def account_decline(): page = request.args.get('page') limit = request.args.get('limit') alias_name = request.args.get("acc_name") ca_data = cache.get('finance_decline_data') if not ca_data: data = SqlDataNative.bento_alltrans() acc_sum_trans = dict() for i in data: cus = i.get('before_balance') if cus not in acc_sum_trans: cus_dict = dict() cus_dict[cus] = {'decl': 0, 't_data': 0, 'three_decl': 0, 'three_tran': 0} acc_sum_trans.update(cus_dict) for n in data: date = n.get('date') do_type = n.get('do_type') cus = n.get('before_balance') value = {'t_data': acc_sum_trans.get(cus).get('t_data') + 1} acc_sum_trans.get(cus).update(value) if do_type == 'DECLINED': value = {'decl': acc_sum_trans.get(cus).get('decl') + 1} acc_sum_trans.get(cus).update(value) today_time = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d', time.localtime(time.time())) max_today = datetime.datetime.strptime("{} {}".format(change_today(today_time, 0), "23:59:59"), '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') min_today = datetime.datetime.strptime("{} {}".format(change_today(today_time, -3), "23:59:59"), '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') trans_t = datetime.datetime.strptime(date, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') if min_today <= trans_t <= max_today: value = {'three_tran': acc_sum_trans.get(cus).get('three_tran') + 1} acc_sum_trans.get(cus).update(value) if min_today < trans_t < max_today and do_type == 'DECLINED': value = {'three_decl': acc_sum_trans.get(cus).get('three_decl') + 1} acc_sum_trans.get(cus).update(value) res = list() for n in acc_sum_trans: value = acc_sum_trans.get(n) value['alias'] = n value['all_bili'] = "{} {}".format(float("%.4f" % (value.get('decl') / value.get('t_data') * 100)), "%") if value.get('decl') != 0 else 0 value['bili'] = "{} {}".format(float("%.4f" % (value.get('three_decl') / value.get('three_tran') * 100)), "%") if value.get('three_tran') != 0 else 0 if value.get('three_tran') != 0 and value.get('three_decl') / value.get('three_tran') > 0.1: value['show'] = 'T' else: value['show'] = 'F' res.append(value) # 设置缓存 cache.set('finance_decline_data', res, timeout=60 * 60 * 6) else: res = ca_data if alias_name: res_alias = list() for i in res: if alias_name in i.get('alias'): res_alias.append(i) return jsonify({"code": 0, "count": len(res_alias), "data": res_alias, "msg": "SUCCESSFUL"}) return jsonify({"code": 0, "count": len(res), "data": res, "msg": "SUCCESSFUL"})
def get_materiascursadas(self, token, carrera): cache_data = cache.get(carrera) if cache_data: result = json.loads(cache_data) else: data = self.retrieve_materiascursadas(token, carrera) cache.set(carrera, json.dumps(data, ensure_ascii=False).encode('utf8')) result = data return result
def get(self): cached = cache.get('user_%s' % self.user_id) if cached:'Sent from cache user_%s' % self.user_id) return cached else: q = db.query(User).filter(User.user_id == self.user_id).all()[0] cache.set('user_%s' % self.user_id, q)'Added to cache user_%s' % self.user_id) return q
def get(self): cached = cache.get('room_%s' % if cached:'Sent from cache room_%s' % return cached[0] else: q = db.query(Room).filter( == cache.set('room_%s' %, q)'Added to cache room_%s' % return q[0]
def getTakenSubjects(self, token, subjectCode): cache_data = cache.get(subjectCode) if cache_data: result = json.loads(cache_data) else: data = self.retrieveTakenSubjects(token, subjectCode) cache.set(subjectCode, json.dumps(data, ensure_ascii=False).encode('utf8')) result = data return result
async def message_handler(msg): subject = msg.subject f'Received a message on: {subject}, data length: {len(} bytes' ) datastream_msg = datastream_pb2.DataStreamMessage() datastream_msg.ParseFromString( payload = pickle.loads(datastream_msg.payload[0]) cache.set('values', payload.get('values')) if payload.get('image'): cache.set('image', payload.get('image'))
def ver_code_send(): ''' 手机验证码的保存于验证 :return: ''' if request.method == 'POST': data = json.loads(request.form.get('data')) phone = data.get('phone') ver_key = data.get('ver_key') _code = verify_code(6, False) res = CCP().send_Template_sms(phone, [_code, '60s'], 488547,) if res == 0: cache.set(ver_key, _code, timeout=120) return jsonify({'code': RET.OK, 'msg': MSG.OK}) else: return jsonify({'code': RET.SERVERERROR, 'msg': '短信发送失败!请检查号码是否正确!'})
def get(self, model=None): cached = cache.get('item_%s' % res = None if cached:'Sent from cache item_%s' % res = '{0} ({1})'.format(cached[0].title, cached[0].value) if model: res = cached[0] else: q = db.query(Item).filter( == if q: cache.set('item_%s' %, q)'Added to cache item_%s' % res = '{0} ({1})'.format(q[0].title, q[0].value) if model: res = q[0] else: res = 'Нет' return res
def detect_no_mask(): prototext_path = f'{Config.FACE_DETECTOR_MODEL}.prototxt' weights_path = f'{Config.FACE_DETECTOR_MODEL}.caffemodel' model_path = f'{Config.MASK_DETECTOR_MODEL}.model' confidence = Config.CONFIDENCE sample_interval = Config.SAMPLE_INTERVAL net = cv2.dnn.readNet(prototext_path, weights_path) model = load_model(model_path)'loaded face mask detector model ...') # Main detector loop while True: start_time = time.time() faces_without_mask = 0 faces_with_mask = 0 if capture_device.isOpened(): image = (locs, preds) = detect_and_predict_mask(image, net, model) # loop over the detected face locations and their corresponding # locations for (box, pred) in zip(locs, preds): # unpack the bounding box and predictions (startX, startY, endX, endY) = box (mask, withoutMask) = pred # determine the class label and color we'll use to draw # the bounding box and text if mask > withoutMask: label = f'Mask: {mask:.2f}' faces_with_mask += 1 color = (0, 255, 0) else: label = f'No Mask: {withoutMask:.2f}' faces_without_mask += 1 color = (0, 0, 255) # display the label and bounding box rectangle on the output # frame cv2.putText(image, label, (startX, startY - 10), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.45, color, 2) cv2.rectangle(image, (startX, startY), (endX, endY), color, 2) cache.set('image', cv2.imencode('.jpg', image)[1].tobytes()) cache.set('mask_count', faces_with_mask) cache.set('nomask_count', faces_without_mask) time_to_wait = sample_interval - time.time() - start_time if time_to_wait > 0: time.sleep(time_to_wait) else: time.sleep(0.5)
def all_trans(): page = request.args.get("page") limit = request.args.get("limit") # 客户名 acc_name = request.args.get("acc_name") # 卡的名字 order_num = request.args.get("order_num") # 时间范围 time_range = request.args.get("time_range") # 操作状态 trans_status = request.args.get("trans_status") # 交易类型 trans_store = request.args.get("trans_store") args_list = [] ca_data = cache.get('all_trans') # 设置缓存处理查询到的大量数据(6小时) if ca_data: data = ca_data else: data = SqlDataNative.bento_alltrans() cache.set('all_trans', data, timeout=60 * 60 * 6) results = {"code": RET.OK, "msg": MSG.OK, "count": 0, "data": ""} if len(data) == 0: results["MSG"] = MSG.NODATA return jsonify(results) # 下列判断为判断是否有搜索条件根据条件过滤 acc_list = list() if acc_name: # args_list.append(acc_name) for i in data: cus = i.get('before_balance') if acc_name == cus: acc_list.append(i) else: acc_list = data order_list = list() if order_num: # args_list.append(order_num) for c in acc_list: card_name = c.get('hand_money') if order_num in card_name: order_list.append(c) else: order_list = acc_list trans_list = list() if trans_status: args_list.append(trans_status) for i in order_list: do_type = i.get('card_num') if trans_status in do_type: trans_list.append(i) else: trans_list = order_list time_list = list() if time_range: min_time = time_range.split(' - ')[0] + ' 00:00:00' max_time = time_range.split(' - ')[1] + ' 23:59:59' min_tuple = datetime.datetime.strptime(min_time, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') max_tuple = datetime.datetime.strptime(max_time, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') for d in trans_list: dat = datetime.datetime.strptime(d.get("date"), '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') if min_tuple < dat < max_tuple: time_list.append(d) else: time_list = trans_list store_list = list() if trans_store: for i in time_list: trans_type = i.get('trans_type') if trans_store in trans_type: store_list.append(i) else: store_list = trans_list if not store_list: return jsonify({'code': RET.OK, 'msg': MSG.NODATA}) page_list = list() data = sorted(store_list, key=operator.itemgetter("date")) data = list(reversed(data)) for i in range(0, len(data), int(limit)): page_list.append(data[i: i + int(limit)]) results["data"] = page_list[int(page) - 1] results["count"] = len(data) return jsonify(results)
def update(self, update): user = db.query(User).filter(User.user_id == self.user_id) user.update(update) db.commit() cache.set('user_%s' % self.user_id, user.all()[0])'Cache updated user_%s' % self.user_id)