Пример #1
    def testAcker(self, fixedseed):
        for states in range(1, self.maxStates):
            for i in range(self.maxTries):
                # start with a random SS system and transform to TF then
                # back to SS, check that the matrices are the same.
                sys = rss(states, 1, 1)
                if (self.debug):

                # Make sure the system is not degenerate
                Cmat = ctrb(sys.A, sys.B)
                if np.linalg.matrix_rank(Cmat) != states:
                    if (self.debug):
                        print("  skipping (not reachable or ill conditioned)")

                # Place the poles at random locations
                des = rss(states, 1, 1)
                poles = pole(des)

                # Now place the poles using acker
                K = acker(sys.A, sys.B, poles)
                new = ss(sys.A - sys.B * K, sys.B, sys.C, sys.D)
                placed = pole(new)

                # Debugging code
                # diff = np.sort(poles) - np.sort(placed)
                # if not all(diff < 0.001):
                #     print("Found a problem:")
                #     print(sys)
                #     print("desired = ", poles)

Пример #2
    def testAcker(self):
        for states in range(1, self.maxStates):
            for i in range(self.maxTries):
                # start with a random SS system and transform to TF then
                # back to SS, check that the matrices are the same.
                sys = rss(states, 1, 1)
                if (self.debug):

                # Make sure the system is not degenerate
                Cmat = ctrb(sys.A, sys.B)
                if np.linalg.matrix_rank(Cmat) != states:
                    if (self.debug):
                        print("  skipping (not reachable or ill conditioned)")

                # Place the poles at random locations
                des = rss(states, 1, 1);
                poles = pole(des)

                # Now place the poles using acker
                K = acker(sys.A, sys.B, poles)
                new = ss(sys.A - sys.B * K, sys.B, sys.C, sys.D)
                placed = pole(new)

                # Debugging code
                # diff = np.sort(poles) - np.sort(placed)
                # if not all(diff < 0.001):
                #     print("Found a problem:")
                #     print(sys)
                #     print("desired = ", poles)

                                                     np.sort(placed), decimal=4)