def getMostRecentEstimates(): # create command list commands = [ """ DROP TABLE IF EXISTS estimates_tbl; """, """ CREATE TABLE estimates_tbl ( region varchar(100) NOT NULL, sort_order integer NOT NULL, recent_estimates integer NOT NULL, region_code char(2) NOT NULL ); """, ] # execute command list db.executeCommand(commands) conn = None try: # read the connection parameters params = db.configDbConnection() # connect to the PostgreSQL server conn = db.psycopg2.connect(**params) cur = conn.cursor() # store data from file to database with open('most_recent_estimates.txt', 'r') as f: cur.copy_from(f, 'estimates_tbl', sep=',', columns=('region', 'sort_order', 'recent_estimates', 'region_code')) # close communication with the PostgreSQL database server cur.close() # commit the changes conn.commit() except (Exception, db.psycopg2.DatabaseError) as error: print(error) finally: if conn is not None: conn.close()
def createDataTables(): # create command list commands = [ """ CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS pg_trgm; """, """ CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS rum; """, """ create or replace function phoneme (in_lexeme text) returns text language plpgsql immutable as $$ declare res varchar(100) DEFAULT ''; begin res := lower(in_lexeme); res := regexp_replace(res,'[ъь]','','g'); res := regexp_replace(res,'(йо|ио|йе|ие)','и','g'); res := regexp_replace(res,'[оыя]','а','g'); res := regexp_replace(res,'[еёэ]','и','g'); res := regexp_replace(res,'ю','у','g'); res := regexp_replace(res,'б','п','g'); res := regexp_replace(res,'з','с','g'); res := regexp_replace(res,'д','т','g'); res := regexp_replace(res,'в','ф','g'); res := regexp_replace(res,'г','к','g'); res := regexp_replace(res,'дс','ц','g'); res := regexp_replace(res,'тс','ц','g'); res := regexp_replace(res,'(.)\\1','\\1','g'); return res; exception when others then raise exception '%', sqlerrm; end; $$; """, """ create or replace function metaphone (in_phonemes text) returns text language plpgsql immutable as $$ begin return ( select string_agg(q.lex,' ') from ( select phoneme(lexeme) as lex from unnest(to_tsvector('simple', in_phonemes)) order by positions ) as q ); exception when others then raise notice '%', SQLERRM; end; $$; """, """ DROP TABLE IF EXISTS street_code_tbl; """, """ SELECT code, CASE WHEN substring(code, 1, 2) = '00' THEN repeat('0', 13) ELSE concat(substring(code, 1, 2), repeat('0', 11)) END AS region, CASE WHEN substring(code, 3, 3) = '000' THEN repeat('0', 13) ELSE concat(substring(code, 1, 5), repeat('0', 8)) END AS district, CASE WHEN substring(code, 6, 3) = '000' THEN repeat('0', 13) ELSE concat(substring(code, 1, 8), repeat('0', 5)) END AS town, CASE WHEN substring(code, 9, 3) = '000' THEN repeat('0', 13) ELSE concat(substring(code, 1, 11), repeat('0', 2)) END AS locality INTO street_code_tbl FROM street_tbl """, """ DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t_tbl; """, """ SELECT DISTINCT s.code, s1.index, AS doma, e.sort_order AS sort, replace(replace(concat_ws(', ', concat_ws(' ', lower(sb1.scname),, concat_ws(' ', lower(sb2.scname),, concat_ws(' ', lower(sb3.scname),, concat_ws(' ', lower(sb4.scname),, concat_ws(' ', lower(sb5.scname),, ', ,', ','), ', ,', ',') AS street_full, lower(replace(replace(concat_ws(' ',,,,,, ' ', ' '), ' ', ' ')) AS street_shot, lower(sb1.socrname) AS reg_pr, AS region, lower(sb2.socrname) AS dis_pr, AS district, lower(sb3.socrname) AS tow_pr, AS town, lower(sb4.socrname) AS loc_pr, AS locality, lower(sb5.socrname) AS str_pr, AS street, metaphone(lower(replace(replace(concat_ws(' ',,,,,, ' ', ' '), ' ', ' '))) AS street_metaphone INTO t_tbl FROM street_code_tbl AS s LEFT JOIN street_tbl AS s1 ON s.code = s1.code LEFT JOIN socrbase_tbl AS sb5 ON s1.socr = sb5.scname AND sb5.level = '5' LEFT JOIN kladr_tbl AS k1 ON s.region = k1.code LEFT JOIN socrbase_tbl AS sb1 ON k1.socr = sb1.scname AND sb1.level = '1' LEFT JOIN kladr_tbl AS k2 ON s.district = k2.code LEFT JOIN socrbase_tbl AS sb2 ON k2.socr = sb2.scname AND sb2.level = '2' LEFT JOIN kladr_tbl AS k3 ON = k3.code LEFT JOIN socrbase_tbl AS sb3 ON k3.socr = sb3.scname AND sb3.level = '3' LEFT JOIN kladr_tbl AS k4 ON s.locality = k4.code LEFT JOIN socrbase_tbl AS sb4 ON k4.socr = sb4.scname AND sb4.level = '4' LEFT JOIN doma_tbl AS d ON s.code = left(d.code, 17) LEFT JOIN estimates_tbl AS e ON e.region_code = left(s.code, 2) WHERE != '' ORDER BY e.sort_order, street; """, """ DROP TABLE IF EXISTS street_code_tbl; """, """ DROP TABLE IF EXISTS rus_shot_tbl; """, """ SELECT DISTINCT code, index, street, street_full, street_shot, street_metaphone, sort INTO rus_shot_tbl FROM t_tbl WHERE street_shot NOT LIKE '%автодорог%' ORDER BY sort, street; """, """ DROP TABLE IF EXISTS rus_shot_region_tbl; """, """ SELECT DISTINCT region, substring(code, 1, 2) as code INTO rus_shot_region_tbl FROM t_tbl; """, """ CREATE INDEX trgm_region_idx ON rus_shot_region_tbl USING gin (region gin_trgm_ops); """, """ DROP TABLE IF EXISTS rus_shot_district_tbl; """, """ SELECT DISTINCT district INTO rus_shot_district_tbl FROM t_tbl; """, """ CREATE INDEX trgm_district_idx ON rus_shot_district_tbl USING gin (district gin_trgm_ops); """, """ DROP TABLE IF EXISTS rus_shot_town_tbl; """, """ SELECT DISTINCT town INTO rus_shot_town_tbl FROM t_tbl; """, """ CREATE INDEX trgm_town_idx ON rus_shot_town_tbl USING gin (town gin_trgm_ops); """, """ DROP TABLE IF EXISTS rus_shot_locality_tbl; """, """ SELECT DISTINCT locality INTO rus_shot_locality_tbl FROM t_tbl; """, """ CREATE INDEX trgm_locality_idx ON rus_shot_locality_tbl USING gin (locality gin_trgm_ops); """, """ DROP TABLE IF EXISTS rus_shot_street_tbl; """, """ SELECT DISTINCT street INTO rus_shot_street_tbl FROM t_tbl; """, """ CREATE INDEX trgm_street_idx ON rus_shot_street_tbl USING gin (street gin_trgm_ops); """, """ DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t_tbl; """, """ ALTER TABLE rus_shot_tbl ADD COLUMN tsv tsvector; """, """ UPDATE rus_shot_tbl SET tsv = to_tsvector(street_metaphone); """, """ CREATE INDEX rus_shot_code_idx ON rus_shot_tbl (code); """, """ CREATE INDEX metaphone_trgm_idx ON rus_shot_tbl USING gin (street_metaphone gin_trgm_ops); """, """ CREATE INDEX rum_idx ON rus_shot_tbl USING rum (to_tsvector('simple'::regconfig, street_metaphone) rum_tsvector_ops); """, """ DROP TABLE IF EXISTS td_tbl; """, """ SELECT name AS houses, substring(code, 1, 17) AS code, index INTO td_tbl FROM doma_tbl; """, """ CREATE INDEX td_code_idx ON td_tbl (code); """, """ DROP TABLE IF EXISTS msk_shot_tbl; """, """ SELECT * INTO msk_shot_tbl FROM rus_shot_tbl WHERE left(code, 2) = '77'; """, """ CREATE INDEX msk_trgm_idx ON msk_shot_tbl USING gin (street_shot gin_trgm_ops); """, ] # execute command list db.executeCommand(commands)
def codeStreetDecomposition(): commands = (""" DROP TABLE IF EXISTS street_code_tbl """, """ CREATE TABLE street_code_tbl ( id serial, code TEXT, onlycode TEXT DEFAULT '', region TEXT DEFAULT '', district TEXT DEFAULT '', town TEXT DEFAULT '', locality TEXT DEFAULT '', street TEXT DEFAULT '', actuality TEXT DEFAULT '', level TEXT DEFAULT '' ) """) db.executeCommand(commands) """ query data """ query = """ SELECT code FROM street_tbl LIMIT 5 """ query = """ SELECT code FROM street_tbl """ #WHERE code LIKE '77%' conn = None try: params = db.configDbConnection() conn = db.psycopg2.connect(**params) cur = conn.cursor(cursor_factory=db.RealDictCursor) cur.execute(query) for row in db.iterRow(cur, 10): dataStreet = streetDataClass() dataStreet.set(row['code']) valuesToInsert = { 'code': row['code'], 'onlycode': dataStreet.getCodeWithoutActuality(), 'region': dataStreet.getRegion(), 'district': dataStreet.getDistrict(), 'town': dataStreet.getTown(), 'locality': dataStreet.getLocality(), 'street': dataStreet.getStreet(), 'actuality': dataStreet.actuality, 'level': dataStreet.level } queryInsert = """ INSERT INTO street_code_tbl (code, onlycode, region, district, town, locality, street, actuality, level) VALUES (%(code)s, %(onlycode)s, %(region)s, %(district)s, %(town)s, %(locality)s, %(street)s, %(actuality)s, %(level)s) """ db.executeCommandWithParameters([(queryInsert, valuesToInsert)]) cur.close() except (Exception, db.psycopg2.DatabaseError) as error: print(error) finally: if conn is not None: conn.close()
def createStreetList(): commands = [ """ DROP TABLE IF EXISTS moscow_street_list_tbl """, """ CREATE TABLE moscow_street_list_tbl ( id serial, code TEXT, street TEXT DEFAULT '', index TEXT DEFAULT '' ) """, """ DROP TABLE IF EXISTS house_list_tbl """, """ CREATE TABLE house_list_tbl ( id serial, code TEXT, street TEXT DEFAULT '', houses TEXT DEFAULT '' ) """ ] db.executeCommand(commands) """ query data """ query = """ SELECT DISTINCT s.code, k1.socr AS region_s, sb1.socrname AS region_sn, AS region_name, k2.socr AS district_s, sb2.socrname AS district_sn, AS district_name, k3.socr AS town_s, sb3.socrname AS town_sn, AS town_name, k4.socr AS locality_s, sb4.socrname AS locality_sn, AS locality_name, s1.socr AS street_s, sb5.socrname AS street_sn, AS street_name, s1.index, FROM street_code_tbl AS s LEFT JOIN street_tbl AS s1 ON s.code = s1.code LEFT JOIN socrbase_tbl AS sb5 ON s1.socr = sb5.scname AND sb5.level = '5' LEFT JOIN kladr_tbl AS k1 ON s.region = k1.code LEFT JOIN socrbase_tbl AS sb1 ON k1.socr = sb1.scname AND sb1.level = '1' LEFT JOIN kladr_tbl AS k2 ON s.district = k2.code LEFT JOIN socrbase_tbl AS sb2 ON k2.socr = sb2.scname AND sb2.level = '2' LEFT JOIN kladr_tbl AS k3 ON = k3.code LEFT JOIN socrbase_tbl AS sb3 ON k3.socr = sb3.scname AND sb3.level = '3' LEFT JOIN kladr_tbl AS k4 ON s.locality = k4.code LEFT JOIN socrbase_tbl AS sb4 ON k4.socr = sb4.scname AND sb4.level = '4' LEFT JOIN doma_tbl AS d ON s.code = left(d.code, 17) WHERE != '' AND s.code LIKE '77%' """ #LIMIT 1000 conn = None notFound = 0 try: params = db.configDbConnection() conn = db.psycopg2.connect(**params) cur = conn.cursor(cursor_factory=db.RealDictCursor) cur.execute(query) """ try: f = open('streets.txt', 'w') finally: f.close() """ for row in db.iterRow(cur, 10): houses = '' #getHousesByStreet(row['code']) if False: #len(houses) == 0: notFound += 1 else: queries = [] street = ', '.join([ convertToStr(row['region_sn'], row['region_name']), convertToStr(row['district_sn'], row['district_name']), convertToStr(row['town_sn'], row['town_name']), convertToStr(row['locality_sn'], row['locality_name']), convertToStr(row['street_sn'], row['street_name']) ]).replace(',,', ',').replace(', ,', ',') street = street.replace(', ,', ',') valuesToInsert = { 'code': row['code'], 'street': street, 'houses': '', #houses, 'index': row['index'] } queryInsert = """ INSERT INTO house_list_tbl (code, street, houses) VALUES (%(code)s, %(street)s, %(houses)s) """ #queries.append((queryInsert, valuesToInsert)) queryInsert = """ INSERT INTO moscow_street_list_tbl (code, street, index) VALUES (%(code)s, %(street)s, %(index)s) """ queries.append((queryInsert, valuesToInsert)) db.executeCommandWithParameters(queries) #with open('streets.txt', 'a') as f: # f.write(''.join([street, '\n'])) cur.close() except (Exception, db.psycopg2.DatabaseError) as error: print(error) finally: if conn is not None: conn.close() print(f'notFound: {notFound}')