Пример #1
def check_string_length(value, name, min_length=0, max_length=None):
    """Check the length of specified string
    :param value: the value of the string
    :param name: the name of the string
    :param min_length: the min_length of the string
    :param max_length: the max_length of the string
    if not isinstance(value, six.string_types):
        msg = _("%s is not a string or unicode") % name
        raise exception.InvalidInput(message=msg)

    if len(value) < min_length:
        msg = _("%(name)s has a minimum character requirement of "
                "%(min_length)s.") % {
                    'name': name,
                    'min_length': min_length
        raise exception.InvalidInput(message=msg)

    if max_length and len(value) > max_length:
        msg = _("%(name)s has more than %(max_length)s "
                "characters.") % {
                    'name': name,
                    'max_length': max_length
        raise exception.InvalidInput(message=msg)
Пример #2
def limited(items, request, max_limit=CONF.osapi_max_limit):
    """Return a slice of items according to requested offset and limit.

    :param items: A sliceable entity
    :param request: ``wsgi.Request`` possibly containing 'offset' and 'limit'
                    GET variables. 'offset' is where to start in the list,
                    and 'limit' is the maximum number of items to return. If
                    'limit' is not specified, 0, or > max_limit, we default
                    to max_limit. Negative values for either offset or limit
                    will cause exc.HTTPBadRequest() exceptions to be raised.
    :kwarg max_limit: The maximum number of items to return from 'items'
        offset = int(request.GET.get('offset', 0))
    except ValueError:
        msg = _('offset param must be an integer')
        raise webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg)

        limit = int(request.GET.get('limit', max_limit))
    except ValueError:
        msg = _('limit param must be an integer')
        raise webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg)

    if limit < 0:
        msg = _('limit param must be positive')
        raise webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg)

    if offset < 0:
        msg = _('offset param must be positive')
        raise webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg)

    limit = min(max_limit, limit or max_limit)
    range_end = offset + limit
    return items[offset:range_end]
Пример #3
def limited(items, request, max_limit=CONF.osapi_max_limit):
    """Return a slice of items according to requested offset and limit.

    :param items: A sliceable entity
    :param request: ``wsgi.Request`` possibly containing 'offset' and 'limit'
                    GET variables. 'offset' is where to start in the list,
                    and 'limit' is the maximum number of items to return. If
                    'limit' is not specified, 0, or > max_limit, we default
                    to max_limit. Negative values for either offset or limit
                    will cause exc.HTTPBadRequest() exceptions to be raised.
    :kwarg max_limit: The maximum number of items to return from 'items'
        offset = int(request.GET.get('offset', 0))
    except ValueError:
        msg = _('offset param must be an integer')
        raise webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg)

        limit = int(request.GET.get('limit', max_limit))
    except ValueError:
        msg = _('limit param must be an integer')
        raise webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg)

    if limit < 0:
        msg = _('limit param must be positive')
        raise webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg)

    if offset < 0:
        msg = _('offset param must be positive')
        raise webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg)

    limit = min(max_limit, limit or max_limit)
    range_end = offset + limit
    return items[offset:range_end]
Пример #4
def _get_limit_param(request):
    """Extract integer limit from request or fail."""
        limit = int(request.GET['limit'])
    except ValueError:
        msg = _('limit param must be an integer')
        raise webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg)
    if limit < 0:
        msg = _('limit param must be positive')
        raise webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg)
    return limit
Пример #5
def _get_limit_param(request):
    """Extract integer limit from request or fail."""
        limit = int(request.GET['limit'])
    except ValueError:
        msg = _('limit param must be an integer')
        raise webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg)
    if limit < 0:
        msg = _('limit param must be positive')
        raise webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg)
    return limit
Пример #6
def setup_blkio_cgroup(srcpath, dstpath, bps_limit, execute=utils.execute):
    if not bps_limit:
        LOG.debug('Not using bps rate limiting on volume copy')
        return None

        srcdev = utils.get_blkdev_major_minor(srcpath)
    except exception.Error as e:
        msg = (_('Failed to get device number for read throttling: %(error)s')
               % {'error': e})
        srcdev = None

        dstdev = utils.get_blkdev_major_minor(dstpath)
    except exception.Error as e:
        msg = (_('Failed to get device number for write throttling: %(error)s')
               % {'error': e})
        dstdev = None

    if not srcdev and not dstdev:
        return None

    group_name = CONF.volume_copy_blkio_cgroup_name
    LOG.debug('Setting rate limit to %s bps for blkio '
              'group: %s' % (bps_limit, group_name))
        execute('cgcreate', '-g', 'blkio:%s' % group_name, run_as_root=True)
    except processutils.ProcessExecutionError:
        LOG.warn(_('Failed to create blkio cgroup'))
        return None

        if srcdev:
            execute('cgset', '-r', 'blkio.throttle.read_bps_device=%s %d'
                    % (srcdev, bps_limit), group_name, run_as_root=True)
        if dstdev:
            execute('cgset', '-r', 'blkio.throttle.write_bps_device=%s %d'
                    % (dstdev, bps_limit), group_name, run_as_root=True)
    except processutils.ProcessExecutionError:
        msg = (_('Failed to setup blkio cgroup to throttle the devices: '
               % {'src': srcdev, 'dst': dstdev})
        return None

    return ['cgexec', '-g', 'blkio:%s' % group_name]
Пример #7
def check_exclusive_options(**kwargs):
    """Checks that only one of the provided options is actually not-none.

    Iterates over all the kwargs passed in and checks that only one of said
    arguments is not-none, if more than one is not-none then an exception will
    be raised with the names of those arguments who were not-none.

    if not kwargs:

    pretty_keys = kwargs.pop("pretty_keys", True)
    exclusive_options = {}
    for (k, v) in kwargs.iteritems():
        if v is not None:
            exclusive_options[k] = True

    if len(exclusive_options) > 1:
        # Change the format of the names from pythonic to
        # something that is more readable.
        # Ex: 'the_key' -> 'the key'
        if pretty_keys:
            names = [k.replace('_', ' ') for k in kwargs.keys()]
            names = kwargs.keys()
        names = ", ".join(sorted(names))
        msg = (_("May specify only one of %s") % (names))
        raise exception.InvalidInput(reason=msg)
Пример #8
    def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
        r"""Subclasses will probably want to implement __call__ like this:

        def __call__(self, req):
          # Any of the following objects work as responses:

          # Option 1: simple string
          res = 'message\n'

          # Option 2: a nicely formatted HTTP exception page
          res = exc.HTTPForbidden(explanation='Nice try')

          # Option 3: a webob Response object (in case you need to play with
          # headers, or you want to be treated like an iterable)
          res = Response();
          res.app_iter = open('somefile')

          # Option 4: any wsgi app to be run next
          res = self.application

          # Option 5: you can get a Response object for a wsgi app, too, to
          # play with headers etc
          res = req.get_response(self.application)

          # You can then just return your response...
          return res
          # ... or set req.response and return None.
          req.response = res

        See the end of http://pythonpaste.org/webob/modules/dec.html
        for more info.

        raise NotImplementedError(_('You must implement __call__'))
Пример #9
 def read(self, i=None):
     result = self.data.read(i)
     self.bytes_read += len(result)
     if self.bytes_read > self.limit:
         msg = _("Request is too large.")
         raise webob.exc.HTTPRequestEntityTooLarge(explanation=msg)
     return result
Пример #10
def action_peek_json(body):
    """Determine action to invoke."""

        decoded = jsonutils.loads(body)
    except ValueError:
        msg = _("cannot understand JSON")
        raise exception.MalformedRequestBody(reason=msg)

    # Make sure there's exactly one key...
    if len(decoded) != 1:
        msg = _("too many body keys")
        raise exception.MalformedRequestBody(reason=msg)

    # Return the action and the decoded body...
    return decoded.keys()[0]
Пример #11
    def attach(self, *slaves):
        """Attach one or more slave templates.

        Attaches one or more slave templates to the master template.
        Slave templates must have a root element with the same tag as
        the master template.  The slave template's apply() method will
        be called to determine if the slave should be applied to this
        master; if it returns False, that slave will be skipped.
        (This allows filtering of slaves based on the version of the
        master template.)

        slave_list = []
        for slave in slaves:
            slave = slave.wrap()

            # Make sure we have a tree match
            if slave.root.tag != self.root.tag:
                msg = (_("Template tree mismatch; adding slave %(slavetag)s "
                         "to master %(mastertag)s") %
                       {'slavetag': slave.root.tag,
                        'mastertag': self.root.tag})
                raise ValueError(msg)

            # Make sure slave applies to this template
            if not slave.apply(self):


        # Add the slaves
Пример #12
    def __init__(self, message=None, **kwargs):
        self.kwargs = kwargs

        if 'code' not in self.kwargs:
                self.kwargs['code'] = self.code
            except AttributeError:

        if not message:
                message = self.message % kwargs

            except Exception:
                # kwargs doesn't match a variable in the message
                # log the issue and the kwargs
                msg = (_("Exception in string format operation.  msg='%s'")
                       % self.message)
                for name, value in kwargs.iteritems():
                    LOG.error("%s: %s" % (name, value))

                # at least get the core message out if something happened
                message = self.message

        # Put the message in 'msg' so that we can access it.  If we have it in
        # message it will be overshadowed by the class' message attribute
        self.msg = message
        super(BrickException, self).__init__(message)
Пример #13
    def attach(self, *slaves):
        """Attach one or more slave templates.

        Attaches one or more slave templates to the master template.
        Slave templates must have a root element with the same tag as
        the master template.  The slave template's apply() method will
        be called to determine if the slave should be applied to this
        master; if it returns False, that slave will be skipped.
        (This allows filtering of slaves based on the version of the
        master template.)

        slave_list = []
        for slave in slaves:
            slave = slave.wrap()

            # Make sure we have a tree match
            if slave.root.tag != self.root.tag:
                msg = (_("Template tree mismatch; adding slave %(slavetag)s "
                         "to master %(mastertag)s") % {
                             'slavetag': slave.root.tag,
                             'mastertag': self.root.tag
                raise ValueError(msg)

            # Make sure slave applies to this template
            if not slave.apply(self):


        # Add the slaves
Пример #14
def action_peek_json(body):
    """Determine action to invoke."""

        decoded = jsonutils.loads(body)
    except ValueError:
        msg = _("cannot understand JSON")
        raise exception.MalformedRequestBody(reason=msg)

    # Make sure there's exactly one key...
    if len(decoded) != 1:
        msg = _("too many body keys")
        raise exception.MalformedRequestBody(reason=msg)

    # Return the action and the decoded body...
    return decoded.keys()[0]
Пример #15
    def __init__(self, name, loader=None):
        """Initialize, but do not start the WSGI server.

        :param name: The name of the WSGI server given to the loader.
        :param loader: Loads the WSGI application using the given name.
        :returns: None

        self.name = name
        self.manager = self._get_manager()
        self.loader = loader or wsgi.Loader()
        self.app = self.loader.load_app(name)
        self.host = getattr(CONF, '%s_listen' % name, "")
        self.port = getattr(CONF, '%s_listen_port' % name, 0)
        LOG.error("test host: %(host)s, port: %(port)s", {
            'host': self.host,
            'port': self.port
        self.workers = (getattr(CONF, '%s_workers' % name, None)
                        or processutils.get_worker_count())
        if self.workers and self.workers < 1:
            worker_name = '%s_workers' % name
            msg = (_("%(worker_name)s value of %(workers)d is invalid, "
                     "must be greater than 0.") % {
                         'worker_name': worker_name,
                         'workers': self.workers
            raise exception.InvalidInput(msg)

        self.server = wsgi.Server(name,
Пример #16
    def _error(self, inner, req):
        if not isinstance(inner, exception.QuotaError):
            LOG.error(_LE("Caught error: %s"), inner)
        safe = getattr(inner, 'safe', False)
        headers = getattr(inner, 'headers', None)
        status = getattr(inner, 'code', 500)
        if status is None:
            status = 500

        msg_dict = dict(url=req.url, status=status)
        LOG.info(_LI("%(url)s returned with HTTP %(status)d"), msg_dict)
        outer = self.status_to_type(status)
        if headers:
            outer.headers = headers
        # NOTE(johannes): We leave the explanation empty here on
        # purpose. It could possibly have sensitive information
        # that should not be returned back to the user. See
        # bugs 868360 and 874472
        # NOTE(eglynn): However, it would be over-conservative and
        # inconsistent with the EC2 API to hide every exception,
        # including those that are safe to expose, see bug 1021373
        if safe:
            msg = (inner.msg if isinstance(inner, exception.V2vException) else
            params = {
                'exception': inner.__class__.__name__,
                'explanation': msg
            outer.explanation = _('%(exception)s: %(explanation)s') % params
        return wsgi.Fault(outer)
Пример #17
def check_exclusive_options(**kwargs):
    """Checks that only one of the provided options is actually not-none.

    Iterates over all the kwargs passed in and checks that only one of said
    arguments is not-none, if more than one is not-none then an exception will
    be raised with the names of those arguments who were not-none.

    if not kwargs:

    pretty_keys = kwargs.pop("pretty_keys", True)
    exclusive_options = {}
    for (k, v) in kwargs.iteritems():
        if v is not None:
            exclusive_options[k] = True

    if len(exclusive_options) > 1:
        # Change the format of the names from pythonic to
        # something that is more readable.
        # Ex: 'the_key' -> 'the key'
        if pretty_keys:
            names = [k.replace('_', ' ') for k in kwargs.keys()]
            names = kwargs.keys()
        names = ", ".join(sorted(names))
        msg = (_("May specify only one of %s") % (names))
        raise exception.InvalidInput(reason=msg)
Пример #18
    def __init__(self, name, loader=None):
        """Initialize, but do not start the WSGI server.

        :param name: The name of the WSGI server given to the loader.
        :param loader: Loads the WSGI application using the given name.
        :returns: None

        self.name = name
        self.manager = self._get_manager()
        self.loader = loader or wsgi.Loader()
        self.app = self.loader.load_app(name)
        self.host = getattr(CONF, '%s_listen' % name, "")
        self.port = getattr(CONF, '%s_listen_port' % name, 0)
        LOG.error("test host: %(host)s, port: %(port)s",
                  {'host': self.host, 'port': self.port})
        self.workers = (getattr(CONF, '%s_workers' % name, None) or
        if self.workers and self.workers < 1:
            worker_name = '%s_workers' % name
            msg = (_("%(worker_name)s value of %(workers)d is invalid, "
                     "must be greater than 0.") %
                   {'worker_name': worker_name,
                    'workers': self.workers})
            raise exception.InvalidInput(msg)

        self.server = wsgi.Server(name,
Пример #19
 def read(self, i=None):
     result = self.data.read(i)
     self.bytes_read += len(result)
     if self.bytes_read > self.limit:
         msg = _("Request is too large.")
         raise webob.exc.HTTPRequestEntityTooLarge(explanation=msg)
     return result
Пример #20
    def _error(self, inner, req):
        if not isinstance(inner, exception.QuotaError):
            LOG.error(_LE("Caught error: %s"), inner)
        safe = getattr(inner, 'safe', False)
        headers = getattr(inner, 'headers', None)
        status = getattr(inner, 'code', 500)
        if status is None:
            status = 500

        msg_dict = dict(url=req.url, status=status)
        LOG.info(_LI("%(url)s returned with HTTP %(status)d"), msg_dict)
        outer = self.status_to_type(status)
        if headers:
            outer.headers = headers
        # NOTE(johannes): We leave the explanation empty here on
        # purpose. It could possibly have sensitive information
        # that should not be returned back to the user. See
        # bugs 868360 and 874472
        # NOTE(eglynn): However, it would be over-conservative and
        # inconsistent with the EC2 API to hide every exception,
        # including those that are safe to expose, see bug 1021373
        if safe:
            msg = (inner.msg if isinstance(inner, exception.V2vException)
                   else six.text_type(inner))
            params = {'exception': inner.__class__.__name__,
                      'explanation': msg}
            outer.explanation = _('%(exception)s: %(explanation)s') % params
        return wsgi.Fault(outer)
Пример #21
    def __init__(self, message=None, **kwargs):
        self.kwargs = kwargs

        if 'code' not in self.kwargs:
                self.kwargs['code'] = self.code
            except AttributeError:

        if not message:
                message = self.message % kwargs

            except Exception:
                # kwargs doesn't match a variable in the message
                # log the issue and the kwargs
                msg = (_("Exception in string format operation.  msg='%s'") %
                for name, value in kwargs.iteritems():
                    LOG.error("%s: %s" % (name, value))

                # at least get the core message out if something happened
                message = self.message

        # Put the message in 'msg' so that we can access it.  If we have it in
        # message it will be overshadowed by the class' message attribute
        self.msg = message
        super(BrickException, self).__init__(message)
Пример #22
    def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
        r"""Subclasses will probably want to implement __call__ like this:

        def __call__(self, req):
          # Any of the following objects work as responses:

          # Option 1: simple string
          res = 'message\n'

          # Option 2: a nicely formatted HTTP exception page
          res = exc.HTTPForbidden(explanation='Nice try')

          # Option 3: a webob Response object (in case you need to play with
          # headers, or you want to be treated like an iterable)
          res = Response();
          res.app_iter = open('somefile')

          # Option 4: any wsgi app to be run next
          res = self.application

          # Option 5: you can get a Response object for a wsgi app, too, to
          # play with headers etc
          res = req.get_response(self.application)

          # You can then just return your response...
          return res
          # ... or set req.response and return None.
          req.response = res

        See the end of http://pythonpaste.org/webob/modules/dec.html
        for more info.

        raise NotImplementedError(_('You must implement __call__'))
Пример #23
class APIException(V2vException):
    message = _("Error while requesting %(service)s API.")

    def __init__(self, message=None, **kwargs):
        if 'service' not in kwargs:
            kwargs['service'] = 'unknown'
        super(APIException, self).__init__(message, **kwargs)
Пример #24
def copy_volume(srcstr,
    # Use O_DIRECT to avoid thrashing the system buffer cache
    extra_flags = []
    if check_for_odirect_support(srcstr, deststr, 'iflag=direct'):

    if check_for_odirect_support(srcstr, deststr, 'oflag=direct'):

    # If the volume is being unprovisioned then
    # request the data is persisted before returning,
    # so that it's not discarded from the cache.
    if sync and not extra_flags:

    blocksize, count = _calculate_count(size_in_m, blocksize)

    cmd = [
        'if=%s' % srcstr,
        'of=%s' % deststr,
        'count=%d' % count,
        'bs=%s' % blocksize

    if ionice is not None:
        cmd = ['ionice', ionice] + cmd

    cgcmd = setup_blkio_cgroup(srcstr, deststr, CONF.volume_copy_bps_limit)
    if cgcmd:
        cmd = cgcmd + cmd

    # Perform the copy
    start_time = timeutils.utcnow()
    execute(*cmd, run_as_root=True)
    duration = timeutils.delta_seconds(start_time, timeutils.utcnow())

    # NOTE(jdg): use a default of 1, mostly for unit test, but in
    # some incredible event this is 0 (cirros image?) don't barf
    if duration < 1:
        duration = 1
    mbps = (size_in_m / duration)
    mesg = ("Volume copy details: src %(src)s, dest %(dest)s, "
            "size %(sz).2f MB, duration %(duration).2f sec")
    LOG.debug(mesg % {
        "src": srcstr,
        "dest": deststr,
        "sz": size_in_m,
        "duration": duration
    mesg = _("Volume copy %(size_in_m).2f MB at %(mbps).2f MB/s")
    LOG.info(mesg % {'size_in_m': size_in_m, 'mbps': mbps})
Пример #25
class V2vException(Exception):
    """Base Cinder Exception

    To correctly use this class, inherit from it and define
    a 'message' property. That message will get printf'd
    with the keyword arguments provided to the constructor.

    message = _("An unknown exception occurred.")
    code = 500
    headers = {}
    safe = False

    def __init__(self, message=None, **kwargs):
        self.kwargs = kwargs
        self.kwargs['message'] = message

        if 'code' not in self.kwargs:
                self.kwargs['code'] = self.code
            except AttributeError:

        for k, v in self.kwargs.iteritems():
            if isinstance(v, Exception):
                self.kwargs[k] = six.text_type(v)

        if self._should_format():
                message = self.message % kwargs

            except Exception:
                exc_info = sys.exc_info()
                # kwargs doesn't match a variable in the message
                # log the issue and the kwargs
                LOG.exception(_LE('Exception in string format operation'))
                for name, value in kwargs.iteritems():
                    LOG.error(_LE("%(name)s: %(value)s"), {
                        'name': name,
                        'value': value
                if CONF.fatal_exception_format_errors:
                    raise exc_info[0], exc_info[1], exc_info[2]
                # at least get the core message out if something happened
                message = self.message
        elif isinstance(message, Exception):
            message = six.text_type(message)

        # NOTE(luisg): We put the actual message in 'msg' so that we can access
        # it, because if we try to access the message via 'message' it will be
        # overshadowed by the class' message attribute
        self.msg = message
        super(V2vException, self).__init__(message)

    def _should_format(self):
        return self.kwargs['message'] is None or '%(message)' in self.message

    def __unicode__(self):
        return six.text_type(self.msg)
Пример #26
 def __iter__(self):
     for chunk in self.data:
         self.bytes_read += len(chunk)
         if self.bytes_read > self.limit:
             msg = _("Request is too large.")
             raise webob.exc.HTTPRequestEntityTooLarge(explanation=msg)
             yield chunk
Пример #27
def clear_volume(volume_size,
    """Unprovision old volumes to prevent data leaking between users."""
    if volume_clear is None:
        volume_clear = CONF.volume_clear

    if volume_clear_size is None:
        volume_clear_size = CONF.volume_clear_size

    if volume_clear_size == 0:
        volume_clear_size = volume_size

    if volume_clear_ionice is None:
        volume_clear_ionice = CONF.volume_clear_ionice

    LOG.info(_("Performing secure delete on volume: %s") % volume_path)

    if volume_clear == 'zero':
        return copy_volume('/dev/zero',
    elif volume_clear == 'shred':
        clear_cmd = ['shred', '-n3']
        if volume_clear_size:
            clear_cmd.append('-s%dMiB' % volume_clear_size)
        raise exception.InvalidConfigurationValue(option='volume_clear',

    start_time = timeutils.utcnow()
    utils.execute(*clear_cmd, run_as_root=True)
    duration = timeutils.delta_seconds(start_time, timeutils.utcnow())

    # NOTE(jdg): use a default of 1, mostly for unit test, but in
    # some incredible event this is 0 (cirros image?) don't barf
    if duration < 1:
        duration = 1
    LOG.info(_('Elapsed time for clear volume: %.2f sec') % duration)
Пример #28
 def __iter__(self):
     for chunk in self.data:
         self.bytes_read += len(chunk)
         if self.bytes_read > self.limit:
             msg = _("Request is too large.")
             raise webob.exc.HTTPRequestEntityTooLarge(explanation=msg)
             yield chunk
Пример #29
    def construct(self):
        """Construct a template.

        Called to construct a template instance, which it must return.
        Only called once.

        raise NotImplementedError(_("subclasses must implement construct()!"))
Пример #30
    def construct(self):
        """Construct a template.

        Called to construct a template instance, which it must return.
        Only called once.

        raise NotImplementedError(_("subclasses must implement construct()!"))
Пример #31
 def __call__(self, req):
     if req.content_length > CONF.osapi_max_request_body_size:
         msg = _("Request is too large.")
         raise webob.exc.HTTPRequestEntityTooLarge(explanation=msg)
     if req.content_length is None and req.is_body_readable:
         limiter = LimitingReader(req.body_file,
         req.body_file = limiter
     return self.application
Пример #32
    def _from_xml(self, datastring):
        plurals = set(self.metadata.get('plurals', {}))

            node = utils.safe_minidom_parse_string(datastring).childNodes[0]
            return {node.nodeName: self._from_xml_node(node, plurals)}
        except expat.ExpatError:
            msg = _("cannot understand XML")
            raise exception.MalformedRequestBody(reason=msg)
Пример #33
 def __call__(self, req):
     if req.content_length > CONF.osapi_max_request_body_size:
         msg = _("Request is too large.")
         raise webob.exc.HTTPRequestEntityTooLarge(explanation=msg)
     if req.content_length is None and req.is_body_readable:
         limiter = LimitingReader(req.body_file,
         req.body_file = limiter
     return self.application
Пример #34
    def _from_xml(self, datastring):
        plurals = set(self.metadata.get('plurals', {}))

            node = utils.safe_minidom_parse_string(datastring).childNodes[0]
            return {node.nodeName: self._from_xml_node(node, plurals)}
        except expat.ExpatError:
            msg = _("cannot understand XML")
            raise exception.MalformedRequestBody(reason=msg)
Пример #35
def convert_version_to_int(version):
        if isinstance(version, six.string_types):
            version = convert_version_to_tuple(version)
        if isinstance(version, tuple):
            return reduce(lambda x, y: (x * 1000) + y, version)
    except Exception:
        msg = _("Version %s is invalid.") % version
        raise exception.V2vException(msg)
Пример #36
def convert_version_to_int(version):
        if isinstance(version, six.string_types):
            version = convert_version_to_tuple(version)
        if isinstance(version, tuple):
            return reduce(lambda x, y: (x * 1000) + y, version)
    except Exception:
        msg = _("Version %s is invalid.") % version
        raise exception.V2vException(msg)
Пример #37
def check_string_length(value, name, min_length=0, max_length=None):
    """Check the length of specified string
    :param value: the value of the string
    :param name: the name of the string
    :param min_length: the min_length of the string
    :param max_length: the max_length of the string
    if not isinstance(value, six.string_types):
        msg = _("%s is not a string or unicode") % name
        raise exception.InvalidInput(message=msg)

    if len(value) < min_length:
        msg = _("%(name)s has a minimum character requirement of "
                "%(min_length)s.") % {'name': name, 'min_length': min_length}
        raise exception.InvalidInput(message=msg)

    if max_length and len(value) > max_length:
        msg = _("%(name)s has more than %(max_length)s "
                "characters.") % {'name': name, 'max_length': max_length}
        raise exception.InvalidInput(message=msg)
Пример #38
def clear_volume(volume_size, volume_path, volume_clear=None,
                 volume_clear_size=None, volume_clear_ionice=None):
    """Unprovision old volumes to prevent data leaking between users."""
    if volume_clear is None:
        volume_clear = CONF.volume_clear

    if volume_clear_size is None:
        volume_clear_size = CONF.volume_clear_size

    if volume_clear_size == 0:
        volume_clear_size = volume_size

    if volume_clear_ionice is None:
        volume_clear_ionice = CONF.volume_clear_ionice

    LOG.info(_("Performing secure delete on volume: %s") % volume_path)

    if volume_clear == 'zero':
        return copy_volume('/dev/zero', volume_path, volume_clear_size,
                           sync=True, execute=utils.execute,
    elif volume_clear == 'shred':
        clear_cmd = ['shred', '-n3']
        if volume_clear_size:
            clear_cmd.append('-s%dMiB' % volume_clear_size)
        raise exception.InvalidConfigurationValue(

    start_time = timeutils.utcnow()
    utils.execute(*clear_cmd, run_as_root=True)
    duration = timeutils.delta_seconds(start_time, timeutils.utcnow())

    # NOTE(jdg): use a default of 1, mostly for unit test, but in
    # some incredible event this is 0 (cirros image?) don't barf
    if duration < 1:
        duration = 1
    LOG.info(_('Elapsed time for clear volume: %.2f sec') % duration)
Пример #39
    def remove(self, elem):
        """Remove a child element."""

        # Unwrap templates...
        elem = elem.unwrap()

        # Check if element exists
        if elem.tag not in self._childmap or self._childmap[elem.tag] != elem:
            raise ValueError(_('element is not a child'))

        del self._childmap[elem.tag]
Пример #40
    def remove(self, elem):
        """Remove a child element."""

        # Unwrap templates...
        elem = elem.unwrap()

        # Check if element exists
        if elem.tag not in self._childmap or self._childmap[elem.tag] != elem:
            raise ValueError(_('element is not a child'))

        del self._childmap[elem.tag]
Пример #41
    def __init__(self, ext_mgr=None):
        if ext_mgr is None:
            if self.ExtensionManager:
                ext_mgr = self.ExtensionManager()
                raise Exception(_("Must specify an ExtensionManager class"))

        mapper = ProjectMapper()
        self.resources = {}
        self._setup_routes(mapper, ext_mgr)
        self._setup_ext_routes(mapper, ext_mgr)
        super(APIRouter, self).__init__(mapper)
Пример #42
    def __init__(self, ext_mgr=None):
        if ext_mgr is None:
            if self.ExtensionManager:
                ext_mgr = self.ExtensionManager()
                raise Exception(_("Must specify an ExtensionManager class"))

        mapper = ProjectMapper()
        self.resources = {}
        self._setup_routes(mapper, ext_mgr)
        self._setup_ext_routes(mapper, ext_mgr)
        super(APIRouter, self).__init__(mapper)
Пример #43
    def __call__(self, req):
        user_id = req.headers.get('X_USER')
        user_id = req.headers.get('X_USER_ID', user_id)
        if user_id is None:
            LOG.debug("Neither X_USER_ID nor X_USER found in request")
            return webob.exc.HTTPUnauthorized()
        # get the roles
        roles = [r.strip() for r in req.headers.get('X_ROLE', '').split(',')]
        if 'X_TENANT_ID' in req.headers:
            # This is the new header since Keystone went to ID/Name
            project_id = req.headers['X_TENANT_ID']
            # This is for legacy compatibility
            project_id = req.headers['X_TENANT']

        project_name = req.headers.get('X_TENANT_NAME')

        # req_id = req.environ.get(request_id.ENV_REQUEST_ID)
        req_id = None

        # Get the auth token
        auth_token = req.headers.get('X_AUTH_TOKEN',

        # Build a context, including the auth_token...
        remote_address = req.remote_addr

        service_catalog = None
        if req.headers.get('X_SERVICE_CATALOG') is not None:
                catalog_header = req.headers.get('X_SERVICE_CATALOG')
                service_catalog = jsonutils.loads(catalog_header)
            except ValueError:
                raise webob.exc.HTTPInternalServerError(
                    explanation=_('Invalid service catalog json.'))

        if CONF.use_forwarded_for:
            remote_address = req.headers.get('X-Forwarded-For', remote_address)
        ctx = context.RequestContext(user_id,

        req.environ['conveyoragent.context'] = ctx
        return self.application
Пример #44
def as_int(obj, quiet=True):
    # Try "2" -> 2
        return int(obj)
    except (ValueError, TypeError):
    # Try "2.5" -> 2
        return int(float(obj))
    except (ValueError, TypeError):
    # Eck, not sure what this is then.
    if not quiet:
        raise TypeError(_("Can not translate %s to integer.") % (obj))
    return obj
Пример #45
    def show(self, req, id):
        """Return data about the given resource."""
        LOG.debug("Query task state start: %s", id)

            state = self.migration_manager.query_data_transformer_state(id)
            LOG.debug("Query task state end: %s", id)
            return self.viewBulid.show(state)
        except Exception as e:
            LOG.error("Query task %(task_id)s state error: %(error)s", {
                'task_id': id,
                'error': e
            msg = _("Query data transformer task state failed")
            raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg)
Пример #46
def as_int(obj, quiet=True):
    # Try "2" -> 2
        return int(obj)
    except (ValueError, TypeError):
    # Try "2.5" -> 2
        return int(float(obj))
    except (ValueError, TypeError):
    # Eck, not sure what this is then.
    if not quiet:
        raise TypeError(_("Can not translate %s to integer.") % (obj))
    return obj
Пример #47
def copy_volume(srcstr, deststr, size_in_m, blocksize, sync=False,
                execute=utils.execute, ionice=None):
    # Use O_DIRECT to avoid thrashing the system buffer cache
    extra_flags = []
    if check_for_odirect_support(srcstr, deststr, 'iflag=direct'):

    if check_for_odirect_support(srcstr, deststr, 'oflag=direct'):

    # If the volume is being unprovisioned then
    # request the data is persisted before returning,
    # so that it's not discarded from the cache.
    if sync and not extra_flags:

    blocksize, count = _calculate_count(size_in_m, blocksize)

    cmd = ['dd', 'if=%s' % srcstr, 'of=%s' % deststr,
           'count=%d' % count, 'bs=%s' % blocksize]

    if ionice is not None:
        cmd = ['ionice', ionice] + cmd

    cgcmd = setup_blkio_cgroup(srcstr, deststr, CONF.volume_copy_bps_limit)
    if cgcmd:
        cmd = cgcmd + cmd

    # Perform the copy
    start_time = timeutils.utcnow()
    execute(*cmd, run_as_root=True)
    duration = timeutils.delta_seconds(start_time, timeutils.utcnow())

    # NOTE(jdg): use a default of 1, mostly for unit test, but in
    # some incredible event this is 0 (cirros image?) don't barf
    if duration < 1:
        duration = 1
    mbps = (size_in_m / duration)
    mesg = ("Volume copy details: src %(src)s, dest %(dest)s, "
            "size %(sz).2f MB, duration %(duration).2f sec")
    LOG.debug(mesg % {"src": srcstr,
                      "dest": deststr,
                      "sz": size_in_m,
                      "duration": duration})
    mesg = _("Volume copy %(size_in_m).2f MB at %(mbps).2f MB/s")
    LOG.info(mesg % {'size_in_m': size_in_m, 'mbps': mbps})
Пример #48
    def create(self, req, body):
        """DownLoad data from source volume"""

        if not self.is_valid_body(body, 'clone_volume'):
            LOG.debug("V2v gateway download data request not key:clone_volume")
            raise exc.HTTPUnprocessableEntity()
        volume = body['clone_volume']

            state = self.migration_manager.clone_volume(volume)

            return self.viewBulid.create(state)

        except Exception as e:
            LOG.error("Clone volume data error: %s", e)
            msg = _("clone volume data failed")
            raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg)
Пример #49
def get_sort_params(params, default_key='created_at', default_dir='desc'):
    """Retrieves sort keys/directions parameters.

    Processes the parameters to create a list of sort keys and sort directions
    that correspond to either the 'sort' parameter or the 'sort_key' and
    'sort_dir' parameter values. The value of the 'sort' parameter is a comma-
    separated list of sort keys, each key is optionally appended with

    Note that the 'sort_key' and 'sort_dir' parameters are deprecated in kilo
    and an exception is raised if they are supplied with the 'sort' parameter.

    The sort parameters are removed from the request parameters by this

    :param params: webob.multidict of request parameters (from
    :param default_key: default sort key value, added to the list if no
                        sort keys are supplied
    :param default_dir: default sort dir value, added to the list if the
                        corresponding key does not have a direction
    :returns: list of sort keys, list of sort dirs
    :raise webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest: If both 'sort' and either 'sort_key' or
                                     'sort_dir' are supplied parameters
    if 'sort' in params and ('sort_key' in params or 'sort_dir' in params):
        msg = _("The 'sort_key' and 'sort_dir' parameters are deprecated and "
                "cannot be used with the 'sort' parameter.")
        raise webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg)
    sort_keys = []
    sort_dirs = []
    if 'sort' in params:
        for sort in params.pop('sort').strip().split(','):
            sort_key, _sep, sort_dir = sort.partition(':')
            if not sort_dir:
                sort_dir = default_dir
        sort_key = params.pop('sort_key', default_key)
        sort_dir = params.pop('sort_dir', default_dir)
    return sort_keys, sort_dirs
Пример #50
def get_sort_params(params, default_key='created_at', default_dir='desc'):
    """Retrieves sort keys/directions parameters.

    Processes the parameters to create a list of sort keys and sort directions
    that correspond to either the 'sort' parameter or the 'sort_key' and
    'sort_dir' parameter values. The value of the 'sort' parameter is a comma-
    separated list of sort keys, each key is optionally appended with

    Note that the 'sort_key' and 'sort_dir' parameters are deprecated in kilo
    and an exception is raised if they are supplied with the 'sort' parameter.

    The sort parameters are removed from the request parameters by this

    :param params: webob.multidict of request parameters (from
    :param default_key: default sort key value, added to the list if no
                        sort keys are supplied
    :param default_dir: default sort dir value, added to the list if the
                        corresponding key does not have a direction
    :returns: list of sort keys, list of sort dirs
    :raise webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest: If both 'sort' and either 'sort_key' or
                                     'sort_dir' are supplied parameters
    if 'sort' in params and ('sort_key' in params or 'sort_dir' in params):
        msg = _("The 'sort_key' and 'sort_dir' parameters are deprecated and "
                "cannot be used with the 'sort' parameter.")
        raise webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg)
    sort_keys = []
    sort_dirs = []
    if 'sort' in params:
        for sort in params.pop('sort').strip().split(','):
            sort_key, _sep, sort_dir = sort.partition(':')
            if not sort_dir:
                sort_dir = default_dir
        sort_key = params.pop('sort_key', default_key)
        sort_dir = params.pop('sort_dir', default_dir)
    return sort_keys, sort_dirs
Пример #51
class BrickException(Exception):
    """Base Brick Exception

    To correctly use this class, inherit from it and define
    a 'msg_fmt' property. That msg_fmt will get printf'd
    with the keyword arguments provided to the constructor.
    message = _("An unknown exception occurred.")
    code = 500
    headers = {}
    safe = False

    def __init__(self, message=None, **kwargs):
        self.kwargs = kwargs

        if 'code' not in self.kwargs:
                self.kwargs['code'] = self.code
            except AttributeError:

        if not message:
                message = self.message % kwargs

            except Exception:
                # kwargs doesn't match a variable in the message
                # log the issue and the kwargs
                msg = (_("Exception in string format operation.  msg='%s'") %
                for name, value in kwargs.iteritems():
                    LOG.error("%s: %s" % (name, value))

                # at least get the core message out if something happened
                message = self.message

        # Put the message in 'msg' so that we can access it.  If we have it in
        # message it will be overshadowed by the class' message attribute
        self.msg = message
        super(BrickException, self).__init__(message)

    def __unicode__(self):
        return unicode(self.msg)
Пример #52
    def render(self, parent, obj, patches=None, nsmap=None):
        """Render an object.

        Renders an object against this template node.  Returns a list
        of two-item tuples, where the first item is an etree.Element
        instance and the second item is the datum associated with that

        :param parent: The parent for the etree.Element instances.
        :param obj: The object to render this template element
        :param patches: A list of other template elements to apply
                        when rendering this template element.
        :param nsmap: An optional namespace dictionary to attach to
                      the etree.Element instances.

        patches = patches or []
        # First, get the datum we're rendering
        data = None if obj is None else self.selector(obj)

        # Check if we should render at all
        if not self.will_render(data):
            return []
        elif data is None:
            return [(self._render(parent, None, patches, nsmap), None)]

        # Make the data into a list if it isn't already
        if not isinstance(data, list):
            data = [data]
        elif parent is None:
            raise ValueError(_('root element selecting a list'))

        # Render all the elements
        elems = []
        for datum in data:
            if self.subselector is not None:
                datum = self.subselector(datum)
            elems.append((self._render(parent, datum, patches, nsmap), datum))

        # Return all the elements rendered, as well as the
        # corresponding datum for the next step down the tree
        return elems
Пример #53
    def render(self, parent, obj, patches=None, nsmap=None):
        """Render an object.

        Renders an object against this template node.  Returns a list
        of two-item tuples, where the first item is an etree.Element
        instance and the second item is the datum associated with that

        :param parent: The parent for the etree.Element instances.
        :param obj: The object to render this template element
        :param patches: A list of other template elements to apply
                        when rendering this template element.
        :param nsmap: An optional namespace dictionary to attach to
                      the etree.Element instances.

        patches = patches or []
        # First, get the datum we're rendering
        data = None if obj is None else self.selector(obj)

        # Check if we should render at all
        if not self.will_render(data):
            return []
        elif data is None:
            return [(self._render(parent, None, patches, nsmap), None)]

        # Make the data into a list if it isn't already
        if not isinstance(data, list):
            data = [data]
        elif parent is None:
            raise ValueError(_('root element selecting a list'))

        # Render all the elements
        elems = []
        for datum in data:
            if self.subselector is not None:
                datum = self.subselector(datum)
            elems.append((self._render(parent, datum, patches, nsmap), datum))

        # Return all the elements rendered, as well as the
        # corresponding datum for the next step down the tree
        return elems
Пример #54
def _calculate_count(size_in_m, blocksize):

    # Check if volume_dd_blocksize is valid
        # Rule out zero-sized/negative/float dd blocksize which
        # cannot be caught by strutils
        if blocksize.startswith(('-', '0')) or '.' in blocksize:
            raise ValueError
        bs = strutils.string_to_bytes('%sB' % blocksize)
    except ValueError:
        msg = (_("Incorrect value error: %(blocksize)s, "
                 "it may indicate that \'volume_dd_blocksize\' "
                 "was configured incorrectly. Fall back to default.")
               % {'blocksize': blocksize})
        # Fall back to default blocksize
        blocksize = CONF.volume_dd_blocksize
        bs = strutils.string_to_bytes('%sB' % blocksize)

    count = math.ceil(size_in_m * units.Mi / bs)

    return blocksize, int(count)
Пример #55
def limited_by_marker(items, request, max_limit=CONF.osapi_max_limit):
    """Return a slice of items according to the requested marker and limit."""
    params = get_pagination_params(request)

    limit = params.get('limit', max_limit)
    marker = params.get('marker')

    limit = min(max_limit, limit)
    start_index = 0
    if marker:
        start_index = -1
        for i, item in enumerate(items):
            if 'flavorid' in item:
                if item['flavorid'] == marker:
                    start_index = i + 1
            elif item['id'] == marker or item.get('uuid') == marker:
                start_index = i + 1
        if start_index < 0:
            msg = _('marker [%s] not found') % marker
            raise webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg)
    range_end = start_index + limit
    return items[start_index:range_end]
Пример #56
def get_blkdev_major_minor(path, lookup_for_file=True):
    """Get the device's "major:minor" number of a block device to control
    I/O ratelimit of the specified path.
    If lookup_for_file is True and the path is a regular file, lookup a disk
    device which the file lies on and returns the result for the device.
    st = os.stat(path)
    if stat.S_ISBLK(st.st_mode):
        path, st = _get_disk_of_partition(path, st)
        return '%d:%d' % (os.major(st.st_rdev), os.minor(st.st_rdev))
    elif stat.S_ISCHR(st.st_mode):
        # No I/O ratelimit control is provided for character devices
        return None
    elif lookup_for_file:
        # lookup the mounted disk which the file lies on
        out, _err = execute('df', path)
        devpath = out.split("\n")[1].split()[0]
        if devpath[0] is not '/':
            # the file is on a network file system
            return None
        return get_blkdev_major_minor(devpath, False)
        msg = _("Unable to get a block device for file \'%s\'") % path
        raise exception.Error(msg)
Пример #57
def get_blkdev_major_minor(path, lookup_for_file=True):
    """Get the device's "major:minor" number of a block device to control
    I/O ratelimit of the specified path.
    If lookup_for_file is True and the path is a regular file, lookup a disk
    device which the file lies on and returns the result for the device.
    st = os.stat(path)
    if stat.S_ISBLK(st.st_mode):
        path, st = _get_disk_of_partition(path, st)
        return '%d:%d' % (os.major(st.st_rdev), os.minor(st.st_rdev))
    elif stat.S_ISCHR(st.st_mode):
        # No I/O ratelimit control is provided for character devices
        return None
    elif lookup_for_file:
        # lookup the mounted disk which the file lies on
        out, _err = execute('df', path)
        devpath = out.split("\n")[1].split()[0]
        if devpath[0] is not '/':
            # the file is on a network file system
            return None
        return get_blkdev_major_minor(devpath, False)
        msg = _("Unable to get a block device for file \'%s\'") % path
        raise exception.Error(msg)
Пример #58
def serve(server, workers=None):
    global _launcher
    if _launcher:
        raise RuntimeError(_('serve() can only be called once'))

    _launcher = service.launch(server, workers=workers)
Пример #59
    def __init__(self, name, app, host=None, port=None, pool_size=None,
                 protocol=eventlet.wsgi.HttpProtocol, backlog=128):
        """Initialize, but do not start, a WSGI server.

        :param name: Pretty name for logging.
        :param app: The WSGI application to serve.
        :param host: IP address to serve the application.
        :param port: Port number to server the application.
        :param pool_size: Maximum number of eventlets to spawn concurrently.
        :returns: None

        # Allow operators to customize http requests max header line size.
        eventlet.wsgi.MAX_HEADER_LINE = CONF.max_header_line
        self.client_socket_timeout = CONF.client_socket_timeout or None
        self.name = name
        self.app = app
        self._host = host or ""
        self._port = port or 0
        self._server = None
        self._socket = None
        self._protocol = protocol
        self.pool_size = pool_size or self.default_pool_size
        self._pool = eventlet.GreenPool(self.pool_size)
        self._logger = logging.getLogger("eventlet.wsgi.server")

        if backlog < 1:
            raise exception.InvalidInput(
                reason='The backlog must be more than 1')

        bind_addr = (host, port)
        # TODO(dims): eventlet's green dns/socket module does not actually
        # support IPv6 in getaddrinfo(). We need to get around this in the
        # future or monitor upstream for a fix
            info = socket.getaddrinfo(bind_addr[0],
            family = info[0]
            bind_addr = info[-1]
        except Exception:
            family = socket.AF_INET

        cert_file = CONF.ssl_cert_file
        key_file = CONF.ssl_key_file
        ca_file = CONF.ssl_ca_file
        self._use_ssl = cert_file or key_file

        if cert_file and not os.path.exists(cert_file):
            raise RuntimeError(_("Unable to find cert_file : %s")
                               % cert_file)

        if ca_file and not os.path.exists(ca_file):
            raise RuntimeError(_("Unable to find ca_file : %s") % ca_file)

        if key_file and not os.path.exists(key_file):
            raise RuntimeError(_("Unable to find key_file : %s")
                               % key_file)

        if self._use_ssl and (not cert_file or not key_file):
            raise RuntimeError(_("When running server in SSL mode, you "
                                 "must specify both a cert_file and "
                                 "key_file option value in your "
                                 "configuration file."))

        retry_until = time.time() + 30
        while not self._socket and time.time() < retry_until:
                self._socket = eventlet.listen(bind_addr, backlog=backlog,
            except socket.error as err:
                if err.args[0] != errno.EADDRINUSE:

        if not self._socket:
            raise RuntimeError(_("Could not bind to %(host)s:%(port)s "
                               "after trying for 30 seconds") %
                               {'host': host, 'port': port})

        (self._host, self._port) = self._socket.getsockname()[0:2]
        LOG.info(_LI("%(name)s listening on %(_host)s:%(_port)s"),
                 {'name': self.name, '_host': self._host, '_port': self._port})
Пример #60
            help='http/https timeout value for glance operations. If no '
                 'value (None) is supplied here, the glanceclient default '
                 'value is used.'),
            help='The topic that scheduler nodes listen on'),
            help='The topic that volume nodes listen on'),
            help='The topic that volume backup nodes listen on'),
             help=_("DEPRECATED: Deploy v1 of the Cinder API.")),
             help=_("Deploy v2 of the Cinder API.")),
             help='Enables or disables rate limit of the API.'),
             help='Specify list of extensions to load when using osapi_'
                  'volume_extension option with conveyoragent.api.contrib.'
                 help='osapi volume extension to load'),