def __init__(self, parent=None, fileName=None, fileText=None, mode=None): """ Constructor @param parent reference to the parent widget @type QWidget """ super(CypherEditGridWidget, self).__init__(parent) self.setupUi(self) self.parent = parent self.settings = QSettings() self.initUI() self.initScintilla() self.helper = Helper() self.mode = mode self.tabType = "CYPHER" self.tabName = fileName self.tabIndex = None # this is the index into the tabWidget of the tab this widget is on self.fileName = fileName self.fileText = fileText self.resultSet = None # create a neocon object for this file tab self.neoDriver = NeoDriver(name=self.parent.pageItem.neoConName, promptPW=self.parent.pageItem.promptPW) # add the data grid widget. self.dataGridGeneric = DataGridGeneric() self.dataGrid = DataGridWidget(self, neoCon=self.neoDriver, genCypher=self.dataGridGeneric) self.nodeGridLayout = QVBoxLayout(self.frmDataGrid) self.nodeGridLayout.setObjectName("nodeGridLayout") self.nodeGridLayout.setContentsMargins(1, 1, 1, 1) self.nodeGridLayout.setSpacing(1) self.nodeGridLayout.addWidget(self.dataGrid) if self.mode == MODENEW: if not self.fileText is None: self.loadText() if self.mode == MODEEDIT: self.loadFile() # position the splitter ) # you have to do this to force all the widgets sizes to update half = int((self.frmEditnGrid.height() / 2)) self.splitter.setSizes([half, half])
def __init__(self, parent=None, mode=None, objectDict=None, designModel=None): """ Constructor @param parent reference to the parent widget @type QWidget """ super(TPPropertyBox, self).__init__(parent) self.setupUi(self) self.parent = parent self.schemaModel = self.parent.schemaObject self.settings = QSettings() self.helper = Helper() self.designModel = designModel self.modelData = self.designModel.modelData if objectDict is None: self.objectDict = self.designModel.newPathTemplateDict() else: self.objectDict = objectDict self.mode = mode # get the class that controls the data grid for relationship templates self.CypherGenPath = CypherGenPath(parent=self, templateDict=self.objectDict) # get neocon object for this project page self.neoCon = NeoDriver(name=self.parent.pageItem.neoConName, promptPW=self.parent.pageItem.promptPW) # path treeview setup self.tvPath.setContextMenuPolicy(Qt.CustomContextMenu) self.tvPath.customContextMenuRequested.connect(self.openMenu) self.tvPath.setDragDropMode(QAbstractItemView.DragOnly) # add the data grid widget. self.nodeGrid = DataGridWidget(self, neoCon=self.neoCon, genCypher=self.CypherGenPath) self.nodeGridLayout = QVBoxLayout(self.dataTabFrame) self.nodeGridLayout.setObjectName("nodeGridLayout") self.nodeGridLayout.addWidget(self.nodeGrid) self.populatingMetaBox = False #populate ui data from object self.populateUIfromObject() if self.mode == "NEW": self.txtPathTemplateName.setFocus() else: # disable definition fields self.txtPathTemplateName.setEnabled(False)
def resetPassword(self): '''login to Neo4j and reset the password ''' # get the currently selected schema tab's neocon name newConName = self.parent.pageItem.neoConName # get the neocon dictionary from settings newConDict = self.settings.value("NeoCon/connection/{}".format(newConName)) newConDict["userid"]=self.editUserID.text() savePW = self.helper.putText(self.editPW.text()) newConDict["password"]=savePW # create a new neoCon using the userid/password the person entered on this form self.newNeoCon = NeoDriver(name=newConName, neoDict = newConDict) QApplication.setOverrideCursor(Qt.WaitCursor) rc, msg = self.changePassword(userName=self.editUserID.text(), pw=self.editNewPW.text(), forceChange=False) if rc: self.helper.displayErrMsg("Change Password", msg) else: self.helper.displayErrMsg("Change Password Error", msg) QApplication.restoreOverrideCursor()
def __init__(self, parent=None, rightClickPos=None): """ Constructor @param parent reference to the parent widget @type QWidget """ super(CopyNodeToDiagramDlg, self).__init__(parent) self.setupUi(self) self.parent = parent self.settings = QSettings() self.rightClickPos = rightClickPos self.designModel = self.parent.model self.syncNeoCon = self.designModel.modelNeoCon self.itemDict = self.parent.itemDict self.helper = Helper() self.neoTypeFunc = NeoTypeFunc() self.nodeGrid = None # header area self.txtDiagramName.setText(self.parent.diagramName) self.txtNeoCon.setText("{} - {}".format(, self.syncNeoCon.neoDict["URL"])) # load node template dropdown and disable it dropdownList = [] dropdownList.append("No Template Selected") dropdownList.extend( sorted(self.designModel.instanceList("Node Template"))) self.cboNodeTemplates.addItems(dropdownList) self.rbFilterTemplate.setChecked(True) # get neocon object for this project page self.neoCon = NeoDriver(name=self.parent.parent.pageItem.neoConName, promptPW=self.parent.parent.pageItem.promptPW) # add the data grid widget. self.addNodeCypher = AddNodeCypher() self.nodeGrid = DataGridWidget(self, neoCon=self.neoCon, genCypher=self.addNodeCypher) self.nodeGridLayout = QVBoxLayout(self.frmDataGrid) self.nodeGridLayout.setObjectName("nodeGridLayout") self.nodeGridLayout.addWidget(self.nodeGrid)
def __init__(self, parent=None, pageItem=None): """ Constructor @param parent reference to the parent widget @type QWidget """ super(CypherPageWidget, self).__init__(parent) self.pageType = "CYPHER" self.settings = QSettings() self.parent = parent self.pageItem = pageItem self.setupUi(self) self.initUI() self.helper = Helper() self.treeViewUpdate.connect(self.populateTree) ######################################################################## # Schema editor setup ######################################################################## self.schemaNeoDriver = NeoDriver(name=self.pageItem.neoConName, promptPW=self.pageItem.promptPW) self.schemaModel = SchemaModel(self, neoDriver=self.schemaNeoDriver) self.refreshSchemaModel() self.schemaModel.setUpdateTreeViewMethod( method=self.on_btnRefresh_clicked) self.tvSchema.setContextMenuPolicy(Qt.CustomContextMenu) self.tvSchema.customContextMenuRequested.connect(self.openMenu) self.clearTree() self.populateTree() # display a default cypher tab self.on_btnNew_clicked() # display an error message if the schema connection doesn't work rc, msg = self.schemaModel.testSchemaConnection() if rc == False: self.helper.displayErrMsg("Connect Schema", "The Connection Failed: {}".format(msg))
def initSettings(self, ): ''' get the system settings needed to start NodeEra. If a system setting doesn't exist then create it with default value - this happens on initial startup ''' self.settings = QSettings() try: self.expirationDate = self.helper.getText( self.settings.value("License/expirationDate")) if self.expirationDate is None: self.expirationDate = 'No expiration date set' self.settings.setValue( "License/expirationDate", self.helper.putText(self.expirationDate)) except: self.expirationDate = 'No expiration date set' self.settings.setValue("License/expirationDate", self.helper.putText(self.expirationDate)) try: self.currentVersion = self.settings.value("License/currentVersion") if self.currentVersion is None: self.currentVersion = currentVersion self.settings.setValue("License/currentVersion", self.currentVersion) elif self.currentVersion != currentVersion: self.currentVersion = currentVersion self.settings.setValue("License/currentVersion", self.currentVersion) except: self.currentVersion = currentVersion self.settings.setValue("License/currentVersion", self.currentVersion) try: self.winSize = self.settings.value("MainWindow/Size") if self.winSize is None: self.winSize = QSize(800, 500) except: self.winSize = QSize(800, 500) try: self.position = self.settings.value("MainWindow/Position") if self.position is None: self.position = QPoint(0, 0) except: self.position = QPoint(0, 0) try: self.recentList = self.settings.value("Default/RecentList") if self.recentList is None: self.recentList = [] self.settings.setValue("Default/RecentList", self.recentList) except: self.recentList = [] self.settings.setValue("Default/RecentList", self.recentList) try: self.defaultLoggingPath = self.settings.value( "Default/LoggingPath") if self.defaultLoggingPath is None: self.logDir = os.getcwd() self.logDir = os.path.realpath(os.path.abspath(self.logDir)) self.settings.setValue("Default/LoggingPath", self.logDir) except: self.logDir = os.getcwd() self.logDir = os.path.realpath(os.path.abspath(self.logDir)) self.settings.setValue("Default/LoggingPath", self.logDir) try: self.defaultProjPath = self.settings.value("Default/ProjPath") if self.defaultProjPath is None: self.defaultProjPath = os.getcwd() self.defaultProjPath = os.path.realpath( os.path.abspath(self.defaultProjPath)) self.settings.setValue("Default/ProjectPath", self.defaultProjPath) except: self.defaultProjPath = os.getcwd() self.defaultProjPath = os.path.realpath( os.path.abspath(self.defaultProjPath)) self.settings.setValue("Default/ProjectPath", self.defaultProjPath) # default custom formats for diagram objects # Display Format - Instance Node try: test = self.settings.value("Default/Format/InstanceNode") if test is None: self.settings.setValue("Default/Format/InstanceNode", INodeFormat().formatDict) except: self.settings.setValue("Default/Format/InstanceNode", INodeFormat().formatDict) # Display Format - Instance Relationship try: test = self.settings.value("Default/Format/InstanceRelation") if test is None: self.settings.setValue("Default/Format/InstanceRelation", IRelFormat().formatDict) except: self.settings.setValue("Default/Format/InstanceRelation", IRelFormat().formatDict) # Display Format - Template Node try: test = self.settings.value("Default/Format/TemplateNode") if test is None: self.settings.setValue("Default/Format/TemplateNode", TNodeFormat().formatDict) except: self.settings.setValue("Default/Format/TemplateNode", TNodeFormat().formatDict) # Display Format - Template Relationship try: test = self.settings.value("Default/Format/TemplateRelation") if test is None: self.settings.setValue("Default/Format/TemplateRelation", TRelFormat().formatDict) except: self.settings.setValue("Default/Format/TemplateRelation", TRelFormat().formatDict) # page setup try: test = self.settings.value("Default/PageSetup") if test is None: self.settings.setValue("Default/PageSetup", PageSetup().objectDict) except: self.settings.setValue("Default/PageSetup", PageSetup().objectDict) # default project neocon try: defaultNeoConName = self.settings.value("NeoCon/Default") if defaultNeoConName is None: self.settings.setValue("NeoCon/Default", "LOCAL") except: self.settings.setValue("NeoCon/Default", "LOCAL") # LOCAL neocon definition try: self.localNeoCon = self.settings.value("NeoCon/connection/LOCAL") if self.localNeoCon is None: self.settings.setValue("NeoCon/connection/LOCAL", NeoDriver().localNeoConDict()) except: self.settings.setValue("NeoCon/connection/LOCAL", NeoDriver().localNeoConDict()) # default lexer font size try: defaultLexerFontSize = self.settings.value("Lexer/FontSize") if defaultLexerFontSize is None: self.settings.setValue("Lexer/FontSize", "10") except: self.settings.setValue("Lexer/FontSize", "10") # validate all neocons have the prompt dictionary key which was added in 1.04 self.settings.beginGroup("NeoCon/connection") neoKeys = self.settings.childKeys() for key in neoKeys: neoDict = self.settings.value(key) promptVal = neoDict.get("prompt", None) if promptVal is None: neoDict["prompt"] = "False" self.settings.setValue(key, neoDict) self.settings.endGroup()
def __init__(self, parent=None, mode=None, objectDict=None, designModel = None): """ objectDict - Relationship Template object dictionary. For creating a new Relationship Template this will be None @param parent reference to the parent widget @type QWidget """ super(TRPropertyBox, self).__init__(parent) self.parent = parent self.schemaModel = self.parent.schemaObject self.settings = QSettings() self.formatChanged = False self.helper = Helper() self.setupUi(self) self.designModel = designModel self.modelData = self.designModel.modelData if objectDict is None: self.objectDict = self.designModel.newRelTemplateDict() else: self.objectDict = objectDict self.mode = mode # get the class that controls the data grid for relationship templates self.RelTemplateCypher = RelTemplateCypher(templateDict=self.objectDict) # get neocon object for this project page self.neoCon = NeoDriver(name=self.parent.pageItem.neoConName, promptPW=self.parent.pageItem.promptPW) # Properties Grid self.gridProps.setModel(self.createPropModel()) comboPropList = [""] comboPropList.extend(sorted(set(self.designModel.instanceList("Property") + self.schemaModel.instanceList("Property")))) dataTypeList = [dataType.value for dataType in DataType] self.gridProps.setItemDelegateForColumn(DATATYPE, CBDelegate(self, dataTypeList, setEditable=False )) self.gridProps.setItemDelegateForColumn(PROPERTY, CBDelegate(self, comboPropList, setEditable=True )) self.gridProps.setItemDelegateForColumn(PROPDEF, NeoEditDelegate(self)) self.gridProps.setColumnWidth(PROPERTY, 350) self.gridProps.setColumnWidth(DATATYPE, 125) self.gridProps.setColumnWidth(PROPREQ, 100) self.gridProps.setColumnWidth(PROPDEF, 150) self.gridProps.setColumnWidth(EXISTS, 100) self.gridProps.setSelectionBehavior(QAbstractItemView.SelectItems) self.gridProps.setSelectionMode(QAbstractItemView.SingleSelection) header = self.gridProps.horizontalHeader() header.setSectionResizeMode(PROPERTY, QHeaderView.Interactive) header.setSectionResizeMode(DATATYPE, QHeaderView.Fixed) header.setSectionResizeMode(PROPREQ, QHeaderView.Fixed) header.setSectionResizeMode(PROPDEF, QHeaderView.Interactive) header.setSectionResizeMode(EXISTS, QHeaderView.Fixed) # constraints grid self.gridConstraints.setModel(self.createConstraintsModel()) conTypeList = ["Property Exists"] self.gridConstraints.setItemDelegateForColumn(CONTYPE, CBDelegate(self, conTypeList, setEditable=False )) self.gridConstraints.setColumnWidth(CONTYPE, 120) self.gridConstraints.setColumnWidth(CONPROP, 350) header = self.gridConstraints.horizontalHeader() header.setSectionResizeMode(CONTYPE, QHeaderView.Fixed) header.setSectionResizeMode(CONPROP, QHeaderView.Interactive) # populate the rel template dropdowns self.loadTemplateDropdowns() # add the data grid widget. self.relGrid = DataGridWidget(self, neoCon=self.neoCon, genCypher=self.RelTemplateCypher) self.relGridLayout = QVBoxLayout(self.dataTabFrame) self.relGridLayout.setObjectName("relGridLayout") self.relGridLayout.addWidget(self.relGrid) #populate ui data from object self.populateUIfromObject() # populate combo boxes used on constraint and index grids self.updateComboBoxes() # sync definition checkboxes with constraints self.syncDefCheckBoxes() if self.mode == "NEW": self.txtRelTemplateName.setFocus() else: # disable definition fields self.txtRelTemplateName.setEnabled(False) self.cboRelName.setEnabled(False) # disable from and to nodes if they have been defined if self.cmbFromTemplate.currentIndex() > 0: self.cmbFromTemplate.setEnabled(False) if self.cmbToTemplate.currentIndex() > 0: self.cmbToTemplate.setEnabled(False)
class ChangeUserPW(QDialog, Ui_ChangeUserPW): """ Class documentation goes here. """ def __init__(self, parent=None): """ Constructor @param parent reference to the parent widget @type QWidget """ super(ChangeUserPW, self).__init__(parent) self.setupUi(self) self.helper = Helper() self.settings = QSettings() self.parent = parent self.editPW.setEchoMode(QLineEdit.Password) self.editNewPW.setEchoMode(QLineEdit.Password) self.editRepeatPW.setEchoMode(QLineEdit.Password) def logMessage(self, msg): if logging: @pyqtSlot() def on_btnCurrentShow_clicked(self): """ User clicks the show button for the current password """ if self.btnCurrentShow.text() == "Show": self.btnCurrentShow.setText("Hide") self.editPW.setEchoMode(QLineEdit.Normal) else: self.btnCurrentShow.setText("Show") self.editPW.setEchoMode(QLineEdit.Password) @pyqtSlot() def on_btnNewShow_clicked(self): """ User clicks the show button for the new passwords """ if self.btnNewShow.text() == "Show": self.btnNewShow.setText("Hide") self.editNewPW.setEchoMode(QLineEdit.Normal) self.editRepeatPW.setEchoMode(QLineEdit.Normal) else: self.btnNewShow.setText("Show") self.editNewPW.setEchoMode(QLineEdit.Password) self.editRepeatPW.setEchoMode(QLineEdit.Password) @pyqtSlot() def on_btnReset_clicked(self): """ User clicks the reset password button so do it """ if self.validate(): self.resetPassword() def validate(self, ): if self.helper.NoTextValueError(self.editUserID.text(), "You must enter a user ID to login with."): self.editUserID.setFocus() return False if self.helper.NoTextValueError(self.editPW.text(), "You must enter a password to login with."): self.editPW.setFocus() return False if self.helper.NoTextValueError(self.editNewPW.text(), "You must enter a new password."): self.editNewPW.setFocus() return False if self.helper.NoTextValueError(self.editRepeatPW.text(), "You must repeat the new password."): self.editRepeatPW.setFocus() return False if self.editNewPW.text() != self.editRepeatPW.text(): self.helper.displayErrMsg("Reset Password", "The new password does not match the repeat password.") self.editNewPW.setFocus() return False return True def resetPassword(self): '''login to Neo4j and reset the password ''' # get the currently selected schema tab's neocon name newConName = self.parent.pageItem.neoConName # get the neocon dictionary from settings newConDict = self.settings.value("NeoCon/connection/{}".format(newConName)) newConDict["userid"]=self.editUserID.text() savePW = self.helper.putText(self.editPW.text()) newConDict["password"]=savePW # create a new neoCon using the userid/password the person entered on this form self.newNeoCon = NeoDriver(name=newConName, neoDict = newConDict) QApplication.setOverrideCursor(Qt.WaitCursor) rc, msg = self.changePassword(userName=self.editUserID.text(), pw=self.editNewPW.text(), forceChange=False) if rc: self.helper.displayErrMsg("Change Password", msg) else: self.helper.displayErrMsg("Change Password Error", msg) QApplication.restoreOverrideCursor() def changePassword(self, userName=None, pw=None, forceChange=None): try: # cypherCmd = "CALL'{}','{}',{})".format(userName, pw, str(forceChange)) cypherCmd = "CALL dbms.changePassword('{}')".format(pw) self.logMessage("Attempting: {}".format(cypherCmd)) #run the query rc1, msg1 = self.newNeoCon.runCypherAuto(cypherCmd) if rc1: msg = "Password Changed." else: msg = "Change Password Error {}".format(msg1) except BaseException as e: msg = "{} - Change Password Error.".format(repr(e)) finally: self.logMessage(msg) return rc1, msg @pyqtSlot() def on_btnClose_clicked(self): """ User clicks the Close button so exit the dialog """ QDialog.accept(self)
class CypherEditGridWidget(QWidget, Ui_cypherEditGridWidget): """ Class documentation goes here. """ def __init__(self, parent=None, fileName=None, fileText=None, mode=None): """ Constructor @param parent reference to the parent widget @type QWidget """ super(CypherEditGridWidget, self).__init__(parent) self.setupUi(self) self.parent = parent self.settings = QSettings() self.initUI() self.initScintilla() self.helper = Helper() self.mode = mode self.tabType = "CYPHER" self.tabName = fileName self.tabIndex = None # this is the index into the tabWidget of the tab this widget is on self.fileName = fileName self.fileText = fileText self.resultSet = None # create a neocon object for this file tab self.neoDriver = NeoDriver(name=self.parent.pageItem.neoConName, promptPW=self.parent.pageItem.promptPW) # add the data grid widget. self.dataGridGeneric = DataGridGeneric() self.dataGrid = DataGridWidget(self, neoCon=self.neoDriver, genCypher=self.dataGridGeneric) self.nodeGridLayout = QVBoxLayout(self.frmDataGrid) self.nodeGridLayout.setObjectName("nodeGridLayout") self.nodeGridLayout.setContentsMargins(1, 1, 1, 1) self.nodeGridLayout.setSpacing(1) self.nodeGridLayout.addWidget(self.dataGrid) if self.mode == MODENEW: if not self.fileText is None: self.loadText() if self.mode == MODEEDIT: self.loadFile() # position the splitter ) # you have to do this to force all the widgets sizes to update half = int((self.frmEditnGrid.height() / 2)) self.splitter.setSizes([half, half]) def logMsg(self, msg): if logging: def initUI(self, ): #initialize state of commit buttons and dropdown self.btnCommit.setEnabled(False) self.btnRollBack.setEnabled(False) self.cmbAutoCommit.setCurrentIndex(0) def initScintilla(self): # add and initialize the control to self.frmEditor self.editor = QsciScintilla() self.editor.setLexer(None) self.editor.setUtf8(True) # Set encoding to UTF-8 self.editor.setWrapMode(QsciScintilla.WrapNone) self.editor.setEolVisibility(False) self.editor.setIndentationsUseTabs(False) self.editor.setTabWidth(4) self.editor.setIndentationGuides(True) self.editor.setAutoIndent(True) self.editor.setMarginType(0, QsciScintilla.NumberMargin) self.editor.setMarginWidth(0, "00000") self.editor.setMarginsForegroundColor(QColor("#ffffffff")) self.editor.setMarginsBackgroundColor(QColor("#00000000")) self.verticalLayout_2.addWidget(self.editor) # setup the lexer self.lexer = CypherLexer(self.editor) self.editor.setLexer(self.lexer) self.setScintillaFontSize() self.editor.SendScintilla(self.editor.SCI_GETCURRENTPOS, 0) self.editor.setCaretForegroundColor(QColor("#ff0000ff")) self.editor.setCaretLineVisible(True) self.editor.setCaretLineBackgroundColor(QColor("#1f0000ff")) self.editor.setCaretWidth(2) self.editor.setBraceMatching(QsciScintilla.SloppyBraceMatch) def setScintillaFontSize(self, ): # set font size to value saved in settings try: fontSize = int(self.settings.value("Lexer/FontSize", "10")) except: fontSize = 10 finally: for style in range(5): self.editor.SendScintilla(QsciScintilla.SCI_STYLESETSIZE, style, fontSize) self.editor.SendScintilla(QsciScintilla.SCI_STYLESETSIZE, 34, fontSize) self.editor.SendScintilla(QsciScintilla.SCI_STYLESETSIZE, 35, fontSize) ##################################################################################### # methods related to the cypher file ##################################################################################### def loadText(self, ): QApplication.setOverrideCursor(Qt.WaitCursor) self.editor.append(self.fileText) self.editor.setModified(True) QApplication.restoreOverrideCursor() def loadFile(self, ): file = QFile(self.fileName) if not | QFile.Text): QMessageBox.warning( self, "NodeMaker", "Cannot read file %s:\n%s." % (self.fileName, file.errorString())) return False instr = QTextStream(file) QApplication.setOverrideCursor(Qt.WaitCursor) self.editor.append(instr.readAll()) self.editor.setModified(False) QApplication.restoreOverrideCursor() def save(self, ): if self.mode == MODENEW: self.saveAs() else: self.saveIt() def saveAs(self, ): # first test to see if the file has changed # get filename to save as # dlg = QFileDialog() dlg.setAcceptMode(QFileDialog.AcceptSave) dlg.setDefaultSuffix("cyp") dlg.setNameFilters([ "Cypher Query (*.cyp *.cypher)", "Cypher Query (*.cyp)", "Cypher Query (*.cypher)", "all files (*.*)" ]) dlg.setDirectory(self.parent.settings.value("Default/ProjPath")) if dlg.exec_(): fileNames = dlg.selectedFiles() if fileNames: self.fileName = fileNames[0] # save the file self.saveIt() def saveIt(self, ): file = QFile(self.fileName) if not | QFile.Text): QMessageBox.warning( self, "NodeEra", "Cannot write file %s:\n%s." % (self.fileName, file.errorString())) return outstr = QTextStream(file) QApplication.setOverrideCursor(Qt.WaitCursor) outstr << self.editor.text() head, tail = ntpath.split(QFileInfo(self.fileName).fileName()) self.parent.tabCypher.setTabText(self.parent.tabCypher.currentIndex(), tail) self.mode = MODEEDIT QApplication.restoreOverrideCursor() def close(self, ): # print("editngrid close {}".format(self.fileName)) # see if there is an open transaction and cancel the close self.checkOpenTxn() # see if text has changed and save the file if the user wants to if self.editor.isModified(): # see if the user wants to save it if self.fileName is None: # these are unsaved cypher files so they have no filename yet displayName = self.parent.tabCypher.tabText(self.tabIndex) else: displayName = self.fileName if self.helper.saveChangedObject("Cypher File", displayName): return True ############################################################## # Button methods ############################################################## @pyqtSlot() def on_btnRun_clicked(self): """ Run the query at the cursor. """ self.runFileCursor() def runFileCursor(self): self.logMsg("User requests run Cypher in Cursor") # parse the text editor and get the index to the cypher command the cursor is pointing at currentCypherIndex = self.getSelectedCypher() # check if cursor in a query if currentCypherIndex is None: self.helper.displayErrMsg( "Run Query", "You must position cursor within the Cypher query.") QApplication.restoreOverrideCursor() return # get the cypher statement to be executed startOffset = self.cypherList[currentCypherIndex][0] self.dataGrid.cypher = self.cypherList[currentCypherIndex][1] # prompt the user for parameter values if any userCanceled = False if len(self.cypherParms[currentCypherIndex][1]) > 0: # print("Parms:{}".format(self.cypherParms[currentCypherIndex][1])) # display dialog to gather parms d = CypherParmEntryDlg( parent=self, parms=self.cypherParms[currentCypherIndex][1]) if d.exec_(): self.dataGrid.parmData = d.parmDict else: userCanceled = True self.dataGrid.parmData = None # print("Parm Dictionary:{}".format(self.dataGrid.parmData)) else: self.dataGrid.parmData = None # see if the user canceled the query rather than enter parameters if userCanceled: self.helper.displayErrMsg("Run Query", "User Canceled Query.") QApplication.restoreOverrideCursor() return # make sure the cypher is not just spaces, or nothing but a semicolon if (self.dataGrid.cypher.isspace() or len(self.dataGrid.cypher) == 0 or self.dataGrid.cypher.strip() == ";"): self.helper.displayErrMsg( "Run Query", "You must position cursor within the Cypher query.") else: QApplication.setOverrideCursor(Qt.WaitCursor) self.dataGrid.refreshGrid() QApplication.restoreOverrideCursor() # see if there was a syntax error and position cursor try: offset = self.dataGrid.neoCon.cypherLogDict["offset"] if offset > -1: self.editor.SendScintilla(QsciScintilla.SCI_GOTOPOS, offset + startOffset) except: pass finally: ### hack needed on mac os to force scintilla to show cursor and highlighted line self.helper.displayErrMsg("Run Query With Cursor", "Query Complete") def getSelectedCypher(self): ''' Build a list of cypher commands from the text in the editor ''' # get position of cursor which is a zero based offset, it seems to return zero if editor hasn't been clicked on yet try: position = self.editor.SendScintilla( QsciScintilla.SCI_GETCURRENTPOS, 0) except: position = 0 # initialize cypherList self.cypherList = [] self.cypherParms = [] parmList = [] currentCypherIndex = None # get the full text from the editor text = self.editor.text() # make sure there is something in the text if len(text) < 1: return currentCypherIndex # Walk through all the characters in text, and store start offset and end offset of each command startOffset = 0 endOffset = 0 foundCypher = False # tracks if we have found at least one character that is potentially a non-comment cypher command inComment = False # tracks if we're looking at comment characters inParm = False # tracks if we're looking at parameter characters inCypher = False # tracks if we've found a non comment character while scanning newParm = "" for chrCtr in range(0, len(text)): # print("before: chrCtr:{} char: {} ord:{} inComment:{} inParm:{} inCypher:{}".format(chrCtr, text[chrCtr], ord(text[chrCtr]), inComment, inParm, inCypher)) # see if we're in a comment ( this doesn't work for multiline comments) if chrCtr + 1 < len(text) and text[chrCtr] == '/': inParm = False if text[chrCtr + 1] == "/": inComment = True inCypher = False # see if end of line elif ord(text[chrCtr]) in [13, 10]: inParm = False if chrCtr + 1 < len(text): if not text[chrCtr + 1] in [13, 10]: # end of line ends the comment inComment = False elif text[chrCtr] == "$": if not inComment: foundCypher = True inParm = True elif text[chrCtr] == " ": if not inComment: foundCypher = True inParm = False elif (text[chrCtr] == ";" and inComment == False): foundCypher = True inParm = False endOffset = chrCtr # save each command in the list self.cypherList.append( [startOffset, text[startOffset:endOffset + 1]]) self.cypherParms.append([startOffset, parmList]) parmList = [] # HAPPY PATH - see if this is the command where the cursor is located if (position >= startOffset and position <= endOffset): currentCypherIndex = len(self.cypherList) - 1 # set the next starting offset startOffset = chrCtr + 1 endOffset = startOffset elif inComment == False: foundCypher = True inCypher = True if inParm: newParm = newParm + text[chrCtr] else: if len(newParm) > 0: # print("Parameter: {}".format(newParm)) parmList.append(newParm) newParm = "" # print("after: chrCtr:{} char: {} ord:{} inComment:{} inParm:{} inCypher:{}".format(chrCtr, text[chrCtr], ord(text[chrCtr]), inComment, inParm, inCypher)) # at this point all characters have been processed, must deal with edge cases, no final semicolon etc if len( self.cypherList ) == 0: # we never found a semi colon so the entire file is one cypher statement # return the entire text file self.cypherList.append([0, text]) self.cypherParms.append([0, parmList]) parmList = [] currentCypherIndex = 0 else: # we found some characters after the last semi colon. lastCypher = "" try: lastCypher = text[startOffset:len(text)] if lastCypher.isspace( ) == True: # if there is only whitespace after the last semicolon then return the last found cypher if currentCypherIndex is None: currentCypherIndex = len(self.cypherList) - 1 elif len( lastCypher ) < 1: # there are no characters after the last semicolon, but cursor is positioned past it then return the last found cypher if currentCypherIndex is None: currentCypherIndex = len(self.cypherList) - 1 elif inCypher == False and foundCypher == False: # none of the characters are outside a comment so return last found cypher if currentCypherIndex is None: currentCypherIndex = len(self.cypherList) - 1 else: self.cypherList.append( [startOffset, lastCypher] ) # since some characters are present, add them as the last cypher command self.cypherParms.append([startOffset, parmList]) parmList = [] if currentCypherIndex is None: currentCypherIndex = len(self.cypherList) - 1 except: if currentCypherIndex is None: currentCypherIndex = len( self.cypherList ) - 1 # return the last cypher command found if any error # print("cypher list: {}".format(self.cypherList)) return currentCypherIndex @pyqtSlot() def on_btnRunScript_clicked(self): """ this button will run all the cypher commands in the file one at a time. """ self.runFileAsScript() def runFileAsScript(self, ): ''' run each cypher command in the file one at a time. ''' QApplication.setOverrideCursor(Qt.WaitCursor) self.logMsg("User requests run Cypher file as a script") # parse the text editor into cypher commands, we don't care which one the cursor is in self.getSelectedCypher() if len(self.cypherList) < 1: self.helper.displayErrMsg( "Run File As Script", "The file has no cypher commands in it.") for cypherCmd in self.cypherList: # this is the starting offset of the cypher command in the entire file cypherOffset = cypherCmd[0] self.dataGrid.cypher = cypherCmd[1] # set editor selection to the cypher command self.editor.SendScintilla(QsciScintilla.SCI_SETSEL, cypherOffset, cypherOffset + len(self.dataGrid.cypher)) # skip any cypher is not just spaces, or nothing but a semicolon if (self.dataGrid.cypher.isspace() or len(self.dataGrid.cypher) == 0 or self.dataGrid.cypher.strip() == ";"): #self.helper.displayErrMsg("Run Query", "You must position cursor within the Cypher query.") pass else: self.dataGrid.refreshGrid() QApplication.processEvents() # see if there was a syntax error and position cursor try: offset = self.dataGrid.neoCon.cypherLogDict["offset"] if offset > -1: self.editor.SendScintilla(QsciScintilla.SCI_GOTOPOS, offset + cypherOffset) except: pass # set editor selection to the end of the file self.editor.SendScintilla(QsciScintilla.SCI_SETSEL, len(self.editor.text()), len(self.editor.text())) QApplication.restoreOverrideCursor() @pyqtSlot() def on_btnCommit_clicked(self): """ User clicks on the Commit button. Commit the TXN. """ self.doCommit() def doCommit(self): self.logMsg("User request Commit the transaction") if not self.neoDriver is None: rc, msg = self.neoDriver.commitTxn() self.logMsg("Commit Complete - {}".format(msg)) @pyqtSlot() def on_btnRollBack_clicked(self): """ User clicks on the Rollback button. Rollback the TXN. """ self.doRollBack() def doRollBack(self): self.logMsg("User request Rollback the transaction") if not self.neoDriver is None: rc, msg = self.neoDriver.rollbackTxn() self.logMsg("Rollback Complete - {}".format(msg)) def zoomIn(self, ): """ increase Font Size """ # self.editor.SendScintilla(QsciScintilla.SCI_ZOOMIN) # currentFontSize = self.editor.SendScintilla(QsciScintilla.SCI_STYLEGETSIZE, 0) # self.settings.setValue("Lexer/FontSize", currentFontSize) # get style 0 font size - all styles use same size currentFontSize = self.editor.SendScintilla( QsciScintilla.SCI_STYLEGETSIZE, 0) currentFontSize = currentFontSize + 2 if currentFontSize < 24: self.settings.setValue("Lexer/FontSize", currentFontSize) for style in range(255): self.editor.SendScintilla(QsciScintilla.SCI_STYLESETSIZE, style, currentFontSize) # self.editor.SendScintilla(QsciScintilla.SCI_STYLESETSIZE, 34, currentFontSize) # self.editor.SendScintilla(QsciScintilla.SCI_STYLESETSIZE, 35, currentFontSize) def zoomOut(self, ): """ decrease font size """ # self.editor.SendScintilla(QsciScintilla.SCI_ZOOMOUT) # currentFontSize = self.editor.SendScintilla(QsciScintilla.SCI_STYLEGETSIZE, 0) # self.settings.setValue("Lexer/FontSize", currentFontSize) # get style 0 font size - all styles use same size currentFontSize = self.editor.SendScintilla( QsciScintilla.SCI_STYLEGETSIZE, 0) currentFontSize = currentFontSize - 2 if currentFontSize > 4: self.settings.setValue("Lexer/FontSize", currentFontSize) for style in range(255): # was 5 self.editor.SendScintilla(QsciScintilla.SCI_STYLESETSIZE, style, currentFontSize) # self.editor.SendScintilla(QsciScintilla.SCI_STYLESETSIZE, 34, currentFontSize) # self.editor.SendScintilla(QsciScintilla.SCI_STYLESETSIZE, 35, currentFontSize) def checkOpenTxn(self): ''' check if current txn is still open. if autocommit is false then ask the user to commit or rollback if autocommit is true then do the commit ''' if not (self.neoDriver is None): if not (self.neoDriver.tx is None): if self.neoDriver.tx.closed() is False: if self.neoDriver.autoCommit is True: self.doCommit() else: # prompt user to commit or rollback the current transaction msgBox = QMessageBox() msgBox.setIcon(QMessageBox.Warning) msgBox.setText( "You have an uncommitted transaction. Do you want to commit? (click Yes to commit, No to rollback" ) msgBox.setWindowTitle("Commit or Rollback") msgBox.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No) result = msgBox.exec_() if result == QMessageBox.Yes: self.doCommit() else: self.doRollBack() @pyqtSlot(int) def on_cmbAutoCommit_currentIndexChanged(self, index): """ User has changed the auto commit dropdown. @param index DESCRIPTION @type int """ self.logMsg("User request transaction mode changed to {}".format( self.cmbAutoCommit.currentText())) if self.cmbAutoCommit.currentText() == "Auto Commit On": self.checkOpenTxn() if not (self.neoDriver is None): self.neoDriver.setAutoCommit(True) self.btnCommit.setEnabled(False) self.btnRollBack.setEnabled(False) if self.cmbAutoCommit.currentText() == "Auto Commit Off": self.checkOpenTxn() if not (self.neoDriver is None): self.neoDriver.setAutoCommit(False) self.btnCommit.setEnabled(True) self.btnRollBack.setEnabled(True)