Пример #1
today = date.today().isoformat()
comics = getComics('working')
total = len(comics)
i = 0
#for comic in comics:
for comic in comics: 
  i += 1 
  print "Processing ", i, "/", total, "[" + str( (float(i)/float(total))*100.0 )+"%]" 
  # Test to see if the comic is already in the DB
  strips = db.query('select id from strips where comic_id=' + str(comic['id']) + ' and date = %s', today)
  if len(strips) > 0:
    print "Today's " + comic.name + " is already in the database, skipping."
  # Scrape the comic image from the comic website
  scraper = ComicScraper(comic)

  # Check for same image on page
  strips = db.query('select MAX(date), url from strips where comic_id=' + str(comic['id']) + ';')
  if len(strips) > 0:
    print "Checking for known image..."
    url = strips[0]['url']
    if scraper.contentHasImage(url):
      print "Same image as last scrape, skipping."
  print "Scraping " + comic.name
  image = scraper.findComicImage()
  # If the scrape was successful pop it into the strips DB
Пример #2
from datetime import date
import re

today = date.today().isoformat()
i = 0
comic_name = 'lookingforgroup' 
comic_id = '8'

top = 1

for j in range(top):

  #url = 'http://www.agreeablecomics.com/therack/?p='+ str(j)
  #url = 'http://www.xkcd.com'
  url = 'http://lfgcomic.com/page/latest'
  scraper = ComicScraper({'site_url':url, 'comic_url': u'0'})
  i += 1 
  print "Processing ", i, "/", top, "[" + str( (float(i)/float(top))*100.0 )+"%]" 
  image = scraper.findComicImage()
  print image
  # # # #
  if ('rack-header.jpg') in image['src']:
    print 'header: BUST!\n'
  # Check for same image on page
  strips = db.query('select url from strips where comic_id=' + comic_id + ';')
  if len(strips) > 0: