Z = 76
# From mixture between discretes and EB05 for this nucleus
model = "Disc_and_EB05"
spinpars = {
    "mass": A,
    "NLDa": 18.472,
    "Eshift": 0.331,
    "sigma2_disc": [1.1, 2.8],
    "Sn": Sn

# load/write nld
fn_nld = "../nld_exp.txt"
fn_nld_out = "data/nld_talys.txt"
nld = np.loadtxt(fn_nld)
fnld = log_interp1d(nld[:, 0], nld[:, 1], fill_value="extrapolate")
# print(f"Below {nld[0, 0]} the nld is just an extrapolation
#       "Best will be to use discrete levels in talys below that")
table = gen_nld_table(fnld=fnld,
                      Estop=Sn + dE,

fmt = "%7.2f %6.3f %9.2E %8.2E %8.2E " + 30 * " %8.2E"
header = "U[MeV]  T[MeV]  NCUMUL   RHOOBS   RHOTOT     J=0      J=1      J=2      J=3      J=4      J=5      J=6      J=7      J=8      J=9     J=10     J=11     J=12     J=13     J=14     J=15     J=16     J=17     J=18     J=19     J=20     J=21     J=22     J=23     J=24     J=25     J=26     J=27     J=28     J=29"
np.savetxt(fn_nld_out, table, fmt=fmt, header=header)

print("Rembember to  overwrite part of the table in"
      "`path/to/talys/structure/density/ground/goriely/XX.tab` with the"
      f"generated nld file: {fn_nld_out}")
gsf[:, 0] = x
gsf[:, 1] = GLO(x, **pGLO)
gsf[:, 2] = SLO(x, **pSLO)

# The file is/should be writen in [MeV] [MeV^-3] [MeV^-3]
if gsf[0, 0] == 0:
    gsf = gsf[1:, :]
Egsf = gsf[:, 0]
gsfE1 = gsf[:, 1]
gsfM1 = gsf[:, 2]

# REMEMBER that the TALYS functions are given in mb/MeV (Goriely's tables)
# so we must convert it (simple factor)
factor_from_mb = 8.6737E-08  # const. factor in mb^(-1) MeV^(-2)

fE1 = log_interp1d(Egsf, gsfE1, fill_value="extrapolate")
fM1 = log_interp1d(Egsf, gsfM1, fill_value="extrapolate")

Egsf_out = np.arange(0.1, 30.1, 0.1)

fn_gsf_outE1 = "data/gsfE1.dat"
fn_gsf_outM1 = "data/gsfM1.dat"
header = f" Z=  {Z} A=  {A}\n" + "  U[MeV]  fE1[mb/MeV]"
# gsfE1 /= factor_from_mb
           np.c_[Egsf_out, fE1(Egsf_out) / factor_from_mb],
# gsfM1 /= factor_from_mb
           np.c_[Egsf_out, fM1(Egsf_out) / factor_from_mb],
# load/write nld
fn_nld = "../nld_exp.txt"
fn_nld_out = "data/nld_talys.txt"
nld = np.loadtxt(fn_nld, usecols=[0, 1])
nld_exp = nld.copy()

# Add the same extrapolation
Emax = nld[-1, 0]
x = np.linspace(Emax, Estop + 3, 50)
nld_ext = CT(x, T=0.5, E0=0.311)
nld = np.append(nld, nld_ext, axis=0)

# If you comment out extrapolation below, it will do a log-linear
# extraolation of the last two points. This is probably not what you want.
# fnld = log_interp1d(nld[:, 0], nld[:, 1], fill_value="extrapolate")
fnld = log_interp1d(nld[:, 0], nld[:, 1])

    table = gen_nld_table(fnld=fnld,
except ValueError as e:
    if str(e) == "A value in x_new is below the interpolation range.":
        raise ValueError("The last values in the data are below "
                         f"Estop={Estop} if you really want to get "
                         "the data in talys format so far you need to"
                         "use an extrapolation.")