def get_all_detections(idx, persp_id, results, filter_area=False): all_perspect_detections = [] # Load predictions from persp_id vehicle persp_dir = get_folder(persp_id) perspect_detections = get_detections(persp_dir, persp_dir, idx, persp_id, persp_id, results, filter_area) if perspect_detections is not None and len(perspect_detections) > 0: all_perspect_detections.append(perspect_detections) # Load detections from cfg.DATASET_DIR if ego_vehicle is not the persp_id if persp_id != const.ego_id(): perspect_detections = get_detections(persp_dir, cfg.DATASET_DIR, idx, persp_id, const.ego_id(), results, filter_area) if perspect_detections is not None and len(perspect_detections) > 0: all_perspect_detections.append(perspect_detections) # Load detections from remaining perspectives for entity_str in const.valid_perspectives(): other_persp_dir = os.path.join(cfg.ALT_PERSP_DIR, entity_str) if os.path.isdir(other_persp_dir): # Skip own detections since they're loaded first if int(entity_str) != persp_id: perspect_detections = get_detections(persp_dir, other_persp_dir, idx, persp_id, int(entity_str), results, filter_area) if perspect_detections is not None and len( perspect_detections) > 0: all_perspect_detections.append(perspect_detections) return all_perspect_detections
def main(): filepath = cfg.DATASET_DIR + '/' + cfg.FALSE_DETECTIONS_SUBDIR + '/' + \ 'random_{}.txt'.format(cfg.RANDOM_MALICIOUS_PROBABILITY) with open(filepath, 'w') as f: for entity_str in const.valid_perspectives(): if std_utils.decision_true(cfg.RANDOM_MALICIOUS_PROBABILITY): f.write('%s\n' % entity_str)
def main(): # Copy the ego-vehicle dirs copy_perspect_dir(cfg.DATASET_DIR) # The label dir is sometimes only filtered for the main perspective (used for evaluation) dirpath = cfg.DATASET_DIR + '/' + cfg.LABEL_DIR + '/' copy_files_in_dir(dirpath, 'txt') # Then for all the alternate perspectives for entity_str in const.valid_perspectives(): perspect_dir = os.path.join(cfg.ALT_PERSP_DIR, entity_str) copy_perspect_dir(perspect_dir)
def save_false_dets(): print("Beginning save of false detections") # First for the ego vehicle save_false_dets_persp(cfg.DATASET_DIR, const.ego_id()) # Then for all the alternate perspectives persp_count = len(os.listdir(cfg.ALT_PERSP_DIR)) persp_idx = 0 for entity_str in const.valid_perspectives(): persp_dir = os.path.join(cfg.ALT_PERSP_DIR, entity_str) save_false_dets_persp(persp_dir, int(entity_str)) sys.stdout.flush() sys.stdout.write( '\rFinished saving detections for perspective {}: {} / {}'.format( int(entity_str), persp_idx, persp_count)) persp_idx += 1
def compute_points_in_3d_boxes(): print("Beginning calculation of points_in_3d_boxes") std_utils.delete_all_subdirs(cfg.POINTS_IN_3D_BOXES_DIR) # First for the ego vehicle compute_perspect_points_in_3d_boxes(cfg.DATASET_DIR, const.ego_id()) # Then for all the alternate perspectives persp_count = len(os.listdir(cfg.ALT_PERSP_DIR)) persp_idx = 0 for entity_str in const.valid_perspectives(): perspect_dir = os.path.join(cfg.ALT_PERSP_DIR, entity_str) compute_perspect_points_in_3d_boxes(perspect_dir, int(entity_str)) sys.stdout.flush() sys.stdout.write( '\rFinished point count for perspective {}: {} / {}'.format( int(entity_str), persp_idx, persp_count)) persp_idx += 1
def calculate_vehicle_trusts(): # Before calculating, first delete all previous vehicle trust values std_utils.delete_subdir(cfg.V_TRUST_SUBDIR) # Initialize dictionary for vehicle trust values # Entity ID/VehicleTrust object pairs trust_dict = {} velo_dir = cfg.DATASET_DIR + '/velodyne' velo_files = os.listdir(velo_dir) for idx in range(cfg.MIN_IDX, cfg.MAX_IDX + 1): filepath = velo_dir + '/{:06d}.bin'.format(idx) if not os.path.isfile(filepath): logging.debug("Could not find file: %s", filepath) logging.debug("Stopping at idx: %d", idx) break # Load stale trust dict if we need it (past msg fresh period) stale_trust_dict = {} if (idx - cfg.STALE_EVALS_TIME) >= 0: stale_trust_dict = load_vehicle_trust_objs(idx - cfg.STALE_EVALS_TIME) # First for the ego vehicle compute_vehicle_trust(cfg.DATASET_DIR, const.ego_id(), idx, trust_dict, stale_trust_dict) # Then for all the alternate perspectives for entity_str in const.valid_perspectives(): perspect_dir = os.path.join(cfg.ALT_PERSP_DIR, entity_str) compute_vehicle_trust(perspect_dir, int(entity_str), idx, trust_dict, stale_trust_dict) write_trust_vals(trust_dict, idx) print("Finished calculating vehicle trusts")
def correct_synchro(): std_utils.delete_all_subdirs(cfg.SYNCHRONIZED_PREDS_DIR) # Need to use augmented labels since they contain the speed and entity ID aug_label_dir = cfg.DATASET_DIR + '/label_aug_2' velo_dir = cfg.DATASET_DIR + '/velodyne' # Do this for every sample index velo_files = os.listdir(velo_dir) num_files = len(velo_files) file_idx = 0 for file in velo_files: filepath = velo_dir + '/' + file idx = int(os.path.splitext(file)[0]) sys.stdout.flush() sys.stdout.write( '\rFinished synchronization for index: {} / {}'.format( file_idx, num_files)) file_idx += 1 if idx < cfg.MIN_IDX or idx > cfg.MAX_IDX: continue logging.debug("**********************************Index: %d", idx) # Create dictionary for quickly obtaining speed of object ego_gt = obj_utils.read_labels(aug_label_dir, idx, results=False, synthetic=True) dict_ego_gt = {} for obj in ego_gt: dict_ego_gt[] = obj # Ego vehicle does not need synchronization # Simply copy file src_file = '{}/{}/{:06d}.txt'.format(cfg.DATASET_DIR, cfg.PREDICTIONS_SUBDIR, idx) dst_dir = '{}/{}/'.format(cfg.DATASET_DIR, cfg.SYNCHRONIZED_PREDS_DIR) dst_file = dst_dir + '{:06d}.txt'.format(idx) std_utils.make_dir(dst_dir) copyfile(src_file, dst_file) # Do for all the alternate perspectives for entity_str in const.valid_perspectives(): persp_dir = os.path.join(cfg.ALT_PERSP_DIR, entity_str) # Do we want to save the ego detection here? ego_detection = p_utils.get_own_vehicle_object( persp_dir, idx, int(entity_str)) persp_det = get_synchronized_dets(persp_dir, cfg.DATASET_DIR, idx, ego_detection, dict_ego_gt) if persp_det == -1: continue # Make sure directory exists if we've made it this far out_dir = persp_dir + '/predictions_synchro/' std_utils.make_dir(out_dir) # If there are no detections then stop but make empty file # since empty file exists for predictions if persp_det == None: # Write a file with nothing as there are no detections with open('{}/{:06d}.txt'.format(out_dir, idx), 'w+') as f: continue std_utils.save_objs_to_file(persp_det, idx, out_dir, True) print("Finished synchronizing perspectives.")
def delete_all_subdirs(subdir): delete_subdir(subdir) for entity_str in const.valid_perspectives(): perspect_dir = os.path.join(cfg.ALT_PERSP_DIR, entity_str) delete_subdir(subdir, perspect_dir)
def inference(model_config, eval_config, dataset_config, base_dir, ckpt_indices, additional_cls, start_perspective=0):"Additional class: {}".format(additional_cls))"ckpt_indices: {}".format(ckpt_indices)) # Overwrite the defaults dataset_config = config_builder.proto_to_obj(dataset_config) dataset_config.data_dir = base_dir dataset_config.dataset_dir = base_dir dataset_config.data_split = 'train' dataset_config.data_split_dir = 'training' eval_config.eval_mode = 'test' eval_config.evaluate_repeatedly = False dataset_config.has_labels = False # Enable this to see the actually memory being used eval_config.allow_gpu_mem_growth = True eval_config = config_builder.proto_to_obj(eval_config) # Grab the checkpoint indices to evaluate eval_config.ckpt_indices = ckpt_indices # Remove augmentation during evaluation in test mode dataset_config.aug_list = [] # Setup the model # Overwrite repeated field model_config = config_builder.proto_to_obj(model_config) # Switch path drop off during evaluation model_config.path_drop_probabilities = [1.0, 1.0] if start_perspective == 0: # Create validation split create_split.create_split( dataset_config.dataset_dir, dataset_config.dataset_dir + dataset_config.data_split_dir + '/', 'val') inferPerspective(model_config, eval_config, dataset_config, additional_cls) altPerspect_dir = base_dir + dataset_config.data_split_dir + '/alt_perspective/' p_idx = 0 perspective_dirs = const.valid_perspectives() perspective_dirs.sort(key=float) p_count = len(perspective_dirs) for entity_str in perspective_dirs: if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(altPerspect_dir, entity_str)): continue p_idx += 1 # Option to skip some perspectives if int(entity_str) < start_perspective: continue dataset_config.data_split = entity_str dataset_config.data_split_dir = entity_str dataset_config.dataset_dir = altPerspect_dir inferPerspective(model_config, eval_config, dataset_config, additional_cls) '\n\n********************Finished perspective: {} / {} ***********************\n\n' .format(p_idx, p_count))
import os import config as cfg import constants as const # For all the alternate perspectives for entity_str in const.valid_perspectives(): perspect_dir = os.path.join(cfg.ALT_PERSP_DIR, entity_str) velo_dir = perspect_dir + '/velodyne' # Do this for every sample index velo_files = os.listdir(velo_dir) for file in velo_files: filepath = velo_dir + '/' + file idx = int(os.path.splitext(file)[0]) if idx < cfg.MIN_IDX or idx > cfg.MAX_IDX: continue print(entity_str) break