Пример #1
    def test_squeeze(self, fcn, nstate, nout, ninp, omega, squeeze, shape,
        """Test correct behavior of frequencey response squeeze parameter."""
        # Create the system to be tested
        if fcn == ct.frd:
            sys = fcn(ct.rss(nstate, nout, ninp), [1e-2, 1e-1, 1, 1e1, 1e2])
        elif fcn == ct.tf and (nout > 1 or ninp > 1) and not slycot_check():
            pytest.skip("Conversion of MIMO systems to transfer functions "
                        "requires slycot.")
            sys = fcn(ct.rss(nstate, nout, ninp))

        if omega_type == "numpy":
            omega = np.asarray(omega)
            isscalar = omega.ndim == 0
            # keep the ndarray type even for scalars
            s = np.asarray(omega * 1j)
            isscalar = not hasattr(omega, '__len__')
            if isscalar:
                s = omega * 1J
                s = [w * 1J for w in omega]

        # Call the transfer function directly and make sure shape is correct
        assert sys(s, squeeze=squeeze).shape == shape

        # Make sure that evalfr also works as expected
        assert ct.evalfr(sys, s, squeeze=squeeze).shape == shape

        # Check frequency response
        mag, phase, _ = sys.frequency_response(omega, squeeze=squeeze)
        if isscalar and squeeze is not True:
            # sys.frequency_response() expects a list as an argument
            # Add the shape of the input to the expected shape
            assert mag.shape == shape + (1, )
            assert phase.shape == shape + (1, )
            assert mag.shape == shape
            assert phase.shape == shape

        # Make sure the default shape lines up with squeeze=None case
        if squeeze is None:
            assert sys(s).shape == shape

        # Changing config.default to False should return 3D frequency response
        ct.config.set_defaults('control', squeeze_frequency_response=False)
        mag, phase, _ = sys.frequency_response(omega)
        if isscalar:
            assert mag.shape == (sys.noutputs, sys.ninputs, 1)
            assert phase.shape == (sys.noutputs, sys.ninputs, 1)
            assert sys(s).shape == (sys.noutputs, sys.ninputs)
            assert ct.evalfr(sys, s).shape == (sys.noutputs, sys.ninputs)
            assert mag.shape == (sys.noutputs, sys.ninputs, len(omega))
            assert phase.shape == (sys.noutputs, sys.ninputs, len(omega))
            assert sys(s).shape == \
                (sys.noutputs, sys.ninputs, len(omega))
            assert ct.evalfr(sys, s).shape == \
                (sys.noutputs, sys.ninputs, len(omega))
Пример #2
def generate_lead_controller(G, testing_point):
    angle_G_evaluated_at_testpoint = math.degrees(
        np.angle(control.evalfr(G, testing_point)))
    defficit = 180 - angle_G_evaluated_at_testpoint
    if defficit < 90:
        new_zero = np.real(testing_point)
        angle_new_pole = 90 - defficit
        new_zero = 0
        angle_new_zero = math.degrees(
                control.evalfr(control.series(control.tf([1, 0], 1), G),
        if angle_new_zero < 0:
            angle_new_pole = 180 + angle_new_zero
            angle_new_pole = -180 - angle_new_zero
    distance_pole_zero = (np.imag(testing_point) /
    new_pole = np.real(testing_point) - distance_pole_zero
    if new_zero == 0:
        num_and_controler_zero = 1
    num_and_controler_zero = np.concatenate([[1], [-new_zero]])
    den_and_controler_pole = np.concatenate([[1], [-new_pole]])
    lead_controller = control.tf(num_and_controler_zero,
    return lead_controller
Пример #3
def fpeak(siso):
    """Estimates the frequency where the transfer function achieves it's 
       peak magnitude.

        siso: (tf object) siso transfer function

       theta: (real number) The number theta such that  |G(exp(i*theta))| 
       is maximized (discrete time)
       jomega: (imaginary number) The number jomega such that |G(jomega)| 
       is maximized (continuous time). 

    dt = siso.dt
    if dt is None:
        jomega = np.zeros(100,complex)
        jomega.imag = np.linspace(0,2*np.pi,100)
        gain = np.apply_along_axis(lambda x : ctrl.evalfr(siso,x),0,jomega)
        gain = (gain*gain.conjugate())**.5
        return jomega[np.argmax(gain)]

        theta = np.linspace(0,2*np.pi,100)
        gain = np.apply_along_axis(lambda x : ctrl.evalfr(siso,np.exp(x*1j)),0,theta)
        gain = (gain*gain.conjugate())**.5
        return theta[np.argmax(gain)]
Пример #4
def testLinkPer(N=300):
    theta = np.array([1]*100,complex)
    theta.imag = np.linspace(0,2*np.pi,100)
    theta = np.exp(theta)

    gainP = [0]*100
    gainG = [0]*100

    Success = [0]*6
    Y1 = []
    Y2 = []
    X = []
    for n in range(6): X = X + [n]*N

    for n in range(6):
        count = 0
        y1 = [0]*N
        y2 = [0]*N

    #Generate random transfer functions of size N

        for i in range(N):
            a = .3*np.random.rand()
            b = .3*np.random.rand()
            c = .3*np.random.rand()
            G = tf.tf([1.,c],[1.,-1.*complex(a,b)])

            for k in range(n):
                a = .5*np.random.rand()
                b = .5*np.random.rand()
                c = .5*np.random.rand()
                G = G*tf.tf([1.,c],[1.,-1.*complex(a,b)])
    #Perturb each transfer function and compute the infinity norm of the 
    #transfer function and it's perturbation

            Gp = G*Per.attack(G)
            for j in range(100):
                gainG[j] = la.norm(tf.evalfr(G,theta))
                gainP[j] = la.norm(tf.evalfr(Gp,theta))
                y1[i] = max(gainG)
            except ValueError:
                y1[i] = -10
                y2[i] = max(gainP)
            except ValueError:
                y2[i] = -10

            if np.isclose(y2[i],1):
                count += 1
        Y1 = Y1 + y1
        Y2 = Y2 + y2
        Success[n] = count

    return Success,X,Y1,Y2
Пример #5
def sisoAttack(siso):
    """Function for creating a destabilizing pertubation for a given stable
       discrete time siso transfer function.

       siso: (tf object) Discrete time siso transfer function

       D: (tf object) Minimum perturbation to destabilize G
    dt = siso.dt

    #Find the frequency peak and take a specific SVD at that frequency
    theta = fpeak(siso)
    s0 = ctrl.evalfr(siso,np.exp(theta*1j))
    sigma,phi = abs(s0),np.angle(s0)
    #The numbers, u = np.exp(phi*1j), v=1 complete the SVD but are not needed

    if dt is None:
        sign = 1

        #Check the angle in order to ensure a solution
        if phi > 0:
            phi = phi - np.pi
            sign = -1

        #Calculate all pass filter parameter
        jomega = theta
        uH = np.exp(-phi*1j)
        a = jomega*(1 - uH)/(1 + uH)
        utf = ctrl.tf([1.,-a],[1., a])
        D = utf/sigma


        #Find the frequency peak and take a specific SVD at that frequency
        theta = fpeak(siso)
        s0 = ctrl.evalfr(siso,np.exp(theta*1j))
        sigma,phi = abs(s0),np.angle(s0)
        #The numbers, u = np.exp(phi*1j), v=1 complete the SVD but are not needed

        #Solve for all pass filter parameter
        a = np.exp(-1j*theta) - np.exp(-.5j*(phi+theta))
        #Choose appropriate filter
        if ((a*a.conjugate())**.5).real < 1:
            utf = ctrl.tf([1.,-1.*a.conjugate()],[-1.*a,1.],1.)
            utf = np.exp(2j*phi)*ctrl.tf([-1.*a,1.],[1.,-1.*a.conjugate()],1.)

        #Create a unitary transfer function and incoorperate it into D
        D = conj(utf)/sigma
    return D
Пример #6
def lag_controller_design(error, percentage_to_reduce, lead_controller, G,
    lead_at_0 = control.evalfr(lead_controller, 0)
    plant_at_0 = control.evalfr(G, 0)
    error_lag_lead_ss = error_ss - percentage_to_reduce
    x = Symbol('x')
    equation = (1 / (1 + x * control.evalfr(control.series(lead_controller, G),
                                            0) * K_lead)) - error_lag_lead_ss
    return solve(equation, x), error_lag_lead_ss
Пример #7
 def test_sample_system_prewarp(self, tsys, plantname):
     """bilinear approximation with prewarping test"""
     wwarp = 50
     Ts = 0.025
     # test state space version
     plant = getattr(tsys, plantname)
     plant_d_warped = plant.sample(Ts, 'bilinear', prewarp_frequency=wwarp)
     plant_fr = evalfr(plant, wwarp * 1j)
     dt = plant_d_warped.dt
     plant_d_fr = evalfr(plant_d_warped, np.exp(wwarp * 1.j * dt))
     np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(plant_fr, plant_d_fr)
Пример #8
    def test_squeeze(self, fcn, nstate, nout, ninp, omega, squeeze, shape):
        # Create the system to be tested
        if fcn == ct.frd:
            sys = fcn(ct.rss(nstate, nout, ninp), [1e-2, 1e-1, 1, 1e1, 1e2])
        elif fcn == ct.tf and (nout > 1 or ninp > 1) and not slycot_check():
            pytest.skip("Conversion of MIMO systems to transfer functions "
                        "requires slycot.")
            sys = fcn(ct.rss(nstate, nout, ninp))

        # Convert the frequency list to an array for easy of use
        isscalar = not hasattr(omega, '__len__')
        omega = np.array(omega)

        # Call the transfer function directly and make sure shape is correct
        assert sys(omega * 1j, squeeze=squeeze).shape == shape

        # Make sure that evalfr also works as expected
        assert ct.evalfr(sys, omega * 1j, squeeze=squeeze).shape == shape

        # Check frequency response
        mag, phase, _ = sys.frequency_response(omega, squeeze=squeeze)
        if isscalar and squeeze is not True:
            # sys.frequency_response() expects a list as an argument
            # Add the shape of the input to the expected shape
            assert mag.shape == shape + (1, )
            assert phase.shape == shape + (1, )
            assert mag.shape == shape
            assert phase.shape == shape

        # Make sure the default shape lines up with squeeze=None case
        if squeeze is None:
            assert sys(omega * 1j).shape == shape

        # Changing config.default to False should return 3D frequency response
        ct.config.set_defaults('control', squeeze_frequency_response=False)
        mag, phase, _ = sys.frequency_response(omega)
        if isscalar:
            assert mag.shape == (sys.noutputs, sys.ninputs, 1)
            assert phase.shape == (sys.noutputs, sys.ninputs, 1)
            assert sys(omega * 1j).shape == (sys.noutputs, sys.ninputs)
            assert ct.evalfr(sys,
                             omega * 1j).shape == (sys.noutputs, sys.ninputs)
            assert mag.shape == (sys.noutputs, sys.ninputs, len(omega))
            assert phase.shape == (sys.noutputs, sys.ninputs, len(omega))
            assert sys(omega * 1j).shape == \
                (sys.noutputs, sys.ninputs, len(omega))
            assert ct.evalfr(sys, omega * 1j).shape == \
                (sys.noutputs, sys.ninputs, len(omega))
def ss_error(g, err_step=None, err_ramp=None, err_para=None):
    s = ct.TransferFunction([1, 0], [1])
    kx = None
    ess = None
    if err_step is not None:
        ess = ct.evalfr(ct.minreal(g), 0j)
        kx = 1 / err_step
    elif err_ramp is not None:
        ess = ct.evalfr(ct.minreal(s*g), 0j)
        kx = 1 / err_ramp
    elif err_para is not None:
        ess = ct.evalfr(ct.minreal(s**2*g), 0j)
        kx = 1 / err_para

    return kx, ess
Пример #10
def pid_by_frequency(g, po, ts, err_step=None, err_ramp=None, err_para=None):
    s = ct.TransferFunction([1, 0], [1])
    ki, ess = ss_error(g/s, err_step, err_ramp, err_para)

    if abs(ess) == np.inf or abs(ess) == np.nan:
        ess = None

    if ess is None or ki is None:
        assert "Inconsistent system"

    ki = ki / np.real(ess)
    print("ki=", ki)
    log_po = np.log(100 / po)
    psi = log_po / np.sqrt(np.pi ** 2 + log_po ** 2)

    wn = 4 / psi / ts
    print("wn=", wn, "psi=", psi)

    pm = 100 * psi
    wcp = wn

    p_cut = ct.evalfr(g, wcp * 1j)
    p_cut_mag = np.abs(p_cut)
    p_cut_angle = np.angle(p_cut)

    controller_mag = 1 / p_cut_mag
    controller_angle = -np.pi + pm * np.pi / 180 - p_cut_angle

    kp = controller_mag * np.cos(controller_angle)
    kd = (controller_mag * np.sin(controller_angle) + ki / wcp) / wcp

    print(f"pm= {pm}, ki= {ki}, kp= {kp}, kd= {kd}")
    controller = kp + kd * s + ki / s

    return controller
Пример #11
    def test_eval(self):
        sys_tf = ct.tf([1], [1, 2, 1])
        frd_tf = FRD(sys_tf, np.logspace(-1, 1, 3))
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(evalfr(sys_tf, 1J), frd_tf.eval(1))

        # Should get an error if we evaluate at an unknown frequency
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
Пример #12
def get_steady_state_error(system):
    controler_and_plant_evaluated_at_0 = control.evalfr(system, 0)
    if (np.isinf(controler_and_plant_evaluated_at_0)):
        return 0
        return abs(
            1 /
            (1 +
             controler_and_plant_evaluated_at_0 * value_of_K_lead_controller))
Пример #13
def norm(siso):
    """ Estimates the norm of a siso transfer function

        siso: (tf object) siso transfer function

        norm: the infinity norm of siso (frequency peak)
    dt = siso.dt
    peak = fpeak(siso)

    if dt is None:
        norm = abs(ctrl.evalfr(siso, 1j * peak))
        norm = abs(ctrl.evalfr(siso, np.exp(1j * peak)))
    return norm
Пример #14
 def get_matrix_at_freq(x: float):
     return np.array([[
         1 / (1 + evalfr(plant * controller, 1j * x)),
         evalfr(plant, 1j * x) / (1 + evalfr(plant * controller, 1j * x))
                          evalfr(controller, 1j * x) /
                          (1 + evalfr(plant * controller, 1j * x)),
                          evalfr(plant * controller, 1j * x) /
                          (1 + evalfr(plant * controller, 1j * x))
Пример #15
def attackLink(G):
    """ Function for creating a destabilizing pertubation for a given stable
       discrete time siso transfer function.

       G: (tf object) Discrete time siso transfer function

       D: (tf object) Perturbation (Not minimal) to destabilize G
    dt = G.dt
    neg = ctrl.evalfr(G, -1.)
    pos = ctrl.evalfr(G, 1.)

    if abs(neg) > abs(pos):
        D = -1 * ctrl.tf(1, [1, 0], dt) / neg

        D = ctrl.tf(1, [1, 0], dt) / pos

    return D
Пример #16
 def f(x):
     tf_1 = P_1
     tf_2 = P_2
     # Object to maximize:
     max_obj = abs((evalfr(tf_1, 1j * x) - evalfr(tf_2, 1j * x)) / np.sqrt(
         (1 + evalfr(tf_1, 1j * x) * evalfr(tf_1, -1j * x)) *
         (1 + evalfr(tf_2, 1j * x) * evalfr(tf_2, -1j * x))))
     min_obj = -max_obj
     return min_obj
Пример #17
    def test_call_mimo(self):
        """Evaluate the frequency response of a MIMO system at one frequency."""

        num = [[[1., 2.], [0., 3.], [2., -1.]],
               [[1.], [4., 0.], [1., -4., 3.]]]
        den = [[[-3., 2., 4.], [1., 0., 0.], [2., -1.]],
               [[3., 0., .0], [2., -1., -1.], [1.]]]
        sys = TransferFunction(num, den)
        resp = [[0.147058823529412 + 0.0882352941176471j, -0.75, 1.],
                [-0.083333333333333, -0.188235294117647 - 0.847058823529412j,
                 -1. - 8.j]]

        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(evalfr(sys, 2j), resp)

        # Test call version as well
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(sys(2.j), resp)
Пример #18
    def test_call_siso(self, dt, omega, resp):
        """Evaluate the frequency response of a SISO system at one frequency."""
        sys = TransferFunction([1., 3., 5], [1., 6., 2., -1])

        if dt:
            sys = sample_system(sys, dt)
            s = np.exp(omega * 1j * dt)
            s = omega * 1j

        # Correct versions of the call
        np.testing.assert_allclose(evalfr(sys, s), resp, atol=1e-3)
        np.testing.assert_allclose(sys(s), resp, atol=1e-3)
        # Deprecated version of the call (should generate exception)
        with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
            np.testing.assert_allclose(sys.evalfr(omega), resp, atol=1e-3)
Пример #19
def randomPureReal(N=4, M=3):

    #Generate a random transfer function of degree N

    num = np.poly(2 * np.random.rand(N) - 1)
    den = np.poly(2 * np.random.rand(M) - 1)
    G = ctrl.tf(num, den, 1)
    realFreq = pureReal(G)
    sizes = [abs(ctrl.evalfr(G, z)) for z in realFreq]
    realFreq = realFreq[np.argsort(sizes)]
    sizes = 10 * (np.arange(len(realFreq)) + 1)

    #Plot the unit circle and all the values where it is pure real
    x = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi)
    plt.plot(np.cos(x), np.sin(x))
    plt.scatter(realFreq.real, realFreq.imag, s=sizes, c='r')
Пример #20
def lag_analytic_mode(g,
    s = ct.TransferFunction([1, 0], [1])
    if psi is not None:
        pm_desired = 100 * psi * np.pi / 180

    if pm_desired > 2 * np.pi:
        print("remember, I need phase in radians")

    kc, ess = ss_error(g, err_step, err_ramp, err_para)

    if abs(ess) == np.inf or abs(ess) == np.nan:
        ess = None

    if ess is None or kc is None:
        assert "Inconsistent system"

    kc = kc / np.real(ess)
    print(f"kc= {kc}")

    i_point = ct.evalfr(g, 1j * wcg)

    p_mag = np.abs(i_point)
    p_angle = np.angle(i_point)

    k_mag = 1 / p_mag
    k_angle = -np.pi + pm_desired - p_angle

    alpha = k_mag * (kc * np.cos(k_angle) -
                     k_mag) / (kc * (kc - k_mag * np.cos(k_angle)))
    tau = (k_mag * np.cos(k_angle) - kc) / (k_mag * wcg * np.sin(k_angle))

    print(f"alpha= {alpha}, tau= {tau}")

    controller = kc * (alpha * tau * s + 1) / (tau * s + 1)

    return controller
from utils import feedback

w = np.logspace(-1, 2, 1000)
s = control.tf([1, 0], 1)
G = 4 / ((s - 1) * (0.02 * s + 1)**2)
Kc = 1.25
tau1 = 1.5
K = Kc * (1 + 1 / (tau1 * s))
L = K * G
S = feedback(1, L)
T = feedback(L, 1)

mag, phase, omega = control.bode(L, w)
magS, phaseS, omega = control.bode(S, w)
magT, phaseT, omega = control.bode(T, w)
plt.legend(["L", "S", "T"], bbox_to_anchor=(0, 1.01, 1, 0), loc=3, ncol=3)

Ms = max(magS)
Mt = max(magT)

gm, pm, wg, wp = control.margin(mag, phase, omega)

Lu_180 = 1 / np.abs(control.evalfr(L, wg))
P = np.angle(control.evalfr(L, wp)) + np.pi

print "Lower GM:", Lu_180
print "PM:", np.round(P * 180 / np.pi, 1), "deg or", np.round(P, 2), "rad"
print "Ms:", Ms
print "Mt:", Mt

w = np.logspace(-1, 2, 1000)
s = control.tf([1, 0], 1)
G = 4 /((s - 1)*(0.02*s + 1)**2)
Kc = 1.25
tau1 = 1.5
K = Kc*(1+1/(tau1*s))
L = K*G
S = feedback(1, L)
T = feedback(L, 1)

mag, phase, omega = control.bode(L, w)
magS, phaseS, omega = control.bode(S, w)
magT, phaseT, omega = control.bode(T, w)
plt.legend(["L", "S", "T"],
           bbox_to_anchor=(0, 1.01, 1, 0), loc=3, ncol=3)

Ms = max(magS)
Mt = max(magT)

gm, pm, wg, wp = control.margin(mag, phase, omega)

Lu_180 = 1/np.abs(control.evalfr(L, wg))
P = np.angle(control.evalfr(L, wp)) + np.pi

print "Lower GM:", Lu_180
print "PM:", np.round(P*180/np.pi, 1), "deg or", np.round(P, 2), "rad"
print "Ms:", Ms
print "Mt:", Mt

Пример #23
 def f(x):
     p = abs(evalfr(1 + plant_2_c * plant_1, 1j * x))
     return p
Пример #24
def find_angle(testing_point, G):
    degrees = math.degrees(np.angle(control.evalfr(G, testing_point)))
    radians = math.radians(degrees)
    return radians, degrees
Пример #25
def get_value_of_K(testing_point, G):
    plant_value = control.evalfr(G, testing_point)
    value_of_K = 1 / abs(plant_value)
    return value_of_K
Пример #26
def get_value_of_K(controller, testing_point, G):
    controler_and_plant = control.series(G, controller)
    lead_controller_value = control.evalfr(controler_and_plant, testing_point)
    value_of_K_lead_controller = 1 / abs(lead_controller_value)
    return value_of_K_lead_controller
Пример #27
import control 
import control.matlab as cm 

# 5/s+5

teller = np.array([5.0])
noemer = np.array([1.0,5.0])
H      = control.tf(teller, noemer)
W = [0,10,100]

Hjw      = []
absoluut = []
angles   = []
degrees  = []
for w in range (0,3,1):
    Hw     = control.evalfr(H,1j*W[w])
        # Vul een list met waarde 

#tabel van maken    
print (H)  
print ("\n")  
print (Hjw)
print ("\n")  
print (absoluut)
print ("\n")  
print (angles)
print ("\n")