Пример #1
class RecordClient:
    AskUserIdString = "\n\n  请输入员工号:\n"

    # 这里定义员工号和员工姓名 a1是员工号,周星驰是员工姓名, 配置文件已支持
    UserDict = dict(a1="周星驰", a2="梁朝伟", a3="猪八戒", a4="孙悟空")

    # 这里定义几个班,早中晚
    ShiftDict = dict(Morning="早班", Middle="中班", Night="晚班")

    # 这里定义条形码组合
    MPdict = dict(a777888=("机器1", "脸盆"), a999000=("机器2", "牙膏"))

    # 这里定义要输入的参数。这些参数会在excel的关键字行里被搜索并填入
    ParmDict = {"上机数": 0, "接班模数": 0, "交班模数": 0, "每模数": 0}

    # 这里定义输出excel文件,配置文件已支持
    FileName = "c:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\桌面\Book3.xls"

    # 这里定义输出到excel文件第几个sheet(第一页为0)
    OutFileSheetNumber = 0

    # 这里定义关键字行是哪一行(excel中的第二行是 1)
    OutFileKeyRowNumber = 1

    def __init__(self):
        self.configData = JiuJiuConfig()
        self.FileName = self.configData.get_GLCvalue("OutPutTable").encode("cp936")
        self.BackupFileName = self.configData.get_GLCvalue("BackupTable").encode("cp936")
        self.UserDict = self.configData.get_parsed_worksheet("EmploreeTable")
        self.BarcodeTable = self.configData.get_parsed_worksheet("BarcodeTable")
        self.DisplayMsgTable = self.configData.get_parsed_worksheet("DisplayMsgTable")
        self.ErrorMessage = self.configData.get_GLCvalue("ErrorPrint").encode("cp936")
        self.ConfirmMessage = self.configData.get_GLCvalue("ConfirmMessage").encode("cp936")
        self.QbgC_USRID = self.configData.get_GLCvalue("QbgC_USRID")
        self.QbgC_BCODE = self.configData.get_GLCvalue("QbgC_BCODE")
        self.QbgC_PARM = self.configData.get_GLCvalue("QbgC_PARM")
        self.ConfirmBoxSize = int(self.configData.get_GLCvalue("FinalConfirmBoxSize"))
        mainFrame = MainFrame()

    def gui_input(self, MSG, Title="UserInput", BgC="white", AnsBoxSize=10):
        if type(MSG) != u"aaa":
            MSG = unicode(MSG, "cp936")
        dialog = FrontEnd(Title, MSG, Config=self.configData, QbgC=BgC, AnsBoxSize=AnsBoxSize)
        UserReturn = dialog.queryUser(MSG)
        if UserReturn == "+":
            raise UserWantRestart(MSG)
        return unicode(UserReturn)

    def ask_input(self, MSG, Title="UserInput", QbgC="white", AnsBoxSize=10):
        return self.gui_input(MSG, Title, QbgC, AnsBoxSize=AnsBoxSize)
        # return raw_input(MSG).strip()

    def ask_input_and_confirm(self, Query, Title="UserInput", QbgC="white", AnsBoxSize=10):
        MSG = Query
        user_confirmed_value = ""
        while True:
            thisInput = self.ask_input(MSG, Title, QbgC=QbgC)
            if thisInput == "" and user_confirmed_value != "":
                return user_confirmed_value
                user_confirmed_value = thisInput
                MSG = Query + self.ConfirmMessage + str(thisInput)  # only input numbers

    # Get username via userid
    def getUserId(self):
        self.userid = self.ask_input(self.AskUserIdString, QbgC=self.QbgC_USRID)
        return self.userid

    def getUserName(self):
        is_name_corrected = False
        while not is_name_corrected:
            tmpId = self.getUserId()
            tmpId = check_and_format_id(tmpId)
            if self.UserDict.has_key(tmpId):
                is_name_corrected = True
        self.username = self.UserDict[tmpId][1].encode("cp936")
        return self.username

    def calculateShift(self):
        # 这里定义如何计算班次
        hour = datetime.datetime.now().hour
        if hour in range(15, 17):
            self.shift = self.ShiftDict["Morning"]
        elif hour in range(0, 1):
            self.shift = self.ShiftDict["Middle"]
        elif hour == 23:
            self.shift = self.ShiftDict["Middle"]
        elif hour in range(7, 9):
            self.shift = self.ShiftDict["Night"]
            self.shift = ""
        return self.shift

    def scanbarcode(self):
        # Todo: add some timeout
        self.MPbarcode = str(self.ask_input("\n" + self.username + "\n" + "请插入条码卡", QbgC=self.QbgC_BCODE))
        return self.MPbarcode

    def getMachineAndProduct(self):
        is_barcode_correct = False
        while not is_barcode_correct:
            self.thisBarcode = self.scanbarcode()
            if self.BarcodeTable.has_key(self.thisBarcode):
                is_barcode_correct = True
                self.thisBarcode = check_and_format_id(self.thisBarcode)
                if self.BarcodeTable.has_key(self.thisBarcode):
                    is_barcode_correct = True
        self.Product = self.BarcodeTable[self.thisBarcode][4].encode("cp936")
        self.Machine = self.BarcodeTable[self.thisBarcode][2].encode("cp936")
        return self.Machine, self.Product

    def queryParms(self):
        # Clean ParmDict
        self.ParmDict = dict()
        for parm in self.BarcodeTable[self.thisBarcode][5:]:
            if parm != "":
                parm = parm.encode("cp936")
                userinput = self.ask_input("\n\n" + "请输入   " + parm + ":\n\t", QbgC=self.QbgC_PARM)
                self.ParmDict[parm] = userinput

    def time_now(self):
        return str(datetime.datetime.now())

    def updateDB(self):
        print "正在写入数据库.....\n"
        rb = open_workbook(self.FileName)
        sheet = rb.sheets()[self.OutFileSheetNumber]
        wb = copy(rb)
        row = wb.get_sheet(self.OutFileSheetNumber).row(rb.sheets()[self.OutFileSheetNumber].nrows)
        row.write(0, self.dataTag)
        row.write(1, encode(self.Time))
        row.write(2, self.userid)
        row.write(3, encode(self.username))
        row.write(4, encode(self.Product))
        row.write(5, encode(self.Machine))
        row.write(6, encode(self.shift))
        for parm in self.ParmDict:
            for col in range(sheet.ncols):
                cellValue = sheet.cell(self.OutFileKeyRowNumber, col).value
                if cellValue == unicode(parm, "cp936"):
                    data = self.ParmDict[parm]
                    if type(data) == type(u"hh"):
                        writedata = data
                        writedata = encode(data)
                    row.write(col, writedata)

        # 保存到文件
        # 拷贝一份
            shutil.copyfile(self.FileName, self.BackupFileName)
        except IOError:
            print "备份文件只读"

        print "写入数据库完成!\n"

    def printViaPrinter(self, data=""):
        print "正在打印\n"
        if data == "":
            data = (
                + self.dataTag
                + "\n"
                + "\n"
                + self.Time
                + "\n"
                + "\n"
                + "姓名:"
                + self.username
                + "\n"
                + "班次: "
                + self.shift
                + "\n"
                + "产品:"
                + self.Product
                + "\n"
                + "工序: "
                + self.Machine
                + "\n\n"
            for each in self.BarcodeTable[self.thisBarcode][5:]:
                if each != "":
                    each = each.encode("cp936")
                    tmpV = self.ParmDict[each]
                    data = data + each + ": " + str(tmpV) + "\n"

        # data = "打印"
        # print_in_paper(data)
        print_times(self.dataTag, data, self.configData)
        print "打印完成请取票\n"