Пример #1
def detect_prime_pairs_using_ster_broc_mat_format_with_fix_denomi(fix_denomi):

    print '\n=== detect_prime_pairs_using_ster_broc_mat_format_with_fix_denomi = ', fix_denomi
    # a is odd number
    a_list = np.arange(3, fix_denomi, 2, dtype = int)
    b = fix_denomi
    # print a_list

    # find co-prime of b
    cnt, coprime_list = eul_totie(b)
    # print coprime_list

    display_option = False

    # a1 will be p
    for a1 in a_list:

        # we only need to check a in 1st half of a_list
        if(a1 > end_num/2):

        # if a1 is a coprime of b
        if a1 in coprime_list:

            # get count_fract for the input fraction a/b
            a1_cf_list = get_cont_fract(a1, b)

            # get the matrix format for a1/b
            a1_cf_mat_list, a1_ster_brot_mat, a1_b = ster_brot_mat_format_for_cont_fract(a1_cf_list, display_option)

            # since we are only interested in p + q = N, which is a1 + a2 = b,
            # therefore, a2 = b - a1
            a2 = b - a1

            # get count_fract for the input fraction a2/b
            a2_cf_list = get_cont_fract(a2, b)

            # get the matrix format for a2/b
            a2_cf_mat_list, a2_ster_brot_mat, a2_b = ster_brot_mat_format_for_cont_fract(a2_cf_list, display_option)

            # if a1 and a2 both are primes
            if (a1 in prime_list) and (a2 in prime_list):
                print a1_cf_list,  ", ", ", num_of_turns: ", len(a1_cf_list), ", num_of_prod: ", np.sum(a1_cf_list),    ", ", a1_b,  " <==== GBC"
                print a2_cf_list,  ", ", ", num_of_turns: ", len(a2_cf_list), ", num_of_prod: ", np.sum(a2_cf_list),    ", ", a2_b,  " <==== GBC"
                print a1_cf_list,  ", ", ", num_of_turns: ", len(a1_cf_list), ", num_of_prod: ", np.sum(a1_cf_list),    ", ", a1_b
                print a2_cf_list,  ", ", ", num_of_turns: ", len(a2_cf_list), ", num_of_prod: ", np.sum(a2_cf_list),    ", ", a2_b

            print a1_ster_brot_mat
            print a2_ster_brot_mat
Пример #2
def detect_primes_using_ster_broc_mat_format(start_num, end_num):

    if(start_num%2 == 1):
        print "--- detect_primes_using_ster_broc_mat_format(), start_num needs to be even ------------------------------------------"

    # b is even number,
    b_list = np.arange(start_num, end_num, 2, dtype = int)

    print b_list
    for b in b_list:
        # print b

        # we are only interested in the case tht a is odd number, and a is smaller than b
        # so that we will get a/b
        a_list = np.arange(3, b, 2, dtype = int)
        # print a_list

        # find coprimes of b
        cnt, coprime_list = eul_totie(b)
        # print coprime_list

        for a in a_list:
            if a in coprime_list:

                # get count_fract for the input fraction a/b
                cf_list = get_cont_fract(a, b)

                # get the matrix format for a/b
                cf_mat_list, ster_brot_mat, a_b = ster_brot_mat_format_for_cont_fract(cf_list)

                # we can print out finding
                # print cf_mat_list, ster_brot_mat, a_b

                if a in prime_list:
                    sys.stdout.write("<================================== prime\n\n")
Пример #3
def get_all_cont_fracts_with_fix_denomi(fix_denomi):

    b = fix_denomi

    # a loop from 1 to b - 1
    a_list = np.arange(1, fix_denomi, 1, dtype = int)

    # print a_list

    display_option = False

    tmpstr_1 = 'b = %4d, length for i/b where 1 <= i < b are: '%(b)
    sys.stdout.write(", format: [num_of_mat_prod, i/b], ")
    # a1 will be p
    max_num_prods = 0

    for a1 in a_list:

        # get count_fract for the input fraction a/b
        a1_cf_list = get_cont_fract(a1, b)

        # get the matrix format for a1/b
        a1_cf_mat_list, a1_ster_brot_mat, a1_b = ster_brot_mat_format_for_cont_fract(a1_cf_list, display_option)

        num_of_turns = len(a1_cf_list)
        num_of_prod = np.sum(a1_cf_list)

        tmpstr_1 = '[%d, %d/%d],'%(num_of_prod, a1_b[0], a1_b[1])

        if(num_of_prod > max_num_prods):
            max_num_prods = num_of_prod

    print " max_num_prods: ", max_num_prods
    end_level = 15
    tree_as_breadth_1st_trav_list_upto_level = build_calk_wil_tree_upto_level(end_level)

    print "============ To do the following test, end_level need larger than 15 ==================="
    print "======if en_num is too small, it will not generate enough data for this test. ========"
    max_diagonal = 60
    diagonal_formula_coeff_list = detect_diagonal_pattern(tree_as_breadth_1st_trav_list_upto_level, max_diagonal)

    a = 3
    b = 13
    has_found, found  = find_entry_of_a_fract_in_tree(a, b, diagonal_formula_coeff_list)
    assert(has_found == True)

    cf_list = get_cont_fract(a, b)
    cf_mat_list, ster_brot_mat, a_b = ster_brot_mat_format_for_cont_fract(cf_list)

    a = 2
    b = 9
    has_found, found  = find_entry_of_a_fract_in_tree(a, b, diagonal_formula_coeff_list)
    assert(has_found == True)

    cf_list = get_cont_fract(a, b)
    cf_mat_list, ster_brot_mat, a_b = ster_brot_mat_format_for_cont_fract(cf_list)

    a = 4
    b =11
    has_found, found  = find_entry_of_a_fract_in_tree(a, b, diagonal_formula_coeff_list)
    assert(has_found == True)

    cf_list = get_cont_fract(a, b)