Пример #1
def combineFrames(file, nCombine):
  time, atoms = readFrame(file)
  l = len(atoms)
  combined = np.zeros((l*nCombine,4))
  combined[0:l] = atoms
  for n in range(nCombine-1):
    _, atoms = readFrame(file)
    combined[l*(n+1):l*(n+2)] = atoms
  return time, combined
Пример #2
def main():

  trajFile, outFile, nFrames = getArgs(argv)
  atomtype = 1
  particles = 3
  nSkip = 1 # nFrames / 100
  nMon = 5

  with open(outFile+'_unwrapped.xyz', 'w') as otp:

  with open(trajFile,'r') as inp:
    for n in range(nFrames/nSkip):
      ### lammmpstrj ###
      # # read and filter data
      # for s in range(nSkip):
      #   time, box, frame = readTrj(inp)
      # zero = frame[frame[:,1] == particles][:,4].min()
      # frame = frame[np.argsort(frame[:,0])]
      # frame = frame[frame[:,1] == atomtype][:,2:]
      # Lxy = box[:,1] - box[:,0]
      # frame = frame * Lxy + box[:,0]

      ### xyz ###
      # read and filter data
      for s in range(nSkip):
        time, frame = readFrame(inp)
      zero = frame[frame[:,0] == particles][:,3].min()
      frame = frame[frame[:,0] == atomtype][:,1:]
      frame[:,2] -= zero

      # build box
      box = np.zeros((2,2))
      box[:,0] = frame[:,:2].min(0)
      box[:,1] = frame[:,:2].max(0)
      Lxy = box[:,1] - box[:,0]
      frame = unwrap(frame.reshape((-1,nMon,3)), box).reshape((-1,3))
      if n == 0:
        periods = np.zeros_like(frame[:,:2])
        move = np.zeros_like(frame[:,:2])
      elif n > 0:
        move = frame[:,:2] + periods * Lxy[:2] - oldFrame[:,:2]
        periods += (move < box[:2,0])
        periods -= (move >= box[:2,1])
        frame[:,:2] += periods * Lxy[:2]
      # if differences are greater than L/2 in any frame, add 1
      oldFrame = np.copy(frame)

      with open(outFile+'_unwrapped.xyz', 'a') as otp:
        otp.write('%d\n' % len(frame))
        otp.write('Atoms. Timestep: %d\n' % time)
        np.savetxt(otp,frame,'1 %.5f %.5f %.5f')
    print 'Finished analyzing trajectory'
Пример #3
def main():
  filename, outFile, nFrames = getArgs(argv)

  # Generate multiple MSDs based on the locations of the polymers
  # 1. Exclude polymers in the bulk
  # 2. Exclude polymers NOT in the bulk
  # 3. Look at polymers in the packing exclusively
  # The point is to find a reasonable time-scale for polymer relaxation
  # Polymers in the packing have z coordinate > 0 and those near the surface are less than
  # 5 sigma from the surface (most negative polymer value)
  MSD = np.zeros((nFrames-1,5))
  #MSD[:,0] = np.arange(1,nFrames)
  # Calculate atomic and molecular MSD
  chainLength = 25
  pos = 0
  for m in range(nFrames-1):
    with open(filename, 'r') as file:
      time_m, atoms_m = readFrame(file)
      # add a condition to restrict the polymers based on location (make a mask)
      # mask = np.logical_and(atoms_m[:,2] < 0, atoms_m[:,2] > 5*(atoms_m[:,2].min()))
      atoms_m = atoms_m[:,1:]#[mask]
      pos = file.tell()
      for n in range(m+1,nFrames):
        time_n, atoms_n = readFrame(file)
        atoms_n = atoms_n[:,1:]#[mask]
        # handle function calls here
        MSD[n-m-1,1:] += diffusion(atoms_m, atoms_n, chainLength)
        if m == 0:
          MSD[n-m-1,0] = time_n - time_m
  # average MSD array
  MSD[:,1:] /= range(nFrames-1,0,-1)
  # write MSD array to file
  with open(outFile, 'w') as otp:
    otp.write('#  lagtime  MSD\n')
Пример #4
def main():
  trajFile, outFile, nSteps = getArgs(argv)

  nBins = 180
  pcf = np.zeros((nBins,2))
  with open(trajFile,'r') as inp:
    for n in range(nSteps):
      for k in range(50):
        t, frame = readFrame(inp)

      mask = lambda i: (frame[:,0] == i)
      poly = frame[mask(1)][:,1:]
      surf = frame[mask(2)][:,1:]
      # Find the center of mass in the xy direction and center droplet
      # poly, center = centerAtoms(poly)

      # make box
      box = np.ones((3,2))
      box[:,0] = frame[:,1:].min(0) #-0.01
      box[:,1] = frame[:,1:].max(0) #+0.01
      # box[1,:] += [-7,7]

      # atoms[:,2] -= box[2,0]
      # box[2,:] -= box[2,0]

      # find interfacial atoms
      # interface = findCylinderInterface(atoms, box)

      # calculate volume per horizontal 'slice'
      # calculate pair correlation function
      pcf += calcPCF(surf, poly, box, nBins)
    plt.plot(pcf[:,0], pcf[:,1])

    print 'Finished analyzing trajectory'