Пример #1
Файл: spec.py Проект: nhmc/H2
def find_cont(fl, fwhm1=300, fwhm2=200, nchunks=4):
    """ Given the flux, estimate the continuum. fwhm values are
    smoothing lengths.
    # smooth flux, with smoothing length much longer than expected
    # emission line widths.
    fl = nan2num(fl.astype(float), replace="mean")
    co = convolve_psf(fl, fwhm1, edge=10)

    npts = len(fl)
    indices = np.arange(npts)

    # throw away top and bottom 2% of data that deviates from
    # continuum and re-fit new continuum. Go chunk by chunk so that
    # points are thrown away evenly across the spectrum.
    nfl = fl / co
    step = npts // nchunks + 1
    ind = range(0, npts, step) + [npts]
    igood = []
    for i0, i1 in zip(ind[:-1], ind[1:]):
        isort = nfl[i0:i1].argsort()
        len_isort = len(isort)
        j0, j1 = int(0.05 * len_isort), int(0.95 * len_isort)
        igood.extend(isort[j0:j1] + i0)

    good = np.in1d(indices, igood)
    sfl = fl.copy()

    sfl[~good] = np.interp(indices[~good], indices[good], sfl[good])

    co = convolve_psf(sfl, fwhm2, edge=10)
    return co
Пример #2
Файл: spec.py Проект: nhmc/H2
def cr_reject2(fl, er, nsig=10.0, fwhm=2, grow=1, debug=True):
    """ interpolate across features that have widths smaller than the
    expected fwhm resolution.

    fwhm: int
      Resolution fwhm in pixels
    fl : array of floats, shape (N,)
    er : array of floats, shape (N,)

    Returns the interpolated flux and error arrays.
    fl, er = (np.array(a, dtype=float) for a in (fl, er))
    # interpolate over bad pixels
    fl1 = convolve_psf(fl, fwhm)
    ibad = np.where(np.abs(fl1 - fl) > nsig * er)[0]
    if debug:
        print len(ibad)
    extras1 = np.concatenate([ibad + 1 + i for i in range(grow)])
    extras2 = np.concatenate([ibad - 1 - i for i in range(grow)])
    ibad = np.union1d(ibad, np.union1d(extras1, extras2))
    ibad = ibad[(ibad > -1) & (ibad < len(fl))]
    igood = np.setdiff1d(np.arange(len(fl1)), ibad)
    fl[ibad] = np.interp(ibad, igood, fl[igood])
    er[ibad] = np.nan
    return fl, er
Пример #3
Файл: spec.py Проект: nhmc/H2
def qso_template_uv(wa, z, smooth_fwhmpix=6):
    """ Return a composite UV QSO spectrum at redshift z.

    wavelengths must be in Angstroms.
    w, f, e = np.loadtxt(DATAPATH + "templates/qso/telfer_composite_qso.txt", unpack=1)
    fl = np.interp(wa, w * (1 + z), f)
    fl = convolve_psf(fl, smooth_fwhmpix)
    return fl
Пример #4
Файл: fitcont.py Проект: nhmc/H2
    def update(self):
        """ Calculates the new continuum, residuals and updates the plots.

        Updates the following attributes:

        wa,fl,er = (self.spec[key] for key in 'wa fl er'.split())
        co = np.empty(len(wa))
        for b0,b1 in zip(self.breaks[:-1], self.breaks[1:]):
            cpts = [(x,y) for x,y in self.contpoints if b0 <= x <= b1]
            if len(cpts) == 0:
            spline = AkimaSpline(*zip(*cpts))
            i,j = wa.searchsorted([b0,b1])
            co[i:j] = spline(wa[i:j])
        resid = (fl - co) / er
        # histogram
        bins = np.arange(0, 5+0.1, 0.2)
        w0,w1 = self.fig.axes[1].get_xlim()
        x,_ = np.histogram(resid[between(wa, w0, w1)],
        b = np.repeat(bins, 2)
        X = np.concatenate([[0], np.repeat(x,2), [0]])
        Xmax = X.max()    
        X = 0.05 * X / Xmax
        self.markers['hist_left'].set_data(X, b)

        nbin = self.nbin
        self.markers['cont'].set_data(wa[::nbin], co[::nbin])
        self.markers['resid'].set_data(wa[::nbin], resid[::nbin])
        if self.smoothby is not None:
            sfl = convolve_psf(fl, self.smoothby)
            self.art_fl.set_data(wa, sfl)
            self.art_fl.set_data(wa, fl)
        self.continuum = co
        saveobj('_knots.sav', self.contpoints, overwrite=True)
Пример #5
Файл: spec.py Проект: nhmc/H2
def convolve_constant_dv(wa, fl, wa_dv=None, npix=4.0, vfwhm=None):
    """ Convolve a wavelength array with a gaussian of constant
    velocity width.

    If `vfwhm` is specified an intermediate wavelength array with
    constant velocity pixel width is calculated. Otherwise, both
    `wa_dv` and `npix` must be given -- this is faster because no
    intermediate array needs to be calculated.

    fl, wa : arrays of floats, length N
      The array to be convolved and its wavelengths.
    vfwhm : float, optional
      Full width at half maximum in velocity space (km/s) of the
      gaussian kernel with which to convolve `fl`.
    npix : float, default 4
      Number of pixels corresponding to `vfwhm` in `wa_dv` if given,
      otherwise `wa` is interpolated to an array with velocity pixel
      width = vfwhm / npix.
    wa_dv : array of floats, default `None`
      Wavelength array with a constant velocity width (this can be
      generated with make_constant_dv_wa_scale()).

    fl_out : array of length N
      fl convolved with the gaussian kernel with the specified FWHM.
    # interpolate to the log-linear scale, convolve, then
    # interpolate back again.
    # convolve with the gaussian
    if vfwhm is not None:
        wa_dv = make_constant_dv_wa_scale(wa[0], wa[-1], float(vfwhm) / npix)
    fl_dv = np.interp(wa_dv, wa, fl)
    fl_dv_smoothed = convolve_psf(fl_dv, npix)
    fl_out = np.interp(wa, wa_dv, fl_dv_smoothed)
    return fl_out