def __init__(self): QMainWindow.__init__(self) Ui_MainWindow.__init__(self) self.setupUi(self) # 初始变量 self.video_path = None self.video_type = None # 0: offline 1: webcamera self.status = opt.STATUS_INIT # 0: init 1:playing 2: pause self.video_label_size = None self.video_size = None self.video_show_size = None self.video_center_box = None self.fr_ready = False self.fr_input_img = None opt.display_mw_view = self.viewList # 更新输出控件 opt.display_mw_sys = self.infoList # 更新输出控件 # 线程设置 self.timer = None self.fr_worker = None self.load_worker = None self.dot_worker = None # 视频初始参数设置 self.playCapture = VideoCapture() # self.videoWriter = VideoWriter('*.mp4', VideoWriter_fourcc('M', 'J', 'P', 'G'), self.fps, size) # 欢迎信息 opt.print_system_gui('欢迎进入系统!')
def login_main(self): string = '数据加载中,请稍后...' print(string) opt.print_system_gui(string) # 强制处理其他事物,防止GUI卡死 QApplication.processEvents() string = '正在加载人员数据' print(string) opt.print_system_gui(string) self.load_database() # 强制处理其他事物,防止GUI卡死 QApplication.processEvents() string = '正在加载深度神经网络' print(string) opt.print_system_gui(string) self.load_model() # 强制处理其他事物,防止GUI卡死 QApplication.processEvents() string = '正在编码人员数据' print(string) opt.print_system_gui(string) self.create_person_data() # 强制处理其他事物,防止GUI卡死 QApplication.processEvents() string = '数据加载成功,可以开始监测。' print(string) opt.print_system_gui(string) opt.is_net_load_done = True
def pause(self): if self.playCapture.isOpened(): # 停止线程 self.timer.stop() self.fr_worker.stop() # 改为暂停状态 self.status = opt.STATUS_PAUSE self.playButton.setIcon( QStyle.SP_MediaPlay)) print('暂停显示') opt.print_system_gui('暂停监测')
def re_play(self): if self.playCapture.isOpened(): # 启动线程 self.timer.start() # 改为播放状态 self.status = opt.STATUS_PLAYING self.playButton.setIcon( QStyle.SP_MediaPause)) print('恢复显示') opt.print_system_gui('恢复监测') # 延后启动线程 time.sleep(0.01) self.fr_worker.start()
def stop(self): if self.playCapture.isOpened(): # 注意先后暂停线程 if self.fr_worker is not None: self.fr_worker.stop() if self.timer is not None: self.timer.stop() self.playCapture.release() # 改为停止状态 self.status = opt.STATUS_STOP self.playButton.setIcon( QStyle.SP_MediaPlay)) print('停止显示') opt.print_system_gui('停止监测')
def chk_video_type(self): if self.fr_ready: if self.offlineButton.isChecked( ) and self.video_type != opt.VIDEO_TYPE_OFFLINE: self.switch_offline() if self.webcamButton.isChecked( ) and self.video_type != opt.VIDEO_TYPE_WEBCAMERA: self.switch_webcam() if self.onlineButton.isChecked( ) and self.video_type != opt.VIDEO_TYPE_ONLINE: self.switch_online() else: print('未加载网络数据') opt.print_system_gui('未加载网络数据!请先加载网络数据')
def play(self): if not self.playCapture.isOpened(): if self.video_type is opt.VIDEO_TYPE_WEBCAMERA: self.playCapture = VideoCapture(0) else: print('获取在线流媒体中...') # 启动线程 self.timer.start() # 改为播放状态 self.status = opt.STATUS_PLAYING self.playButton.setIcon( QStyle.SP_MediaPause)) print('开始显示') opt.print_system_gui('开始监测') # 延后启动线程 time.sleep(0.01) self.fr_worker.start()
def who_is_it(self, test_img): """ Implements face recognition for the happy house by finding who is the person on the image_path image. Arguments: image_path -- path to an image database -- database containing image encodings along with the name of the person on the image model -- your Inception model instance in Keras Returns: min_dist -- the minimum distance between image_path encoding and the encodings from the database identity -- string, the name prediction for the person on image_path """ # START CODE HERE # # 适应网络输入尺寸, 预处理变换 test_img = self.img_preprocessing(test_img) # print(np.shape(test_img)) test_img = torch.unsqueeze(test_img, 0) # print(np.shape(test_img)) # Step 1: Compute the target "encoding" for the image. if opt.cuda: images = Variable(test_img).cuda() else: images = Variable(test_img) # Step 1: Compute the encoding for the image. with torch.no_grad(): encodings = encoding = torch.squeeze(encodings) # print(np.shape(encoding)) if opt.cuda: encoding = else: encoding = # Step 2: Find the closest encoding # # Initialize "min_dist" to a large value, say 100 (≈1 line) min_dist = 100 identity = 'None' # Loop over the database dictionary's names and encodings. for (name, db_enc) in self.database.items(): # Compute L2 distance between the target "encoding" and the current "emb" from the database. (≈ 1 line) dist = np.linalg.norm(encoding - db_enc) print('监测与 %s 距离为: %f ' % (name, dist)) # If this distance is less than the min_dist, then set min_dist to dist, and identity to name. (≈ 3 lines) if dist < min_dist: min_dist = dist identity = name # END CODE HERE # time_str = time.strftime('%m月%d日-%H时%M分%S秒') if min_dist > self.net_best_margin: string = time_str + ' : ' + '非数据库中人员' sys_string = '检测事件(监测到人员不在数据库当中,检测距离%0.2f)' % min_dist else: string = time_str + ' : ' + identity + '到访' sys_string = '检测事件(监测到人员%s,检测距离%0.2f)' % (identity, min_dist) print(opt.WARNING + string + opt.ENDC) opt.print_view_gui(string) opt.print_system_gui(sys_string)
def switch_online(self): self.set_video(video_path='rtmp://', video_type=opt.VIDEO_TYPE_ONLINE) opt.print_system_gui('视频模式:online')
def switch_webcam(self): self.set_video(video_path='', video_type=opt.VIDEO_TYPE_WEBCAMERA) opt.print_system_gui('视频模式:webcam')
def switch_offline(self): self.set_video(video_path='./video/f40.mp4', video_type=opt.VIDEO_TYPE_OFFLINE) opt.print_system_gui('视频模式:offline')
def login_finish(self): opt.print_system_gui('登录系统') self.close()
def login_fun(self): fr.login_main() opt.print_system_gui('登录系统') self.close()