def update_contacts(): lg.out(10, 'http_node.update_contacts ') global _Contacts _Contacts.clear() def update_contact(x, idurl): add_contact(idurl) def failed(x, idurl): lg.out(10, 'http_node.update_contacts.failed NETERROR ' + idurl) contacts_list = contacts.getContactIDs() contacts_list.append(settings.CentralID()) contacts_list.append(settings.MoneyServerID()) contacts_list.append(settings.MarketServerID()) for idurl in contacts_list: lg.out(10, 'http_node.update_contacts want ' + idurl) if idurl == misc.getLocalID(): continue ident = contacts.getContact(idurl) if ident is None: d = identitycache.immediatelyCaching(idurl) d.addCallback(update_contact, idurl) d.addErrback(failed, idurl) continue update_contact('', idurl)
def doRestartUDPSession(self, arg): idurl = arg ident = contacts.getContact(idurl) if ident is None: return address = ident.getProtoContact('udp') if address is None: return try: ip, port = address[6:].split(':') address = (ip, int(port)) except: dhnio.DprintException() return address_local = self.remapAddress(address) for sess in transport_udp_session.sessions(): if sess.remote_idurl is not None and sess.remote_idurl == idurl and \ ( sess.remote_address[0] == address[0] or sess.remote_address[0] == address_local[0] ) and \ ( sess.remote_address[1] != address[1] or sess.remote_address[1] != address_local[1] ): self.addRedirection(sess.remote_address, address_local) sess.automat('shutdown') dhnio.Dprint(8, 'transport_udp.doRestartUDPSession "shutdown" to %s with [%s]' % (, nameurl.GetName(idurl))) def start_session(address_local, idurl): sess = transport_udp_session.open_session(address_local) dhnio.Dprint(8, 'transport_udp.doRestartUDPSession.start_session send "init" to %s with [%s]' % (, nameurl.GetName(idurl))) sess.automat('init', idurl) reactor.callLater(1, start_session, address_local, idurl)
def update_contacts(): dhnio.Dprint(10, 'transport_http.update_contacts ') global _Contacts _Contacts.clear() def update_contact(x, idurl): add_contact(idurl) def failed(x, idurl): dhnio.Dprint(10, 'transport_http.update_contacts.failed NETERROR ' + idurl) contacts_list = contacts.getContactIDs() contacts_list.append(settings.CentralID()) contacts_list.append(settings.MoneyServerID()) contacts_list.append(settings.MarketServerID()) for idurl in contacts_list: dhnio.Dprint(10, 'transport_http.update_contacts want ' + idurl) if idurl == misc.getLocalID(): continue ident = contacts.getContact(idurl) if ident is None: d = identitycache.immediatelyCaching(idurl) d.addCallback(update_contact, idurl) d.addErrback(failed, idurl) continue update_contact('', idurl)
def doRemoveOldUDPSession(self, arg): for idurl in arg[0]: if idurl == misc.getLocalID(): continue if idurl not in arg[1]: ident = contacts.getContact(idurl) if ident is None: continue address = ident.getProtoContact('udp') if address is None: continue try: ip, port = address[6:].split(':') address = (ip, int(port)) except: dhnio.DprintException() continue if transport_udp_session.is_session_opened(address): dhnio.Dprint(8, 'transport_udp.doRemoveOldUDPSession shutdown %s with [%s]' % (str(address), nameurl.GetName(idurl))) reactor.callLater(0, transport_udp_session.A, address, 'shutdown') address_local = self.remapAddress(address) if address_local != address: if transport_udp_session.is_session_opened(address_local): dhnio.Dprint(8, 'transport_udp.doRemoveOldUDPSession shutdown %s with local peer [%s]' % (str(address_local), nameurl.GetName(idurl))) self.eraseRedirection(address_local) reactor.callLater(0, transport_udp_session.A, address_local, 'shutdown') self.eraseRedirection(address) self.eraseRedirection(address_local)
def SignatureChecksOut(self): """ This check correctness of signature, uses `lib.dhncrypto.Verify`. To verify we need 3 things: - the dhnpacket `Creator` identity ( it keeps the public key ), - hash of that dhnpacket - just call `GenerateHash()` to make it, - the signature itself. """ ConIdentity = contacts.getContact(self.CreatorID) if ConIdentity is None: dhnio.Dprint(1, "dhnpacket.SignatureChecksOut ERROR could not get Identity for " + self.CreatorID + " so returning False") return False Result = dhncrypto.Verify(ConIdentity, self.GenerateHash(), self.Signature) return Result
def add_contact(idurl): global _Contacts global _PingDelayDict global _CurrentDelay dhnio.Dprint(14, 'transport_http.add_contact want to add %s' % idurl) ident = contacts.getContact(idurl) if ident is None: dhnio.Dprint(6, 'transport_http.add_contact WARNING %s not in contacts' % idurl) return http_contact = ident.getProtoContact('http') if http_contact is None: dhnio.Dprint(12, 'transport_http.add_contact %s have no http contact. skip.' % idurl) return proto, host, port, filename = nameurl.UrlParse(http_contact) _Contacts[idurl] = (host, port) _PingDelayDict[idurl] = _CurrentDelay dhnio.Dprint(10, 'transport_http.add_contact %s on %s:%s' % (idurl, host, port))
def add_contact(idurl): global _Contacts global _PingDelayDict global _CurrentDelay lg.out(14, 'http_node.add_contact want to add %s' % idurl) ident = contacts.getContact(idurl) if ident is None: lg.out(6, 'http_node.add_contact WARNING %s not in contacts' % idurl) return http_contact = ident.getProtoContact('http') if http_contact is None: lg.out(12, 'http_node.add_contact %s have no http contact. skip.' % idurl) return proto, host, port, filename = nameurl.UrlParse(http_contact) _Contacts[idurl] = (host, port) _PingDelayDict[idurl] = _CurrentDelay lg.out(10, 'http_node.add_contact %s on %s:%s' % (idurl, host, port))
def doCreateNewUDPSession(self, arg): for idurl in arg[1]: if idurl == misc.getLocalID(): continue if idurl not in arg[0]: ident = contacts.getContact(idurl) if ident is None: continue address = ident.getProtoContact('udp') if address is None: continue try: proto, ip, port, filename = nameurl.UrlParse(address) address = (ip, int(port)) except: dhnio.DprintException() continue address = self.remapAddress(address) sess = transport_udp_session.open_session(address) dhnio.Dprint(8, 'transport_udp.doCreateNewUDPSession %s with [%s]' % (, nameurl.GetName(idurl))) sess.automat('init', idurl)
def doStartAllUDPSessions(self, arg): all = contacts.getContactsAndCorrespondents() if not self.debug: all.append(settings.CentralID()) for idurl in all: ident = contacts.getContact(idurl) if ident is None: continue address = ident.getProtoContact('udp') if address is None: continue try: proto, ip, port, filename = nameurl.UrlParse(address) address = (ip, int(port)) except: dhnio.DprintException() continue address = self.remapAddress(address) sess = transport_udp_session.open_session(address) dhnio.Dprint(8, 'transport_udp.doStartAllUDPSessions init %s with [%s]' % (, nameurl.GetName(idurl))) sess.automat('init', idurl)
def recreate(idurl, count): if count > 5: return ident = contacts.getContact(idurl) if ident is None: return address = ident.getProtoContact('udp') if address is None: return try: ip, port = address[6:].split(':') address = (ip, int(port)) except: dhnio.DprintException() return if transport_udp_session.is_session_opened(address): reactor.callLater(1, recreate, idurl, count+1) dhnio.Dprint(8, 'transport_udp.doRecreateUDPSession.recreate wait 1 second to finish old session with %s' % str(address)) return address_local = self.remapAddress(address) sess = transport_udp_session.open_session(address_local) dhnio.Dprint(8, 'transport_udp.doRecreateUDPSession init %s with [%s]' % (, nameurl.GetName(idurl))) sess.automat('init', idurl)
def isIPPortChanged(self, arg): idurl = arg ident = contacts.getContact(idurl) if ident is None: return False address = ident.getProtoContact('udp') if address is None: return False try: ip, port = address[6:].split(':') address = (ip, int(port)) except: dhnio.DprintException() return False address_local = self.remapAddress(address) found = False for sess in transport_udp_session.sessions(): if sess.remote_idurl is not None and \ sess.remote_idurl == idurl and \ ( sess.remote_address[0] == address[0] or sess.remote_address[0] == address_local[0] ) and \ ( sess.remote_address[1] != address[1] and sess.remote_address[1] != address_local[1] ): found = True dhnio.Dprint(6, 'transport_udp.isIPPortChanged found related session %s with [%s]' % (, sess.remote_name)) return found
def doReceiveData(self, arg): global _ReceiveControlFunc try: datagram, addr = arg except: return io = cStringIO.StringIO(datagram) code = cmd = CODES.get(code, None) if cmd is None: # dhnio.Dprint(2, 'transport_udp_session.doReceiveData WARNING incorrect data from %s: [%s]' % (self.remote_address, code)) return if _ReceiveControlFunc: seconds_pause = _ReceiveControlFunc(len(datagram)) if seconds_pause > 0: # transport_udp.A().client.transport.pauseProducing() parent().client.client.transport.pauseProducing() # self.client.transport.pauseProducing() # reactor.callLater(seconds_pause, transport_udp.A().client.transport.resumeProducing) reactor.callLater(seconds_pause, parent().client.transport.resumeProducing) # dhnio.Dprint(8, ' UDP:[%s] from %s' % (cmd, self.remote_address)) self.last_alive_packet_time = time.time() #--- DATA if cmd == 'DATA': try: file_id = struct.unpack('i',[0] block_id = struct.unpack('i',[0] num_blocks = struct.unpack('i',[0] data_size = struct.unpack('i',[0] except: dhnio.DprintException() return if not self.incommingFiles.has_key(file_id): if self.receivedFiles.has_key(file_id): if time.time() - self.receivedFiles[file_id] > 10: # we receive the file, but 10 seconds since that we still receive the acks # definitely something wrong - drop session self.automat('shutdown') return self.sendDatagram(COMMANDS['REPORT'] + struct.pack('i', file_id) + struct.pack('i', block_id)) return if len(self.incommingFiles) >= 2 * self.maxOutgoingFiles: # too many incoming files - drop session self.automat('shutdown') return self.incommingFiles[file_id] = InboxFile(self, file_id, num_blocks) inp_data = if len(inp_data) != data_size: dhnio.Dprint(2, 'transport_udp_session.doReceiveData WARNING incorrect datagram received from %s, not full data' % str(self.remote_address)) return self.incommingFiles[file_id].input_block(block_id, inp_data) self.sendDatagram(COMMANDS['REPORT'] + struct.pack('i', file_id) + struct.pack('i', block_id)) # dhnio.Dprint(12, 'transport_udp_session.doReceiveData [%d] (%d/%d) from %s, state=%s' % (file_id, block_id, num_blocks, self.remote_address, self.state)) if len(self.incommingFiles[file_id].blocks) == num_blocks: # dhnio.Dprint(12, 'transport_udp_session.doReceiveData new file [%d] (%d/%d) from %s' % (file_id, block_id, num_blocks, self.remote_address)) self.incommingFiles[file_id].build() file_received(self.incommingFiles[file_id].filename, 'finished', 'udp', self.remote_address) self.incommingFiles[file_id].close() del self.incommingFiles[file_id] self.receivedFiles[file_id] = time.time() self.eraseOldFileIDs() #--- REPORT elif cmd == 'REPORT': try: file_id = struct.unpack('i',[0] except: dhnio.DprintException() return if not self.outgoingFiles.has_key(file_id): # if not self.receivedFiles.has_key(file_id): # dhnio.Dprint(8, 'transport_udp_session.doReceiveData WARNING unknown file_id in REPORT packet received from %s: [%d]' % (self.remote_address, file_id)) return try: block_id = struct.unpack('i',[0] except: dhnio.DprintException() return self.outgoingFiles[file_id].report_block(block_id) self.sliding_window.pop((file_id, block_id), None) self.sliding_window_size += 1 if self.sliding_window_size > MAX_WINDOW_SIZE: self.sliding_window_size = MAX_WINDOW_SIZE if len(self.outgoingFiles[file_id].blocks) == 0: self.reportSentDone(file_id) self.closeOutboxFile(file_id) # dhnio.Dprint(8, 'transport_udp_session.doReceiveData REPORT on [%d,%d] received, blocks=%d, window=%d' % (file_id, block_id, len(self.outgoingFiles[file_id]), self.sliding_window_size)) #--- GREETING elif cmd == 'GREETING': greeting_idurl = dhnio.Dprint(12, 'transport_udp_session.doReceiveData GREETING "%s" from %s, remote_idurl=%s, remote_address=%s, state=%s' % ( greeting_idurl[:120], str(addr), self.remote_idurl, self.remote_address, self.state)) if greeting_idurl: if nameurl.UrlMake(parts=nameurl.UrlParse(greeting_idurl)) != greeting_idurl: dhnio.Dprint(2, 'transport_udp_session.doReceiveData WARNING incorrect idurl=%s in GREETING packet from %s' % (greeting_idurl, self.sendDatagram(COMMANDS['PING']) else: if self.remote_idurl is None: self.remote_idurl = greeting_idurl self.remote_name = nameurl.GetName(self.remote_idurl) dhnio.Dprint(6, 'transport_udp_session.doReceiveData got idurl=%s in GREETING packet from %s' % (greeting_idurl, parent().automat('recognize-remote-id', (self.index, self.remote_idurl)) else: if self.remote_idurl != greeting_idurl: dhnio.Dprint(2, 'transport_udp_session.doReceiveData WARNING wrong idurl=%s in GREETING packet from %s' % (greeting_idurl, ident = contacts.getContact(greeting_idurl) if ident: udpip = ident.getIP('udp') if udpip: if udpip != addr[0]: parent().automat('detect-remote-ip', (self.index, self.remote_idurl)) self.sendDatagram(COMMANDS['ALIVE']) else: dhnio.Dprint(2, 'transport_udp_session.doReceiveData WARNING did not found idurl in GREETING packet from %s, send PING again' % self.sendDatagram(COMMANDS['PING']) #--- PING elif cmd == 'PING': self.sendDatagram(COMMANDS['GREETING']+misc.getLocalID()) #--- ALIVE elif cmd == 'ALIVE': pass