def createLevel(): tprint(c.magenta + 'Creating new level...\n') variables, story = getMadLib() if story: name = getViableName() levelFile = open('Levels/' + name + '.txt', 'w') levelFile.write(variables + '\n' + story) levelFile.close()
def main(): tprint( + '--- Mad Libs ---\n') if not os.path.isdir('Levels'): os.mkdir('Levels') keepGoing = displayOptions() while keepGoing: keepGoing = displayOptions() tprint(c.magenta + '\nThanks for playing!!!!\n' + c.end)
def displayOptions(): tprint( + "Choose what you'd like to do:" + c.yellow + "\n\tP: Play Level\n\tC: Create Level\n\tQ: Quit\n" + c.end) selection = getValidInput('Choose P/C/Q: ', ['P', 'p', 'C', 'c', 'Q', 'q']) if selection in 'Pp': levelSelect() elif selection in "Cc": createLevel() elif selection in 'Qq': return False return True
def playLevel(levelName): levelFile = open('./Levels/' + levelName + '.txt', 'r') variables = levelFile.readline()[:-1].split(' ') story = levelFile.readline() if getValidInput( 'Do you want to see the story before filling it in? (y/n) ', ['Y', 'y', 'N', 'n']) in 'Yy': tprint('\n' + + levelName + ':\n ' + c.gray + colorify(story, variables) + '\n') tprint( + '\nCompleted MadLib: \n' + fillOutMadLib(story, variables) + '\n')
def getViableName(): name = input( + 'What do you want to call this MadLib? ' + c.yellow) if name not in [level[:-4] for level in os.listdir('Levels')]: tprint(c.magenta + 'Saving ' + name + '...\n') return name else: tprint( + 'The name you have chosen for your level is already in use by a different level.' ) return getViableName()
def getMadLib(): variables = input( + 'Enter the variable names required for this level separated by spaces (noun adjective verb): ' + c.yellow) story = input( + "Enter your story separated by spaces, enter " + c.cyan + variables + + " for places that require user input: " + c.gray) tprint( + 'Your MadLib: ' + colorify(story, variables.split(' ')) + '\n') if getValidInput('Save? (y/n): ', ['Y', 'y', 'N', 'n']) in 'Nn': return False, False return variables, story
def levelSelect(): tprint(c.magenta + 'Loading Saved Levels...\n') options = [level[:-4] for level in os.listdir('Levels')] if len(options) > 0: tprint( + 'Levels:\n' + c.yellow + ''.join([ '\t' + str(index + 1) + '. ' + level + '\n' for index, level in enumerate(options) ])) chosenLevel = getValidInput( "Enter the level name you'd like to play: ", options) playLevel(chosenLevel) else: tprint( + 'There are no levels to play yet.\n') if getValidInput('Want to create one? (y/n): ', ['Y', 'y', 'N', 'n']) in 'Yy': createLevel()
def getValidInput(prompt, validResponses): response = input( + prompt + c.yellow) if response not in validResponses: tprint( + 'That is an invalid response.' + c.end + '\n') return getValidInput(prompt, validResponses) return response