Пример #1
def solve_grid(grid, unknownVariableSymbol=0):
    Function to solve a sudoku grid with constraint logic programming.
    Only supports classic sudoku grids.
    :param grid: (np.array(9,9)) the sudoku grid to be solved.
    :param unknownVariableSymbol: (str, or 0) the symbol that was used to indicate an unknown value in the sudoku grid.
    :return: a numpy array of shape (9,9), i.e. the solved sudoku grid.

    # Sanity checks
    assert type(
    ) == np.ndarray, '\'grid\' should be a numpy.ndarray of shape (9,9)'
    assert grid.shape == (
        9, 9), '\'grid\' should be a numpy.ndarray of shape (9,9)'
    if type(unknownVariableSymbol) == int:
        assert not 1 <= unknownVariableSymbol <= 9, '\'unknownVariableSymbol\' should not be between 1 and 9'

    if unknownVariableSymbol != 0:
        grid[grid == unknownVariableSymbol] = 0
        grid = grid.astype(int)

    sudoku = clp.Problem()

    # Introducing 81 variables. Each variable is represented by a number between [1; 81] and
    # can take a value between [1; 9].
    variablesGrid = np.arange(1, 82).reshape((9, 9))
    possibleValues = np.arange(1, 10, dtype=int)
    sudoku.addVariables(variablesGrid.flatten(), possibleValues.tolist())

    # Fix values for known variables
    knownVariables = np.nonzero(grid)
    for i, j in zip(knownVariables[0], knownVariables[1]):
        sudoku.addVariable(variablesGrid[i][j], [grid[i][j]])

    # Adding constraints for each row
    for row in variablesGrid:
        sudoku.addConstraint(clp.AllDifferentConstraint(), row.tolist())

    # Adding constraints for each column
    for col in variablesGrid.T:
        sudoku.addConstraint(clp.AllDifferentConstraint(), col.tolist())

    # Adding constraints for each sub-grid
    for i in range(0, 7, 3):
        for j in range(0, 7, 3):
                variablesGrid[i:i + 3, j:j + 3].flatten().tolist())

    # The solution is returned as a dictionary where each (key, value) pair is a (Variable, Value) pair
    solutionDic = sudoku.getSolution()
    solution = [solutionDic[key] for key in variablesGrid.flatten()]

    return np.reshape(solution, (9, 9))
Пример #2
    def findmatch(self):
        solutions = []
        for i in range(len(self.date)):
            temp = []
            var = []
            for man in self.workers:
                if man.day.__contains__(i + 1):
                    rank = [j for j in man.regions]
                    var += [(str(man._index) + "," + str(i + 1), rank)]
            # getting permutation of worker.
            # for example for 10 worker and 6 regions we will check all combination of 6 from 10.
            comb = combinations(var, len(self.regions))
            for p in comb:
                problem = constraint.Problem()
                for permutation in p:
                    problem.addVariable(permutation[0], permutation[1])
                temp += problem.getSolutions()
            if len(temp) == 0:
                return None
            solutions += [temp]

        if len(solutions) == 0:
            return None
        return self._find_opt(solutions)
Пример #3
def buildProblem(N):
    problem = constraint.Problem()
    problem.addVariables(range(1, N + 1), range(1, N + 1))
    addDiagonalConstraints(problem, xrange(1, N + 1))

    return problem
Пример #4
def p2():
    valid_tickets = [
        list(map(int, x.split(','))) for x in near_tx[1:] if is_valid(x)[0]
    field_names = list(validators.keys())
    W = len(field_names)

    p = constraint.Problem()
    p.addVariables(["col_" + str(i) for i in range(W)], range(W))


    for col in range(W):
        p.addConstraint(AllValidConstraint(valid_tickets, col),
                        ["col_" + str(col)])

    soln = p.getSolution()

    def sorter(kv):
        return int(kv[0].split('_')[1])

    your_t = 1
    your_ticket = map(int, your_tx[1].split(','))
    for val, (col, field) in zip(your_ticket, sorted(soln.items(),
        if field_names[field].startswith('departure'):
            # print(f'({col})', field_names[field], '=', val)
            your_t *= val

    return your_t
Пример #5
def single_1d_gray_code(n=DEFAULT_N, m=None, do_print=True, looping=True):
    """return a single length-n code of m-bit binary numbers such that each adjacent numbers in
    the code share all but one bit in their binary representations, i.e. are valid Gray code transitions"""
    if m is None:
        m = n
    all_keys = get_unique_variables(n)
    format_flag = '0%ib' % m
    problem = constraint.Problem()
    problem.addVariables(all_keys[:2**n], range(2**m))
    for i in range(2**n - 1):
        problem.addConstraint(lambda a, b: valid_neighbors(a, b, format_flag),
                              (all_keys[i], all_keys[i + 1]))
    problem.addConstraint(lambda a: a == 0, (all_keys[0]))
    if looping:  # only one bit switch from last to first code value
        problem.addConstraint(lambda a, b: valid_neighbors(a, b, format_flag),
                              (all_keys[0], all_keys[2**n - 1]))
    else:  # go from start to end of range, e.g., 000 --- 111
        problem.addConstraint(lambda a: a == 2**n - 1, (all_keys[2**n - 1]))
    soln = problem.getSolution()
    if do_print:
        for i, key in enumerate(soln.keys()):
            print('%i | %s' % (i, format(soln[all_keys[i]], format_flag)))
    return numeric_soln(soln, all_keys)
def solve(S):

    problem = constraint.Problem()

    #name the circles as A,B,C,D,E,F FROM 1-6

    problem.addVariable(("A"), range(1, 7))

    problem.addVariable(("B"), range(1, 7))

    problem.addVariable(("C"), range(1, 7))

    problem.addVariable(("D"), range(1, 7))

    problem.addVariable(("E"), range(1, 7))

    problem.addVariable(("F"), range(1, 7))

    #this method is used for sum of each side so that each side has same sum

    def sum1(a, b, c, d, e, f):

        if (a + b + c == c + d + e == S and c + d + e == e + f + a == S
                and a + b + c == e + f + a == S):

            return True

    problem.addConstraint(sum1, "ABCDEF")

        constraint.AllDifferentConstraint())  #each circle got distinct  number

    solutions = problem.getSolutions()  #get solution
    return solutions
Пример #7
    def solve(self):
        Solves the sudoku.

        This will replace the empty cells in this sudoku with the solutions.
        problem = constraint.Problem()
        all_different = constraint.AllDifferentConstraint()

        for i, n in enumerate(self.grid):
            problem.addVariable(i, range(1, self.size + 1) if n == 0 else [n])

        _s = Sudoku(range(len(self.grid)))
        for row in _s.rows:
            problem.addConstraint(all_different, row)
        for col in _s.columns:
            problem.addConstraint(all_different, col)
        for block in _s.blocks:
            problem.addConstraint(all_different, block)

        solution = problem.getSolution()
        if solution:
            self.grid = solution.values()
            raise ValueError('No solutions found')
Пример #8
def p(n):
    p = constraint.Problem()
    p.addVariables(range(n), N)
Пример #9
 def __createBasicCSP(self):
     self.__cspVariablesStrings = []
     cspProblem = constraint.Problem()
     cspVariablesIntervals = list(range(self.__numberOfColors))
     for count in range(self.__lengthOfGuess):
         newVariable = "c_" + str(count)
         cspProblem.addVariable(newVariable, cspVariablesIntervals)
     return cspProblem
Пример #10
def create_add_problem(addend, summ):
    if type(addend) is not list or type(addend[0]) is not str:
        raise TypeError('addend must be a list of strings')
    problem = constraint.Problem()
    variables = _get_variable_list(addend, summ)
    problem = _add_vars_to_problem(problem, variables)

    problem = _generate_constraints(problem, addend, summ)

    return problem
Пример #11
    def __init__(self, graph, list_assignment):
        XXX doc XXX 

        self.graph = graph
        self.list_assignment = list_assignment
        self.problem = constraint.Problem()
        for node in self.graph.nodes():
            self.problem.addVariable(node, self.list_assignment.get(node))
        for edge in self.graph.edges():
Пример #12
def q2():
    n = 4
    p = constraint.Problem()
    var_names = list(range(1, n + 1))

    var_domaines = ["rouge", "vert", "bleu"]
    p.addVariables(var_names, var_domaines)
    adjacences = [(1, 2), (1, 3), (1, 4), (2, 3), (3, 4)]

    for x, y in adjacences:
        p.addConstraint(constraint.AllDifferentConstraint(), [x, y])

    return p.getSolutions()
Пример #13
def cstAdd(problem, grid, domains, psize):
    # --------------------
    # Your code
    # print grid, psize
    numCol = grid.shape[0]
    numRow = grid.shape[1]
    # For Row Constraint
    for row in range(numRow):
        rowConstraintMatrix = [grid[row, i] for i in range(numCol)]
        # print rowConstraintMatrix
        problem.addConstraint(constraint.AllDifferentConstraint(), rowConstraintMatrix)
    # For Column Constraints
    for col in range(numCol):
        colConstraintMatrix = [grid[i, col] for i in range(numRow)]
        # print colConstraintMatrix
        problem.addConstraint(constraint.AllDifferentConstraint(), colConstraintMatrix)
    # For Box Constraitns using step feature in range(i,j,step)
    for row in range(0, numRow, psize):
        for col in range(0, numCol, psize):
            boxConstraintMatrix = [grid[i, j] for i in range(row, row + psize) for j in range(col, col + psize)]
            # print boxConstraintMatrix
            problem.addConstraint(constraint.AllDifferentConstraint(), boxConstraintMatrix)
Пример #14
    def create_csp_problem(self,
        p = constraint.Problem(solver)
        p.addVariables(self.rows(), self.cols())

        p.addConstraint(constraint.AllDifferentConstraint(), self.rows())
        if symmetry_break:
        return p
Пример #15
    def decompose(self):
        def sum_eq(a, b, c):
            return tuple(map(add, a, b)) == c

        length = ceil(log(len(self.P), 2))
        configs = cartesian([0, 1], repeat=length)

        prob = constraint.Problem()
        prob.addVariables(self.P, list(configs))

        for p1 in self.table:
            for p2 in self.table[p1]:
                prob.addConstraint(sum_eq, (p1, p2, self.table[p1][p2]))

        return prob.getSolution()
Пример #16
def main():
    ops = [addi, addr,
           muli, mulr,
           banr, bani,
           borr, bori,
           setr, seti,
           gtir, gtri, gtrr,
           eqir, eqri, eqrr,

    opcodesp1 = {opcode: ops[:] for opcode in range(16)}
    opcodes = {opcode: ops[:] for opcode in range(16)}
    lines = list(fileinput.input())[::-1]
    lines = [line[:-1] for line in lines]
    p1 = 0
    while lines:
        beforeline = lines.pop()
        if not beforeline:
        before = literal_eval(''.join(beforeline.split()[1:]))
        regline = lines.pop()
        op = list(map(int, regline.split(' ')))
        afterline = lines.pop()
        after = literal_eval(''.join(afterline.split()[1:]))
        lines.pop()  # delimiting blank line

        opcodes[op[0]] = limitop(opcodes[op[0]], before, op, after)
        remaining = opcodesp1[op[0]]
        if len(remaining) >= 3:
            p1 += 1

    p = constraint.Problem()
    for opcode, ops in opcodes.items():
        p.addVariable(opcode, ops)
    opcodes = p.getSolution()

    print('part1:', p1)
    while not lines[-1]:
    instructions = lines[::-1]
    reg = [0, 0, 0, 0]
    for ins in instructions:
        opcode, a, b, c = map(int, ins.split(' '))
        opcodes[opcode](reg, a, b, c)
    print('part2:', reg)
Пример #17
def calculate(connections):
    g = nx.DiGraph(name='Connections')
    edges = [(src[0], dst[0]) for (dst, src) in connections.items()]

    def other_bigger(this, *others):
        return all(this < other for other in others)

    def other_bigger_or_smaller(this, *others):
        otherSmaller = all(this > other for other in others)
        return otherSmaller or other_bigger(this, *others)

    problem = constraint.Problem()
    variables = g.nodes()
    problem.addVariables(variables, range(len(variables)))

    others = [this for this in variables if g.in_edges(this)]
    for this in variables:
        if not g.in_edges(this):
            problem.addConstraint(other_bigger, [this] + others)

    for this in variables:
        others = [other for other, _ in g.in_edges(this)]
        problem.addConstraint(other_bigger_or_smaller, [this] + others)

    solutions = problem.getSolutions()

    def feedback(solution):
        return tuple((src, dst) for src, dst in g.edges()
                     if solution[src] > solution[dst])

    feedbacks = map(feedback, solutions)
    minFeedback = min(map(len, feedbacks))
    uniqueFeedbacks = set(feedback for feedback in feedbacks
                          if len(feedback) == minFeedback)
    filteredSolutions = []
    for feedback in uniqueFeedbacks:
        idx = feedbacks.index(feedback)
        solution = sorted(solutions[idx].items(), key=itemgetter(1))
        filteredSolutions.append(tuple(map(itemgetter(0), solution)))

    return filteredSolutions
def p4():  # CRASH + ERROR + REBOOT = HACKER
    problem = constraint.Problem()
    problem.addVariables("CERH", range(1, 10))
    problem.addVariables("ASOBTK", range(10))

    def sum_constraints(c, r, a, s, h, e, o, b, t, k):
        if (10000 * c + 1000 * r + 100 * a + 10 * s + h + 10000 * e +
                1000 * r + 100 * r + 10 * o + r + 100000 * r + 10000 * e +
                1000 * b + 100 * o + 10 * o + t == 100000 * h + 10000 * a +
                1000 * c + 100 * k + 10 * e + r):
            return True

    problem.addConstraint(sum_constraints, "CRASHEOBTK")

    solutions = problem.getSolution()
    # .getSolutions() returns a dictionary
    print(*solutions.items(), sep='\n')
    return solutions
def p2():  # two + two = four
    problem = constraint.Problem()
    problem.addVariables("TF", range(1, 10))
    problem.addVariables("WOUR", range(10))

    # Telling Python that we need TWO + TWO = FOUR
    def sum_constraint(t, w, o, f, u, r):
        if 2 * (t * 100 + w * 10 + o) == f * 1000 + o * 100 + u * 10 + r:
            return True

    problem.addConstraint(sum_constraint, "TWOFUR")

    solutions = problem.getSolutions()
    print("Number of solutions found: {}\n".format(len(solutions)))

    # .getSolutions() returns a dictionary
    for s in solutions:
        print("T = {}, W = {}, O = {}, F = {}, U = {}, R = {}".format(
            s['T'], s['W'], s['O'], s['F'], s['U'], s['R']))
Пример #20
def single_2d_gray_code(n=DEFAULT_N, m=None, do_print=True, looping=True):
    """return a single n-by-n code of m-bit binary numbers such that each adjacent numbers in
    the n-by-n square share all but one bit in their binary representations, i.e. are valid Gray code transitions"""
    if m is None:
        m = n
    format_flag = '0%ib' % m
    problem = constraint.Problem()
    symbols, values = square_variables(n=n, m=m)
    problem.addVariables(symbols.values(), values)
    constrs = square_constraints(symbols=symbols, n=n, format_flag=format_flag)
    for constr in constrs:
    soln = problem.getSolution()
    if do_print:
        for i in range(n):
            for j in range(n):
                key = '(%i, %i)' % (i, j)
                print('%s | %s' % (key, format(soln[key], format_flag)))
    return soln
Пример #21
def pick_correct_long_note_candidates(
    arrow_to_note_candidates: Candidates,
    bloc: List[List[str]],
) -> Solution:
    """Believe it or not, assigning each arrow to a valid note candidate
    involves whipping out a CSP solver.
    Returns an arrow_pos -> note_pos mapping
    problem = constraint.Problem()
    for arrow_pos, note_candidates in arrow_to_note_candidates.items():
        problem.addVariable(arrow_pos, list(note_candidates))
    solutions: List[Solution] = problem.getSolutions()
    if not solutions:
        raise SyntaxError("Impossible arrow pattern found in block :\n" +
                          "\n".join("".join(line) for line in bloc))
    solution = min(solutions, key=long_note_solution_heuristic)
    if len(solutions) > 1 and not is_simple_solution(solution,
        warnings.warn("Ambiguous arrow pattern in bloc :\n" +
                      "\n".join("".join(line) for line in bloc) + "\n"
                      "The resulting long notes might not be what you expect")
    return solution
Пример #22
def add_col_constraints(problem, boxsize):
    """add_col_constraints(problem, boxsize)

    Adds to constraint problem 'problem', all_different constraints on columns."""
    for col in cells_by_col(boxsize):
        problem.addConstraint(constraint.AllDifferentConstraint(), col)
Пример #23
def add_row_constraints(problem, boxsize):
    """add_row_constraints(problem, boxsize)

    Adds to constraint problem 'problem', all_different constraints on rows."""
    for row in cells_by_row(boxsize):
        problem.addConstraint(constraint.AllDifferentConstraint(), row)
Пример #24
 def ensure_unique_values(varnames):
     # we don't want variable names to interfere with values,
     # so we convert them to strings
                           map(str, varnames))
# Insert all elements of both dictionaries with its corresponding domains into the python constraint problem
for key, value in subjects.items():
    problem.addVariable(key, value)

for key, value in teachers.items():
    problem.addVariable(key, value)

# Avoid duplication of solutions
                      ('NSC1', 'NSC2', 'HSC1', 'HSC2', 'SP1', 'SP2', 'MAT1',
                       'MAT2', 'EN1', 'EN2', 'EN3'))
                      ('AND1', 'AND2', 'JUA1', 'JUA2', 'LUC1', 'LUC2'))

# All subjects must be in different time slots
problem.addConstraint(constraint.AllDifferentConstraint(), [*subjects.keys()])

# Human & social science class must be consecutive
problem.addConstraint(is_consecutive, ('HSC1', 'HSC2'))

# MAT-NSC & MAT-EN cannot be taught on the same day
                      ('MAT1', 'MAT2', 'NSC1', 'NSC2', 'EN1', 'EN2', 'EN3'))

# English classes can't be on the same day
problem.addConstraint(en_is_not_on_the_same_day, ('EN1', 'EN2', 'EN3'))

# All teachers must lecture different subjects
problem.addConstraint(constraint.AllDifferentConstraint(), [*teachers.keys()])

# LUC will lecture HSC provided that AND takes care of PE
Пример #26
 def add_edge_constraint(self, problem):
     for i, j in self.edges:
         problem.addConstraint(constraint.AllDifferentConstraint(), [i, j])
Пример #27
import constraint

problem = constraint.Problem()

problem.addVariables('TF', range(1, 10))
problem.addVariables('WOUR', range(10))

        lambda t, f, w, o, u, r: 2*(100*t + 10*w + o) == 1000*f + 100*o + 10*u + r,

for solution in problem.getSolutions():
Пример #28
def add_box_constraints(problem, boxsize):
    """add_box_constraints(problem, boxsize)

    Adds to constraint problem 'problem', all_different constraints on boxes."""
    for box in cells_by_box(boxsize):
        problem.addConstraint(constraint.AllDifferentConstraint(), box)
Пример #29
# 1 - - - - - - - - -
#   1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

import constraint
import json

problem = constraint.Problem()

# Dodajemo promenljive za svaki red i njihove vrednosti 1-9
for i in range(1, 10):
    problem.addVariables(range(i * 10 + 1, i * 10 + 10), range(1, 10))

# Dodajemo ogranicenja da se u svakoj vrsti nalaze razlicite vrednosti
for i in range(1, 10):
    problem.addConstraint(constraint.AllDifferentConstraint(), range(i * 10 + 1, i * 10 + 10))

# Dodajemo ogranicenja da se u svakoj koloni nalaze razlicite vrednosti
for i in range(1, 10):
    problem.addConstraint(constraint.AllDifferentConstraint(), range(10 + i, 100 + i, 10))

# Dodajemo ogranicenja da svaki podkvadrat od 3x3 promenljive ima razlicite vrednosti
for i in [1,4,7]:
    for j in [1,4,7]:
        pozicije = [10*i+j,10*i+j+1,10*i+j+2,10*(i+1)+j,10*(i+1)+j+1,10*(i+1)+j+2,10*(i+2)+j,10*(i+2)+j+1,10*(i+2)+j+2]

ime_datoteke = input("Unesite ime datoteke sa tablom za sudoku: ")
f = open(ime_datoteke, "r")
tabla = json.load(f)
Пример #30
# 9 - - - - - - - - -
#   1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

import constraint
import json

problem = constraint.Problem()

# We're letting VARIABLES 11 through 99 have an interval of [1..9]
for i in range(1, 10):
    problem.addVariables(range(i * 10 + 1, i * 10 + 10), range(1, 10))

# We're adding the constraint that all values in a row must be different
# 11 through 19 must be different, 21 through 29 must be all different,...
for i in range(1, 10):
                          range(i * 10 + 1, i * 10 + 10))

# Also all values in a column must be different
# 11,21,31...91 must be different, also 12,22,32...92 must be different,...
for i in range(1, 10):
                          range(10 + i, 100 + i, 10))

# The last rule in a sudoku 9x9 puzzle is that those nine 3x3 squares must have all different values,
# we start off by noting that each square "starts" at row indices 1, 4, 7
for i in [1, 4, 7]:
    # Then we note that it's the same for columns, the squares start at indices 1, 4, 7 as well
    # basically one square starts at 11, the other at 14, another at 41, etc
    for j in [1, 4, 7]:
        square = [