Пример #1
def plotEarthMeridiansTriangles(verbose=True, save=False, show=True, dpi=300, resolution='c'):
    '''Draw Dymax Triangles, All countries, and Meridians'''
    lonlat_islands, dymax_islands = getIslands(resolution)
    n = 1000
    plt.title('Dymaxion Map Projection')
    ### Dymaxion Latitude Meridians
    lons = np.linspace(-180,180,n)
    latgrid = np.linspace(-85,85,35)
    points = []
    start = time.time()
    for lat in latgrid:
        for lon in lons:
            points += [convert.lonlat2dymax(lon,lat)]
    if verbose: print(':: mapped {:d} points to dymax projection @ {:.1f} pts/sec [{:.1f} secs total]'.format(len(points),len(points)/(time.time()-start),time.time()-start))
    points = np.array(points)

    ### Dymaxion Longitude Meridians
    lats = np.linspace(-85,85,n)
    longrid = np.linspace(-180,175,72)
    points = []
    start = time.time()
    for lon in longrid:
        for lat in lats:
            points += [convert.lonlat2dymax(lon,lat)]
    if verbose: print(':: mapped {:d} points to dymax projection @ {:.1f} pts/sec [{:.1f} secs total]'.format(len(points),len(points)/(time.time()-start),time.time()-start))
    points = np.array(points)

    ### Dymaxion Face Tiles
    for jdx in range(constants.facecount):
        if jdx == 8 or jdx == 15: continue
        points = convert.face2dymax(jdx,push=.95)
        xcenter,ycenter = convert.dymax_centers[jdx]
    ### Draw Landmasses
    patches = []
    for island in dymax_islands:
        polygon = Polygon(np.array(island))#, closed=False, fill=False)
    p = PatchCollection(patches, alpha=.3, linewidths=1.,facecolors=None)
    colors = 100*np.random.random(len(patches))
    if verbose: print(':: plotted',len(patches),'coastlines')
    if save: plt.savefig('dymax_earthmeridianstriangles.png',bbox_inches='tight',dpi=dpi,transparent=True,pad_inches=0)
    if show:
    else: plt.close()
Пример #2
def plotEarthSubTriangles(verbose=True, save=False, show=True, dpi=300, resolution='c'):
    '''Each Icosahedron Face has six sub-triangles that are splitting on.'''
    lonlat_islands, dymax_islands = getIslands(resolution)
    xs, ys = [],[]
    lcds = []
    for i in range(10000):
        lon = np.random.random()*360-180
        lat = np.random.random()*180-90
        x, y, lcd = convert.lonlat2dymax(lon,lat, getlcd=True)
        xs += [x]
        ys += [y]
        lcds += [lcd]

    ### Draw LCD Triangle Indices
    colorlist = 'rgcmyg'
    for val in range(10000):

    ### Draw Large Fuller Triangles
    for jdx in range(constants.facecount):
        if jdx == 8 or jdx == 15: continue
        points = convert.face2dymax(jdx, push=.95)
        xcenter,ycenter = convert.dymax_centers[jdx]

    ### Draw Fuller LCD Sub-Triangles
    for jdx in range(constants.facecount):
        if jdx == 8 or jdx == 15: continue
        points = convert.face2dymax(jdx, push=.999, atomic=True)
        xcenter, ycenter = convert.dymax_centers[jdx]

    ### Draw Landmasses
    patches = []
    for island in dymax_islands:
        polygon = Polygon(np.array(island), closed=True, fill=True)
    colors = 100*np.random.random(len(patches))
    p = PatchCollection(patches, cmap=plt.cm.jet, alpha=.5,linewidths=0.)
    if verbose: print(':: plotted',len(patches),'coastlines')
    if save: plt.savefig('dymax_earthsubtriangles.png',bbox_inches='tight',dpi=dpi,transparent=True,pad_inches=0)
    if show:
    else: plt.close()
Пример #3
def getIslands(verbose=True, resolution="c"):
    Get coastlines from GSHHS:
    Global Self-consistent Hierarchical High-resolution Shorelines
    Returns outlines in (Lon,Lat) Geodesic and (X,Y) Dymax format.
    Valid resolutions:  c (crude), l (low), i (intermediate), h (high), f (full)
    ### Load Coastlines
    binfile = open(data_directory + "gshhs_" + resolution + ".dat", "rb")
    data = np.fromfile(binfile, "<f4")
    data = data.reshape(len(data) / 2, 2)

    start = time.time()
    dymaxdata = np.zeros_like(data)
    for idx, row in enumerate(data):
        dymaxdata[idx] = convert.lonlat2dymax(row[0], row[1])
    if verbose:
            ":: mapped {:d} points to dymax projection @ {:.1f} pts/sec [{:.1f} secs total]".format(
                len(dymaxdata), len(dymaxdata) / (time.time() - start), time.time() - start

    ### Load Metadata
    with open(data_directory + "gshhsmeta_" + resolution + ".dat", "r") as derp:
        places = derp.read()
        places = places.split("\n")

    lonlat_islands = []
    dymax_islands = []
    # 1, area, numpoints, limit_south, limit_north, startbyte, numbytes, id-(E/W crosses dateline east or west)
    for place in places:
        if len(place) < 2:
        column = place.split()
        # print(column)
        if float(column[1]) < 500 and resolution == "c":
            continue  # eliminate tiny area islands
        start_idx = int(column[5]) // 8
        stop_idx = start_idx + int(column[6]) // 8
        lonlat_islands += [data[start_idx:stop_idx]]
        dymax_islands += [dymaxdata[start_idx:stop_idx]]
    if verbose:
        print(":: computed", len(places), "coastlines")
    return lonlat_islands, dymax_islands
Пример #4
def getIslands(verbose=True, resolution='c'):
    Get coastlines from GSHHS:
    Global Self-consistent Hierarchical High-resolution Shorelines
    Returns outlines in (Lon,Lat) Geodesic and (X,Y) Dymax format.
    Valid resolutions:  c (crude), l (low), i (intermediate), h (high), f (full)
    ### Load Coastlines
    binfile = open(data_directory+'gshhs_'+resolution+'.dat','rb')
    data = np.fromfile(binfile,'<f4')
    data = data.reshape(len(data)/2,2)

    start = time.time()
    dymaxdata = np.zeros_like(data)
    for idx, row in enumerate(data):
        dymaxdata[idx] = convert.lonlat2dymax(row[0],row[1])
    if verbose: print(':: mapped {:d} points to dymax projection @ {:.1f} pts/sec [{:.1f} secs total]'.format(len(dymaxdata),len(dymaxdata)/(time.time()-start),time.time()-start))

    ### Load Metadata
    with open(data_directory+'gshhsmeta_'+resolution+'.dat','r') as derp:
        places = derp.read()
        places = places.split('\n')

    lonlat_islands = []
    dymax_islands = []
    #1, area, numpoints, limit_south, limit_north, startbyte, numbytes, id-(E/W crosses dateline east or west)
    for place in places:
        if len(place) < 2: continue
        column = place.split()
        if float(column[1]) < 500 and resolution == 'c': continue # eliminate tiny area islands
        start_idx = int(column[5])//8
        stop_idx = start_idx + int(column[6])//8
        lonlat_islands += [data[start_idx:stop_idx]]
        dymax_islands += [dymaxdata[start_idx:stop_idx]]
    if verbose: print(':: computed',len(places),'coastlines')
    return lonlat_islands, dymax_islands
Пример #5
def convertRectImage2DymaxImage(inFilename, outFilename, verbose=True, scale = 300, speedup = 1, save=False, show=True):
    Convert rectilinear image to dymax projection image.
    scale is number of pixels per dymax xy unit.
    How to calculate output scale:
        width = 160 # in cm
        resolution = 30 # in px/cm
        scale = (width * resolution) / 5.5
        final_size_in_pixels = (scale * 5.5, scale * 2.6)
    speedup gives a sparse preview of the output image and is specified as a 
    time divisor. On an intel Q6600 14 million points take about 6 minutes.
    A speedup value of 10 reduces compute time to 
    start = time.time()
    im = Image.open(inFilename) #Can be many different formats. #15 vertical and horizontal pixels per degree
    pix = im.load()
    if verbose: print(':: input image resolution =',im.size) # Get the width and hight of the image for iterating over

    ### LongLat2Dymax returns x = (0,5.5) and y=(0,2.6)
    dymax_xsize, dymax_ysize = int(5.5*scale),int(2.6*scale)
    dymaximg = Image.new( 'RGBA', (dymax_xsize,dymax_ysize), (255,0,0,0)) # create a new transparent
    if verbose: print(':: output image resolution =',(dymax_xsize,dymax_ysize)) # Get the width and hight of the image for iterating over

    ### X and Y are indexed from topleft to bottom right
    if verbose: print(':: sweeping over Longitudes:')
    xsize,ysize = im.size
    for i, lon in enumerate(np.linspace(-180,180,xsize/speedup,endpoint=True)):
        i*= speedup
        if i % 20 == 0:
            print('{:+07.2f} '.format(lon),end='')
            stdout.flush() # I would add flush=True to print, but thats only in python3.3+
        for j, lat in enumerate(np.linspace(90,-90,ysize/speedup,endpoint=True)):
            j*= speedup
            newx,newy = convert.lonlat2dymax(lon,lat)
            newx = int(newx*scale)-1
            newy = int(newy*scale)
            try:dymaximg.putpixel((newx, newy), pix[i,j])
            # Sometimes a point won't map to an edge properly
            except IndexError: print('{{{:d},{:d}}}'.format(newx,newy), end='')
    if verbose: print()
    dymaximg = ImageOps.flip(dymaximg) #it's upside down, who cares why
    ### Convert white pixels to transparent (there must be a better way)
    pixdata = dymaximg.load()
    for y in range(dymaximg.size[1]):
        for x in range(dymaximg.size[0]):
            if pixdata[x, y] == (255, 255, 255, 255):
                pixdata[x, y] = (255, 255, 255, 0)
    numpoints = im.size[0] * im.size[1] // speedup
    if verbose: print(':: mapped {:d} points to dymax projection @ {:.1f} pts/sec [{:.1f} secs total]'.format(numpoints,numpoints/(time.time()-start),time.time()-start))
    if save: dymaximg.save(outFilename, format='PNG')
    if show:
    else: plt.close()