Пример #1
class Modem(object):
    """Class modem to control the node via TCP"""

    class Status:
        """Internal class where the status sens_ts are defined"""

    class ErrorDict:
        """Internal class to map the error sens_ts to their error message"""
        TX_WHILE_RX, RX_WHILE_TX = range(7)
        error_dict = {
            NONE : 'none',
            SYNT_ERR : 'command syntax error',
            WRONG_SETTING : 'wrong setting, value not allowed',
            NOT_RESPONDING : 'device not responding, check the status',
            FILE_NOT_FOUND : 'file not found error',
            TX_WHILE_RX : 'you attempt to transmit while receiving, if \
                you really want, set the force flag to 1',
            RX_WHILE_TX : 'you attempt to receive while transmitting if \
                you really want set the force flag to 1'

    def __init__(self, ip, port, automatic = True, control_buf_size = 32, data_buf_size = 128, \
        m_to = 0.01, socket_to = 0.005):
        Constructor, initialize the modem and the connector. Connect the
        modem to the submerged node
        @param self pointer to the class object
        @param ip string cointaining the IP address of the TCP server
        @param port string with the port of the TCP server socket
        @param control_buf_size: int with the control buffer size, in bytes
        @param data_buf_size: int with the data buffer size, in bytes
        @param m_to: float value time out of the cycle, in [s]
        @param socket_to: time out of the socket checking operation, [s]
        self.conn = Connector(ip, port, control_buf_size, data_buf_size, socket_to)
        self.m_to = m_to
        self.status = Modem.Status.IDLE
        self.node_status = 0
        self.automatic = automatic
        self.interpreter = Interpreter()
        self.mainPID = os.getpid()
        self.error_status = Modem.ErrorDict.NONE
        self.commands_queue = "".split(Interpreter.END_COMMAND)
        if automatic:

    def run(self):
        Run cycle, checks if data available
        @param self pointer to the class object
        threadPID = os.getpid()
        index = 0
        while True:
            index += 1
            if ((index * self.m_to) > 1):
                index = 1
            if(self.status == Modem.Status.IDLE or self.status == Modem.Status.BUSY2REQ):
                r, e = self.conn.dataAvailable()
                    rx = self.recvCommand()
                    if (len(rx) == 0):
            elif(self.status == Modem.Status.KILL):
        print >>sys.stderr, 'Closing'

    def check4kill(self,threadPID = -1):
        Check if the process has to be killed
        @param self pointer to the class object
        #TODO: check in the kill log if my main or my thred PID are there.
        #      In case True, kill all. /var/log/check_status/check_kills.log
        # kill $TOPPID
        # /var/log/check_status/check_off.log
        off_log = "/var/log/check_status/check_off.log"
        kill_log = "/var/log/check_status/check_kills.log"
            f = open (off_log, "r")
            l = f.read(self.conn.data_buf_size)
            while (l or self.status != Modem.Status.KILL):
                if l == "poweroff":
                    self.status = Modem.Status.KILL
                l = f.read(self.conn.data_buf_size)
        except IOError:
            print off_log + " not found"
            f = open (kill_log, "r")
            l = f.read(self.conn.data_buf_size)
            while (l or self.status != Modem.Status.KILL):
                if (l == ("kill " + str(threadPID)) or \
                    l == ("kill " + str(self.mainPID))):
                    self.status = Modem.Status.KILL
                l = f.read(self.conn.data_buf_size)
        except IOError:
            print kill_log + " not found"

    def kill(self):
        Status kill
        @param self pointer to the class object
        self.status = Modem.Status.KILL

    def close(self):
        Close the connection from the modem to the submerged node
        @param self pointer to the class object

    def recvData(self):
        Receive the data as they are from the node, it is a blocking
        function. To check if data has to be received, query the
        self.conn.dataAvailable() function
        @param self pointer to the class object
        @return the incoming string from the TCP connection
        prec_state = self.status
        self.status = Modem.Status.BUSY2RECV
        data = self.conn.recvData()
        self.status = prec_state
        return data

    def recvCommand(self):
        Receive and process a command from the node
        @param self pointer to the class object
        @return the incoming string from the TCP connection
        prec_state = self.status
        self.status = Modem.Status.BUSY2RECV
        command = self.conn.recvCommand()
        self.status = prec_state
        # self.parseCommand(command.rstrip('\n'))

        return command

    def send(self, msg):
        Send a message to the submerged node
        @param self pointer to the class object
        @param msg message that has to be conveyed to the submerged node

    def sendDataFile(self, file_path):
        Send a file to the submerged node. It may raise an exception.
        @param self pointer to the class object
        @param file_path path of the file that has to be sent
        while self.status != Modem.Status.IDLE :
        if self.status != Modem.Status.IDLE:
            raise ValueError("Modem sendDataFile unexpected status: \
                " + str(self.status))
        if not os.path.isfile(file_path):
            raise FileNotFoundError("Modem sendDataFile file does not \
                exist: " + file_path)

        self.status = Modem.Status.BUSY2REQ
        name = os.path.basename(file_path)
        size = os.path.getsize(file_path)
        #sleep(self.m_to/2) #to give the rx the time to parse the command
        while self.status != Modem.Status.IDLE and self.status != Modem.Status.KILL:
            # self.recvCommand()
        if self.status == Modem.Status.KILL:
            return self.close()
        self.status = Modem.Status.BUSY2DATA
        f = open (file_path, "rb")
        l = f.read(self.conn.data_buf_size)
        while (l):
            l = f.read(self.conn.data_buf_size)
        self.status = Modem.Status.IDLE

    def reqDataFile(self, file_name, delete_flag = 1):
        Require a file from the submerged node
        @param self pointer to the class object
        @param file_name name of the required file
        @param delete_flag, if 1 erase it after sending, if 0 not
        while self.status != Modem.Status.IDLE :
        if self.status != Modem.Status.IDLE:
            raise ValueError("Modem reqDataFile unexpected status: \
                " + str(self.status))
        self.status = Modem.Status.BUSY2REQ
        self.send(self.interpreter.buildGetFile(file_name, delete_flag))
        while self.status != Modem.Status.IDLE and self.status != Modem.Status.KILL:
            # self.recvCommand()
        if self.status == Modem.Status.KILL:
            return self.close()
        return self.errorCheck()

    def reqAllData(self, delete_flag = 1):
        Require all the data from the submerged node
        @param self pointer to the class object
        @param delete_flag, if 1 erase it after sending, if 0 not
        while self.status != Modem.Status.IDLE :
        if self.status != Modem.Status.IDLE:
            raise ValueError("Modem reqAllData unexpected status: \
                " + str(self.status))
        self.status = Modem.Status.BUSY2REQ
        while self.status != Modem.Status.IDLE and self.status != Modem.Status.KILL:
            # self.recvCommand()
        if self.status == Modem.Status.KILL:
            return self.close()
        return self.errorCheck()

    def reqRTData(self, ID_list, starting_time, duration, \
        chunck_duration = 1, delete = 1, force_flag = 0):
        Require the data real time from the submerged node.
        @param self pointer to the class object
        @param ID_list list of the projector IDs used to record the audio
        @param starting_time Unix timestamp, in second, when to start recording the file
        @param duration duration, in minutes of the recording
        @param chunck_duration chunk duration, in seconds
        @param delete flag, if 1 erase it after sending, otherwise if 0 not
        @param force_flag if trying to record while transmitting:
            0 (default) not allowed (error feedback)
            1 (force) stop transmitting and start recording
            2 (both) do both the operations together
        while self.status != Modem.Status.IDLE :
        if self.status != Modem.Status.IDLE:
            raise ValueError("Modem reqRTData unexpected status: \
                " + str(self.status))
        self.status = Modem.Status.BUSY2REQ
        self.send(self.interpreter.buildGetRTData(ID_list, starting_time, \
            duration, chunck_duration, delete , force_flag))
        while self.status != Modem.Status.IDLE and self.status != Modem.Status.KILL:
            # self.recvCommand()
        if self.status == Modem.Status.KILL:
            return self.close()
        return self.errorCheck()

    def reqSetPower(self, ID_list, s_l):
        Set the projector power.
        @param self pointer to the class object
        @param ID_list list of the projector IDs where to play the file
        @param s_l source level output power
        while self.status != Modem.Status.IDLE :
        if self.status != Modem.Status.IDLE:
            raise ValueError("Modem setPower unexpected status: \
                " + str(self.status))
        self.status = Modem.Status.BUSY2REQ
        self.send(self.interpreter.buildSetPower(ID_list, s_l))
        while self.status != Modem.Status.IDLE and self.status != Modem.Status.KILL:
            # self.recvCommand()
        if self.status == Modem.Status.KILL:
            return self.close()
        return self.errorCheck()

    def reqPlayProj(self, name, ID_list, starting_time, n_rip = 1, \
                    delete = 1, force_flag = 0):
        Transmit the file with the projector.
        @param self pointer to the class object
        @param name of the file that has to be played
        @param ID_list list of the projector IDs where to play the file
        @param starting_time Unix timestamp, in second, when to start playing the file
        @param n_rip number of time it has to be consecutively played
        @param delete flag, if 1 erase it after playing, if 0 not
        @param force_flag if trying to transmit while recording:
            0 (default) not allowed (error feedback)
            1 (force) stop recording and start transmitting
            2 (both) do both the operations together
        while self.status != Modem.Status.IDLE :
        if self.status != Modem.Status.IDLE:
            raise ValueError("Modem playProj unexpected status: \
                " + str(self.status))
        self.status = Modem.Status.BUSY2REQ
        self.send(self.interpreter.buildPlay(name, ID_list, starting_time, \
            n_rip, delete, force_flag))
        while self.status != Modem.Status.IDLE and self.status != Modem.Status.KILL:
            # self.recvCommand()
        if self.status == Modem.Status.KILL:
            return self.close()
        return self.errorCheck()

    def reqRunScript(self, script_name, output_name, starting_time, duration):
        Run a script in the node. 
        @param self pointer to the class object
        @param script_name of the file that has to be run
        @paran output_name where to redirect the output of the script
        @param starting_time Unix timestamp, in second, when to start playing the file
        @param duration in minutes of the script
        while self.status != Modem.Status.IDLE :
        if self.status != Modem.Status.IDLE:
            raise ValueError("Modem reqRunScript unexpected status: \
                " + str(self.status))
        self.status = Modem.Status.BUSY2REQ
        self.send(self.interpreter.buildRun(script_name, output_name, \
            starting_time, duration))
        while self.status != Modem.Status.IDLE and self.status != Modem.Status.KILL:
        if self.status == Modem.Status.KILL:
            return self.close()
        return self.errorCheck()
    def reqRecordData(self, name, sens_t, ID_list, starting_time, duration, \
                        force_flag = 0):
        record via sensors (either hydrophones, camera or others).
        @param self pointer to the class object
        @param name of the file where to record the audio
        @param sens_t of the sensors that have to record the data:
            0 --> hydrophone,
            1 --> camera
            2 --> others
        @param ID_list list of the projector IDs used to record the audio
        @param starting_time Unix timestamp, in second, when to start recording the file
        @param duration duration, in minutes of the recording
        @param force_flag if trying to record while transmitting:
            0 (default) not allowed (error feedback)
            1 (force) stop transmitting and start recording
            2 (both) do both the operations together
        while self.status != Modem.Status.IDLE :
        if self.status != Modem.Status.IDLE:
            raise ValueError("Modem recordAudio unexpected status:\
                " + str(self.status))
        self.status = Modem.Status.BUSY2REQ
        self.send(self.interpreter.buildRecordData(name, sens_t, ID_list, \
            starting_time, duration, force_flag))
        while self.status != Modem.Status.IDLE and self.status != Modem.Status.KILL:
        if self.status == Modem.Status.KILL:
            return self.close()
        return self.errorCheck()

    def reqNodeStatus(self):
        Require the submerged node status.
        @param self pointer to the class object
        while self.status != Modem.Status.IDLE :
        if self.status != Modem.Status.IDLE:
            raise ValueError("Modem getNodeStatus unexpected status: \
                " + str(self.status))
        self.status = Modem.Status.BUSY2REQ
        while self.status != Modem.Status.IDLE and self.status != Modem.Status.KILL:
        if self.status == Modem.Status.KILL:
            return self.close()
        return self.errorCheck()

    def getNodeStatus(self,status = 0):
        Get the submerged node status.
        @param status cointaining the status received from the node
        @param self pointer to the class object
        if status:
            self.node_status = status
        return self.node_status

    def reqResetProj(self, ID_list, force_flag = 0):
        Reset the projectors
        @param self pointer to the class object
        @param ID_list list of the projector IDs that has to be resetted
        @param force_flag if 1 reset also if pending operations, if 0 not
        while self.status != Modem.Status.IDLE :
        if self.status != Modem.Status.IDLE:
            raise ValueError("Modem resetProj unexpected status: \
                " + str(self.status))
        self.status = Modem.Status.BUSY2REQ
        self.send(self.interpreter.buildResetProj(ID_list, force_flag))
        while self.status != Modem.Status.IDLE and self.status != Modem.Status.KILL:
        if self.status == Modem.Status.KILL:
            return self.close()
        return self.errorCheck()

    def reqResetSensors(self, sens_t, ID_list, force_flag = 0):
        Reset the sensors (either hydrophones, camera or other)
        @param self pointer to the class object
        @param sens_t of the sensors that have to be reset:
            0 --> all
            1 --> hydrophone,
            2 --> camera
            3 --> others
        @param ID_list list of the projector IDs that has to be resetted
        @param force_flag if 1 reset also if pending operations, if 0 not
        @return the message
        while self.status != Modem.Status.IDLE :
        if self.status != Modem.Status.IDLE:
            raise ValueError("Modem reqResetSensor unexpected status: \
                " + str(self.status))
        self.status = Modem.Status.BUSY2REQ
        self.send(self.interpreter.buildResetSensor(sens_t, ID_list, force_flag))
        while self.status != Modem.Status.IDLE and self.status != Modem.Status.KILL:
        if self.status == Modem.Status.KILL:
            return self.close()
        return self.errorCheck()

    def reqResetAll(self, force_flag = 0):
        Build the reset_all message. This message will reset the node
        @param self pointer to the class object
        @param force_flag if 1 reset also if pending operations, if 0 not
        @return the message
        while self.status != Modem.Status.IDLE :
        if self.status != Modem.Status.IDLE:
            raise ValueError("Modem resetAll unexpected status: \
                " + str(self.status))
        self.status = Modem.Status.BUSY2REQ
        while self.status != Modem.Status.IDLE and self.status != Modem.Status.KILL:
        if self.status == Modem.Status.KILL:
            return self.close()
        return self.errorCheck()

    def reqDeleteAllRec(self, sens_t = 0):
        Delete the recorded files from the node
        @param self pointer to the class object
        @param sens_t of the sensors that have the data to be deleted:
            0 --> all
            1 --> hydrophone,
            2 --> camera
            3 --> others
        @return the message
        while self.status != Modem.Status.IDLE :
        if self.status != Modem.Status.IDLE:
            raise ValueError("Modem deleteAllRec unexpected status: \
                " + str(self.status))
        self.status = Modem.Status.BUSY2REQ
        while self.status != Modem.Status.IDLE and self.status != Modem.Status.KILL:
        if self.status == Modem.Status.KILL:
            return self.close()
        return self.errorCheck()

    def reqDeleteAllSent(self):
        Delete the files sent by the node
        @param self pointer to the class object
        @return the message
        while self.status != Modem.Status.IDLE :
        if self.status != Modem.Status.IDLE:
            raise ValueError("Modem deleteAllSent unexpected status: \
                " + str(self.status))
        self.status = Modem.Status.BUSY2REQ
        while self.status != Modem.Status.IDLE and self.status != Modem.Status.KILL:
        if self.status == Modem.Status.KILL:
            return self.close()
        return self.errorCheck()

    def recvDataFile(self, file_name, length_f, confirm_flag):
        Require all the data from the submerged node
        @param self pointer to the class object
        @param file_name name of the required file
        @param length_f of the file, in bytes
        @paran confirm_flag True if confirm needed. When stream is false
        while self.status != Modem.Status.IDLE and self.status != Modem.Status.BUSY2REQ:
        if self.status == Modem.Status.IDLE:
            self.status = Modem.Status.BUSY2DATA
        elif self.status == Modem.Status.BUSY2REQ:
            self.status = Modem.Status.BUSY2REQ2DATA
            raise ValueError("Modem recvDataFile unexpected status: \
                " + str(self.status))
        self.status = Modem.Status.BUSY2DATA
        f = open(file_name,'wb') #open in binary
        n_recv = 0;
        if self.interpreter.debug:
            print "Modem::recvDataFile: recvFile", file_name, length_f
        while (n_recv < length_f and self.status != Modem.Status.KILL):
            l = self.commands_queue.pop(0) if len(self.commands_queue) else self.recvData()
            if(n_recv + len(l) < length_f):
                f.write(l[0:length_f - n_recv])
                residue = l[length_f - n_recv : ]
                if not residue == "":
                    if not residue.endswith(Interpreter.END_COMMAND):
                        residue = residue + self.conn.recvCommand()
                    if self.interpreter.debug:
                        print "Modem::recvDataFile residue = ", residue
            n_recv += len(l)

        if self.status == Modem.Status.KILL:
            return self.close()
        if self.status == Modem.Status.BUSY2DATA:
            self.status = Modem.Status.IDLE
        elif self.status == Modem.Status.BUSY2REQ2DATA:
            self.status = Modem.Status.BUSY2REQ
        return self.errorCheck()

    def confirmedMyIstr(self):
        Confirm the instruction has been correctely processed
        @param self pointer to the class object
        self.status = Modem.Status.IDLE
        self.error_status = Modem.ErrorDict.NONE

    def error(self, err_id):
        Signal the instruction has not been correctely processed
        @param self pointer to the class object
        @param err_id error identifier
        print >>sys.stderr, 'AN ERROR OCCURS: %s' % Modem.ErrorDict.error_dict[err_id]
        self.error_status = err_id
        self.status = Modem.Status.IDLE

    def errorCheck(self, refresh_error = True):
        Check if the node signal an error and return to the user
        @param self pointer to the class object
        @param refresh_error: if True refresh the error status
        error = self.error_status
        if refresh_error:
            self.error_status = Modem.ErrorDict.NONE
        return error

    def reset_myself(self):
        Reset the modem status due to unexpected behavior
        @param self pointer to the class object
        print >>sys.stderr, 'UNEXPECTED VALUE'
        self.status = Modem.Status.IDLE
        self.error_status = Modem.ErrorDict.NONE

    def parseDivCommands(self, msg):
        Parse the received message from the node and process it
        dividing all the commands
        @param self pointer to the class object
        if(self.status == Modem.Status.KILL):
        # commands_queue = msg.split(Interpreter.START_COMMAND)
        # for command in commands_queue:
        #     fine_command = command.split(Interpreter.END_COMMAND)
        #     print fine_command[0]
        #     self.parseCommand(fine_command[0])
        # for command in commands_queue:
        #     print command
        #     self.parseCommand(command)
        while len(self.commands_queue):
            command = self.commands_queue.pop(0)
            if self.interpreter.debug:
                print "parseDivCommands command: ",command

    def checkConnection(self,msg):
        Check if the socket returned something. If zero string, close
        @param self pointer to the class object
        @param msg to check
        if (len(msg) == 0):
            print >>sys.stderr, 'Closing due to possible server fault'

    def parseCommand(self, msg):
        Parse the received message from the node and process it
        @param self pointer to the class object
        if msg == "":
        if self.interpreter.debug:
            print "Modem::parseCommand: ", msg
        if(self.status == Modem.Status.KILL):
        command = msg.split(Interpreter.SEPARATOR)
        if (len(command)==1):
            if (command[0] == 'OK'):
                return self.confirmedMyIstr()
        elif (len(command)==2):
            if (command[0] == 'error'):
                return self.error(int(command[1]))
        elif (len(command)==3):
            if (command[0] == 'send_file'):
                cmd2 = re.sub("[^0-9]", "", command[2])
                return self.recvDataFile(command[1],int(cmd2),False)
            elif (command[0] == 'send_stream'):
                cmd2 = re.sub("[^0-9]", "", command[2])
                return self.recvDataFile(command[1],int(cmd2),False)
        return self.reset_myself()