def test_proxy_loop(self): skip_alert( r'socket.*failed', r'accept.*failed', r'new connections are not accepted', ) self.conf( { "listeners": { "*:7080": {"pass": "******"}, "*:7081": {"pass": "******"}, "*:7082": {"pass": "******"}, }, "routes": [{"action": {"proxy": ""}}], "applications": { "mirror": { "type": "python", "processes": {"spare": 0}, "path": option.test_dir + "/python/mirror", "working_directory": option.test_dir + "/python/mirror", "module": "wsgi", }, }, } ) self.get_http10(no_recv=True) self.get_http10(read_timeout=1)
def test_asgi_application__loading_error(self): skip_alert(r'Python failed to import module "blah"') self.load('empty') assert 'success' in self.conf('"blah"', 'applications/empty/module') assert self.get()['status'] == 503, 'loading error'
def test_respawn_router(self): pid = self.pid_by_name(self.PATTERN_ROUTER) self.kill_pids(pid) skip_alert(r'process %s exited on signal 9' % pid) assert self.wait_for_process(self.PATTERN_ROUTER) is not None self.smoke_test()
def test_respawn_application(self): pid = self.pid_by_name(self.app_name) self.kill_pids(pid) skip_alert(r'process %s exited on signal 9' % pid) assert self.wait_for_process(self.app_name) is not None self.smoke_test()
def setup_method(self): assert 'success' in self.conf( {'http': { 'websocket': { 'keepalive_interval': 0 } }}, 'settings'), 'clear keepalive_interval' skip_alert(r'socket close\(\d+\) failed')
def test_ruby_application_syntax_error(self): skip_alert( r'Failed to parse rack script', r'syntax error', r'new_from_string', r'parse_file', ) self.load('syntax_error') assert self.get()['status'] == 500, 'syntax error'
def test_respawn_controller(self): pid = self.pid_by_name(self.PATTERN_CONTROLLER) self.kill_pids(pid) skip_alert(r'process %s exited on signal 9' % pid) assert self.wait_for_process(self.PATTERN_CONTROLLER) is not None assert self.get()['status'] == 200 self.smoke_test()
def test_python_application_callable(self): skip_alert(r'Python failed to get "blah" from module') self.load('callable') assert self.get()['status'] == 204, 'default application response' self.load('callable', callable="app") assert self.get()['status'] == 200, 'callable response' self.load('callable', callable="blah") assert self.get()['status'] not in [200, 204], 'callable response inv'
def test_fallback_proxy_loop(self): skip_alert( r'open.*/blah/index.html.*failed', r'accept.*failed', r'socket.*failed', r'new connections are not accepted', ) self.action_update( {"share": "/blah", "fallback": {"proxy": ""}} ) self.get(no_recv=True) assert 'success' in self.conf_delete('listeners/*:7081') self.get(read_timeout=1)
def test_unprivileged_user_error(self, is_su): skip_alert(r'cannot set user "root"', r'failed to apply new conf') if is_su: pytest.skip('unprivileged tests') assert 'error' in self.conf( { "app": { "type": "external", "processes": 1, "executable": "/app", "user": "******", } }, 'applications', ), 'setting user'
def test_tls_application_respawn(self): self.load('mirror') self.certificate() self.conf('1', 'applications/mirror/processes') self.add_tls(application='mirror') (_, sock) = self.post_ssl( headers={ 'Host': 'localhost', 'Connection': 'keep-alive', 'Content-Type': 'text/html', }, start=True, body='0123456789', read_timeout=1, ) app_id = self.findall(r'(\d+)#\d+ "mirror" application started')[0]['kill', '-9', app_id]) skip_alert(r'process %s exited on signal 9' % app_id) self.wait_for_record( re.compile( r' (?!' + app_id + r'#)(\d+)#\d+ "mirror" application started' ) ) resp = self.post_ssl( headers={ 'Host': 'localhost', 'Connection': 'close', 'Content-Type': 'text/html', }, sock=sock, body='0123456789', ) assert resp['status'] == 200, 'application respawn status' assert resp['body'] == '0123456789', 'application respawn body'
def test_java_conf_error(self, temp_dir): skip_alert( r'realpath.*failed', r'failed to apply new conf', r'application setup failed', ) assert 'error' in self.conf( { "listeners": {"*:7080": {"pass": "******"}}, "applications": { "app": { "type": "java", "processes": 1, "working_directory": option.test_dir + "/java/empty", "webapp": temp_dir + "/java", "unit_jars": temp_dir + "/no_such_dir", } }, } ), 'conf error'
def test_python_application_callable(self): skip_alert(r'Python failed to get "blah" from module') self.load('callable') assert self.get()['status'] == 204, 'default application response' assert 'success' in self.conf('"app"', 'applications/callable/callable') assert self.get()['status'] == 200, 'callable response' assert 'success' in self.conf('"blah"', 'applications/callable/callable') assert self.get()['status'] not in [200, 204], 'callable response inv' assert 'success' in self.conf('"app"', 'applications/callable/callable') assert self.get()['status'] == 200, 'callable response 2' assert 'success' in self.conf_delete('applications/callable/callable') assert self.get()['status'] == 204, 'default response 2'
def test_perl_application_syntax_error(self): skip_alert(r'PSGI: Failed to parse script') self.load('syntax_error') assert self.get()['status'] == 500, 'syntax error'
def test_asgi_keepalive_reconfigure(self): skip_alert( r'pthread_mutex.+failed', r'failed to apply', r'process \d+ exited on signal', ) self.load('mirror') assert self.get()['status'] == 200, 'init' body = '0123456789' conns = 3 socks = [] for i in range(conns): (resp, sock) = headers={ 'Host': 'localhost', 'Connection': 'keep-alive', 'Content-Type': 'text/html', }, start=True, body=body, read_timeout=1, ) assert resp['body'] == body, 'keep-alive open' assert 'success' in self.conf( str(i + 1), 'applications/mirror/processes'), 'reconfigure' socks.append(sock) for i in range(conns): (resp, sock) = headers={ 'Host': 'localhost', 'Connection': 'keep-alive', 'Content-Type': 'text/html', }, start=True, sock=socks[i], body=body, read_timeout=1, ) assert resp['body'] == body, 'keep-alive request' assert 'success' in self.conf( str(i + 1), 'applications/mirror/processes'), 'reconfigure 2' for i in range(conns): resp = headers={ 'Host': 'localhost', 'Connection': 'close', 'Content-Type': 'text/html', }, sock=socks[i], body=body, ) assert resp['body'] == body, 'keep-alive close' assert 'success' in self.conf( str(i + 1), 'applications/mirror/processes'), 'reconfigure 3'
def test_python_application_syntax_error(self): skip_alert(r'Python failed to import module "wsgi"') self.load('syntax_error') assert self.get()['status'] == 500, 'syntax error'
def test_asgi_application_loading_error(self): skip_alert(r'Python failed to import module "blah"') self.load('empty', module="blah") assert self.get()['status'] == 503, 'loading error'