Пример #1
Файл: level.py Проект: ikn/wvoas
 def win (self):
     if self.winning:
     self.winning = True
     self.next_level(progress = False)
     if self.ID not in conf.COMPLETED_LEVELS:
     self.start_fading(lambda: self.next_level(False))
Пример #2
Файл: level.py Проект: ikn/wvoas
 def update (self):
     # fade counter
     if self.fading:
         self.fade_counter -= 1
         if self.fade_counter == 0:
             self.fading = False
             del self.fade_sfc
     # move player
     if not self.dying:
         pl = self.player
     # get amount to move window by
     w = self.window
     self.old_window = w.copy()
     x0, y0 = self.centre
     if self.paused or self.first:
         dx = dy = 0
         self.first = False
         x, y = pg.mouse.get_pos()
         dx, dy = x - x0, y - y0
         # don't move too far outside the screen
         w_moved = w.move(dx, dy).clamp(self.window_bds)
         dx, dy = w_moved[0] - w[0], w_moved[1] - w[1]
     pg.mouse.set_pos(x0, y0)
     wx0, wy0, ww, wh = self.total_window = w.union(w.move(dx, dy))
     # move window
     if self.dying:
         # just move window
         w.move_ip(dx, dy)
         self.vert_dirn = 3
         if dx == dy == 0:
             # just handle collisions
             # check if player and window intersect
             wx1, wy1 = wx0 + ww, wy0 + wh
             r = pl.rect
             o_r = pl.old_rect
             px0, py0 = min(r[0], o_r[0]), min(r[1], o_r[1])
             px1 = max(r[0] + r[2], o_r[0] + o_r[2])
             py1 = max(r[1] + r[3], o_r[1] + o_r[3])
             if px1 > wx0 and py1 > wy0 and px0 < wx1 and py0 < wy1:
                 # if so, move window a few pixels at a time
                 c = conf.WINDOW_MOVE_AMOUNT
                 for axis, d in ((0, dx), (1, dy)):
                     dirn = 1 if d > 0 else -1
                     while d * dirn > 0:
                         d -= dirn * c
                         rel = [0, 0]
                         rel[axis] += c * dirn + (0 if d * dirn > 0 else d)
                         if not self.dying:
                 # else move it the whole way
                 w.move_ip(dx, dy)
         if self.vert_dirn == 1:
             pl.on_ground = conf.ON_GROUND_TIME
     # clouds
     if self.clouds:
         # jitter
         jx = conf.CLOUD_JITTER
         jy = jx * conf.CLOUD_VERT_SPEED_RATIO
         v0 = self.cloud_vel
         v0[0] += jx * random0()
         v0[1] += jy * random0()
         r = conf.RES
         for p, v, s in self.clouds:
             for i, (i_w, r_w) in enumerate(zip(s, r)):
                 # move
                 x = p[i]
                 x += v0[i] + v[i]
                 # wrap
                 if x + i_w < 0:
                     x = r_w
                 elif x > r_w:
                     x = -i_w
                 p[i] = x
     # particles
     ptcls = []
     rects = []
     for k, j, group in self.particles:
         g = []
         x0, y0 = conf.RES
         x1 = y1 = 0
         for c, p, v, size, t in group:
             x, y = p
             # update boundary
             if x < x0:
                 x0 = x
             if y < y0:
                 y0 = y
             if x + size > x1:
                 x1 = x + size
             if y + size > y1:
                 y1 = y + size
             t -= 1
             if t != 0:
                 # move
                 vx, vy = v
                 x += vx
                 y += vy
                 # update boundary
                 if x < x0:
                     x0 = x
                 if y < y0:
                     y0 = y
                 if x + size > x1:
                     x1 = x + size
                 if y + size > y1:
                     y1 = y + size
                 # damp/jitter
                 vx *= k
                 vy *= k
                 vx += j * random0()
                 vy += j * random0()
                 g.append((c, (x, y), (vx, vy), size, t))
         if g:
             ptcls.append((k, j, g))
         if x1 > x0 and y1 > y0:
             rects.append((int(x0), int(y0), ceil(x1 - x0), ceil(y1 - y0)))
     self.particles = ptcls
     self.particle_rects = rects
     # death counter
     if self.dying:
         self.dying_counter -= 1
         if self.dying_counter == 0:
     # player velocity
     # die if OoB
     if pl.rect[1] > conf.RES[1]:
     # win if at goal
     p = pl.rect
     c = w.clip(self.goal)
     if c and self.get_clip(p, c):
     # check if at checkpoints
     for c in self.checkpoints[self.current_cp + 1:]:
         if w.clip(c) and self.get_clip(p, c):
             self.current_cp += 1
     # check if at stars
     for i, s in enumerate(self.stars):
         if not s.got and w.clip(s.rect) and self.get_clip(p, s.rect):
             if self.star_channel is not None and all(s.got for s in self.stars):
             s.got = True
             conf.STARS.append([self.ID, i])