def _move_up(self, amount: int) -> None: """Move the outline on the workspace spritesheet to the up by amount.""" #current outline coords a, b = self._outline_coords() #adjust for the translation amount new_a = Point(a.x, a.y + amount) new_b = Point(b.x, b.y + amount) #change the outline's boundaries self._sheet_start(new_a) self._sheet_end(new_b)
def _zoom_out(self, zoom: int, movement: int) -> None: """Shrink the outline's boundaries to match the zoom amount""" #get reference images' a and b, then apply scale to that to calculate the coordinate ref_a = self.a ref_b = self.b #apply scaling factor to each point new_a = Point(ref_a.x // zoom, ref_a.y // zoom) new_b = Point(ref_b.x // zoom, ref_b.y // zoom) #change the outline's boundaries self._sheet_start(new_a) self._sheet_end(new_b)
def __init__(self): self.primary_ref = 0 self.secondary_ref = 0 self.color = (255, 0, 0) self.line_width = 3 #reference image self.a = Point(0, 0) self.b = Point(0, 0) self.width = 0 self.height = 0 #workspace spritesheet self.sheet_a = Point(0, 0) self.sheet_b = Point(0, 0) self.sheet_w = 0 self.sheet_h = 0 self.batch = self.top_line = pyglet.shapes.Line(self.a.x, self.a.y, self.b.x, self.b.y, width=self.line_width, color=self.color, batch=self.batch) self.bottom_line = pyglet.shapes.Line(self.a.x, self.a.y, self.b.x, self.b.y, width=self.line_width, color=self.color, batch=self.batch) self.right_line = pyglet.shapes.Line(self.a.x, self.a.y, self.b.x, self.b.y, width=self.line_width, color=self.color, batch=self.batch) self.left_line = pyglet.shapes.Line(self.a.x, self.a.y, self.b.x, self.b.y, width=self.line_width, color=self.color, batch=self.batch)
def shoot_bullets(self): ''' Shooting the bullet after time-interval ''' x = time.time() if x - self.shoot_tic > self.timeinterval: self.shoot_tic = x self.left_bullets.append( Bullet(self.frame, Point(self.paddle.point.x, self.paddle.point.y - 1), self.brick_layout, self.ball)) self.right_bullets.append( Bullet( self.frame, Point( self.paddle.point.x + self.paddle.dimension.width - 1, self.paddle.point.y - 1), self.brick_layout, self.ball))
def movey(self): ''' Moving the bullet ''' if self.used == True: return no = self.frame.current_frame[self.point.y - 1][self.point.x] if self.point.y <= 1: self.frame.clear_frame_area(self.point, self.dimension) self.used = True elif (no in BRICK_TYPE_ARRAY): self.break_brick_shoot(self.point.y - 1, self.point.x) self.frame.clear_frame_area(self.point, self.dimension) self.used = True else: npoint = Point(self.point.x, self.point.y - 1) self.frame.restore_frame(npoint, self.shape, self.dimension, self.point, self.shape, self.dimension) self.point = Point(self.point.x, self.point.y - 1)
def __init__(self, frame: Frame): ''' constructor of the brick layout ''' self.frame = frame self.total_bricks = 0 self.point = Point(LAYOUTXOFFSET, LAYOUTYOFFSET) self.dimension = Dimension(LAYOUTWIDTH, LAYOUTHEIGHT) self.location_n_type_matrix = self.generate_location_n_type_matrix() self.brick_matrix = self.make_brick_matrix(self.frame)
def change_outline_start(self, ref_coord: Point) -> None: """Change the outline's starting point.""" self.outline._start(ref_coord) #adjust outline as sprite sheet is transformed scale = self.sprites._scale() translation = self.sprites._coords() sheet_coord = Point(ref_coord[0] + translation[0], ref_coord[1] + translation[1]) self.outline._sheet_start(sheet_coord)
def _pixel(self, pos: Point) -> Pixel: """Get pixel's coordinate and RGB data.""" scale = self._scale() coord = Point(pos.x // scale, pos.y // scale) x = int(coord[0]) y = int(self.image.height - coord[1]) try: rgb = self.reference_image.getpixel((x, y)) except IndexError: rgb = (0, 0, 0) return coord, rgb
def __init__(self,frame: Frame): self.paddlestepx = PADDLESTEPX self.frame = frame self.shape = self.initial_shape(PADDLEWIDTH,PADDLEHEIGHT) self.dimension = Dimension(PADDLEWIDTH,PADDLEHEIGHT) self.point = Point( randint(50, FRAMEWIDTH-4*PADDLEWIDTH), randint(FRAMEHEIGHT-5,FRAMEHEIGHT-5) ) = PADDLEHEALTH self.draw()
def movey(self): ''' dropping of the bomb ''' if self.blasted: return no = self.ufo.frame.current_frame[self.point.y + 1][self.point.x] if self.point.y >= FRAMEHEIGHT - 2: self.ufo.frame.clear_frame_area(self.point, self.dimension) self.blasted = True elif no == self.ufo.paddle.shape[0][0]: self.ufo.frame.clear_frame_area(self.point, self.dimension) self.blasted = True self.ufo.frame.status.add_kill() else: npoint = Point(self.point.x, self.point.y + 1) self.ufo.frame.restore_frame(npoint, self.shape, self.dimension, self.point, self.shape, self.dimension) self.point = Point(self.point.x, self.point.y + 1)
def __init__(self, frame, point, brick_layout, ball): self.frame = frame self.ball = ball self.brick_layout = brick_layout self.point = Point(point.x, point.y) self.dimension = Dimension(1, 1) self.shape = [[f"{Fore.GREEN}{Style.BRIGHT}|{Style.RESET_ALL}"]] self.used = False self.direction_x = False self.direction_y = True self.speedx = 0 self.speedy = 1 self.draw()
def __init__(self, paddle, frame): ''' constructor of the class ''' self.paddle = paddle self.frame = frame self.point = Point(self.paddle.point.x - 4, 2) self.shape = self.initial_shape() self.dimension = self.get_dimension() = ENEMYHEALTH self.draw() self.tic = time.time() self.bomb = []
def __init__(self, ufo): ''' constructor for the class ''' self.ufo = ufo self.point = Point( (self.ufo.point.x + (self.ufo.dimension.width // 2)), self.ufo.point.y + self.ufo.dimension.height) self.dimension = Dimension(1, 1) self.shape = [[ f"{Fore.RED}{Back.WHITE}{Style.BRIGHT}o{Style.RESET_ALL}" ]] self.blasted = False self.draw()
def move_with_paddle(self): ''' Logic for moving ball with paddle horizontally when stick. ''' if <= 0: return False new_point = Point(self.paddle.point.x - 4, self.point.y) if (new_point.x < 2) or (new_point.x + self.dimension.width > FRAMEWIDTH - 2): return self.re_draw(new_point, self.shape, self.dimension) return True
def __init__(self, frame: Frame): ''' constructor of the brick layout ''' self.frame = frame self.total_bricks = 0 self.point = Point(LAYOUTXOFFSET, LAYOUTYOFFSET) self.dimension = Dimension(LAYOUTWIDTH, LAYOUTHEIGHT) self.location_n_type_matrix = self.generate_location_n_type_matrix() self.brick_matrix = self.make_brick_matrix(self.frame) self.shift_down = SHIFTDOWN self.shift_down_after = SHIFTDOWNSTARTAFTER self.formed_time = time.time() self.lowermost = self.get_lowermost_layout_point()
def move_left(self): ''' Logic for moving paddle left ''' if(self.point.x <= 1): return False final_posx = self.point.x - PADDLESTEPX if(self.point.x <= PADDLESTEPX): final_posx = 1 new_point = Point( final_posx, self.point.y ) self.frame.restore_frame(new_point,self.shape,self.dimension,self.point,self.shape,self.dimension) self.point = new_point return True
def automatic_move(self): ''' Moves the power up on frame ''' if self.display == False: return False new_y = self.movey() new_x = self.movex() if self.check_paddle_collision(new_x, new_y) or self.check_lost(new_y): self.remove_power_up() return False new_point = Point(new_x, new_y) self.re_draw(new_point, self.shape, self.dimension) return True
def move_right(self): ''' Logic for moving paddle right ''' if(self.point.x + self.dimension.width >= FRAMEWIDTH-1): return False final_pos = self.point.x + PADDLESTEPX if(self.point.x + self.dimension.width >= FRAMEWIDTH-PADDLESTEPX-1): final_pos = FRAMEWIDTH-1-self.dimension.width new_point = Point( final_pos, self.point.y ) self.frame.restore_frame(new_point,self.shape,self.dimension,self.point,self.shape,self.dimension) self.point = new_point return True
def update_all_brick_location(self): ''' This method will account for moving all the bricks down by amount=self.shift_down ''' if (time.time() - self.formed_time) > self.shift_down_after: self.point = Point(self.point.x, self.point.y + SHIFTDOWN) for row in range(len(self.brick_matrix)): orow = len(self.brick_matrix) - 1 - row for cell in range(len(self.brick_matrix[orow])): # print("Moving down") self.brick_matrix[orow][cell].move_down(self.shift_down) # print(self.get_lowermost_layout_point()) # time.sleep(2) if self.get_lowermost_layout_point() > (FRAMEHEIGHT - 5): # self.frame.status.add_kill() show_result(self.frame.status.ret_status()) self.frame.status.start_game()
def generate_location_n_type_matrix(self): ''' This function will generate a matrix of points i.e. (x,y) which will be used to place the SingleBricks.And store it in location_n_type_matrix matrix. ''' row_height = BRICKHEIGHT + 1 cell_width = BRICKWIDTH + 1 location_n_type_matrix = [[] for j in range((self.dimension.height) // (row_height))] for row in range(len(location_n_type_matrix)): y_coordinate = self.point.y + (row * (row_height)) x_coordinate = self.point.x while x_coordinate <= (self.point.x + self.dimension.width - cell_width): location_n_type_matrix[row].append( LocationType(Point(x_coordinate, y_coordinate), 1)) x_coordinate += cell_width return location_n_type_matrix
def __init__(self, window, img): self.window = window self.control_panel = ControlPanel(self.window) self.workspace = Workspace(img) self.mouse_pos = Point(0, 0) self.sprite_outline_b = Point(0, 0)
def ref_mouse_pos(self) -> Point: """Get mouse position relative to the reference image.""" x, y = self.sheet_coords() scale = self.sheet_scale() pos = self.mouse_pos return Point(int((pos[0] - x) // scale), int((pos[1] - y) // scale))
def sheet_mouse_pos(self) -> Point: """Get the mouse position relative to the sprite sheet.""" x, y = self.sheet_coords() pos = self.mouse_pos return Point(int(pos[0] - x), int(pos[1] - y))
def reset(self) -> None: self.a = Point(0, 0) self.b = Point(0, 0) self.sheet_a = Point(0, 0) self.sheet_b = Point(0, 0)