def index(mode, **kw): host = request.form.get('host') or request.form.get('helperURI') or request.host_url debug = request.args.get('debug') == '1' and True or False demo(request.args.get('demo'), request=request) setReference(host, debug) wizard = request.args.get('wizard', 'BillGateDUS120') #'StreetGateDUS210' locale = _validate('locale', request.args.get('locale')) country = kw.get('country') region = kw.get('region') user = kw.get('user') document = kw.get('document') exchange = _make_exchange(mode, locale, country, region, user, document) page = _make_page(wizard, locale, init_only=False) kw = _make_platform(wizard, locale, user, debug) kw['extra'] = { \ 'selected_action' : request.form.get('selected_action') or 'null', 'selected_item' : request.form.get('selected_item') or 'null', } forms = ('index', 'log',) keywords = _make_keywords() session['communication'] = exchange['communication'] session['session'] = exchange['sessionID'] session['security'] = exchange['securityID'] session['browser'] = kw['browser'] session['locale'] = locale session['wizard'] = wizard session['name'] = page and page.get_title(False) or '' kw.update({ \ 'title' : gettext('Helper Configurator Main Page'), 'host' : host, 'wizard' : wizard, 'locale' : locale, 'exchange' : exchange, 'keywords' : keywords, 'forms' : forms, 'page' : page, }) if IsDebug: print '$$$' print '%s: %s %s %s %s session:[%s]' % (getTime(), host, wizard, locale, exchange['clientName'], exchange['sessionID']) print '%s: %s %s communication:[%s]' % (getTime(), kw['browser'], kw['agent'], exchange['communication']) print '%s: %s demo:%s' % (getTime(), kw['platform'], demo()) return respond(template='index.html', debug=debug, **kw)
def log(mode, **kw): host = request.form.get('host') or request.form.get('helperURI') or request.host_url debug = request.args.get('debug') == '1' and True or False demo(request.args.get('demo'), request=request) setReference(host, debug) mode = request.form.get('helperCommunicationType', session.get('communication')) wizard = request.args.get('wizard', request.form.get('wizardID', session.get('wizard'))) locale = _validate('locale', request.form.get('currentLocale', session.get('locale'))) country = request.form.get('countryID', n_a) region = request.form.get('regionID', n_a) user = request.form.get('userID', n_a) exchange = _make_exchange(mode, locale, country, region, user=request.form.get('clientName', n_a)) exchange['wizard'] = wizard page = _make_page(wizard, locale, init_only=True) kw = _make_platform(wizard, locale, user, debug) kw['links']['close'] = re.sub(r'index|log(?i)', '', request.referrer or request.url) kw['extra'] = { \ 'log_headers' : getLogVisibleHeaders(), 'statistics_headers' : getStatisticsVisibleHeaders(), 'images' : getLogImages(), } forms = ('load', 'search',) keywords = _make_keywords() kw.update({ \ 'title' : gettext('Helper Configurator Order Log Page'), 'host' : host, 'wizard' : wizard, 'locale' : locale, 'exchange' : exchange, 'keywords' : keywords, 'forms' : forms, 'page' : page, }) return respond('log.html', debug, **kw)
def loader(): if not request.form.get('wizardID'): return '' host = request.form.get('host') debug = request.args.get('debug') == '1' and True or False demo(request.form.get('demo'), request=request) setReference(host, debug) if IsDebug: start = print '--> Started at %s' % start.strftime('%H:%M:%S:%f') wizard = request.form.get('wizardID') or session.get('wizard') action = request.form.get('action') or '204' check = request.form.get('check') or '' communication = request.form.get('helperCommunicationType') or default_communication locale = request.form.get('currentUsedLocalization') or session.get('locale') exchange_error = 0 if IsDebug: print '--> action: [%s]' % action print '--> communication: [%s]' % communication print '--> demo: [%s]' % demo() print '--> host: [%s]' % host print '--> wizard: [%s]' % wizard response = {} if not (action and action in valid_action_types): return '' IsChecked = True if not isAuthorized(request.form.get('userID')): exchange_error = -4 exchange_message = gettext('Sorry, you are not authorized.') IsChecked = False if IsChecked and action in ('207','307') and demo() and not _check(wizard, check): exchange_error = -5 exchange_message = gettext('Sorry, the confirmation code is invalid.')+'<br>'+gettext('Please, try more.') IsChecked = False if action in ('301','302','303','304','305','307','308',): if IsChecked: # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Get Data from DB (XML:data, DOM:dom, parsed XML-Items:items or Log-page content:data) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- response = respond_log(action) if not (response and response.get('data')): pass elif action in ('303','304','307',): requested_action = str(int(action)-100) # -------------------------------------------------- # Get XML (update tags for a new request to Service) # -------------------------------------------------- check, data = getRequestXML(requested_action, request, session, data=response.get('items'), dom=response.get('dom'), title=response.get('title'), page='log', url=host) # ---------------------------------------- # Send request to Service and get response # ---------------------------------------- response = respond_external(requested_action, data=data, id=response.get('id')) response['action'] = action # ------------------------------------------------------------- # Get Data Dictionary (!!!) from response to send to Controller # ------------------------------------------------------------- if action == '303': dom, data = receive(action, request, session, data=response.get('data')) response['data'] = data response['dom'] = None response['items'] = None else: # -------------------------------------- # Remove DOM from response to Controller # -------------------------------------- response['dom'] = None response['items'] = None elif communication == COMMUNICATIONS['external'] or not communication: if IsDebug: print '--> check: [%s] = %s' % (check, IsChecked) if action == '100': # ------------------- # Validate the action # ------------------- if not demo(): response = {'x1' : None, 'x2' : None, 'op' : None} else: response = _set_checker(wizard) elif action in ('203','204','205',): # --------------------------------------------------------------- # Send External request to Service and get response (calculation) # --------------------------------------------------------------- response = respond_external(action) elif action in ('207',) and IsChecked: # --------------------------------------------------------- # Send External request to Service and get response (order) # --------------------------------------------------------- response = respond_external(action) if response: response['data'] = '' elif communication == COMMUNICATIONS['internal']: if action == '100': # ------------------- # Validate the action # ------------------- response = {'x1' : None, 'x2' : None, 'op' : None} elif action in ('203','204','205','206',): # ------------------------------------------------- # Send Internal request to Service and get response # ------------------------------------------------- response = respond_internal(action) if not response: response = { \ 'action' : action, 'op' : '', # ------------------------------- # Not authorized or check invalid # ------------------------------- 'exchange_error' : exchange_error, 'exchange_message' : exchange_message, 'error_code' : '', 'error_description' : '', 'errors' : '', # ----------------- # Results (no data) # ----------------- 'price' : '', 'data' : '', } if IsDebug: finish = t = finish - start print '--> Finished at %s' % finish.strftime('%H:%M:%S:%f') print '--> Spent time: %s sec' % ((t.seconds*1000000+t.microseconds)/1000000) return jsonify(response)