Пример #1
def test_getseconds(key, value):
    conf = ConfigWrapper(metplus_config(), None)
    conf.set('config', 'TEST_SECONDS', key)
    seconds = conf.getseconds('config', 'TEST_SECONDS')
    assert (seconds == value)
Пример #2
def main():
    """!Main program.

    Master METplus script that invokes the necessary Python scripts
    to perform various activities, such as series analysis."""
    # Setup Task logger, Until Conf object is created, Task logger is
    # only logging to tty, not a file.
    logger = logging.getLogger('master_metplus')
    logger.info('Starting METplus v%s', util.get_version_number())

    # Parse arguments, options and return a config instance.
    conf = config_metplus.setup(filename='master_metplus.py')

    # NOW we have a conf object p, we can now get the logger
    # and set the handler to write to the LOG_METPLUS
    # TODO: Frimel setting up logger file handler.
    # Setting up handler i.e util.get_logger should be moved to
    # the setup wrapper and encapsulated in the config object.
    # than you would get it this way logger=p.log(). The config
    # object has-a logger we want.
    logger = util.get_logger(conf)

    logger.info('Running METplus v%s called with command: %s',
                util.get_version_number(), ' '.join(sys.argv))

    # check for deprecated config items and warn user to remove/replace them
    util.check_for_deprecated_config(conf, logger)

    config = ConfigWrapper(conf, logger)

    # set staging dir to OUTPUT_BASE/stage if not set
    if not config.has_option('dir', 'STAGING_DIR'):
        config.set('dir', 'STAGING_DIR',
                   os.path.join(config.getdir('OUTPUT_BASE'), "stage"))

    # handle dir to write temporary files

    # This is available in each subprocess from os.system BUT
    # we also set it in each process since they may be called stand alone.
    os.environ['MET_BASE'] = config.getdir('MET_BASE')

    config.env = os.environ.copy()

    # Use config object to get the list of processes to call
    process_list = util.getlist(config.getstr('config', 'PROCESS_LIST'))

    # Keep this comment.
    # When running commands in the process_list, reprocess the
    # original command line using (item))[sys.argv[1:]].
    # You could call each task (ie. run_tc_pairs.py) without any args since
    # the final METPLUS_CONF file was just created from config_metplus.setup,
    # and each task, also calls setup, which use an existing final conf
    # file over command line args.
    # both work ...
    # Note: Using (item))sys.argv[1:], is preferable since
    # it doesn't depend on the conf file existing.
    processes = []
    for item in process_list:
            logger = config.log(item)
            command_builder = \
                        item + "Wrapper")(config, logger)
            # if Usage specified in PROCESS_LIST, print usage and exit
            if item == 'Usage':
        except AttributeError:
            raise NameError("Process %s doesn't exist" % item)


    loop_order = config.getstr('config', 'LOOP_ORDER', '')
    if loop_order == '':
        loop_order = config.getstr('config', 'LOOP_METHOD')

    if loop_order == "processes":
        for process in processes:
            # referencing using repr(process.app_name) in
            # log since it may be None,
            # if not set in the command builder subclass' contsructor,
            # and no need to generate an exception because of that.
            produtil.log.postmsg('master_metplus Calling run_all_times '
                                 'in: %s wrapper.' % repr(process.app_name))

    elif loop_order == "times":
        util.loop_over_times_and_call(config, processes)

        logger.error("Invalid LOOP_METHOD defined. " + \
              "Options are processes, times")

    # scrub staging directory if requested
    if config.getbool('config', 'SCRUB_STAGING_DIR', False) and\
        staging_dir = config.getdir('STAGING_DIR')
        logger.info("Scrubbing staging dir: %s", staging_dir)

    # rewrite final conf so it contains all of the default values used
    util.write_final_conf(conf, logger)

    logger.info('METplus has successfully finished running.')
