def __init__(self, parent=None): """ Constructs the main window. :param parent: The parent window of this main window. Usually you pass `parent=None` in most cases. """ super(MainWindow, self).__init__(parent) self._ui = Ui_MainGUI() self._ui.setupUi(self) scene = QGraphicsScene() self._ui._graphicsView.setScene(scene) self._state = Constrains()
class MainWindow(QMainWindow): """ This is the main window of the user interface. The user interface interacts with the user. The main window has menus that let user do actions or execute commands. Actions are enabled when the conditions for executing an action are present. For example, you can not apply some kind of process if there is not any data present. This behaivor is implemented by using some kind of a state machine. The state machine works in the folliwing way: The aplication has states are constrain that enable or disable some actions from the user interface. When an action is executed, it stablishs the state that this action produces. For example, when user execute an action like *open file*, when the file is opened and its conted loaded the action will produce a *data loaded* state. This state is a constrains that will enable or disable other actions. An action is a command to be executed by the user. Then, most actions has a dialog that interacts with the user to set parameters for the command being executed. User loads data for being processed. When the user loads data, this data is treated as a document. Then, a document represents the data on which the user is working on. **Protected attributes** .. attribute:: _state type: Constrains Has the current state of the application. .. attribute:: _actionDialog type: ActionDialog Reference to the current action dialog executed. .. attribute:: _doc type: Document Reference to the current document """ _state = None _actionDialog = None _doc = None def __init__(self, parent=None): """ Constructs the main window. :param parent: The parent window of this main window. Usually you pass `parent=None` in most cases. """ super(MainWindow, self).__init__(parent) self._ui = Ui_MainGUI() self._ui.setupUi(self) scene = QGraphicsScene() self._ui._graphicsView.setScene(scene) self._state = Constrains() def connectSignals(self): """ Connects the signals and slots of user actions. User actions are accesed usually from a graphic menu. When user selects an action, this actions emits a signal that is catched by an slot. Then, an slot is a function that executes the action. :author: Julio C. Estrada <*****@*****.**> """ self._ui._mnuFileClose.triggered.connect(self._onClose) self._ui._mnuFileOpen.triggered.connect(self._onOpen) self._ui._mnuFileOpenMask.triggered.connect(self._onOpenMask) self._ui._mnuFileQuit.triggered.connect(self._onQuit) self._ui._mnuFileSave.triggered.connect(self._onSave) self._ui._mnuPhaseUnwrapping.triggered.connect(self._onPhaseUnwrapping) self._ui._mnuPhaseDemodulation.triggered\ .connect(self._onPhaseDemodulation) self._state.stateChanged.connect(self._onStateChanged) def start(self): """ Starts the application is main window. When the main window is started, action signals are connected, the constrains of each action is set, the initial state is set and the main window is shown on the cumputer display. :author: Julio C. Estrada <*****@*****.**> """ self.connectSignals() self.setActionConstrains() self._state.setState(Constrains.init_state) @pyqtSlot(set) def _onStateChanged(self, state): print "Changing state" for atribute in dir(self._ui): if hasattr(getattr(self._ui, atribute), 'constrainedTo'): obj = getattr(self._ui, atribute) if len(obj.constrainedTo & state)>0: obj.setEnabled(True) else: obj.setEnabled(False) def setActionConstrains(self): self._ui._mnuFileClose.constrainedTo = set([Constrains.data_loaded, Constrains.file_open]) self._ui._mnuFileOpen.constrainedTo = self._state.All() - \ set([self._state.busy_state,\ self._state.data_processing]) self._ui._mnuFileOpenMask.constrainedTo = set([Constrains.data_loaded, Constrains.file_open]) self._ui._mnuFileQuit.constrainedTo = self._state.All() self._ui._mnuFileSave.constrainedTo = set([Constrains.data_loaded, Constrains.file_open]) self._ui._mnuPhaseUnwrapping.constrainedTo = \ set([Constrains.data_loaded]) self._ui._mnuPhaseDemodulation.constrainedTo = \ set([Constrains.data_loaded]) @pyqtSlot() def _onClose(self): pass @pyqtSlot() def _onOpen(self): dlg = OpenDialog(self, "Open file") dlg.setModal(True) dlg.taskFinished.connect(self._onOpenFinished) self._actionDialog = dlg self._state.setState(Constrains.user_interacting) @pyqtSlot(int) def _onOpenFinished(self, res): if res == 1: self._doc = Document(self._actionDialog.getOutput()) self.showImage(self._doc.getImage()) self._state.setState(Constrains.data_loaded) scene = self._ui._graphicsView.scene() self._ui._graphicsView.setSceneRect(scene.itemsBoundingRect()) def showImage(self, image): scene = self._ui._graphicsView.scene() items = scene.items() for item in items: scene.removeItem(item) item = PixmapItem(image) item.setMoveEventHandler(self._onMouseHoverImage) scene.addItem(item) def _onMouseHoverImage(self, pos, image): strPos = "pixel(%d, %d) = " % (pos.x(),pos.y()) strPos += str(image[pos.y(), pos.x()]) self.statusBar().showMessage(strPos, 3000) @pyqtSlot() def _onOpenMask(self): pass @pyqtSlot() def _onQuit(self): self.close() @pyqtSlot() def _onSave(self): dlg = SaveDialog(self, "Save file") dlg.setInput(self._doc.getImage()) dlg.setModal(True) dlg.taskFinished.connect(self._onOpenFinished) self._actionDialog = dlg self._state.setState(Constrains.user_interacting) @pyqtSlot(int) def _onSaveFinished(self, res): if res == 1: self.statusBar().showMessage("Image saved", 3000) else: self.statusBar().showMessage("Image not saved", 3000) self._state.setState([Constrains.data_saved, Constrains.data_loaded]) @pyqtSlot() def _onPhaseUnwrapping(self): pass @pyqtSlot() def _onPhaseDemodulation(self): pass