Пример #1
def process_remainder(name, remainder):
    '''Process the remaining binary.'''
    # Make the packets output dir if it doesn't exist
    if not os.path.isdir(PACKETS_DIR):
    remainder_text_filename = PACKETS_DIR + os.sep + name + ".txt"
    remainder_pcap_filename = PACKETS_DIR + os.sep + name + '_' + datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S-%f") + ".pcap"
    piped = '\n' + name + " piped to \'" + remainder_pcap_filename + "\'."
    # Don't process payload for Ethertype 0x0000, just print it
    if ethertype == EMPTY or converter.hex_equals_hex(ethertype, "0x0000"):
        print name
        print converter.binary_to_hex(remainder)
    remainder = converter.binary_to_hex(remainder)[2:]
    # Remainder must be divisible by 2
    if len(remainder) % 2 != 0:
        raise custom_exceptions.PayloadIsInvalidException(remainder)
    # Format remainder output
    remainder_output = "00000000"
    while remainder != EMPTY:
        remainder_output += SPACE + remainder[:2]
        remainder = remainder[2:]
    remainder_output += NEW_LINE
    print "Creating file \'" + remainder_text_filename + "\'..."
    txt_file = open(remainder_text_filename, 'w')
    print "Converting to \'.pcap\' file..."
    if converter.hex_equals_hex(ethertype, "0x0001"): # L2 header is passed along fabric
        subprocess.call(["text2pcap", remainder_text_filename, remainder_pcap_filename])
    else: # append Ethertype
        subprocess.call(["text2pcap", '-e', ethertype, remainder_text_filename, remainder_pcap_filename])
    print piped
    print "Removing file \'" + remainder_text_filename + "\'..."
    if open_wireshark:
        print "Opening Wireshark..."
        subprocess.Popen(["wireshark", '-r', remainder_pcap_filename])
Пример #2
 def flush_section(self):  # this is done by section so that dividing lines can be added manually in between
     """Processes the current section and clears it, nothing is printed."""
     # self.lines - the lines in the current section
     # running_binary - the binary across multiple lines that does not divide up evenly into nibbles
     # running_lines - the lines associated with the running binary
     # running_indent - the current indent associated with the running binary
     if self.lines != []:
         running_lines = []
         running_binary = EMPTY
         running_indent = 0
         for line in self.lines:  # go through each line in the section and process it
             running_binary += line.data[2]
             if len(running_binary) % 4 == 0:  # end the current running_section
                 self.to_print.append(Line([H_LINE, H_LINE, H_LINE, H_LINE]))
                 for section_line in running_lines:
                     # Add the hex for the first part of the running_section
                     if section_line == running_lines[0]:
                         section_line.data[1] = converter.binary_to_hex(running_binary)
                     # Pad the binary with dots at the beginning and end
                     section_line.data[2] = (DOT * running_indent) + section_line.data[2]
                     running_indent = len(section_line.data[2]) % 8
                     if running_indent != 0:
                         section_line.data[2] += DOT * (8 - (len(section_line.data[2]) % 8))
                     # Break the binary into sections of eight
                     cur_binary_section = section_line
                     while cur_binary_section.data[2] != EMPTY:
                         next_binary_section = Line(
                             [EMPTY, EMPTY, cur_binary_section.data[2][8:], EMPTY], cur_binary_section.center
                         cur_binary_section.data[2] = insert(cur_binary_section.data[2][:8], SPACE, 4)
                         self.to_print.append(cur_binary_section)  # Add the line to the print!
                         cur_binary_section = next_binary_section
                     if section_line != running_lines[-1]:
                         self.to_print.append(Line([H_LINE, EMPTY, H_LINE, H_LINE]))
                 running_lines = []
                 running_binary = EMPTY
         # Clear fields
         self.lines = []