    log = logging.getLogger()

    Wishful ShowCase 3
    Experiment Controller
    We can use this in alternately of bash script or OML/OMF architecture

    log.warning('*********** WISHFUL SC3 *************')
    log.warning('*********** starting Experiment Controller **********************')

    mytestbed = TestbedTopology("SC3",log)
    mytestbed.initializeTestbedTopology()       # discovery and allocate nodes
    mytestbed.initializeTestbedFunctions()      # set nodes rule: create network and association

    register_traffic(1, '0')
    register_traffic(2, '0')
    register_traffic(3, '0')

    Managed traffic
    log.warning('*********** START TRAFFIC **********************')

    serverApp0 = start_iperf_server_application(mytestbed.ap1, log, mytestbed)
    log.warn('IERF server started')
    Init WiSHFUL framework
    FORMAT = '> %(asctime)-15s %(message)s'    #FORMAT = "[%(asctime)-15s - %(filename)s:%(lineno)s - %(funcName)20s() ] %(message)s"
    log = logging.getLogger()

    log.warning('*********** WISHFUL SC3 *************')
    log.warning('*********** starting global WiSHFUL controller **********************')

    Start framework and get information from Experiment Controller
    mytestbed = TestbedTopology("SC3",log)
    mytestbed.initializeTestbedTopology()       # discovery and allocate nodes

    Wishful Controller
    We implement here the controller logic to get measuerements and set node capabilities

    Start WiSHFUL controller measurement collector
    meas_collector = MeasurementCollector(mytestbed, log)
    nodes_NIC_info = []
    for node in mytestbed.nodes: