen(
                ["git", "checkout", git_tag], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, cwd=source.WORK_DIR
            stdout, stderr = p.communicate()
            stdout = stdout.decode("utf-8")
            stderr = stderr.decode("utf-8")
            if p.returncode:
                sys.exit("Error: 'git checkout %s' failed (%s).\nInvalid tag?" % (git_tag, stderr.strip()))
            if stdout:
                print(stdout, file=sys.stdout)
            if stderr:
                print(stderr, file=sys.stderr)

            DESCRIPTION = join(source.WORK_DIR, "DESCRIPTION")
            if not isfile(DESCRIPTION):
                sub_description_pkg = join(source.WORK_DIR, "pkg", "DESCRIPTION")
                sub_description_name = join(source.WORK_DIR, package.split("/")[-1], "DESCRIPTION")
                if isfile(sub_description_pkg):
                    DESCRIPTION = sub_description_pkg
                elif isfile(sub_description_name):
                    DESCRIPTION = sub_description_name
                    sys.exit("%s does not appear to be a valid R package (no DESCRIPTION file)" % package)

            with open(DESCRIPTION) as f:
                description_text = clear_trailing_whitespace(f.read())

            d = dict_from_cran_lines(remove_package_line_continuations(description_text.splitlines()))
            d["orig_description"] = description_text
            package = d["Package"].lower()
            cran_metadata[package] = d

        if package.startswith("r-"):
            package = package[2:]
        if package.endswith("/"):
            package = package[:-1]
        if package.lower() not in cran_metadata:
            sys.exit("Package %s not found" % package)

        # Make sure package is always uses the CRAN capitalization
        package = cran_metadata[package.lower()]["Package"]

        if not is_github_url:
            session = get_session(output_dir)
            cran_metadata[package.lower()].update(get_package_metadata(args.cran_url, package, session))

        dir_path = join(output_dir, "r-" + package.lower())
        if exists(dir_path) and not args.version_compare:
            raise RuntimeError("directory already exists: %s" % dir_path)

        cran_package = cran_metadata[package.lower()]

        d = package_dicts.setdefault(
                "cran_packagename": package,
                "packagename": "r-" + package.lower(),
                "build_depends": "",
                "run_depends": "",
                # CRAN doesn't seem to have this metadata :(
                "home_comment": "#",
                "homeurl": "",
                "summary_comment": "#",
                "summary": "",

        if is_github_url:
            d["url_key"] = ""
            d["fn_key"] = ""
            d["git_url_key"] = "git_url:"
            d["git_tag_key"] = "git_tag:"
            d["filename"] = ""
            d["cranurl"] = ""
            d["git_url"] = url
            d["git_tag"] = git_tag
            d["url_key"] = "url:"
            d["fn_key"] = "fn:"
            d["git_url_key"] = ""
            d["git_tag_key"] = ""
            d["git_url"] = ""
            d["git_tag"] = ""

        if args.version:
            raise NotImplementedError("Package versions from CRAN are not yet implemented")
            [version] = args.version
            d["version"] = version

        d["cran_version"] = cran_package["Version"]
        # Conda versions cannot have -. Conda (verlib) will treat _ as a .
        d["conda_version"] = d["cran_version"].replace("-", "_")
        if args.version_compare:
            sys.exit(not version_compare(dir_path, d["conda_version"]))

        if not is_github_url:
            d["filename"] = "{cran_packagename}_{cran_version}.tar.gz".format(**d)
            if args.archive:
                d["cranurl"] = (
                    + args.cran_url
                    + "src/contrib/"
                    + d["filename"]
                    + INDENT
                    + args.cran_url
                    + "src/contrib/"
                    + "Archive/"
                    + d["cran_packagename"]
                    + "/"
                    + d["filename"]
                d["cranurl"] = " " + args.cran_url + "src/contrib/" + d["filename"]

        d["cran_metadata"] = "\n".join(["# %s" % l for l in cran_package["orig_lines"] if l])

        # XXX: We should maybe normalize these
        d["license"] = cran_package.get("License", "None")
        if "License_is_FOSS" in cran_package:
            d["license"] += " (FOSS)"
        if cran_package.get("License_restricts_use", None) == "yes":
            d["license"] += " (Restricts use)"

        if "URL" in cran_package:
            d["home_comment"] = ""
            d["homeurl"] = " " + yaml_quote_string(cran_package["URL"])

        if "Description" in cran_package:
            d["summary_comment"] = ""
            d["summary"] = " " + yaml_quote_string(cran_package["Description"])

        if "Suggests" in cran_package:
            d["suggests"] = "# Suggests: %s" % cran_package["Suggests"]
            d["suggests"] = ""

        # Every package depends on at least R.
        # I'm not sure what the difference between depends and imports is.
        depends = [s.strip() for s in cran_package.get("Depends", "").split(",") if s.strip()]
        imports = [s.strip() for s in cran_package.get("Imports", "").split(",") if s.strip()]
        links = [s.strip() for s in cran_package.get("LinkingTo", "").split(",") if s.strip()]

        dep_dict = {}

        for s in set(chain(depends, imports, links)):
            match = VERSION_DEPENDENCY_REGEX.match(s)
            if not match:
                sys.exit("Could not parse version from dependency of %s: %s" % (package, s))
            name = match.group("name")
            archs = match.group("archs")
            relop = match.group("relop") or ""
            version = match.group("version") or ""
            version = version.replace("-", "_")
            # If there is a relop there should be a version
            assert not relop or version

            if archs:
                sys.exit("Don't know how to handle archs from dependency of " "package %s: %s" % (package, s))

            dep_dict[name] = "{relop}{version}".format(relop=relop, version=version)

        if "R" not in dep_dict:
            dep_dict["R"] = ""

        for dep_type in ["build", "run"]:
            deps = []
            for name in sorted(dep_dict):
                if name in R_BASE_PACKAGE_NAMES:
                if name == "R":
                    # Put R first
                    if d["cran_packagename"] in R_RECOMMENDED_PACKAGE_NAMES and dep_type == "build":
                        # On Linux and OS X, r is a metapackage depending on
                        # r-base and r-recommended. Recommended packages cannot
                        # build depend on r as they would then build depend on
                        # themselves and the built package would end up being
                        # empty (because conda would find no new files)
                        r_name = "r-base"
                        r_name = "r"
                    # We don't include any R version restrictions because we
                    # always build R packages against an exact R version
                    deps.insert(0, "{indent}{r_name}".format(indent=INDENT, r_name=r_name))
                    conda_name = "r-" + name.lower()

                    # The r package on Windows includes the recommended packages
                    if name in R_RECOMMENDED_PACKAGE_NAMES:
                        end = " # [not win]"
                        end = ""
                    if dep_dict[name]:
                            "{indent}{name} {version}{end}".format(
                                name=conda_name, version=dep_dict[name], end=end, indent=INDENT
                        deps.append("{indent}{name}{end}".format(name=conda_name, indent=INDENT, end=end))
                    if args.recursive:
                        if not exists(join(output_dir, conda_name)):

            if cran_package.get("NeedsCompilation", "no") == "yes":
                if dep_type == "build":
                    deps.append("{indent}gcc # [not win]".format(indent=INDENT))
                    deps.append("{indent}libgcc # [not win]".format(indent=INDENT))
            d["%s_depends" % dep_type] = "".join(deps)

    for package in package_dicts:
        d = package_dicts[package]
        name = d["packagename"]

        # Normalize the metadata values
        d = {
            k: unicodedata.normalize("NFKD", compat.text_type(v)).encode("ascii", "ignore").decode()
            for k, v in compat.iteritems(d)

        makedirs(join(output_dir, name))
        print("Writing recipe for %s" % package.lower())
        with open(join(output_dir, name, "meta.yaml"), "w") as f:
        with open(join(output_dir, name, "build.sh"), "w") as f:
        with open(join(output_dir, name, "bld.bat"), "w") as f:

Пример #27
 def __unicode__(self):
     String representation of the MetaData.
     return text_type(self.__dict__)
Пример #28
def test_yield_lines(tmpdir):
    tempfile = join(text_type(tmpdir), "testfile")
    lines = list(yield_lines(tempfile))
    assert lines == ['line 1', 'line 2', 'line 4']
Пример #29
def test_remove_dir(tmpdir):
    test_dir = "test"
    path = join(text_type(tmpdir), test_dir)
    assert rm_rf(path) is True
Пример #30
def test_remove_file_to_trash(tmpdir):
    test_file = "test.txt"
    path = join(text_type(tmpdir), test_file)
    _write_file(path, "welcome to the ministry of silly walks")
    assert rm_rf(path) is True
Пример #31
def main(args, parser):
    if len(args.packages) > 1 and args.version_compare:
        parser.error("--version-compare only works with one package at a time")
    if not args.update_outdated and not args.packages:
        parser.error("At least one package must be supplied")

    package_dicts = {}

    [output_dir] = args.output_dir

    cran_metadata = get_cran_metadata(args.cran_url, output_dir)

    if args.update_outdated:
        args.packages = get_outdated(output_dir, cran_metadata, args.packages)
        for pkg in args.packages:
            rm_rf(join(args.output_dir[0], 'r-' + pkg))

    while args.packages:
        package = args.packages.pop()

        is_github_url = 'github.com' in package
        url = package

        if is_github_url:
            source.git_source({'git_url': package}, '.')
            git_tag = args.git_tag[0] if args.git_tag else get_latest_git_tag()
            p = subprocess.Popen(['git', 'checkout', git_tag],
            stdout, stderr = p.communicate()
            stdout = stdout.decode('utf-8')
            stderr = stderr.decode('utf-8')
            if p.returncode:
                    "Error: 'git checkout %s' failed (%s).\nInvalid tag?" %
                    (git_tag, stderr.strip()))
            if stdout:
                print(stdout, file=sys.stdout)
            if stderr:
                print(stderr, file=sys.stderr)

            DESCRIPTION = join(source.WORK_DIR, "DESCRIPTION")
            if not isfile(DESCRIPTION):
                sub_description_pkg = join(source.WORK_DIR, 'pkg',
                sub_description_name = join(source.WORK_DIR,
                if isfile(sub_description_pkg):
                    DESCRIPTION = sub_description_pkg
                elif isfile(sub_description_name):
                    DESCRIPTION = sub_description_name
                        "%s does not appear to be a valid R package "
                        "(no DESCRIPTION file in %s, %s)" %
                        (package, sub_description_pkg, sub_description_name))

            with open(DESCRIPTION) as f:
                description_text = clear_trailing_whitespace(f.read())

            d = dict_from_cran_lines(
            d['orig_description'] = description_text
            package = d['Package'].lower()
            cran_metadata[package] = d

        if package.startswith('r-'):
            package = package[2:]
        if package.endswith('/'):
            package = package[:-1]
        if package.lower() not in cran_metadata:
            sys.exit("Package %s not found" % package)

        # Make sure package is always uses the CRAN capitalization
        package = cran_metadata[package.lower()]['Package']

        if not is_github_url:
            session = get_session(output_dir)
                get_package_metadata(args.cran_url, package, session))

        dir_path = join(output_dir, 'r-' + package.lower())
        if exists(dir_path) and not args.version_compare:
            raise RuntimeError("directory already exists: %s" % dir_path)

        cran_package = cran_metadata[package.lower()]

        d = package_dicts.setdefault(
                'cran_packagename': package,
                'packagename': 'r-' + package.lower(),
                'build_depends': '',
                'run_depends': '',
                # CRAN doesn't seem to have this metadata :(
                'home_comment': '#',
                'homeurl': '',
                'summary_comment': '#',
                'summary': '',

        if is_github_url:
            d['url_key'] = ''
            d['fn_key'] = ''
            d['git_url_key'] = 'git_url:'
            d['git_tag_key'] = 'git_tag:'
            d['filename'] = ''
            d['cranurl'] = ''
            d['git_url'] = url
            d['git_tag'] = git_tag
            d['url_key'] = 'url:'
            d['fn_key'] = 'fn:'
            d['git_url_key'] = ''
            d['git_tag_key'] = ''
            d['git_url'] = ''
            d['git_tag'] = ''

        if args.version:
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "Package versions from CRAN are not yet implemented")
            [version] = args.version
            d['version'] = version

        d['cran_version'] = cran_package['Version']
        # Conda versions cannot have -. Conda (verlib) will treat _ as a .
        d['conda_version'] = d['cran_version'].replace('-', '_')
        if args.version_compare:
            sys.exit(not version_compare(dir_path, d['conda_version']))

        if not is_github_url:
            d['filename'] = "{cran_packagename}_{cran_version}.tar.gz".format(
            if args.archive:
                d['cranurl'] = (INDENT + args.cran_url + 'src/contrib/' +
                                d['filename'] + INDENT + args.cran_url +
                                'src/contrib/' + 'Archive/' +
                                d['cran_packagename'] + '/' + d['filename'])
                d['cranurl'] = ' ' + args.cran_url + 'src/contrib/' + d[

        d['cran_metadata'] = '\n'.join(
            ['# %s' % l for l in cran_package['orig_lines'] if l])

        # XXX: We should maybe normalize these
        d['license'] = cran_package.get("License", "None")

        # Tend towards the more clear GPL3 and away from the ambiguity of GPL2.
        if 'GPL (>= 2)' in d['license'] or d['license'] == 'GPL':
            d['license_family'] = 'GPL3'
            d['license_family'] = get_close_matches(
                d['license'], metadata.allowed_license_families, 1, 0.0)[0]
        if 'License_is_FOSS' in cran_package:
            d['license'] += ' (FOSS)'
        if cran_package.get('License_restricts_use', None) == 'yes':
            d['license'] += ' (Restricts use)'

        if "URL" in cran_package:
            d['home_comment'] = ''
            d['homeurl'] = ' ' + yaml_quote_string(cran_package['URL'])

        if 'Description' in cran_package:
            d['summary_comment'] = ''
            d['summary'] = ' ' + yaml_quote_string(cran_package['Description'])

        if "Suggests" in cran_package:
            d['suggests'] = "# Suggests: %s" % cran_package['Suggests']
            d['suggests'] = ''

        # Every package depends on at least R.
        # I'm not sure what the difference between depends and imports is.
        depends = [
            s.strip() for s in cran_package.get('Depends', '').split(',')
            if s.strip()
        imports = [
            s.strip() for s in cran_package.get('Imports', '').split(',')
            if s.strip()
        links = [
            s.strip() for s in cran_package.get("LinkingTo", '').split(',')
            if s.strip()

        dep_dict = {}

        for s in set(chain(depends, imports, links)):
            match = VERSION_DEPENDENCY_REGEX.match(s)
            if not match:
                sys.exit("Could not parse version from dependency of %s: %s" %
                         (package, s))
            name = match.group('name')
            archs = match.group('archs')
            relop = match.group('relop') or ''
            version = match.group('version') or ''
            version = version.replace('-', '_')
            # If there is a relop there should be a version
            assert not relop or version

            if archs:
                sys.exit("Don't know how to handle archs from dependency of "
                         "package %s: %s" % (package, s))

            dep_dict[name] = '{relop}{version}'.format(relop=relop,

        if 'R' not in dep_dict:
            dep_dict['R'] = ''

        for dep_type in ['build', 'run']:
            deps = []
            for name in sorted(dep_dict):
                if name in R_BASE_PACKAGE_NAMES:
                if name == 'R':
                    # Put R first
                    # Regarless of build or run, and whether this is a recommended package or not,
                    # it can only depend on 'r-base' since anything else can and will cause cycles
                    # in the dependency graph. The cran metadata lists all dependencies anyway, even
                    # those packages that are in the recommended group.
                    r_name = 'r-base'
                    # We don't include any R version restrictions because we
                    # always build R packages against an exact R version
                        0, '{indent}{r_name}'.format(indent=INDENT,
                    conda_name = 'r-' + name.lower()

                    if dep_dict[name]:
                        deps.append('{indent}{name} {version}'.format(
                    if args.recursive:
                        if not exists(join(output_dir, conda_name)):

            if cran_package.get("NeedsCompilation", 'no') == 'yes':
                if dep_type == 'build':
                    deps.append('{indent}posix               # [win]'.format(
                        '{indent}{{{{native}}}}toolchain # [win]'.format(
                        '{indent}gcc                 # [not win]'.format(
            d['%s_depends' % dep_type] = ''.join(deps)

    for package in package_dicts:
        d = package_dicts[package]
        name = d['packagename']

        # Normalize the metadata values
        d = {
            k: unicodedata.normalize("NFKD", compat.text_type(v)).encode(
                'ascii', 'ignore').decode()
            for k, v in compat.iteritems(d)

        makedirs(join(output_dir, name))
        print("Writing recipe for %s" % package.lower())
        with open(join(output_dir, name, 'meta.yaml'), 'w') as f:
        with open(join(output_dir, name, 'build.sh'), 'w') as f:
        with open(join(output_dir, name, 'bld.bat'), 'w') as f:

Пример #32
def test_remove_link_to_file(tmpdir):
    dst_link = join(text_type(tmpdir), "test_link")
    src_file = join(text_type(tmpdir), "test_file")
    _write_file(src_file, "welcome to the ministry of silly walks")
    os.symlink(src_file, dst_link)
    assert rm_rf(dst_link) is True
Пример #33
def test_remove_link_to_dir(tmpdir):
    dst_link = join(text_type(tmpdir), "test_link")
    src_dir = join(text_type(tmpdir), "test_dir")
    os.symlink(src_dir, dst_link)
    assert rm_rf(dst_link) is True
Пример #34
def main(args, parser):
    if len(args.packages) > 1 and args.version_compare:
        parser.error("--version-compare only works with one package at a time")
    if not args.update_outdated and not args.packages:
        parser.error("At least one package must be supplied")

    package_dicts = {}

    [output_dir] = args.output_dir

    cran_metadata = get_cran_metadata(args.cran_url, output_dir)

    if args.update_outdated:
        args.packages = get_outdated(output_dir, cran_metadata, args.packages)
        for pkg in args.packages:
            rm_rf(join(args.output_dir, 'r-' + pkg))

    while args.packages:
        package = args.packages.pop()

        is_github_url = 'github.com' in package
        url = package

        if is_github_url:
            source.git_source({'git_url': package}, '.')
            git_tag = args.git_tag[0] if args.git_tag else get_latest_git_tag()
            p = subprocess.Popen(['git', 'checkout', git_tag], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, cwd=source.WORK_DIR)
            stdout, stderr = p.communicate()
            stdout = stdout.decode('utf-8')
            stderr = stderr.decode('utf-8')
            if p.returncode:
                sys.exit("Error: 'git checkout %s' failed (%s).\nInvalid tag?" % (git_tag, stderr.strip()))
            if stdout:
                print(stdout, file=sys.stdout)
            if stderr:
                print(stderr, file=sys.stderr)

            DESCRIPTION = join(source.WORK_DIR, "DESCRIPTION")
            if not isfile(DESCRIPTION):
                sub_description_pkg = join(source.WORK_DIR, 'pkg', "DESCRIPTION")
                sub_description_name = join(source.WORK_DIR, package.split('/')[-1], "DESCRIPTION")
                if isfile(sub_description_pkg):
                    DESCRIPTION = sub_description_pkg
                elif isfile(sub_description_name):
                    DESCRIPTION = sub_description_name
                    sys.exit("%s does not appear to be a valid R package (no DESCRIPTION file)" % package)

            with open(DESCRIPTION) as f:
                description_text = clear_trailing_whitespace(f.read())

            d = dict_from_cran_lines(remove_package_line_continuations(description_text.splitlines()))
            d['orig_description'] = description_text
            package = d['Package'].lower()
            cran_metadata[package] = d

        if package.startswith('r-'):
            package = package[2:]
        if package.endswith('/'):
            package = package[:-1]
        if package.lower() not in cran_metadata:
            sys.exit("Package %s not found" % package)

        # Make sure package is always uses the CRAN capitalization
        package = cran_metadata[package.lower()]['Package']

        if not is_github_url:
            session = get_session(output_dir)
            package, session))

        dir_path = join(output_dir, 'r-' + package.lower())
        if exists(dir_path) and not args.version_compare:
            raise RuntimeError("directory already exists: %s" % dir_path)

        cran_package = cran_metadata[package.lower()]

        d = package_dicts.setdefault(package,
                'cran_packagename': package,
                'packagename': 'r-' + package.lower(),
                'build_depends': '',
                'run_depends': '',
                # CRAN doesn't seem to have this metadata :(
                'home_comment': '#',
                'homeurl': '',
                'summary_comment': '#',
                'summary': '',

        if is_github_url:
            d['url_key'] = ''
            d['fn_key'] = ''
            d['git_url_key'] = 'git_url:'
            d['git_tag_key'] = 'git_tag:'
            d['filename'] = ''
            d['cranurl'] = ''
            d['git_url'] = url
            d['git_tag'] = git_tag
            d['url_key'] = 'url:'
            d['fn_key'] = 'fn:'
            d['git_url_key'] = ''
            d['git_tag_key'] = ''
            d['git_url'] = ''
            d['git_tag'] = ''

        if args.version:
            raise NotImplementedError("Package versions from CRAN are not yet implemented")
            [version] = args.version
            d['version'] = version

        d['cran_version'] = cran_package['Version']
        # Conda versions cannot have -. Conda (verlib) will treat _ as a .
        d['conda_version'] = d['cran_version'].replace('-', '_')
        if args.version_compare:
            sys.exit(not version_compare(dir_path, d['conda_version']))

        if not is_github_url:
            d['filename'] = "{cran_packagename}_{cran_version}.tar.gz".format(**d)
            if args.archive:
                d['cranurl'] = (INDENT + args.cran_url + 'src/contrib/' +
                    d['filename'] + INDENT + args.cran_url + 'src/contrib/' +
                    'Archive/' + d['cran_packagename'] + '/' + d['filename'])
                d['cranurl'] = ' ' + args.cran_url + 'src/contrib/' + d['filename']

        d['cran_metadata'] = '\n'.join(['# %s' % l for l in
            cran_package['orig_lines'] if l])

        # XXX: We should maybe normalize these
        d['license'] = cran_package.get("License", "None")
        if 'License_is_FOSS' in cran_package:
            d['license'] += ' (FOSS)'
        if cran_package.get('License_restricts_use', None) == 'yes':
            d['license'] += ' (Restricts use)'

        if "URL" in cran_package:
            d['home_comment'] = ''
            d['homeurl'] = ' ' + yaml_quote_string(cran_package['URL'])

        if 'Description' in cran_package:
            d['summary_comment'] = ''
            d['summary'] = ' ' + yaml_quote_string(cran_package['Description'])

        if "Suggests" in cran_package:
            d['suggests'] = "# Suggests: %s" % cran_package['Suggests']
            d['suggests'] = ''

        # Every package depends on at least R.
        # I'm not sure what the difference between depends and imports is.
        depends = [s.strip() for s in cran_package.get('Depends',
            '').split(',') if s.strip()]
        imports = [s.strip() for s in cran_package.get('Imports',
            '').split(',') if s.strip()]
        links = [s.strip() for s in cran_package.get("LinkingTo",
            '').split(',') if s.strip()]

        dep_dict = {}

        for s in set(chain(depends, imports, links)):
            match = VERSION_DEPENDENCY_REGEX.match(s)
            if not match:
                sys.exit("Could not parse version from dependency of %s: %s" %
                    (package, s))
            name = match.group('name')
            archs = match.group('archs')
            relop = match.group('relop') or ''
            version = match.group('version') or ''
            version = version.replace('-', '_')
            # If there is a relop there should be a version
            assert not relop or version

            if archs:
                sys.exit("Don't know how to handle archs from dependency of "
                "package %s: %s" % (package, s))

            dep_dict[name] = '{relop}{version}'.format(relop=relop, version=version)

        if 'R' not in dep_dict:
            dep_dict['R'] = ''

        for dep_type in ['build', 'run']:
            deps = []
            for name in sorted(dep_dict):
                if name in R_BASE_PACKAGE_NAMES:
                if name == 'R':
                    # Put R first
                    if d['cran_packagename'] in R_RECOMMENDED_PACKAGE_NAMES and dep_type == 'build':
                        # On Linux and OS X, r is a metapackage depending on
                        # r-base and r-recommended. Recommended packages cannot
                        # build depend on r as they would then build depend on
                        # themselves and the built package would end up being
                        # empty (because conda would find no new files)
                        r_name = 'r-base'
                        r_name = 'r'
                    # We don't include any R version restrictions because we
                    # always build R packages against an exact R version
                    deps.insert(0, '{indent}{r_name}'.format(indent=INDENT, r_name=r_name))
                    conda_name = 'r-' + name.lower()

                    # The r package on Windows includes the recommended packages
                    if name in R_RECOMMENDED_PACKAGE_NAMES:
                        end = ' # [not win]'
                        end = ''
                    if dep_dict[name]:
                        deps.append('{indent}{name} {version}{end}'.format(name=conda_name,
                            version=dep_dict[name], end=end, indent=INDENT))
                            indent=INDENT, end=end))
                    if args.recursive:
                        if not exists(join(output_dir, conda_name)):

            if cran_package.get("NeedsCompilation", 'no') == 'yes':
                if dep_type == 'build':
                    deps.append('{indent}gcc # [not win]'.format(indent=INDENT))
                    deps.append('{indent}libgcc # [not win]'.format(indent=INDENT))
            d['%s_depends' % dep_type] = ''.join(deps)

    for package in package_dicts:
        d = package_dicts[package]
        name = d['packagename']
        #Normalize the metadata values
        d = {k:unicodedata.normalize("NFKD", compat.text_type(v)).encode('ascii', 'ignore') for k, v in d.iteritems()}

        makedirs(join(output_dir, name))
        print("Writing recipe for %s" % package.lower())
        with open(join(output_dir, name, 'meta.yaml'), 'w') as f:
        with open(join(output_dir, name, 'build.sh'), 'w') as f:
        with open(join(output_dir, name, 'bld.bat'), 'w') as f:

Пример #35
def test_remove_file_to_trash(tmpdir):
    test_file = "test.txt"
    path = join(text_type(tmpdir), test_file)
    _write_file(path, "welcome to the ministry of silly walks")
    assert rm_rf(path) is True
Пример #36
 def __unicode__(self):
     String representation of the MetaData.
     return text_type(self.__dict__)
Пример #37
def test_remove_dir(tmpdir):
    test_dir = "test"
    path = join(text_type(tmpdir), test_dir)
    assert rm_rf(path) is True
Пример #38
def test_remove_link_to_file(tmpdir):
    dst_link = join(text_type(tmpdir), "test_link")
    src_file = join(text_type(tmpdir), "test_file")
    _write_file(src_file, "welcome to the ministry of silly walks")
    os.symlink(src_file, dst_link)
    assert rm_rf(dst_link) is True
Пример #39
def test_remove_link_to_dir(tmpdir):
    dst_link = join(text_type(tmpdir), "test_link")
    src_dir = join(text_type(tmpdir), "test_dir")
    os.symlink(src_dir, dst_link)
    assert rm_rf(dst_link) is True
Пример #40
 def __str__(self):
     return '\n'.join(text_type(e) for e in self.errors) + '\n'
Пример #41
 def __str__(self):
     return '\n'.join(text_type(e) for e in self.errors) + '\n'