Пример #1
def process_localization():

    localization_json = convert_xml_to_json._process("localization.xml")
    languages = [
    {"name":"english", "mode":0},
    {"name":"japanese", "mode":1},
    {"name":"hawaii", "mode":1},
    {"name":"korean", "mode":1},
    {"name":"france", "mode":1},
    {"name":"dutch", "mode":1},
    {"name":"deutsch", "mode":1},
    {"name":"catalan", "mode":1},
    {"name":"espana", "mode":1},
    {"name":"portugal", "mode":1},
    {"name":"italia", "mode":1},
    {"name":"swedish", "mode":1},
    {"name":"danish", "mode":1},
    {"name":"norway", "mode":1},
    {"name":"croatian", "mode":1},
    {"name":"greek", "mode":1},
    {"name":"russian", "mode":1},
    {"name":"turkey", "mode":1},
    {"name":"vietnamese", "mode":1},
    {"name":"mandarin", "mode":1},
    localization = collections.OrderedDict()
    for language in languages:
        localization[language['name']] = []
    for row in localization_json['table'][1:]:
        for k in range(len(languages)):
            item = "";
            if k < len(row):
                item = row[k]
            language = languages[k]

    write_output({"localization": localization}, "localization.json")
Пример #2
def process_database():

    workaround = {
    "ASPITRIGLA CUCULUS":"aspitriglacuculus.jpg",
    "SERRANUS CABRILLA":"serranuscabrilla.jpg",
    "MUGIL SPP.":"mugillspp.jpg",
    "BOLINUS BRANDARIS":"bolinusbrandaris.jpg",
    "HELICOLENUS DACTYLOPTERUS":"heliocolenusdactylopterus.jpg",
    "ONCORBYNCHUS NERKA":"oncorhynchusnerka.jpg",
    "KATSUWONUS PELAMIS":"katsuwonuspelamis.jpg",

    database_json = convert_xml_to_json._process("database.xml")


    #print "database_json", database_json['table'][0]
    # header = database_json['table'][0]
    # for k in range(len(props)):
    #     item = None
    #     if k < len(header):
    #         item = header[k]
    #     props[k]['header']= item
    database = []
    image_not_found = 0
    # mode = 0 => single item
    # mode = 1 => multiple item separated by comma
    # mode = 2 => single item with links
    id_ = 0;
    for row in database_json['table'][1:]:
        #print "row=",row ;
        obj = collections.OrderedDict()
        obj['id'] = id_
        for k in range(len(props)):
            item = "";
            if k < len(row):
                item = row[k]
            item = item.strip()
            prop = props[k] 
            # single item
            if prop['mode']==0: 
            # multiple item separated by comma    
            elif prop['mode']==1:
                items = item.split(',')
                item = []
                for txt in items:
                    txt = txt.strip()
                    if len(txt)>1:
            #  single item with links           
            elif prop['mode']==2:
                item = linksub(item);
            #  image           
            elif prop['mode']==3:

                item = item.lower().replace(' ','_');
            # store item
            obj[prop['name']] = item
        english = obj['english']
        if (len(english)==0):
        scientific = obj['scientific'][0]
        if (len(scientific)==0):
        print "item %d : %s / %s " % (id_,english,scientific)

        # check if image exists  
        if (scientific in workaround):
                print "using workaround : ", workaround[scientific]
                obj['image'] = workaround[scientific]
        if not os.path.exists(os.path.join("../iOS/Fishionary/data/database",obj['image'])):
            print "image not found : ", obj['image'] 
            image_not_found += 1
        id_ += 1;
    print "total= %d items" % len(database)
    print "image not found = %d files" % image_not_found
    if image_not_found :
        print "*** Stopping. Please correct this problem !"


    write_output({"database": database}, "database.json")