Пример #1
    def load(self):
        Load all data from backend
        pisiprogress.getCallback().verbose("Evolution: Loading")
        pisiprogress.getCallback().progress.push(0, 100)
        file = bsddb.hashopen(self._path)
        amount = len(file.keys())
        i = 0
        for key in file.keys():
            data = file[key]
            #            print data
            if not data.startswith("BEGIN:VCARD"):
            comps = vobject.readComponents(
                data[: len(data) - 1]
            )  # there is some problem with a traling white space in each entry
            for x in comps:
                #                print x.n.value.given

                atts = extractVcfEntry(x)
                id = contacts.assembleID(atts)
                c = contacts.Contact(id, atts)
                self._allContacts[id] = c
                self._rawData[id] = x
                self._edsIDs[id] = key
                i += 1
                pisiprogress.getCallback().progress.setProgress((i * 100) / amount)
Пример #2
 def load(self):
     Loads all attributes for all contact entries from the SyncML backend
     For each entry a new L{contacts.contacts.Contact} instance is created and stored in the instance dictionary L{contacts.AbstractContactSynchronizationModule._allContacts}.
     For data parsing (VCF) the tools layer in L{vobjecttools} is used.
     pisiprogress.getCallback().progress.push(0, 100)
     pisiprogress.getCallback().verbose("SyncML: Loading")
     if_contacts = SyncmlModule.SyncmlContactsInterface(self._url, self._username, self._password, self._database, SYNCMLSERVER_IDENTIFIER)
     contacts_raw = if_contacts.downloadItems()   # load
     i = 0
     for x in contacts_raw.keys():
         content = vobject.readComponents(contacts_raw[x])
         for y in content:
             atts = vobjecttools.extractVcfEntry(y)
             id = contacts.assembleID(atts)
             c = contacts.Contact(id,  atts)
             self._allContacts[id] = c
             self._mapping[id] = x
         i += 1
         pisiprogress.getCallback().progress.setProgress(20 + ((i*80) / len(contacts_raw)))
Пример #3
    def load(self):
        Loads all attributes for all contact items from LDAP repository
        For each entry a new L{contacts.contacts.Contact} instance is created and stored in the instance dictionary L{contacts.AbstractContactSynchronizationModule._allContacts}.
        pisiprogress.getCallback().verbose("LDAP: Loading")
        l = ldap.initialize("ldap://" + self._ldapHost)
        res = l.search_s(self._ldapDomain, ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE, self._ldapFilter)
        pisiprogress.getCallback().progress.setProgress(20)     # we guess that the actual query took up 20 % of the time - the remaining 80 % are taken by parsing the content ...
        for cn,  contactEntry in res:
            atts = {}
            atts['firstname'] = self._extractAtt(contactEntry, "givenName")
            atts['middlename'] = self._extractAtt(contactEntry, "mozillaNickname")
            atts['lastname'] = self._extractAtt(contactEntry,"sn")
            atts['title'] = self._extractAtt(contactEntry,"title")
            atts['email'] = self._extractAtt(contactEntry,"mail")
            atts['mobile'] = self._extractAtt(contactEntry,"mobile")
            atts['phone'] = self._extractAtt(contactEntry,"homePhone")  
            atts['officePhone'] = self._extractAtt(contactEntry,"telephoneNumber")
            atts['fax'] = self._extractAtt(contactEntry,"facsimileTelephoneNumber")

            atts['homeStreet'] = self._extractAtt(contactEntry,  "mozillaHomeStreet")
            atts['homePostalCode'] = self._extractAtt(contactEntry,  "mozillaHomePostalCode")   
            atts['homeCity'] = self._extractAtt(contactEntry,  "mozillaHomeLocalityName") 
            atts['homeCountry'] = self._extractAtt(contactEntry,  "mozillaHomeCountryName")   
            atts['homeState'] = self._extractAtt(contactEntry,  "mozillaHomeState") 

            atts['businessOrganisation'] = self._extractAtt(contactEntry,  "o")
            atts['businessDepartment'] = self._extractAtt(contactEntry,  "ou")
            atts['businessPostalCode'] = self._extractAtt(contactEntry,  "postalCode")
            atts['businessStreet'] = self._extractAtt(contactEntry,  "street")
            atts['businessCity'] = self._extractAtt(contactEntry,  "l")
            atts['businessCountry'] = self._extractAtt(contactEntry,  "c")
            atts['businessState'] = self._extractAtt(contactEntry,  "st")

            id = contacts.assembleID(atts)
            c = contacts.Contact(id,  atts)
            self._allContacts[id] = c            
            pisiprogress.getCallback().progress.setProgress(20 + ((i*80) / len(res)))
Пример #4
    def load(self):
        Loads all attributes for all contact entries from the OPIMD backend
        For each entry a new L{contacts.contacts.Contact} instance is created and stored in the instance dictionary L{contacts.AbstractContactSynchronizationModule._allContacts}.
        pisiprogress.getCallback().verbose("OPIMD: Loading")

        bus = dbus.SystemBus(mainloop = e_dbus.DBusEcoreMainLoop()) 
        dbusObject = bus.get_object(BUSNAME, PATH_CONTACTS)
        contactsInterface = dbus.Interface(dbusObject, dbus_interface= INTERFACE_CONTACTS)
        query = contactsInterface.Query({}) 

        dbusObject = bus.get_object(BUSNAME, query)
        query = dbus.Interface(dbusObject, dbus_interface=INTERFACE_QUERY)
        count = query.GetResultCount()

        pisiprogress.getCallback().progress.setProgress(20) # we guess that the actual query took up 20 % of the time - the remaining 80 % are taken by parsing the content ...
        for contact in query.GetMultipleResults(count):
            atts = {}

            dbusObject = bus.get_object(BUSNAME, contact.get('Path'))
            contactObject = dbus.Interface(dbusObject, dbus_interface= INTERFACE_CONTACT)
            self._extractValue(atts, 'firstname', contactObject, 'Name')
            self._extractValue(atts, 'middlename', contactObject, 'Middlename')
            self._extractValue(atts, 'lastname', contactObject, 'Surname')
            self._extractValue(atts, 'email', contactObject, 'E-mail')
            self._extractValue(atts, 'mobile', contactObject, 'Phone')
            if not atts['mobile']:
                self._extractValue(atts, 'mobile', contactObject, 'Mobile phone')
            self._extractValue(atts, 'phone', contactObject, 'Home phone')
            self._extractValue(atts, 'officePhone', contactObject, 'Work phone')
            self._extractValue(atts, 'fax', contactObject, 'Fax phone')
            self._extractValue(atts, 'title', contactObject, 'Title')
            self._extractValue(atts, 'businessOrganisation', contactObject, 'Organisation')
            self._extractValue(atts, 'businessDepartment', contactObject, 'Departement')
            self._extractValue(atts, 'businessStreet', contactObject, 'BusinessStreet')
            self._extractValue(atts, 'businessPostalCode', contactObject, 'BusinessPostalCode')
            self._extractValue(atts, 'businessCity', contactObject, 'BusinessCity')
            self._extractValue(atts, 'businessCountry', contactObject, 'BusinessCountry')
            self._extractValue(atts, 'businessState', contactObject, 'BusinessState')
            self._extractValue(atts, 'homeStreet', contactObject, 'HomeStreet')
            self._extractValue(atts, 'homePostalCode', contactObject, 'HomePostalCode')
            self._extractValue(atts, 'homeCity', contactObject, 'HomeCity')
            self._extractValue(atts, 'homeCountry', contactObject, 'HomeCountry')
            self._extractValue(atts, 'homeState', contactObject, 'HomeState')

            id = contacts.assembleID(atts)
            c = contacts.Contact(id,  atts)
            self._allContacts[id] = c
            self._idMappingGlobalInternal[id] = contact.get('Path')
            self._idMappingInternalGlobal[contact.get('Path')] = id
            pisiprogress.getCallback().progress.setProgress(20 + ((i*80) / count))
Пример #5
    def load(self):
        Load all data from backend
        pisiprogress.getCallback().verbose ("DBUS_SIM: Loading")
        pisiprogress.getCallback().progress.push(0, 100)        
        pisiprogress.getCallback().verbose ("  >SIM Card Limitations: %d entries maximum; no more than %d characters per name" %(self._max_simentries, self._name_maxlength))
        bus = dbus.SystemBus()
        gsm_device_obj = bus.get_object(DBUS_GSM_DEVICE[0], DBUS_GSM_DEVICE[1])
        sim = dbus.Interface(gsm_device_obj,DBUS_SIM)
        dbusContacts = sim.RetrievePhonebook(DBUS_CONTACTS, 1, self._max_simentries)
        i = 0
        for c in dbusContacts:
            dbus_id = c[0]
            name = c[1]
            number = c[2]
            del self._availableIds[dbus_id]
            type = PHONE_TYPE_MOBILE
            if name.endswith(DBUS_NAME_MOBILEPHONE_SUFFIX):
                name = name[:len(name) - len(DBUS_NAME_MOBILEPHONE_SUFFIX)]
            if name.endswith(DBUS_NAME_WORKPHONE_SUFFIX):
                type = PHONE_TYPE_WORK
                name = name[:len(name) - len(DBUS_NAME_WORKPHONE_SUFFIX)]
            elif name.endswith(DBUS_NAME_HOMEPHONE_SUFFIX):
                type = PHONE_TYPE_HOME
                name = name[:len(name) - len(DBUS_NAME_HOMEPHONE_SUFFIX)]
            atts = {}
            title,  first,  last,  middle = pisitools.parseFullName(name)
            atts['title'] = title
            atts['firstname'] = first
            atts['lastname'] = last
            atts['middlename'] = middle

            id = contacts.assembleID(atts)
            if self._allContacts.has_key(id):
                c = self._allContacts[id]
                if type == PHONE_TYPE_MOBILE:
                    c.attributes['mobile'] = number.strip()
                elif type == PHONE_TYPE_WORK:
                    c.attributes['officePhone'] = number.strip()
                elif type == PHONE_TYPE_HOME:
                    c.attributes['phone'] = number.strip()
                if type == PHONE_TYPE_MOBILE:
                    atts['mobile'] = number.strip()
                elif type == PHONE_TYPE_WORK:
                    atts['officePhone'] = number.strip()
                elif type == PHONE_TYPE_HOME:
                    atts['phone'] = number.strip()
                c = contacts.Contact(id,  atts)
                self._allContacts[id] = c
                self._idMappings[id] = []
            pisiprogress.getCallback().progress.setProgress(20 + ((i*80) / len(dbusContacts)))
Пример #6
    def load(self):
        Loads all attributes for all contact entries from the SQLite database
        For each entry a new L{contacts.contacts.Contact} instance is created and stored in the instance dictionary L{contacts.AbstractContactSynchronizationModule._allContacts}.
        Several requests to the database are executed in order to get all the detailled information about phone numbers and addresses, etc. as well.
        pisiprogress.getCallback().verbose("SQLite: Loading")
        database = sqlite3.connect(self._dbpath, isolation_level=None)
        db_call = "select recid, firstname, middlename, lastname, company, title, department from contacts"
        contactEntries = database.execute(db_call).fetchall()

        pisiprogress.getCallback().progress.setProgress(20) # we guess that the actual query took up 20 % of the time - the remaining 80 % are taken by parsing the content ...
        for contactEntry in contactEntries:
            atts = {}
            recid = contactEntry[0]
            atts['firstname'] = contactEntry[1]
            atts['middlename'] = contactEntry[2]
            atts['lastname'] = contactEntry[3]
            atts['businessOrganisation'] = contactEntry[4]
            atts['title'] = contactEntry[5]
            atts['businessDepartment'] = contactEntry[6]
            # fetch detail information as well
            db_call = "select phone_number, phone_type from contactphonenumbers where recid = %s" %(recid)
            phoneEntries = database.execute(db_call).fetchall()
            for phoneEntry in phoneEntries:
                type = int(phoneEntry[1])
                    atts['mobile'] = phoneEntry[0]
                elif type == QTOPIADB_PHONETYPE_HOME:     
                    atts['phone'] = phoneEntry[0]
                elif type == QTOPIADB_PHONETYPE_OFFICE:     
                    atts['officePhone'] = phoneEntry[0]
                elif type == QTOPIADB_PHONETYPE_FAX:     
                    atts['fax'] = phoneEntry[0]
            db_call = "select addr from emailaddresses where recid = %s" %(recid)
            emailEntries = database.execute(db_call).fetchall()
            for emailEntry in emailEntries:
                atts['email'] = emailEntry[0]
            db_call = "select street, city, state, zip, country, addresstype from contactaddresses where recid = %s" %(recid)
            addressEntries = database.execute(db_call).fetchall()
            for addressEntry in addressEntries:
                type = int(addressEntry[5])
                if type == QTOPIADB_ADDRESSTYPE_PRIVATE:       
                    atts['homeStreet'] = addressEntry[0]
                    atts['homeCity'] = addressEntry[1]
                    atts['homeState'] = addressEntry[2]
                    atts['homePostalCode'] = addressEntry[3]
                    atts['homeCountry'] = addressEntry[4]
                if type == QTOPIADB_ADDRESSTYPE_BUSINESS:       
                    atts['businessStreet'] = addressEntry[0]
                    atts['businessCity'] = addressEntry[1]
                    atts['businessState'] = addressEntry[2]
                    atts['businessPostalCode'] = addressEntry[3]
                    atts['businessCountry'] = addressEntry[4]
            id = contacts.assembleID(atts)
            c = contacts.Contact(id,  atts)
            self._allContacts[id] = c
            self._idMappingGlobalInternal[id] = recid
            self._idMappingInternalGlobal[recid] = id
            pisiprogress.getCallback().progress.setProgress(20 + ((i*80) / len(contactEntries)))
Пример #7
    def load(self):
        Load all data from backend
        A single query is performed and the result set is parsed afterwards.
        pisiprogress.getCallback().verbose("Google Contacts: Loading")        
        query = gdata.contacts.service.ContactsQuery()
        query.max_results = GOOGLE_CONTACTS_MAXRESULTS
        feed = self._gd_client.GetContactsFeed(query.ToUri())
        pisiprogress.getCallback().progress.setProgress(20) # we guess that the actual query took up 20 % of the time - the remaining 80 % are taken by parsing the content ...
        count = 0
        inTotal = len(feed.entry)
        for i, entry in enumerate(feed.entry):
            atts = {}
            if not entry.title or not entry.title.text:
                pisiprogress.getCallback().verbose('** In Googlecontacts account is an entry with no title - I cannot process this account and will skip it.')
                continue    # an entry without a title cannot be processed by PISI as the name is the 'primary key'
            self._unpackGoogleTitle(atts,  entry.title.text.decode("utf-8"))
            if len(entry.email) > 0:
                email = entry.email[0]
#            for email in entry.email:
                if email.primary and email.primary == 'true':   # for now we only support one email address
                    if email.address:
                        atts['email'] = email.address.decode("utf-8")
            for phone in entry.phone_number:
                if phone.rel == gdata.contacts.PHONE_HOME:
                    atts['phone'] = phone.text
                if phone.rel == gdata.contacts.PHONE_MOBILE:
                    atts['mobile'] = phone.text
                if phone.rel == gdata.contacts.PHONE_WORK:
                    atts['officePhone'] = phone.text
                if phone.rel == gdata.contacts.PHONE_WORK_FAX:
                    atts['fax'] = phone.text
            for address in entry.postal_address:
                if address.text:
                    value = address.text.decode("utf-8")
                    type = None
                    if address.rel == gdata.contacts.REL_HOME:
                        type = 'home'
                    elif address.rel == gdata.contacts.REL_WORK:
                        type = 'work'
                    if type:
                        self._unpackGooglePostalAddress(atts, value, type)
            if entry.organization:
                if entry.organization.org_name and entry.organization.org_name.text:
                    atts['businessOrganisation'] = entry.organization.org_name.text.decode("utf-8")
                if entry.organization.org_title and entry.organization.org_title.text:
                    atts['businessDepartment'] = entry.organization.org_title.text.decode("utf-8")      # well - that doesn't map fully - but better than nothing :)
            id = contacts.assembleID(atts)
            c = contacts.Contact(id,  atts)
            self._allContacts[id] = c
            pisiprogress.getCallback().progress.setProgress(20 + ((count*80) / inTotal))

            self._idMappingGlobalInternal[id] = entry.GetEditLink().href
            self._idMappingInternalGlobal[entry.GetEditLink().href] = id