def update_file(filename: str, url: str) -> bool: """Check and update file compares with remote_url Args: filename: str. Local filename, normally it's `__file__` url: str or urllib.request.Request object. Remote url of raw file content. Use urllib.request.Request object for headers. Returns: bool: file updated or not """ def compare(s1, s2): return s1 == s2, len(s2) - len(s1) if not url or not filename: return False try: raw_codes = read_url(url) with open(filename, "rb") as f: current_codes ="\r", b"") is_same, diff = compare(current_codes, raw_codes) if is_same:"{} is already up-to-date.".format(filename)) return False else: cit.ask("A new version is available. Update? (Diff: {})".format(diff)) if cit.get_choice(["Yes", "No"]) == "Yes": with open(filename, "wb") as f: f.write(raw_codes)"Update Success.") return True else: cit.warn("Update Canceled") return False except Exception as e: cit.err("{f} update failed: {e}".format(f=filename, e=e)) return False
def get_operation(): """start a new uwsgi, stop a running uwsgi, or reload the config and codes""" operations = ["*** update uwsgiTool ***", "start", "stop", "reload"] if len(sys.argv) != 2: return cit.get_choice(operations) elif sys.argv[1] in operations: selected = sys.argv[1]"Selected: {}".format(selected)) return selected else: cit.err("Wrong Params: " + sys.argv[1]) cit.bye()
def menu(): confs = ['.vimrc', '.tcshrc', '.bashrc', '.tcsh_aliases', '.tcsh_prompt', '.bash_aliases', '.bash_prompt'] cit.ask('Which config file to update:') choice = cit.get_choice(['ALL'] + confs + ['exit']) if choice == 'ALL': for conf in confs: apply_config(conf)'Done') cit.bye() elif choice == 'exit': cit.bye() else: return choice
def show_in_folder(path: str, ask: bool = False): """Show file in Explorer/Finder/Folder""" import subprocess import platform if ask: cit.ask("Show in folder?") if cit.get_choice(('Yes', 'No')) == 'No': return False if sys.platform.startswith("win"): os.startfile(path) elif platform.system() == "Darwin": subprocess.Popen(["open", path]) else: subprocess.Popen(["xdg-open", path])
def menu(): confs = ['.vimrc', '.tcshrc', '.aliases', '.promptrc'] cit.ask('Which config file to update:') choice = cit.get_choice(['ALL'] + confs + ['exit']) if choice == 'ALL': for conf in confs: config(conf)'Done') cit.pause('Press Enter to exit ...') cit.bye() elif choice == 'exit': cit.bye() else: return choice
def generate_UDP_file(Phraser: object, output: str, phrases: list): if not Phraser: raise Exception("Phraser must provided!") if not output: raise Exception("No output filename provided!") phraser = Phraser(phrases) filepath = os.path.join(GENERATED_DIR, output) if os.path.exists(filepath): cit.ask("'{}' is already exists. Overwrite it?".format(filepath)) if cit.get_choice(['Yes', 'No']) == 'Yes': os.remove(filepath) else: cit.warn("Output is not overwrited. No file generated.") return phraser.to_file(filepath)"'{o}' is generated, {length} phrases.".format( o=output, length=len(phraser.phrases)))
def show_menu(): """Show commands menu Globals: COMMANDS: Dict of menu commands. Key: description of func Val: func """ # 'Django system check': functools.partial(run_by_py3, ), # } menu = sorted(COMMANDS.keys()) if len(sys.argv) > 1: arg = sys.argv.pop() selection = arg if arg in COMMANDS else menu[int(arg) - 1] else: cit.echo('Select one of these:') selection = cit.get_choice(menu) return COMMANDS.get(selection)
def show_menu(): """Show commands menu returns: a callable function name """ commands = collections.OrderedDict({ 'Install Requirements Modules': requirements_install, 'Make & migrate database': migrate_db, 'Create superuser account': create_superuser, 'Runserver (localhost:8000)': runserver_dev, 'Runserver (LAN ip:8000)': runserver_lan, 'Shell: Interactive': interactive_shell, 'Shell: Database': db_shell, 'Django system check': system_check, 'Exit': cit.bye, }) cit.echo('Select one of these:') selection = cit.get_choice(sorted(commands.keys())) return commands.get(selection)
def updateFile(cls, file_, url): """Check and update file compares with remote_url Args: file_: str. Local filename. Normally it's __file__ url: str. Remote url of raw file content. Normally it's Returns: bool: file updated or not """ def compare(s1, s2): return s1 == s2, len(s2) - len(s1) if not url or not file_: return False try: req = urllib.request.urlopen(url) raw_codes = with open(file_, 'rb') as f: current_codes ='\r', b'') is_same, diff = compare(current_codes, raw_codes) if is_same:"{} is already up-to-date.".format(file_)) return False else: cit.ask("A new version is available. Update? (Diff: {})".format(diff)) if cit.get_choice(['Yes', 'No']) == 'Yes': with open(file_, 'wb') as f: f.write(raw_codes)"Update Success.") return True else: cit.warn("Update Canceled") return False except Exception as e: cit.err("{f} update failed: {e}".format(f=file_, e=e)) return False
'', '', '', '', '', '', ] if not ip_list: cit.err('Ip List is empty').bye() vpn_route = '' # duetime'VPN route = {}'.format(vpn_route)) # get mode, delete / set / print available_modes = ['set', 'delete', 'print'] cit.ask("Choose mode:") mode = cit.get_choice(available_modes) if mode not in available_modes: cit.err('Mode {} is not supported, available modes: {}'.format(mode, available_modes)).bye()'Mode = {}'.format(mode)) if mode == 'set': for ip in ip_list: cmd = 'route add {ip} mask {vpn_route}'.format(vpn_route=vpn_route, ip=ip) ktk.runCmd(cmd) elif mode == 'delete': for ip in ip_list: cmd = 'route delete {ip}'.format(ip=ip) ktk.runCmd(cmd) elif mode == 'print': cmd = 'route print' ktk.runCmd(cmd)
def test_get_choice_index(self): with patch("sys.stdout", new=StringIO()) as fake_out, patch("sys.stdin", new=StringIO("1\n")): self.assertEqual(cit.get_choice(["ABC", "DEF"]), "ABC") expect_word = "| 1) ABC\n| 2) DEF\n> " self.assertEqual(fake_out.getvalue(), expect_word)
if sys.platform.startswith("win"): os.startfile(path) elif platform.system() == "Darwin": subprocess.Popen(["open", path]) else: subprocess.Popen(["xdg-open", path]) if __name__ == "__main__":"Output Folder: {}".format(GENERATED_DIR))"Phrases File location: {}".format(PHRASES_DIR)) deco = "\n| * " phrases_filenames = get_phrases_filenames()"Phrases JSON Files:") for filename in phrases_filenames: cit.echo(filename, pre="*") phrases_paths = [os.path.join(PHRASES_DIR, fn) for fn in phrases_filenames] phrases = load_all_phrases(phrases_paths) cit.ask("Which one you wanna convert?") phrsr_keys = cit.get_choices(list(AVAIL_PHRASER.keys()), allable=True) for key in phrsr_keys: cit.title("Generating {}".format(key)) phraselet = AVAIL_PHRASER[key] generate_UDP_file(Phraser=phraselet['phraser'], output=phraselet['output'], phrases=phrases) cit.end() cit.ask("Open Output Folder?") if cit.get_choice(('Yes', 'No')) == 'Yes': show_file(GENERATED_DIR)
def test_get_choice_2(self): self.fakein.write("ABC") self.assertEqual(cit.get_choice(["ABC", "DEF"]), "ABC") expect_word = "| 1) ABC\n| 2) DEF\n> " self.assertEqual(self.fakeout.readline(ansi=False), expect_word)
if os.path.isfile(uwsgi_xml):"uwsgi config file: " + uwsgi_xml) else: cit.err("uwsgi config file not found: " + uwsgi_xml) # pid file dir_name = os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))) pid_file = "/var/run/uwsgi_{}.pid".format(dir_name) if os.path.exists(pid_file): cit.warn("uwsgi is running @ " + pid_file) else:"No uwsgi running") # choice operations = ["start", "stop", "reload"] oprtn = "" if len(sys.argv) != 2: oprtn = cit.get_choice(operations) elif sys.argv[1] in operations: oprtn = sys.argv[1] else: cit.err("Wrong Params: " + sys.argv[1]) cit.bye() # -run commands--------------------------------------------------- if "start" == oprtn: ktk.runCmd("sudo echo ''") ktk.runCmd("sudo uwsgi -x '" + uwsgi_xml + "' --pidfile '" + pid_file + "' &") elif "stop" == oprtn: ktk.runCmd("sudo uwsgi --stop " + pid_file) elif "reload" == oprtn: ktk.runCmd("sudo uwsgi --reload " + pid_file) else:
pattern = re.compile(r': ([0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+).*45\.32\.45\.176\.10080') matches = pattern.findall(ln) if matches: key = matches[0] value = clients.setdefault(key, 0) clients[key] = value + 1 # print clients_count = len(clients) if clients_count == 0: cit.err("0 client logged").bye() cit.title("Total: {} clients:".format(clients_count)) threshold = 5 cit.ask("See clients lower than {} ?".format(threshold)) see_all = cit.get_choice(['Yes', 'No']) if clients: for (k, v) in clients.items(): if v < threshold and see_all == 'No': continue if k == '': k += ' (' if k == '': k += ' ('"{} : {}".format(k, v)) # clear cit.ask("Need clear the log?") need_clear = cit.get_choice(['Yes', 'No']) if "Yes" == need_clear: ktk.runCmd("sudo echo")