Пример #1
    def test_init_sh_user_windows(self):
        with tempdir() as conda_temp_prefix:
            target_path = join(conda_temp_prefix, '.bashrc')
            conda_prefix = "c:\\Users\\Lars\\miniconda"
            cygpath_conda_prefix = "/c/Users/Lars/miniconda"

            initial_content = dals("""
            source /c/conda/Scripts/activate root
            . $(cygpath 'c:\\conda\\Scripts\\activate') root

            # >>> conda initialize >>>
            __conda_setup="$('%(prefix)s/bin/conda' shell.bash hook 2> /dev/null)"
            if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
            unset __conda_setup
            # <<< conda initialize <<<

            . etc/profile.d/conda.sh
            . etc/profile.d/coda.sh
            . /somewhere/etc/profile.d/conda.sh
            source /etc/profile.d/conda.sh

            \t source %(prefix)s/etc/profile.d/conda.sh
            """) % {
                'prefix': win_path_ok(abspath(conda_prefix)),

            with open(target_path, 'w') as fh:

            init_sh_user(target_path, conda_prefix, 'bash')

            with open(target_path) as fh:
                new_content = fh.read()


            expected_new_content = dals("""
            # source /c/conda/Scripts/activate root  # commented out by conda initialize
            # . $(cygpath 'c:\\conda\\Scripts\\activate') root  # commented out by conda initialize

            # >>> conda initialize >>>
            # !! Contents within this block are managed by 'conda init' !!
            eval "$('%(cygpath_conda_prefix)s/Scripts/conda.exe' shell.bash hook)"
            # <<< conda initialize <<<

            # . etc/profile.d/conda.sh  # commented out by conda initialize
            . etc/profile.d/coda.sh
            # . /somewhere/etc/profile.d/conda.sh  # commented out by conda initialize
            # source /etc/profile.d/conda.sh  # commented out by conda initialize

            # source %(prefix)s/etc/profile.d/conda.sh  # commented out by conda initialize
            """) % {
                'prefix': win_path_ok(abspath(conda_prefix)),
                'cygpath_conda_prefix': cygpath_conda_prefix,

            assert new_content == expected_new_content
Пример #2
    def test_init_sh_user_windows(self):
        with tempdir() as conda_temp_prefix:
            target_path = join(conda_temp_prefix, '.bashrc')
            conda_prefix = "c:\\Users\\Lars\\miniconda"
            cygpath_conda_prefix = "/c/Users/Lars/miniconda"

            initial_content = dals("""
            source /c/conda/Scripts/activate root
            . $(cygpath 'c:\\conda\\Scripts\\activate') root

            # >>> conda initialize >>>
            __conda_setup="$('%(prefix)s/bin/conda' 'shell.bash' 'hook' 2> /dev/null)"
            if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
            unset __conda_setup
            # <<< conda initialize <<<

            . etc/profile.d/conda.sh
            . etc/profile.d/coda.sh
            . /somewhere/etc/profile.d/conda.sh
            source /etc/profile.d/conda.sh

            \t source %(prefix)s/etc/profile.d/conda.sh
            """) % {
                'prefix': win_path_ok(abspath(conda_prefix)),

            with open(target_path, 'w') as fh:

            init_sh_user(target_path, conda_prefix, 'bash')

            with open(target_path) as fh:
                new_content = fh.read()


            expected_new_content = dals("""
            # source /c/conda/Scripts/activate root  # commented out by conda initialize
            # . $(cygpath 'c:\\conda\\Scripts\\activate') root  # commented out by conda initialize

            # >>> conda initialize >>>
            # !! Contents within this block are managed by 'conda init' !!
            eval "$('%(cygpath_conda_prefix)s/Scripts/conda.exe' 'shell.bash' 'hook')"
            # <<< conda initialize <<<

            # . etc/profile.d/conda.sh  # commented out by conda initialize
            . etc/profile.d/coda.sh
            # . /somewhere/etc/profile.d/conda.sh  # commented out by conda initialize
            # source /etc/profile.d/conda.sh  # commented out by conda initialize

            # source %(prefix)s/etc/profile.d/conda.sh  # commented out by conda initialize
            """) % {
                'prefix': win_path_ok(abspath(conda_prefix)),
                'cygpath_conda_prefix': cygpath_conda_prefix,

            assert new_content == expected_new_content
    def test_init_sh_user_tcsh_unix(self):
        with tempdir() as conda_temp_prefix:
            target_path = join(conda_temp_prefix, '.tcshrc')
            init_sh_user(target_path, conda_temp_prefix, 'tcsh')

            with open(target_path) as fh:
                tcshrc_contet = fh.read()

            conda_csh = "%s/etc/profile.d/conda.csh" % conda_temp_prefix
            # tcsh/csh doesn't give users the ability to register a function.
            # Make sure that conda doesn't try to register a function
            conda_eval_string = "eval \"$__conda_setup\""
            assert conda_csh in tcshrc_contet
            assert conda_eval_string not in tcshrc_contet
    def test_init_sh_user_unix(self):
        with tempdir() as conda_temp_prefix:
            target_path = join(conda_temp_prefix, '.bashrc')

            initial_content = dals("""
            export PATH="/some/other/conda/bin:$PATH"
            export PATH="%(prefix)s/bin:$PATH"
              export PATH="%(prefix)s/bin:$PATH"

            # >>> conda initialize >>>
            __conda_setup="$('%(prefix)s/bin/conda' 'shell.bash' 'hook' 2> /dev/null)"
            if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
            unset __conda_setup
            # <<< conda initialize <<<

            . etc/profile.d/conda.sh
            . etc/profile.d/coda.sh
            . /somewhere/etc/profile.d/conda.sh
            source /etc/profile.d/conda.sh

            \t source %(prefix)s/etc/profile.d/conda.sh
            """) % {
                'prefix': win_path_backout(abspath(conda_temp_prefix)),

            with open(target_path, 'w') as fh:

            init_sh_user(target_path, conda_temp_prefix, 'bash')

            with open(target_path) as fh:
                new_content = fh.read()

            expected_new_content = dals("""
            export PATH="/some/other/conda/bin:$PATH"
            # export PATH="%(prefix)s/bin:$PATH"  # commented out by conda initialize
            # export PATH="%(prefix)s/bin:$PATH"  # commented out by conda initialize

            # >>> conda initialize >>>
            # !! Contents within this block are managed by 'conda init' !!
            __conda_setup="$('%(prefix)s/bin/conda' 'shell.bash' 'hook' 2> /dev/null)"
            if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
                eval "$__conda_setup"
                if [ -f "%(prefix)s/etc/profile.d/conda.sh" ]; then
                    . "%(prefix)s/etc/profile.d/conda.sh"
                    export PATH="%(prefix)s/bin:$PATH"
            unset __conda_setup
            # <<< conda initialize <<<

            # . etc/profile.d/conda.sh  # commented out by conda initialize
            . etc/profile.d/coda.sh
            # . /somewhere/etc/profile.d/conda.sh  # commented out by conda initialize
            # source /etc/profile.d/conda.sh  # commented out by conda initialize

            # source %(prefix)s/etc/profile.d/conda.sh  # commented out by conda initialize
            """) % {
                'prefix': win_path_backout(abspath(conda_temp_prefix)),
            assert new_content == expected_new_content

            expected_reversed_content = dals("""
            export PATH="/some/other/conda/bin:$PATH"
            export PATH="%(prefix)s/bin:$PATH"
            export PATH="%(prefix)s/bin:$PATH"

            . etc/profile.d/conda.sh
            . etc/profile.d/coda.sh
            . /somewhere/etc/profile.d/conda.sh
            source /etc/profile.d/conda.sh

            source %(prefix)s/etc/profile.d/conda.sh
            """) % {
                'prefix': win_path_backout(abspath(conda_temp_prefix)),

            init_sh_user(target_path, conda_temp_prefix, 'bash', reverse=True)
            with open(target_path) as fh:
                reversed_content = fh.read()
            assert reversed_content == expected_reversed_content
Пример #5
    def test_init_sh_user_unix(self):
        with tempdir() as conda_temp_prefix:
            target_path = join(conda_temp_prefix, '.bashrc')

            initial_content = dals("""
            export PATH="/some/other/conda/bin:$PATH"
            export PATH="%(prefix)s/bin:$PATH"
              export PATH="%(prefix)s/bin:$PATH"
            # >>> conda initialize >>>
            __conda_setup="$('%(prefix)s/bin/conda' 'shell.bash' 'hook' 2> /dev/null)"
            if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
            unset __conda_setup
            # <<< conda initialize <<<
            . etc/profile.d/conda.sh
            . etc/profile.d/coda.sh
            . /somewhere/etc/profile.d/conda.sh
            source /etc/profile.d/conda.sh
            \t source %(prefix)s/etc/profile.d/conda.sh
            """) % {
                'prefix': win_path_backout(abspath(conda_temp_prefix)),

            with open(target_path, 'w') as fh:

            init_sh_user(target_path, conda_temp_prefix, 'bash')

            with open(target_path) as fh:
                new_content = fh.read()

            expected_new_content = dals("""
            export PATH="/some/other/conda/bin:$PATH"
            # export PATH="%(prefix)s/bin:$PATH"  # commented out by conda initialize
            # export PATH="%(prefix)s/bin:$PATH"  # commented out by conda initialize
            # >>> conda initialize >>>
            # !! Contents within this block are managed by 'conda init' !!
            __conda_setup="$('%(prefix)s/bin/conda' 'shell.bash' 'hook' 2> /dev/null)"
            if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
                eval "$__conda_setup"
                if [ -f "%(prefix)s/etc/profile.d/conda.sh" ]; then
                    . "%(prefix)s/etc/profile.d/conda.sh"
                    export PATH="%(prefix)s/bin:$PATH"
            unset __conda_setup
            # <<< conda initialize <<<
            # . etc/profile.d/conda.sh  # commented out by conda initialize
            . etc/profile.d/coda.sh
            # . /somewhere/etc/profile.d/conda.sh  # commented out by conda initialize
            # source /etc/profile.d/conda.sh  # commented out by conda initialize
            # source %(prefix)s/etc/profile.d/conda.sh  # commented out by conda initialize
            """) % {
                'prefix': win_path_backout(abspath(conda_temp_prefix)),
            assert new_content == expected_new_content

            expected_reversed_content = dals("""
            export PATH="/some/other/conda/bin:$PATH"
            export PATH="%(prefix)s/bin:$PATH"
            export PATH="%(prefix)s/bin:$PATH"
            . etc/profile.d/conda.sh
            . etc/profile.d/coda.sh
            . /somewhere/etc/profile.d/conda.sh
            source /etc/profile.d/conda.sh
            source %(prefix)s/etc/profile.d/conda.sh
            """) % {
                'prefix': win_path_backout(abspath(conda_temp_prefix)),

            init_sh_user(target_path, conda_temp_prefix, 'bash', reverse=True)
            with open(target_path) as fh:
                reversed_content = fh.read()
            assert reversed_content == expected_reversed_content