def __init__(self, crossover_rate=1.0, mutation_rate=0.01): #print("cross_over: ", crossover_rate, " , mutation_rate :", mutation_rate) self.crossover_rate = crossover_rate self.mutation_rate = mutation_rate self.genotype = None #TODO: parameterize self.k = Configuration.get()["translator"]["parameter"]["parameters"]["k"]
def __init__(self): print("Mongo object init...") self.__config = Configuration.get() self.__mongo_config = self.__config["MONGO"] self.__host = self.__mongo_config["HOST"] self.__user = self.__mongo_config["USER"] self.__password = self.__mongo_config["PASSWORD"] self.__port = self.__mongo_config["PORT"] # self.__auth_db = self.__mongo_config["AUTH_DB"] # self.__timeout = self.__mongo_config["TIMEOUT"] Mongo.connection = MongoClient(self.__host, self.__port, username=self.__user, password=self.__password, authMechanism='SCRAM-SHA-256') # Mongo.connection = MongoClient(f"mongodb+srv://{self.__user}:{self.__password}@{self.__host}/test?retryWrites=true&w=majority") if self.__config["DEBUG"]: self.__set_database(self.__mongo_config["DEBUG_DATABASE"]) else: self.__set_database(self.__mongo_config["DATABASE"]) try: self.__check_connection() Mongo.__mqttc = mqtt.Client() Mongo.__mqttc.connect(self.__mongo_config["MQTT_SERVER"], 1883, 60) Mongo.__mbus_server_ip = self.__mongo_config["MBUS_SERVER"] except Exception as e: raise e
def __init__(self, parent, individual, ann=None): self.individual = individual self.ann = ann config = Configuration.get() wrap=config["fitness"]["tracker"]["parameters"]["wrap"] pull=config["fitness"]["tracker"]["parameters"]["pull"] self.scenario = Simulator(wrap = wrap, pull = pull) top = = Toplevel(parent) top.title("Tracker game - results wrap=" + str(wrap) + " pull=" + str(pull)) top.grid() w = 30 h = 15 self.canvas = TrackerAgentDisplay(top, w, h, wrap=wrap) self.canvas.set_model(self.scenario) self.canvas.grid(row=0, column=0, columnspan=5, sticky=(N,W,S,E) ,padx=4, pady=4) self.v = StringVar() speed_adjuster = Scale(top, from_=10, to=1000, command=self.set_speed,orient=HORIZONTAL, variable=self.v) speed_adjuster.set(400) speed_adjuster.grid(row=1, column=0,padx=4, pady=4) restart_button = Button(top, text="Restart", command=self.reset) restart_button.grid(row=1, column=4,padx=4, pady=4) new_button = Button(top, text="New recording", command=self.restart) new_button.grid(row=1, column=3,padx=4, pady=4) finish_button = Button(top, text="OK", command=self.ok) finish_button.grid(row=2, column=4,padx=4, pady=10) self.record_agent()
def weatherstack(): config = Configuration.get() url = "" params = {} params["query"] = config["OPEN_DATA"]["TOWN"] params["access_key"] = config["OPEN_DATA"]["WEATHER_STACK"]["KEY"] r = requests.get(url, params) return r
def weatherapi(): config = Configuration.get() url = "" params = {} params["q"] = config["OPEN_DATA"]["TOWN"] params["key"] = config["OPEN_DATA"]["WEATHER_API"]["KEY"] r = requests.get(url, params) return r
def openweathermap(): config = Configuration.get() url = "" params = {} params["q"] = config["OPEN_DATA"]["TOWN"] params["appid"] = config["OPEN_DATA"]["OPEN_WEATHER_MAP"]["KEY"] r = requests.get(url, params) return r
def make_adult_selector(selector=FULL, config=None): ''' Factory method create object by the supplied string argument, selector. Configurations are also retrieved and supplied as a kwarg argument for the object. ''' if not config: selections = Configuration.get()["adult_selection"] else: selections = config["adult_selection"] return getattr(sys.modules[__name__], selections[selector]["class_name"])()
def make_parent_selector(selector=PROPORTIONATE, config=None): ''' Factory method create object by the supplied string argument, selector. Configurations are also retrieved and supplied as a kwarg argument for the object. ''' if not config: selected = Configuration.get()["parent_selection"][selector] else: selected = config["parent_selection"][selector] config = selected['parameters'] return getattr(sys.modules[__name__], selected["class_name"])(**config)
def make_genotype(genotype=DEFAULT, config=None): ''' Factory method create object by the supplied string argument, genotype. Configurations are also retrieved and supplied as a kwarg argument for the object. ''' if not config: selected = Configuration.get()["genotype"][genotype] else: selected = config["genotype"][genotype] config = selected["parameters"] return getattr(sys.modules[__name__], selected["class_name"])(**config)
def make_fitness_evaluator(genome_length, evaluator=DEFAULT, config=None): ''' Factory method create object by the supplied string argument, evaluator. Configurations are also retrieved and supplied as a kwarg argument for the object. ''' if not config: selected = Configuration.get()["fitness"][evaluator] else: selected = config["fitness"][evaluator] config = selected["parameters"] return getattr(sys.modules[__name__], selected["class_name"])(genome_length, **config)
def make_translator(translator=DEFAULT, config=None): ''' Factory method create object by the supplied string argument, translator. Configurations are also retrieved and supplied as a kwarg argument for the object. ''' if not config: selected = Configuration.get()["translator"][translator] else: selected = config["translator"][translator] config = selected["parameters"] print(config) return getattr(sys.modules[__name__], selected["class_name"])(**config)
def setting_communications(): try: print("before first request") cwd = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) Configuration(os.path.join(cwd, 'config/config.json')) config = Configuration.get() db = Mongo() pub = Publisher(config["AMQP"]) mqttc = Mongo.get_mqttc() threading.Thread(target=mqttc_keep_alive, args=(mqttc, )).start() except Exception as e: print("log", str(e))
def __init__(self, parent, individual, ann=None): self.individual = individual self.ann = ann config = Configuration.get() wrap = config["fitness"]["tracker"]["parameters"]["wrap"] pull = config["fitness"]["tracker"]["parameters"]["pull"] self.scenario = Simulator(wrap=wrap, pull=pull) top = = Toplevel(parent) top.title("Tracker game - results wrap=" + str(wrap) + " pull=" + str(pull)) top.grid() w = 30 h = 15 self.canvas = TrackerAgentDisplay(top, w, h, wrap=wrap) self.canvas.set_model(self.scenario) self.canvas.grid(row=0, column=0, columnspan=5, sticky=(N, W, S, E), padx=4, pady=4) self.v = StringVar() speed_adjuster = Scale(top, from_=10, to=1000, command=self.set_speed, orient=HORIZONTAL, variable=self.v) speed_adjuster.set(400) speed_adjuster.grid(row=1, column=0, padx=4, pady=4) restart_button = Button(top, text="Restart", command=self.reset) restart_button.grid(row=1, column=4, padx=4, pady=4) new_button = Button(top, text="New recording", command=self.restart) new_button.grid(row=1, column=3, padx=4, pady=4) finish_button = Button(top, text="OK", command=self.ok) finish_button.grid(row=2, column=4, padx=4, pady=10) self.record_agent()
def openData(): config = Configuration.get() if request.method == "GET": data = request.values if not data.has_key('source'): return jsonify({"msg": "Source API not provided"}), 400 source = data.get('source') if source not in config["OPEN_DATA"]["SOURCES"]: return jsonify({"msg": "Unknown open data source"}), 400 apiresponse = None if(config["DEBUG"]): apiresponse = debugResponse(source) else: if source == 'openweathermap': apiresponse = openweathermap() if source == 'weatherapi': apiresponse = weatherapi() if source == "weatherstack": apiresponse = weatherstack() if apiresponse.status_code != 200: print("log the error") abort(500) return jsonify(json.loads(apiresponse.text)), 200
def show_result(best, ann): root = Tk() f = Frame(master=root) config = Configuration.get() result_dialog = ResultDialog(f, best) root.mainloop()
print(dir,"4") genome_length = 306 #272 (no pull and wrap) #352 (pull and wrap) #296 (no pull and no wrap) #306 (no pull and wrap) 9 bit #396 (pull and wrap) 9 bit #342 (no pull and no wrap) 9 bit #486 (no wrap no pull) 3 hidden pop_size = 50 gen = 10 threshold = 30 config = Configuration.get() ea_system = EA(config) listner = Listner() ea_system.add_listener(listner) translator = "parameter" fitness = "tracker" genotype = "default" adult = "mixing" parent = "sigma" ea_system.setup(translator,fitness,genotype,adult,parent,genome_length) best =, gen, threshold) ann = RecurrentNeuralNet([5,2,2]) p = best.phenotype_container p = ann.restructure_parameters(p) ann.set_weights(p)
show_result(best) t = threading.Thread(target=callback) t.daemon = True t.start() def show_result(individual): result_dialog = ResultDialog(app, individual) def on_exit(*args): ''' Exits application ''' if app.dirty_config: root.quit() config = Configuration.get() root = Tk() root.wm_protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", on_exit) root.geometry("500x300") app = AppUI(config, master=root) root.bind('<Return>', run_ea) ea_system = EA(config) ani = animation.FuncAnimation(app.graph.f, app.graph.animate, interval=3000) ea_system.add_listener(app) root.mainloop()