Пример #1
    def lastFileName(self):
        session = Session(self.hostName, self.userName, self.password, self.rootUser, self.rootPasswd, "telnet",
        print "***Got the billing before call***"
            session.waitUntil(self.timeout, 'login:'******'Password:'******'cdma184%')
            session.sendLine("cd " + self.fileDirectory + ";" + "ls -l" + "\n\r", 1)
            session.waitUntil(self.timeout, 'cdma184%')

            logPath = session.getLog()
            lastFileName = AnalyseText.analyseBillingList(logPath)

            print "\033[1;32;40m***Get the number( %s ) success***                 [OK]\033[0m" %lastFileName
            return lastFileName

        except exception.TimeOutError, e:
            print "Timeout"
            return 1
    def checkFile(self):
        session = Session(self.hostName, self.userName, self.password, self.rootUser, self.rootPasswd, "telnet",
        #session.logfile = sys.stdout
        print "***Got the billing before call***                                [2/5]"
            session.waitUntil(self.timeout, 'login:'******'Password:'******'cdma184%')
            session.sendLine("cd " + self.fileDirectory + ";" + "ls -l" + "\n\r", 1)
            session.waitUntil(self.timeout, 'cdma184%')

            logPath = session.getLog()
            lastestNum = analyse_text.analyseBillingList(logPath)

            print "\033[1;32;40m***Got the billing before call Success***                        [OK]\033[0m"
            return 0, lastestNum

        except exception.TimeOutError, e:
            print "Timeout"
            return 1