def generate_code(self): self.body = "" self.in_try_block = False self.indent = 4 self.retval = Code(tp=None, code="_retval", is_pointer=True) self.all_paths_return = False self.context.clear_temp_vars() # clear struct if class init if self.is_init(): self.start_line(f"*self = ({self.args[0].tp.c_type}){{0}};\n") for n in self.primary_node.body: self.visit(n) if not self.all_paths_return: self.retval.assign_type(TypeDB.get_type_by_value(None), " as return value")
def get_attr_code(self, attr: str, obj: Code) -> Code: if attr in self.cls.class_vars: return self.cls.class_vars[attr] else: try: val = self.cls.members[attr] text = f"{obj.as_accessor()}{attr}" return Code(, code=text) except KeyError: raise StaticTypeError(f"Instance of {} has no attribute {attr}")
def get_code(self, context, *args: Code) -> Code: self.check_code(args) # noinspection PyUnusedLocal for i, arg in enumerate(args): if i == 0: if arg.priority > self.priority: arg.code = f"({arg.code})" else: if arg.priority >= self.priority: arg.code = f"({arg.code})" return Code(tp=self.retval, code=eval(f"f'{self.template}'"), priority=self.priority)
def visit_Assign(self, node: ast.Assign): right = get_constant_code(node.value, self.context) for n in node.targets: if isinstance(n, ast.Name): if in self.context: raise StaticTypeError("Cannot redefine global variables") self.context[] = Code(, left = self.context[] self.globals += [ f"{} {} = {right.as_value()};\n" ] else: raise InvalidOperation("Can only initialise global variables")
def __init__(self, node: ast.FunctionDef, type_sig: "TypeSig", context: Context): self.body: str self.indent: int self.retval: Code self.all_paths_return: bool self.primary_node = node self.context = Context(context) self.args = [] self.libraries: Set[str] = set() for arg, arg_type in zip(node.args.args, type_sig): code = Code(arg_type, is_arg=True, is_pointer=not arg_type.pass_by_value, code=arg.arg) self.context[arg.arg] = code self.args.append(code) self.generate_code()
def get_code(self, context: Context, *args: Code) -> Code: prepends = [] format_strs = [] codes = [] for arg in args: if == "int": format_strs.append("%d") codes.append(arg.code) elif == "float": format_strs.append("%f") codes.append(arg.code) elif"str__"): format_strs.append("%s") codes.append(f"{arg.as_accessor()}text") codes = [f'"{" ".join(format_strs)}\\n"'] + codes return_code = Code(tp=TypeDB.get_type_by_value(None), code=f"printf({', '.join(codes)})", libraries=["stdio"], prepends=prepends) return return_code
def visit_ClassDef(self, node: ast.ClassDef): cls = ClassParser(node, self) self.context[] = Code(tp=cls.get_type(), tp = cls.get_type() TypeDB.add_type(tp) TypeDB.add_type(tp.instance)
def visit_FunctionDef(self, node: ast.FunctionDef): tp = MultiFunction(node, self.context) self.context[] = Code(tp=tp, TypeDB.add_type(tp)
def visit_List(self, node): types_and_codes = [self.visit(n) for n in node.elts] tp = TypeDB.get_list([ for t in types_and_codes]) code = tp.as_literal([t.code for t in types_and_codes]) return Code(tp=tp, code=code)
def visit_NameConstant(self, node): return Code(tp=TypeDB.get_type_by_value(node.value), code=self.CONSTANTS_MAP[node.value])
def visit_Bytes(self, node): tp = TypeDB.get_string() return Code(tp=tp, code=tp.as_literal(str(node.s, 'utf-8')))
def visit_Str(self, node): tp = TypeDB.get_string() return Code(tp=tp, code=tp.as_literal(node.s))
def visit_Num(self, node): return Code(tp=TypeDB.get_type_by_value(node.n), code=str(node.n))
def visit_IfExp(self, node): test, body, orelse = [ self.visit(x) for x in (node.test, node.body, node.orelse) ] code = "%s ? %s : %s" % (test.code, body.code, orelse.code) return Code(tp=itypes.combine_types(,, code=code)
class FunctionImplementation(ast.NodeVisitor): def __init__(self, node: ast.FunctionDef, type_sig: "TypeSig", context: Context): self.body: str self.indent: int self.retval: Code self.all_paths_return: bool self.primary_node = node self.context = Context(context) self.args = [] self.libraries: Set[str] = set() for arg, arg_type in zip(node.args.args, type_sig): code = Code(arg_type, is_arg=True, is_pointer=not arg_type.pass_by_value, code=arg.arg) self.context[arg.arg] = code self.args.append(code) self.generate_code() def is_init(self): if == "__init__": first_arg = self.args[0] if first_arg.code == "self" and isinstance(, ClassInstance): return True return False # noinspection PyAttributeOutsideInit def generate_code(self): self.body = "" self.in_try_block = False self.indent = 4 self.retval = Code(tp=None, code="_retval", is_pointer=True) self.all_paths_return = False self.context.clear_temp_vars() # clear struct if class init if self.is_init(): self.start_line(f"*self = ({self.args[0].tp.c_type}){{0}};\n") for n in self.primary_node.body: self.visit(n) if not self.all_paths_return: self.retval.assign_type(TypeDB.get_type_by_value(None), " as return value") def retval_in_c(self): if return else: return "void" def params(self): if return self.args else: return self.args + [self.retval] def start_line(self, text: str) -> None: self.body += " " * self.indent self.body += text # noinspection PyAttributeOutsideInit def visit_If(self, node: ast.If) -> None: test = self.get_expression_code(node.test) self.start_line("if ({}) {{\n".format(test.code)) self.indent += 2 for n in node.body: self.visit(n) body_returns = self.all_paths_return self.all_paths_return = False if node.orelse: self.indent -= 2 self.start_line("} else {\n") self.indent += 2 for n in node.orelse: self.visit(n) self.all_paths_return = body_returns and self.all_paths_return self.indent -= 2 self.start_line("}\n") def visit_Return(self, node: ast.Return) -> None: if self.in_try_block: raise InvalidOperation("Cannot return from within try block") result = self.get_expression_code(node.value) self.retval.assign_type(, " as return value") if self.start_line(f"return {result.code};\n") else: self.start_line(f"{self.retval.as_value()} = {result.code};\n") self.start_line("return;\n") # noinspection PyAttributeOutsideInit self.all_paths_return = True def visit_Expr(self, node: ast.Expr) -> None: result = self.get_expression_code(node.value) self.start_line(result.code + ";\n") # noinspection PyAttributeOutsideInit def visit_For(self, node: ast.For) -> None: # create list to iterate over lst_name = self.context.get_temp_name() assign_node = ast.Assign( targets=[ast.Name(id=lst_name, ctx=ast.Store())], value=node.iter) self.visit(assign_node) lst = self.context[lst_name] index = self.context.get_temp_var(TypeDB.get_type_by_name("int")) length ="len") length_code = length.get_code(self.context, lst).code # construct for statement self.start_line( f"for({index.code}=0; {index.code} < {length_code}; {index.code}++) {{\n" ) self.indent += 4 assign_node = ast.Assign( targets=[], value=ast.Subscript( value=ast.Name(id=lst_name, ctx=ast.Load()), slice=ast.Index(value=ast.Name(id=index.code, ctx=ast.Load())), ctx=ast.Load())) self.visit(assign_node) for statement in node.body: self.visit(statement) self.indent -= 4 self.start_line("}\n") self.all_paths_return = False def visit_Assign(self, node: ast.Assign) -> None: right = self.get_expression_code(node.value) for n in node.targets: self.assign_target(n, right) def assign_target(self, node, value): if isinstance(, EmptyList): func_node = ast.Expr(value=ast.Call( func=ast.Attribute(value=node, attr="clear"), args=[])) try: self.visit(func_node) except UnknownVariable: raise StaticTypeError( "Must specify a list type when assigning an empty list") return if isinstance(node, ast.Name): left = self.context.assign_type(, self.start_line("{} = {};\n".format(left.code, value.as_value())) elif isinstance(node, ast.Subscript): container = self.get_expression_code(node.value) if isinstance(node.slice, ast.Index): index = self.get_expression_code(node.slice.value) setter ="set_item") code = setter.get_code(self.context, container, index, value) self.start_line(f"{code.code};\n") else: raise UnimplementedFeature("Slices not yet implemented") elif isinstance(node, ast.Attribute): owner = self.get_expression_code(node.value), value) left = self.get_expression_code(node) self.start_line(f"{left.code} = {value.code};\n") def visit_AnnAssign(self, node: ast.AnnAssign): if isinstance(, ast.Name): self.context.assign_type(, annotations.get_type(node.annotation)) if node.value is not None: value = self.get_expression_code(node.value) self.assign_target(, value) def visit_Try(self, node: ast.Try): if node.orelse: raise UnimplementedFeature("Can't have an else section to try") if node.finalbody: raise UnimplementedFeature("Can't have an finally section to try") self.start_line("Try {\n") self.indent += 4 self.in_try_block = True for n in node.body: self.visit(n) # noinspection PyAttributeOutsideInit self.in_try_block = False self.indent -= 4 exception_name = self.context.get_temp_var( TypeDB.get_type_by_name("int")) self.start_line(f"}} Catch({exception_name.code}) {{\n") self.indent += 4 self.start_line(f"switch ({exception_name.code}) {{\n") for handler in node.handlers: if handler.type is None: self.start_line("case default:\n") else: self.start_line(f"case {}:\n") self.indent += 4 for n in handler.body: self.visit(n) self.start_line("break;\n") self.indent -= 4 self.start_line("}") self.indent -= 4 self.start_line("}") def visit_Pass(self, node): return def visit_Raise(self, node): self.start_line(f"Throw({});\n") def get_expression_code(self, node: ast.AST) -> Code: code, prepends = get_expression_code(node, self.context) for line in prepends: if isinstance(line, str): self.start_line(line) # if is a string, add string else: self.visit(line) # otherwise treat as a node self.libraries.update(code.libraries) return code def generic_visit(self, node): raise UnhandledNode(node) def get_variable_definitions(self): text = "" for name, var in self.context.locals(): if not var.is_arg: text += return text
def get_code(self, context, *args: Code) -> Code: self.check_code(args) arg_strings = [arg.as_function_arg() for arg in args] return Code(tp=self.retval, code=f"{}({', '.join(arg_strings)})")