Пример #1
 def test_graham_scan_t(self):
     # test the implementation of Graham scan
     res_1 = graham_scan([(4, 4), (5, 4), (4, 5), (5, 5), (5, 6), (6, 6),
                          (5, 7), (6, 7), (6, 2), (7, 2), (6, 3), (7, 3)])
     ans_1 = [(6, 2), (7, 2), (7, 3), (6, 7), (5, 7), (4, 5), (4, 4)]
     res_2 = graham_scan([(1, 2), (2, 2), (1, 3), (2, 3), (1, 5), (2, 5),
                          (1, 6), (2, 6), (2, 6), (3, 6), (2, 7), (3, 7),
                          (3, 3), (4, 3), (3, 4), (4, 4)])
     ans_2 = [(1, 2), (2, 2), (4, 3), (4, 4), (3, 7), (2, 7), (1, 6)]
Пример #2
    def test_graham_scan(self):
        points = generate_points()

        actual_hull = ch.graham_scan(points)
        expected_hull = get_expected_hull()

        self.assertEqual(actual_hull, expected_hull)
Пример #3
 def _fill_mountain_1(self, h, h_coordinates):
     hull_verts = graham_scan(get_all_vertices(
         h_coordinates[h]))  # all vertices of the convex hull
     mask = interpolate(self.m, self.n, hull_verts, use_wn=True)
     for r in range(self.m):
         for c in range(self.n):
             if mask[r][c] and self.terrain[r][c] != 2:
                 self.terrain[r][c] = h
Пример #4
def getVectorRepresentation(filePath):
    ''' extracts coordinates from geojson File (for vector representation) \n
    input "filePath": type string, file path to geojson File \n
    returns extracted coordinates of content: type list, list of lists with length = 2
    #type list, contains all coordinates as tuples
    coordinates = []

    #type list, contains everything extracted
    extracted = []

    def extractAfterKeyword(searchParam, gjsonContent):
        ''' searches for the value fo the dict entry with keyword which is given as input \n
        input "searchParam": type string, keyword for which is searched in the dict \n
        input "gjsonContent": type dict, Content of geojson File
        if type(gjsonContent) == dict:
            for keyContent, valueContent in gjsonContent.items():
                if keyContent == searchParam:
                if type(valueContent) == dict or type(valueContent) == list:
                    extractAfterKeyword(searchParam, valueContent)
        if type(gjsonContent) == list:
            for element in gjsonContent:
                extractAfterKeyword(searchParam, element)

    def extractCoordinates(coordsList):
        ''' extract coordinates as tuples out of a some more lists (e.g. with Multipolygons) \n
        input "coordsList": type list, value of dict entry with key "coordinates"
        if type(coordsList) == list and len(coordsList) == 2 and (type(
                coordsList[0]) == float or type(
                    coordsList[0]) == int) and (type(coordsList[1]) == float
                                                or type(coordsList[1]) == int):
        elif type(coordsList) == list and len(coordsList) != 0:
            for value in coordsList:

    gjsonContent = convert3dto2d(filePath)
    extracted = []
    extractAfterKeyword("coordinates", gjsonContent)
    if not coordinates:
        raise Exception(
            "No coordinates found in File. Vector Representation could not be extracted."
    #convex hull is formed out of coordinates
    coordinates = convex_hull.graham_scan(coordinates)
    return coordinates
Пример #5
def getVectorRepresentation(path):
    ''' abstract the geometry of the file with a polygon
    first: collects all the points of the file
    then: call the function that computes the polygon of it \n
    input "path": type string, file path to shapefile \n
    returns extracted coordinates of content from shapefiletype list, list of lists with length = 2, 
        if not '.shp' in path:
            shpPath = path[:path.rfind(".")+1]
            shpPath += "shp"
            if not hf.exists(shpPath):
                raise FileNotFoundError("Related shp-file could not be found!")
                path = shpPath
        with fiona.open(path) as datasetFiona:
            if datasetFiona is not None:
                coordinates = ""
                for x in datasetFiona:
                    if 'geometry' in x:
                        if 'coordinates' in x["geometry"]:
                            if len(x["geometry"]["coordinates"]) > 0:
                                coors = str(x["geometry"]["coordinates"][0])
                                coordinatesASString = coors[coors.find("(") : coors.rfind(")") + 1]
                                if len(coordinatesASString) < 3 and len(x["geometry"]["coordinates"]) == 2:
                                    coordinates += "(" + str(x["geometry"]["coordinates"][0]) + ", " + str(x["geometry"]["coordinates"][1]) + ")"
                                coordinates += coordinatesASString + ", "
                coordinates = coordinates[: len(coordinates) - 4]
                coordinates = coordinates.split("), (")
                for index, value in enumerate(coordinates):
                    coordinates[index] = str(value).split(", ")
            for index, value in enumerate(coordinates):
                if len(value) != 2:
                    print("Error: Coordinate does not have two values")
                    coordinates[index][0] = float(value[0].replace("(", "").replace(")", ""))
                    coordinates[index][1] = float(value[1].replace("(", "").replace(")", ""))
                    print("Error: Value cannot be converted into float" + value[0])
            coordinates = convex_hull.graham_scan(coordinates)
            return coordinates
    except Exception as e:
        pathWithoutEnding = path[:len(path)-4]
        if not (hf.exists(pathWithoutEnding + ".dbf") and hf.exists(pathWithoutEnding + ".shp") and \
            hf.exists(pathWithoutEnding + ".shx")):
            raise Exception("One of the required files with the following ending are missing: .dbf, .shp or .shx")
            raise e
    raise Exception("The vector representaton could not be extracted from the file")
Пример #6
    def getVectorRepFromFolder(mult_vec_rep):
        computes vector representation from multiple vector representations stored in the array 'mult_vec_rep' (uses helpfunction) \n
        input "mult_vec_rep": type list, all vector representations from the files in the folder \n
        returns the vector representation of the files in the folder: type list, one vector representation of the files from folder
            str(len(mult_vec_rep)) + " of " +
            str(len(fullPaths) - filesSkiped) +
            " supported Files have a vector representation.")
        if type(mult_vec_rep) == list:
            if len(mult_vec_rep) > 0:
                return convex_hull.graham_scan(mult_vec_rep)

        return None
Пример #7
def getVectorRepresentation(path):
    ''' abstracts the geometry of the file with a polygon
    first: collects all the points of the file
    then: call the function that computes the polygon of it \n
    input "path": type string, path to file which shall be extracted \n
    returns extracted coordinates of content: type list, list of lists with length = 2: type list
    file = xarray.open_dataset(path)
    if file is not None:
        if 'coords' in file.to_dict():
            if all(x in file.to_dict()["coords"] for x in ['lat', 'lon']):
                if 'data' in file.to_dict()["coords"][
                        "lat"] and 'data' in file.to_dict()["coords"]["lon"]:
                    lats = file.to_dict()["coords"]["lat"]["data"]
                    lons = file.to_dict()["coords"]["lon"]["data"]
    if not ('lats' in locals() and 'lons' in locals()):
        ncDataset = NCDataset(path)
        if 'latitude' in ncDataset.variables:
            latitudes = ncDataset.variables["latitude"][:]
            lats = []
            for x in latitudes:
        if 'longitude' in ncDataset.variables:
            longitudes = ncDataset.variables["longitude"][:]
            lons = []
            for x in longitudes:
    if 'lats' in locals() and 'lons' in locals():
        coordinates = {'lat': lats, 'lon': lons}
        if len(lats) == len(lons):
            referenced_coordinates = []
            for index, val in enumerate(lats):
                referenced_coordinates.append([lons[index], val])
                coordinates = convex_hull.graham_scan(coordinates)
            raise Exception(
                "The numer auf lat-points and lon-points is not equal, thus a  vector representation cannot be computed."
        return coordinates
    raise Exception(
        "The vector representaton could not be extracted from the file")
Пример #8
from convex_hull import graham_scan
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Original points.
points = [(4.4, 14), (6.7, 15.25), (6.9, 12.8), (2.1, 11.1), (9.5, 14.9),
          (13.2, 11.9), (10.3, 12.3), (6.8, 9.5), (3.3, 7.7), (0.6, 5.1),
          (5.3, 2.4), (8.45, 4.7), (11.5, 9.6), (13.8, 7.3), (12.9, 3.1),
          (11, 1.1)]

convex_hull = graham_scan(points)

x_values = []
y_values = []

for i in range(0, len(convex_hull)):


         label='Path of the convex hull')

x_values = []
 def test_graham_scan(self):
     for points, expected in zip(self.points, self.expected):
         result = graham_scan(points)
         print 'result: {}\nexpected: {}'.format(result, expected)
Пример #10
def getVectorRepresentation(path):
    ''' abstract the geometry of the file with a polygon
    first: collects all the points of the file
    then: call the function that computes the polygon of it \n
    input "path": type string, file path to geopackage file \n
    returns extracted coordinates of content: type list, list of lists with length = 2
    coordinates = []
    with fiona.open(path) as datasetFiona:
        for shapeElement in datasetFiona:
            if 'geometry' in shapeElement:
                if shapeElement["geometry"] is not None:
                    if 'coordinates' in shapeElement["geometry"]:
                        element = shapeElement["geometry"]["coordinates"]

                        def getCoordinatesFromArray(element):
                            if len(element) == 1:
                                if type(element[0]) == list:
                                    if type(element[0][0]) == list:
                                        for y in element[0][0]:
                                            coordinates.append([y[0], y[1]])
                                    elif type(element[0][0]) == tuple:
                                            element[0][0][0], element[0][0][1]
                                        raise Exception(
                                            "Filetype could not be handled")
                            if len(element) == 2:
                                if type(element[0]) == list:
                                    if type(element[0][0]) == list:
                                        for y in element[0][0]:
                                            coordinates.append([y[0], y[1]])
                                    elif type(element[0][0]) == tuple:
                                            element[0][0][0], element[0][0][1]
                                        raise Exception(
                                            "Filetype could not be handled")
                                if type(element[1]) == list:
                                    if type(element[0][0]) == list:
                                        for y in element[0][0]:
                                            coordinates.append([y[0], y[1]])
                                    elif type(element[0][0]) == tuple:
                                            element[0][0][0], element[0][0][1]
                                        raise Exception(
                                            "Filetype could not be handled")
                                if type(element[0]) == float and type(
                                        element[1]) == float:
                                        [element[0], element[1]])

    if len(coordinates) > 0:
        # pop the last dimension in case the coordinates are 3D
        for index, points in enumerate(coordinates):
            if type(points) == list:
                if len(points) == 3:
                    coordinates[index] = [points[0], points[1]]
        coordinates = convex_hull.graham_scan(coordinates)
        return coordinates
        raise Exception(
            "The vector representaton could not be extracted from the file")
Пример #11
 def test_graham_scan(self):
     for points, expected in zip(self.points, self.expected):
         result = graham_scan(points)
         print 'result: {}\nexpected: {}'.format(result, expected)