def index(self): """Home page with the latest test results""" # Migration (harstorage v1.0) migration_handler = MongoDB(collection = "migration") if hasattr(c, "message"): return render("/error.html") status = migration_handler.collection.find_one({"status": "ok"}) if status is None: redirect("/migration/status") # MongoDB handler mdb_handler = MongoDB() if hasattr(c, "message"): return render("/error.html") # Read aggregated data from database # Aggregation is based on unique labels, urls and latest timestamps latest_results = key = ["label", "url"], condition = None, initial = {"timestamp": "1970-01-01 01:00:00"}, reduce = "\ function(doc, prev) { \ if (doc.timestamp > prev.timestamp) { \ prev.timestamp = doc.timestamp; \ } \ }") key = lambda timestamp: timestamp["timestamp"] latest_results = sorted(latest_results, key = key, reverse = True) # Numner of records c.rowcount = len(latest_results) # Populate data table with the latest test results c.metrics_table = [[], [], [], [], [], []] fields = ["timestamp", "label", "url", "total_size", "requests", "full_load_time"] for group in latest_results: condition = {"label": group["label"], "timestamp": group["timestamp"]} result = mdb_handler.collection.find_one(condition, fields = fields) c.metrics_table[0].append(result["timestamp"]) c.metrics_table[1].append(result["label"]) c.metrics_table[2].append(result["url"]) c.metrics_table[3].append(result["total_size"]) c.metrics_table[4].append(result["requests"]) c.metrics_table[5].append(round(result["full_load_time"]/1000.0, 1)) return render("/home/core.html")
def create(self): """Render form with list of labels and timestamps""" # MongoDB handler md_handler = MongoDB() if hasattr(c, "message"): return render("/error.html") # List of labels c.labels = list() for label in md_handler.collection.distinct("label"): c.labels.append(label) return render("/create/core.html")
def document(self): """Render the error document""" resp = request.environ.get("pylons.original_response") c.message = literal(resp.status) return render("/error.html")
def details(self): """Page with test results""" # Try to fetch data for selecetor box try: c.label = request.GET["url"] c.mode = "url" # Use label parameter instead of URL parameter except: c.label = request.GET["label"] c.mode = "label" # Generate context for selector self._set_options_in_selector(c.mode, c.label) # Define url for data aggregation if c.mode == "label": c.query = "/superposed/display?" + \ "step_1_label=" + c.label + \ "&step_1_start_ts=" + min(c.timestamp) + \ "&step_1_end_ts=" + max(c.timestamp) c.histo = "true" else: c.histo = "false" c.query = "None" return render("/details/core.html")
def wrapper(*args): result, ext = function(*args) if result == True: try: if request.headers["automated"] == "true": return "Successful" except KeyError: redirect("/results/details?label=" + ext) else: try: if request.headers["automated"] == "true": return ext except KeyError: c.error = ext return render("/upload.html")
def migration(self): # MongoDB handler mdb_handler = MongoDB() if hasattr(c, "message"): return render("/error.html") for document in mdb_handler.collection.find(fields=["_id", "har"]): id = document["_id"] har = HAR(document["har"], True) har.analyze() domains_req_ratio = dict() domains_weight_ratio = dict() for key, value in domains_req_ratio[key] = value[0] domains_weight_ratio[key] = value[1] data = {"full_load_time": har.full_load_time, "onload_event": har.onload_event, "start_render_time": har.start_render_time, "time_to_first_byte": har.time_to_first_byte, "total_dns_time": har.total_dns_time, "total_transfer_time": har.total_transfer_time, "total_server_time": har.total_server_time, "avg_connecting_time": har.avg_connecting_time, "avg_blocking_time": har.avg_blocking_time, "total_size": har.total_size, "text_size": har.text_size, "media_size": har.media_size, "cache_size": har.cache_size, "requests": har.requests, "redirects": har.redirects, "bad_requests": har.bad_requests, "domains": len(, "weights_ratio": har.weight_ratio(), "requests_ratio": har.req_ratio(), "domains_ratio":} mdb_handler.collection.update({"_id": id}, {"$set": data}) migration_handler = MongoDB(collection = "migration") migration_handler.collection.insert({"status": "ok"}) redirect("/")
def loadWraithForm(self): return render('/home/casperForms/wraithForm.html')
def harviewer(self): """HAR Viewer iframe""" # HAR Viewer customization via cookie response.set_cookie("phaseInterval", "-1", max_age=365*24*3600 ) return render("/harviewer.html")
def exeScript(self): reqParams = json.loads(request.body) #setup which script to run if reqParams['script']== None or reqParams['timesToExe'] == None : return render("/error.html") #har script if reqParams['script']=='1': self.scriptName ="performanceHarRepo.js " if reqParams['urls'] != None: if portManager.indexCount != None: fIndex = int(portManager.serverPort) + portManager.indexCount + 1 self.jsonFile = "TestLinks"+str(fIndex)+".json" else: fIndex = int(self.defaultProxyPort) fIndex += 1 if fIndex < 1000: fIndex = 8081 self.jsonFile = "TestLinks"+str(fIndex)+".json" self._writeUrlsToFile(reqParams) else: self.scriptOutput = "<div> Please Enter in Urls to Test </div></br>" return self.scriptOutput if reqParams['waitTime'] != None: self.waitTime = reqParams['waitTime'] if reqParams['timesToExe'] != None: self.timesToExe = reqParams['timesToExe'] if reqParams['testLabel'] != None: self.testLabel = reqParams['testLabel'] if reqParams['throttleSpeed'] != None: self.throttleSpeed = reqParams['throttleSpeed'] count = int(self.timesToExe) self.startProxy() if self.throttleSpeed != None: self.setNetworkSpeed(self.throttleSpeed) while count > 0: print "\n \t count is :"+ str(count) # We have all our values setup the cmdline cmd args = self.casperPath +"casperjs --proxy='http://localhost:"+str(self.myPort) +"' --ssl-protocol='any' --ignore-ssl-errors=true --disc-cache=false " + self.scriptDirectory + self.scriptName + self.scriptDirectory + "/output/"+ self.jsonFile + " " + self.waitTime + " " + self.testLabel + " " + self.myPort myProc = subprocess.Popen(args,shell=True,stdin=subprocess.PIPE,stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.STDOUT); try: stdout_value, stderr_value = myProc.communicate() self.scriptOutput = repr(stdout_value) self.scriptErrors = stderr_value except: print "\n\t Error : could not get script Output. Trying again" myProc = subprocess.Popen(args,shell=True,stdin=subprocess.PIPE,stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.STDOUT); try: stdout_value, stderr_value = myProc.communicate() self.scriptOutput = repr(stdout_value) self.scriptErrors = stderr_value return self.getScriptOutput(self.scriptOutputFile) except: print "\n\t Error: second attempt failed, program will quit." self.stopProxy() if count== int(self.timesToExe): self._writeOutput(self.scriptOutput) else: self._appendOutput(self.scriptOutput) count -= 1 self.stopProxy() print '\n\t Script output:', repr(self.scriptOutput) , '</br>' print '\n\t stderr value :', repr(self.scriptErrors), '</br>' return self.getScriptOutput(self.scriptOutputFile)
def manaul(self): return render('/home/manual.html')
def about(self): return render('/home/about.html')
def harJsonFiles(self): return render('/home/casperForms/crtHarPerfForm.html')
def display(self): """Render page with column chart and data table""" # MongoDB handler md_handler = MongoDB() if hasattr(c, "message"): return render("/error.html") # Checkbox options c.chart_type = request.GET.get("chart", None) c.table = request.GET.get("table", "false") init = request.GET.get("metric", "true") c.chart = "true" if c.chart_type else "false" # Aggregation option c.agg_type = request.GET.get("metric", "Average") # Number of records if c.chart == "true" and c.table == "true" and init != "true": c.rowcount = len(request.GET) / 3 - 1 else: c.rowcount = len(request.GET) / 3 # Data table c.headers = [ "Label", "Full Load Time (ms)", "Total Requests", "Total Size (kB)", "Page Speed Score", "onLoad Event (ms)", "Start Render Time (ms)", "Time to First Byte (ms)", "Total DNS Time (ms)", "Total Transfer Time (ms)", "Total Server Time (ms)", "Avg. Connecting Time (ms)", "Avg. Blocking Time (ms)", "Text Size (kB)", "Media Size (kB)", "Cache Size (kB)", "Redirects", "Bad Rquests", "Domains"] c.metrics_table = list() c.metrics_table.append(list()) # Chart points c.points = str() # Aggregator aggregator = Aggregator() # Test results from database for row_index in range(c.rowcount): # Parameters from GET request label = request.GET["step_" + str(row_index + 1) + "_label"] start_ts = request.GET["step_" + str(row_index + 1) + "_start_ts"] end_ts = request.GET["step_" + str(row_index + 1) + "_end_ts"] # Add label c.metrics_table[0].append(label) c.points += label + "#" # Fetch test results condition = {"label": label, "timestamp": {"$gte": start_ts, "$lte": end_ts}} documents = md_handler.collection.find(condition, fields = aggregator.METRICS) # Add data row to aggregator aggregator.add_row(label, row_index, documents) # Aggregated data per column column = 1 for metric in aggregator.METRICS: c.metrics_table.append(list()) c.points = c.points[:-1] + ";" for row_index in range(c.rowcount): data_list =[metric][row_index] value = aggregator.get_aggregated_value(data_list, c.agg_type, metric) c.points += str(value) + "#" c.metrics_table[column].append(value) column += 1 # Names of series titles = str() for title in aggregator.TITLES: titles += title + "#" # Final chart points c.points = titles[:-1] + ";" + c.points[:-1] c.points = aggregator.exclude_missing(c.points) return render("/display/core.html")
def histogram(self): """Render chart with histograms""" # MongoDB handler md_handler = MongoDB() if hasattr(c, "message"): return render("/error.html") # Options c.label = request.GET["label"] c.metric = request.GET["metric"] # Metrics METRICS = [ ("full_load_time", "Full Load Time"), ("onload_event", "onLoad Event"), ("start_render_time", "Start Render Time"), ("time_to_first_byte", "Time to First Byte"), ("total_dns_time", "Total DNS Time"), ("total_transfer_time", "Total Transfer Time"), ("total_server_time", "Total Server Time"), ("avg_connecting_time", "Avg. Connecting Time"), ("avg_blocking_time", "Avg. Blocking Time")] time_metrics = ["full_load_time", "onload_event", "start_render_time", "time_to_first_byte"] c.metrics = list() # Read data from database condition = {"label": c.label} fields = (metric for metric, title in METRICS) documents = md_handler.collection.find(condition, fields = fields) full_data = list(document for document in documents) for metric, title in METRICS: try: data = (result[metric] for result in full_data) histogram = Histogram(data) if metric in time_metrics: ranges = histogram.ranges(True) else: ranges = histogram.ranges() frequencies = histogram.frequencies() if metric == c.metric: = "" for occ_range in ranges: += occ_range + "#" =[:-1] + ";" for frequency in frequencies: += str(frequency) + "#" =[:-1] + ";" c.title = title c.metrics.append((metric, title)) except IndexError: pass except TypeError: pass except ValueError: pass if len(c.metrics): return render("/histogram/core.html") else: c.message = "Sorry! You haven't enough data." return render("/error.html")
def status(self): return render("/migration.html")