Пример #1
    def test_return_article_command_2(self):
        # Given
        config_manager = ConfigManager()
        app_info_logger = AppInfoLogger()
        db = DBConnector(DbFileConnector(config_manager))
        logger = LoggerConnector(LoggerFileConnector(config_manager))
        config_manager.db_path = self.database_file_name
        config_manager.logger_path = self.logger_file_name

        articles = [{
            "id": "18",
            "is_available": True,
            "name": ["Paczka", "Package"],
            "quantity": 150,
            "total_quantity": 250

        with open(self.database_file_name, "w") as f:
            json.dump(articles, f)

        with open(self.logger_file_name, "w") as f:
            json.dump([], f)

        INVOKER = Invoker(db, logger, config_manager, app_info_logger)

        expected = [Article('18', ["Paczka", "Package"], 250, 150, True)]

        # When
        with mock.patch('builtins.input', side_effect=["18", "101", "\n"]):
            with patch('sys.stdout', new=StringIO()):

        # Then
Пример #2
    def test_get_logs_by_id(self):
        # Given
        logs = [{
            'id': '1',
            'logs': [{
                "data": "08-05-2020",
                "text": "Added"
        }, {
            'logs': [{
                "data": "08-05-2020",
                "text": "Added"
            }, {
                "data": "07-05-2020",
                "text": "Deleted"

        with open(self.config_file_name, "w") as f:
            json.dump(logs, f)

        config_manager = ConfigManager()
        config_manager.logger_path = self.config_file_name
        logger = LoggerConnector(LoggerFileConnector(config_manager))

        article_id = '1'
        expected = ArticleLogs('1', [Log("08-05-2020", "Added")])

        # When
        logs = logger.get_logs_by_id(article_id)

        # Then
        self.assertEqual(expected, logs)
Пример #3
    def test_change_status_command(self):
        # Given
        config_manager = ConfigManager()
        app_info_logger = AppInfoLogger()
        db = DBConnector(DbFileConnector(config_manager))
        logger = LoggerConnector(LoggerFileConnector(config_manager))
        config_manager.db_path = self.database_file_name
        config_manager.logger_path = self.logger_file_name

        articles = [{
            "id": "3",
            "is_available": True,
            "name": ["Szalik", "Scarf"],
            "quantity": 1,
            "total_quantity": 1

        with open(self.database_file_name, "w") as f:
            json.dump(articles, f)

        with open(self.logger_file_name, "w") as f:
            json.dump([], f)

        INVOKER = Invoker(db, logger, config_manager, app_info_logger)

        expected = [Article('3', ["Szalik", "Scarf"], 1, 1, False)]

        # When
        with mock.patch('builtins.input', side_effect=["3", "1", "1"]):
            with patch('sys.stdout', new=StringIO()):

Пример #4
    def test_display_history_command(self):
        # Given
        config_manager = ConfigManager()
        app_info_logger = AppInfoLogger()
        db = DBConnector(DbFileConnector(config_manager))
        logger = LoggerConnector(LoggerFileConnector(config_manager))
        config_manager.db_path = self.database_file_name
        config_manager.logger_path = self.logger_file_name

        logs = [{
            'id': '1',
            'logs': [{
                "data": "12-11-2020",
                "text": "Returned 1"

        with open(self.logger_file_name, "w") as f:
            json.dump(logs, f)

        INVOKER = Invoker(db, logger, config_manager, app_info_logger)

        expected = "+------------+------------+" + "\n" \
                   + "|    DATE    |    TEXT    |" + "\n" \
                   + "+------------+------------+" + "\n" \
                   + "| 12-11-2020 | 1 RETURNED |" + "\n" \
                   + "+------------+------------+"

        # When
        with mock.patch('builtins.input', return_value="1"):
            with patch('sys.stdout', new=StringIO()) as result:

        # Then
        self.assertEqual(expected, result.getvalue())
Пример #5
    def test_save_config_command(self):
        # Given
        config_manager = ConfigManager()
        app_info_logger = AppInfoLogger()
        db = DBConnector(DbFileConnector(config_manager))
        logger = LoggerConnector(LoggerFileConnector(config_manager))
        config_manager.db_path = self.database_file_name
        config_manager.logger_path = self.logger_file_name

        config = {
            'db_path': 'db.json',
            'language': 'pl',
            'logger_path': 'logger.json'
        with open(self.config_file_name, "w") as f:
            json.dump(config, f)
        config_manager = ConfigManager(self.config_file_name)

        INVOKER = Invoker(db, logger, config_manager, app_info_logger)

        expected = "INFO: CONFIGURATION_SAVED\n"

        with mock.patch('builtins.input', return_value="1"):
            with patch('sys.stdout', new=StringIO()) as result:

        # Then
        self.assertEqual(result.getvalue(), expected)
Пример #6
    def test_singleton(self):
        # Given
        config_manager = ConfigManager()
        config_manager.logger_path = self.config_file_name

        # When
        logger = LoggerConnector(LoggerFileConnector(config_manager))
        logger2 = LoggerConnector(LoggerFileConnector(config_manager))

        # Then
        self.assertEqual(logger2, logger)
Пример #7
def i_show_history_of_rentals_of_article(step, number):
    config_manager = ConfigManager()
    config_manager.logger_path = world.path_logger
    logger_file_connector = LoggerFileConnector(config_manager)
    logger = LoggerConnector(logger_file_connector)

    logs = [vars(it) for it in logger.get_borrow_history(number)]
    for log in logs:
        log['id'] = number

    world.logs = logs
Пример #8
    def test_singleton(self):
        # Given
        config_manager = ConfigManager()
        config_manager.logger_path = self.config_file_name

        # When
        db = DBConnector(DbFileConnector(config_manager))
        db2 = DBConnector(DbFileConnector(config_manager))

        # Then
        self.assertEqual(db2, db)
Пример #9
    def test_display_full_history_command(self):
        # Given
        config_manager = ConfigManager()
        app_info_logger = AppInfoLogger()
        db = DBConnector(DbFileConnector(config_manager))
        logger = LoggerConnector(LoggerFileConnector(config_manager))
        config_manager.db_path = self.database_file_name
        config_manager.logger_path = self.logger_file_name

        articles = [{
            "id": "1",
            "name": ["mlotek", "hammer"],
            "total_quantity": 2,
            "quantity": 2,
            "is_available": True
        }, {
            "id": "2",
            "name": ["wiertarka", "driller"],
            "total_quantity": 2,
            "quantity": 2,
            "is_available": False

        with open(self.database_file_name, "w") as f:
            json.dump(articles, f)
        logs = [{
            'id': '1',
            'logs': [{
                "data": "08-05-2020",
                "text": "Returned 1"

        with open(self.logger_file_name, "w") as f:
            json.dump(logs, f)

        INVOKER = Invoker(db, logger, config_manager, app_info_logger)

        expected = "+----+------------+------------+" + "\n" \
                   + "| ID |    DATE    |    TEXT    |" + "\n" \
                   + "+----+------------+------------+" + "\n" \
                   + "| 1  | 08-05-2020 | 1 RETURNED |" + "\n" \
                   + "+----+------------+------------+"

        # When
        with patch('sys.stdout', new=StringIO()) as result:
            with mock.patch('builtins.input', return_value="2"):

        # Then
        self.assertEqual(expected, result.getvalue())
Пример #10
    def test_display_borrowed_articles_command(self):
        # Given
        config_manager = ConfigManager()
        app_info_logger = AppInfoLogger()
        db = DBConnector(DbFileConnector(config_manager))
        logger = LoggerConnector(LoggerFileConnector(config_manager))
        config_manager.db_path = self.database_file_name
        config_manager.logger_path = self.logger_file_name

        articles = [{
            "id": "18",
            "is_available": True,
            "name": ["Paczka", "Package"],
            "quantity": 150,
            "total_quantity": 250

        with open(self.database_file_name, "w") as f:
            json.dump(articles, f)

        logs = [{
            "logs": [{
                "data": "2020-06-22",
                "text": "Added"
            }, {
                "data": "2020-06-22",
                "text": "Borrowed 100"

        with open(self.logger_file_name, "w") as f:
            json.dump(logs, f)

        INVOKER = Invoker(db, logger, config_manager, app_info_logger)

        expected = "+----+---------+------------------+----------------+----------+--------------+" + "\n" \
                   + "| ID |   NAME  | NAME_SECOND_LANG | TOTAL_QUANTITY | QUANTITY | AVAILABILITY |" + "\n" \
                   + "+----+---------+------------------+----------------+----------+--------------+" + "\n" \
                   + "| 18 | Package |      Paczka      |      250       |   150    |     YES      |" + "\n" \
                   + "+----+---------+------------------+----------------+----------+--------------+"

        # When
        with patch('sys.stdout', new=StringIO()) as result:
            with mock.patch('builtins.input', return_value="1"):

        # Then
        self.assertEqual(expected, result.getvalue())
Пример #11
    def test_get_borrowed_history(self):
        # Given
        logs = [{
            'id': '1',
            'logs': [{
                "data": "08-05-2020",
                "text": "Added"
        }, {
            'logs': [{
                "data": "07-05-2020",
                "text": "Added"
            }, {
                "data": "08-05-2020",
                "text": "Borrowed"
            }, {
                "data": "10-05-2020",
                "text": "Returned"
            }, {
                "data": "11-05-2020",
                "text": "Borrowed"

        with open(self.config_file_name, "w") as f:
            json.dump(logs, f)

        config_manager = ConfigManager()
        config_manager.logger_path = self.config_file_name
        logger = LoggerConnector(LoggerFileConnector(config_manager))

        expected = [
            Log('08-05-2020', 'Borrowed'),
            Log('10-05-2020', 'Returned'),
            Log('11-05-2020', 'Borrowed')

        # When
        logs = logger.get_borrow_history('2')

        # Then
        self.assertListEqual(expected, logs)
Пример #12
    def test_add_article_command(self):
        # Given
        config_manager = ConfigManager()
        app_info_logger = AppInfoLogger()
        db = DBConnector(DbFileConnector(config_manager))
        logger = LoggerConnector(LoggerFileConnector(config_manager))
        config_manager.db_path = self.database_file_name
        config_manager.logger_path = self.logger_file_name

        logs = [{
            'id': '1',
            'logs': [{
                "data": "08-05-2020",
                "text": "Returned 1"
        }, {
            'logs': [{
                "data": "08-05-2020",
                "text": "Borrowed 1"
            }, {
                "data": "07-05-2020",
                "text": "Deleted"

        with open(self.database_file_name, "w") as f:
            json.dump([], f)

        with open(self.logger_file_name, "w") as f:
            json.dump(logs, f)

        INVOKER = Invoker(db, logger, config_manager, app_info_logger)

        expected = [Article('3', ["szalik", "scarf"], 1, 1, True)]

        # When
        with mock.patch('builtins.input',
                        side_effect=["scarf", "szalik", "1", "1"]):
            with patch('sys.stdout', new=StringIO()):

        self.assertEqual(expected, db.get_articles_by_name('scarf'))
Пример #13
    def test_display_all_articles_command(self):
        # Given
        config_manager = ConfigManager()
        app_info_logger = AppInfoLogger()
        db = DBConnector(DbFileConnector(config_manager))
        logger = LoggerConnector(LoggerFileConnector(config_manager))
        config_manager.db_path = self.database_file_name
        config_manager.logger_path = self.logger_file_name

        articles = [{
            "id": "1",
            "name": ["mlotek", "hammer"],
            "total_quantity": 20,
            "quantity": 2,
            "is_available": True
        }, {
            "id": "2",
            "name": ["wiertarka", "driller"],
            "total_quantity": 30,
            "quantity": 5,
            "is_available": False

        with open(self.database_file_name, "w") as f:
            json.dump(articles, f)

        INVOKER = Invoker(db, logger, config_manager, app_info_logger)

        expected = "+----+---------+------------------+----------------+----------+--------------+" + "\n" \
                   + "| ID |   NAME  | NAME_SECOND_LANG | TOTAL_QUANTITY | QUANTITY | AVAILABILITY |" + "\n" \
                   + "+----+---------+------------------+----------------+----------+--------------+" + "\n" \
                   + "| 1  |  hammer |      mlotek      |       20       |    2     |     YES      |" + "\n" \
                   + "| 2  | driller |    wiertarka     |       30       |    5     |      NO      |" + "\n" \
                   + "+----+---------+------------------+----------------+----------+--------------+"

        # When
        with patch('sys.stdout', new=StringIO()) as result:
            with mock.patch('builtins.input', return_value="1"):

        # Then
        self.assertEqual(expected, result.getvalue())
Пример #14
def i_show_full_history_of_rentals(step):
    config_manager = ConfigManager()
    config_manager.logger_path = world.path_logger
    logger_file_connector = LoggerFileConnector(config_manager)
    logger = LoggerConnector(logger_file_connector)

    all_logs = list()

    for article_log in logger.get_all_logs():
        logs = [
            it for it in article_log.logs
            if 'Borrowed' in it.text or 'Returned' in it.text
        logs = [vars(it) for it in logs]
        for log in logs:
            log['id'] = article_log.id

        all_logs = all_logs + logs

    world.logs = all_logs
Пример #15
    def test_change_config_command(self):
        # Given
        config = {
            'db_path': 'db.json',
            'language': 'en',
            'logger_path': 'logger.json'
        with open(self.config_file_name, "w") as f:
            json.dump(config, f)

        config_manager = ConfigManager()
        app_info_logger = AppInfoLogger()
        db = DBConnector(DbFileConnector(config_manager))
        logger = LoggerConnector(LoggerFileConnector(config_manager))
        config_manager.db_path = self.database_file_name
        config_manager.logger_path = self.logger_file_name

        config = {
            'db_path': 'db.json',
            'language': 'en',
            'logger_path': 'logger.json'
        with open(self.config_file_name, "w") as f:
            json.dump(config, f)

        INVOKER = Invoker(db, logger, config_manager, app_info_logger)

        expected = "CONFIGURATION_CHANGE" + "\n" \
                   + "1: \"language\"" + "\n" \
                   + "2: \"db_path\"" + "\n" \
                   + "3: \"logger_path\"" + "\n" \
                   + "INFO: NO_SUCH_ATTRIBUTE\n"

        # When
        with mock.patch('builtins.input', return_value="db_path"):
            with mock.patch('builtins.input', return_value="0"):
                with patch('sys.stdout', new=StringIO()) as result:

        # Then
        self.assertEqual(expected, result.getvalue())
Пример #16
    def test_add_log_2(self):
        # Given
        logs = [{'id': '1', 'logs': [{"data": "08-05-2020", "text": "Added"}]}]

        with open(self.config_file_name, "w") as f:
            json.dump(logs, f)

        config_manager = ConfigManager()
        config_manager.logger_path = self.config_file_name
        logger = LoggerConnector(LoggerFileConnector(config_manager))

        expected = [
            ArticleLogs('1', [Log("08-05-2020", "Added")]),
            ArticleLogs('99', [Log("20-05-2020", "Added")])

        # When
        logger.add_log('99', Log("20-05-2020", "Added"))

        # Then
        self.assertListEqual(expected, logger.get_all_logs())
Пример #17
    def test_borrow_article_command2(self):
        # Given
        config_manager = ConfigManager()
        app_info_logger = AppInfoLogger()
        db = DBConnector(DbFileConnector(config_manager))
        logger = LoggerConnector(LoggerFileConnector(config_manager))
        config_manager.db_path = self.database_file_name
        config_manager.logger_path = self.logger_file_name

        articles = [{
            "id": "1",
            "name": ["mlotek", "hammer"],
            "total_quantity": 4,
            "quantity": 1,
            "is_available": True
        }, {
            "id": "2",
            "name": ["wiertarka", "driller"],
            "total_quantity": 2,
            "quantity": 2,
            "is_available": False

        with open(self.database_file_name, "w") as f:
            json.dump(articles, f)

        with open(self.logger_file_name, "w") as f:
            json.dump([], f)

        INVOKER = Invoker(db, logger, config_manager, app_info_logger)

        # When
        with mock.patch('builtins.input', side_effect=["1", "2", "\n"]):
            with patch('sys.stdout', new=StringIO()):

        # Then
        expected = [Article('1', ["mlotek", "hammer"], 4, 1, True)]
Пример #18
    def test_delete_article_command(self):
        # Given
        config_manager = ConfigManager()
        app_info_logger = AppInfoLogger()
        db = DBConnector(DbFileConnector(config_manager))
        logger = LoggerConnector(LoggerFileConnector(config_manager))
        config_manager.db_path = self.database_file_name
        config_manager.logger_path = self.logger_file_name

        articles = [{
            "id": "1",
            "name": ["mlotek", "hammer"],
            "total_quantity": 2,
            "quantity": 2,
            "is_available": True
        }, {
            "id": "2",
            "name": ["wiertarka", "driller"],
            "total_quantity": 2,
            "quantity": 2,
            "is_available": False

        with open(self.database_file_name, "w") as f:
            json.dump(articles, f)

        with open(self.logger_file_name,
                  "w") as f:  # rozroznienie na pliki db i loggera
            json.dump([], f)

        INVOKER = Invoker(db, logger, config_manager, app_info_logger)

        # When
        with mock.patch('builtins.input', return_value="1"):
            with patch('sys.stdout', new=StringIO()):

        # Then
        self.assertEqual(db.get_article_by_id("1"), False)
Пример #19
    def test_display_config_command(self):
        # Given
        config_manager = ConfigManager()
        app_info_logger = AppInfoLogger()
        db = DBConnector(DbFileConnector(config_manager))
        logger = LoggerConnector(LoggerFileConnector(config_manager))
        config_manager.db_path = self.database_file_name
        config_manager.logger_path = self.logger_file_name

        INVOKER = Invoker(db, logger, config_manager, app_info_logger)

        expected = "CURRENT_CONFIGURATION" + "\n" \
                   + "language: \"en\"" + "\n" \
                   + "db_path: \"test_interface_database.json\"" + "\n" \
                   + "logger_path: \"test_interface_logger.json\"" + "\n"

        # When
        with mock.patch('builtins.input', return_value="1"):
            with patch('sys.stdout', new=StringIO()) as result:

        # Then
        self.assertEqual(expected, result.getvalue())