def do_operate(self, args): """ := operate apk path_to_apk := operate dex path_to_classes.dex """ try: if args.split()[0] == "apk": if args.split()[1]: self.logger.log("info", "Loading : {} ...".format(args.split()[1].split("/")[-1])) from androguard.core.bytecodes.apk import APK self.apk = APK(args.split()[1]) if self.apk: print(self.t.yellow("\n\t--> Loaded : {} (!)\n".format(args.split()[1].split("/")[-1]))) self.package = self.apk.get_package() from core.brains.apk.components import Components # Load activies, services, broadcast receivers, and # content providers self.components = Components(self.apk) self.components.enumerate_components() self.permissions = self.apk.get_permissions() self.files = self.apk.get_files() self.files_type = self.apk.get_files_types() # Process virtual machine self.process_vm() else: CommandError("APK not loaded (!)") else: CommandError("Unkown command (!)") except ImportError as e: CommandError(e.message) except IndexError as e: CommandError("Not enough arguments (!)")
def do_operate(self, *args): """ := operate apk path_to_apk := operate dex path_to_classes.dex """ # Locals arg0 = args[0].split(" ")[0] arg1 = args[0].split(" ")[1] try: if arg0 == "apk": if arg1: self.logger.log( "info", "Loading : {} ...".format(arg1.split("/")[-1])) from androguard.core.bytecodes.apk import APK self.apk = APK(arg1) if self.apk: print( self.t.yellow("\n\t--> Loaded : {} (!)\n".format( arg1.split("/")[-1]))) self.package = self.apk.get_package() from core.brains.apk.components import Components # Load activies, services, broadcast receivers, and # content providers self.components = Components(self.apk) self.components.enumerate_components() self.permissions = self.apk.get_permissions() self.files = self.apk.get_files() self.files_type = self.apk.get_files_types() # Process DVM self.process_vm(apk=True) else: CommandError("APK not loaded (!)") elif arg0 == "dex": if arg1: self.logger.log( "info", "Loading : {} ...".format(arg1.split("/")[-1])) self.dex = arg1 self.process_vm(dex=True) except ImportError as e: CommandError("operate : {}".format(e))
def do_operate(self, *args): """ := operate apk path_to_apk := operate dex path_to_classes.dex """ # Locals arg0 = args[0].split(" ")[0] arg1 = args[0].split(" ")[1] try: if arg0 == "apk": if arg1: self.logger.log("info", "Loading : {} ..." .format(arg1.split("/")[-1])) from androguard.core.bytecodes.apk import APK self.apk = APK(arg1) if self.apk: print(self.t.yellow("\n\t--> Loaded : {} (!)\n" .format(arg1.split("/")[-1]))) self.package = self.apk.get_package() from core.brains.apk.components import Components # Load activies, services, broadcast receivers, and # content providers self.components = Components(self.apk) self.components.enumerate_components() self.permissions = self.apk.get_permissions() self.files = self.apk.get_files() self.files_type = self.apk.get_files_types() # Process DVM self.process_vm(apk=True) else: CommandError("APK not loaded (!)") elif arg0 == "dex": if arg1: self.logger.log("info", "Loading : {} ..." .format(arg1.split("/")[-1])) self.dex = arg1 self.process_vm(dex=True) except ImportError as e: CommandError("operate : {}".format(e))
class Run(Lobotomy): def __init__(self): Lobotomy.__init__(self) self.t = Terminal() self.logger = Logger() self.util = Util() self.apk = None self.package = None self.vm = None self.vmx = None = None self.components = None self.dex = None self.strings = None self.permissions = None self.permissions_details = None self.files = None self.attack_surface = None def find_dex(self): """ Return True is classes.dex is found within the target APK. Args: None Returns: None """ if self.files: for f in self.files: if "classes" in f: return True break def process_vm(self): """ Process the application's classes.dex Args: None Results: None """ # Make sure classes.dex exists if self.find_dex(): self.dex = self.apk.get_dex() # Analyze classes.dex # TODO Throw in a progress bar, this can take awhile if self.dex: self.logger.log("info", "Loading classes.dex ...") from androguard.core.bytecodes.dvm import DalvikVMFormat from androguard.core.analysis.analysis import VMAnalysis from androguard.core.analysis.ganalysis import GVMAnalysis # Create a new virtual machine instance self.vm = DalvikVMFormat(self.dex) if self.vm: print(self.t.yellow("\n\t--> Loaded classes.dex (!)\n")) self.logger.log("info", "Analyzing classes.dex ...") # Analyze the virtual machine instance self.vmx = VMAnalysis(self.vm) = GVMAnalysis(self.vmx, None) if self.vmx and print(self.t.yellow("\n\t--> Analyzed classes.dex (!)\n")) self.vm.set_vmanalysis(self.vmx) self.vm.set_gvmanalysis( # Generate xref(s) self.vm.create_xref() self.vm.create_dref() else: CommandError("Cannot analyze VM instance (!)") else: CommandError("Cannot load VM instance (!)") else: CommandError("classes.dex not found (!)") def do_operate(self, args): """ := operate apk path_to_apk := operate dex path_to_classes.dex """ try: if args.split()[0] == "apk": if args.split()[1]: self.logger.log("info", "Loading : {} ...".format(args.split()[1].split("/")[-1])) from androguard.core.bytecodes.apk import APK self.apk = APK(args.split()[1]) if self.apk: print(self.t.yellow("\n\t--> Loaded : {} (!)\n".format(args.split()[1].split("/")[-1]))) self.package = self.apk.get_package() from core.brains.apk.components import Components # Load activies, services, broadcast receivers, and # content providers self.components = Components(self.apk) self.components.enumerate_components() self.permissions = self.apk.get_permissions() self.files = self.apk.get_files() self.files_type = self.apk.get_files_types() # Process virtual machine self.process_vm() else: CommandError("APK not loaded (!)") else: CommandError("Unkown command (!)") except ImportError as e: CommandError(e.message) except IndexError as e: CommandError("Not enough arguments (!)") def do_surgical(self, args): """ := surgical """ try: if self.vm and self.vmx: from .surgical import Run run = Run(self.vm, self.vmx) run.prompt = self.t.yellow("(surgical) ") run.ruler = self.t.yellow("-") run.cmdloop() else: CommandError("classes.dex not loaded (!)") except Exception as e: CommandError(e.message) def do_attacksurface(self, args): """ := attacksurface """ try: if self.apk and self.components: self.logger.log("info", "Loading attacksurface module ...") from core.brains.apk.attacksurface import AttackSurface self.attack_surface = AttackSurface(self.apk, self.components) except ImportError as e: CommandError(e.message) def do_permissions(self, args): """ := permissions list """ try: if self.permissions: if args.split()[0] == "list": self.logger.log("info", "Loading permissions ... \n") for p in self.permissions: print(self.t.yellow("\t--> {}".format(p))) print("\n") else: CommandError("Permissions not found (!)") except Exception as e: CommandError(e.message) def do_files(self, args): """ := files all := files assets := files libs := files res """ try: if self.files: if args.split()[0]: if args.split()[0] == "assets": self.logger.log("info", "Loading files ... \n") for f in self.files: if f.startswith("assets"): print(self.t.yellow("\t--> {}".format(f))) print("\n") elif args.split()[0] == "libs": self.logger.log("info", "Loading files ... \n") for f in self.files: if f.startswith("lib"): print(self.t.yellow("\t--> {}".format(f))) print("\n") elif args.split()[0] == "res": self.logger.log("info", "Loading files ... \n") for f in self.files: if f.startswith("res"): print(self.t.yellow("\t--> {}".format(f))) print("\n") elif args.split()[0] == "all": self.logger.log("info", "Loading files ... \n") for f in self.files: print(self.t.yellow("\t--> {}".format(f))) print("\n") else: CommandError("Files not populated (!)") except Exception as e: CommandError(e.message) def do_strings(self, args): """ List and search for strings found in classes.dex := strings list := strings search """ # Locals strings = None try: if args.split()[0] == "list": if self.vm: strings = self.vm.get_strings() if strings: for s in strings: print(self.t.cyan("--> {}".format(s.encode("utf-8")))) else: CommandError("Strings not found (!)") else: CommandError("classes.dex not loaded (!)") elif args.split()[0] == "search": if self.vm: strings = self.vm.get_strings() if strings: target = raw_input(self.t.yellow("\n\t--> Enter string : \n")) for s in strings: if target in s: print(self.t.cyan("\t\t --> {}".format(s))) print("\n") else: CommandError("Strings not found (!)") else: CommandError("classes.dex not loaded (!)") else: CommandError("Command not found (!)") except Exception as e: # We might be see an exception like this: # 'utf8' codec can't decode byte 0xc0 in position 0: invalid start byte raise e CommandError(e.message) def do_components(self, args): """ := components list """ try: if args.split()[0] == "list": if self.apk: self.logger.log("info", "Enumerating components ...\n") if self.components.activities: for a in self.components.activities: print(self.t.yellow("\t--> activity : {}".format(a))) print("\n") if for s in print(self.t.yellow("\t--> service : {}".format(s))) print("\n") if self.components.receivers: for r in self.components.receivers: print(self.t.yellow("\t--> receiver : {}".format(s))) print("\n") if self.components.providers: for r in self.components.providers: print(self.t.yellow("\t--> provider : {}".format(s))) print("\n") else: CommandError("APK not loaded (!)") else: CommandError("Command not found (!)") except Exception as e: CommandError(e.message) def do_interact(self, args): """ Drop into an interactive IPython session. := interact """ try: if self.vm and self.vmx: from core.brains.interact.interact import Interact i = Interact(self.vm, self.vmx) else: CommandError("classes.dex not loaded (!)") except Exception as e: CommandError(e.message) def do_macro(self, args): """ """ return
class Run(Lobotomy): def __init__(self, ROOT_DIR): Lobotomy.__init__(self) self.ROOT_DIR = ROOT_DIR self.t = Terminal() self.logger = Logger() self.util = Util() self.apk = None self.package = None self.vm = None self.vmx = None = None self.components = None self.dex = None self.strings = None self.permissions = None self.permissions_details = None self.files = None self.attack_surface = None def find_dex(self): """ Return True is classes.dex is found within the target APK. Args: None Returns: None """ if self.files: for f in self.files: if "classes" in f: return True break def process_vm(self, apk=False, dex=False): """ Process the application's classes.dex Args: param1 = boolean param2 = boolean Results: None """ try: if apk: # Make sure the APK contains a classes.dex file if self.find_dex(): self.dex = self.apk.get_dex() if self.dex: self.logger.log("info", "Loading classes.dex ...") from androguard.core.bytecodes.dvm import DalvikVMFormat from androguard.core.analysis.analysis import VMAnalysis from androguard.core.analysis.ganalysis import GVMAnalysis # Create a DalvikVMFormat instance ... # In this case self.dex will be a file type self.vm = DalvikVMFormat(self.dex) if self.vm: print(self.t.yellow("\n\t--> Loaded classes.dex (!)\n")) self.logger.log("info", "Analyzing classes.dex ...") # Analyze the DalvikVMFormat instance and return # analysis instances of VMAnalysis and GVMAnalysis self.vmx = VMAnalysis(self.vm) = GVMAnalysis(self.vmx, None) if self.vmx and print(self.t.yellow("\n\t--> Analyzed classes.dex (!)\n")) # Set the analysis properties on the # DalvikVMFormat instance self.vm.set_vmanalysis(self.vmx) self.vm.set_gvmanalysis( # Generate xref(s) and dref(s) self.vm.create_xref() self.vm.create_dref() return else: CommandError("process_vm : Cannot analyze VM instance (!)") return else: CommandError("process_vm : Cannot load VM instance (!)") return else: CommandError("process_vm : classes.dex not found (!)") return if dex: if self.dex: from androguard.core.bytecodes.dvm import DalvikVMFormat from androguard.core.analysis.analysis import VMAnalysis from androguard.core.analysis.ganalysis import GVMAnalysis # Analyze the DalvikVMFormat instance and return # analysis instances of VMAnalysis and GVMAnalysis self.vm = DalvikVMFormat( if self.vm: print(self.t.yellow("\n\t--> Loaded {} (!)\n" .format(self.dex .split("/")[-1]))) self.logger.log("info", "Analyzing {} ..." .format(self.dex .split("/")[-1])) # Set the analysis properties on the # DalvikVMFormat instance self.vmx = VMAnalysis(self.vm) = GVMAnalysis(self.vmx, None) if self.vmx and print(self.t.yellow("\n\t--> Analyzed {} (!)\n" .format(self.dex .split("/")[-1]))) # Set the analysis properties on the # DalvikVMFormat instance self.vm.set_vmanalysis(self.vmx) self.vm.set_gvmanalysis( # Generate xref(s) and dref(s) self.vm.create_xref() self.vm.create_dref() return else: CommandError("process_vm :" + "Cannot analyze VM instance (!)") return else: CommandError("process_vm :" + "Cannot load VM instance (!)") return else: CommandError("process_vm : classes.dex not found (!)") return except Exception as e: CommandError("process_vm : {}".format(e)) def do_operate(self, args): """ := operate apk path_to_apk := operate dex path_to_classes.dex """ try: if args.split()[0] == "apk": if args.split()[1]: self.logger.log("info", "Loading : {} ..." .format(args.split()[1].split("/")[-1])) from androguard.core.bytecodes.apk import APK self.apk = APK(args.split()[1]) if self.apk: print(self.t.yellow("\n\t--> Loaded : {} (!)\n" .format(args.split()[1] .split("/")[-1]))) self.package = self.apk.get_package() from core.brains.apk.components import Components # Load activies, services, broadcast receivers, and # content providers self.components = Components(self.apk) self.components.enumerate_components() self.permissions = self.apk.get_permissions() self.files = self.apk.get_files() self.files_type = self.apk.get_files_types() # Process DVM self.process_vm(apk=True) else: CommandError("APK not loaded (!)") elif args.split()[0] == "dex": self.logger.log("info", "Loading : {} ..." .format(args.split()[1].split("/")[-1])) if args.split()[1]: self.dex = args.split()[1] # Process DVM self.process_vm(dex=True) else: CommandError("Unkown command (!)") except ImportError as e: CommandError(e.message) except IndexError as e: CommandError("Not enough arguments (!)") def do_surgical(self, args): """ := surgical """ try: if self.vm and self.vmx: from .surgical import Run run = Run(self.vm, self.vmx) run.prompt = self.t.yellow("(surgical) ") run.ruler = self.t.yellow("-") run.cmdloop() else: CommandError("classes.dex not loaded (!)") except Exception as e: CommandError(e.message) def do_attacksurface(self, args): """ := attacksurface """ try: if self.apk and self.components: self.logger.log("info", "Loading attacksurface module ...") from core.brains.apk.attacksurface import AttackSurface self.attack_surface = AttackSurface(self.apk, self.components) # Helps with visual spacing after the results are printed print("\n") except ImportError as e: CommandError(e.message) def do_permissions(self, args): """ := permissions list """ try: if self.permissions: if args.split()[0] == "list": self.logger.log("info", "Loading permissions ... \n") for p in self.permissions: print(self.t.yellow("\t--> {}".format(p))) print("\n") else: CommandError("Permissions not found (!)") except Exception as e: CommandError(e.message) def do_binja(self, args): """ := binja """ rpc = None functions = None try: import xmlrpclib rpc = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy('http://localhost:6666/lobotomy') functions = rpc.jni() if functions: self.logger.log("info", "Found JNI methods (!)") print("\n") for f in functions: print(self.t.cyan("\t--> {}".format(f))) print("\n") else:"Registered JNI functions not found (!)") except Exception as e: CommandError("binja : {}".format(e)) def do_files(self, args): """ := files all := files assets := files libs := files res """ try: if self.files: if args.split()[0]: if args.split()[0] == "assets": self.logger.log("info", "Loading files ... \n") for f in self.files: if f.startswith("assets"): print(self.t.yellow("\t--> {}".format(f))) print("\n") elif args.split()[0] == "libs": self.logger.log("info", "Loading files ... \n") for f in self.files: if f.startswith("lib"): print(self.t.yellow("\t--> {}".format(f))) print("\n") elif args.split()[0] == "res": self.logger.log("info", "Loading files ... \n") for f in self.files: if f.startswith("res"): print(self.t.yellow("\t--> {}".format(f))) print("\n") elif args.split()[0] == "all": self.logger.log("info", "Loading files ... \n") for f in self.files: print(self.t.yellow("\t--> {}".format(f))) print("\n") else: CommandError("Files not populated (!)") except Exception as e: CommandError(e.message) def do_strings(self, args): """ List and search for strings found in classes.dex := strings list := strings search """ # Locals strings = None try: if args.split()[0] == "list": if self.vm: strings = self.vm.get_strings() if strings: for s in strings: print(self.t.cyan("--> {}" .format(s.encode("utf-8")))) else: CommandError("Strings not found (!)") else: CommandError("classes.dex not loaded (!)") elif args.split()[0] == "search": if self.vm: strings = self.vm.get_strings() if strings: target = raw_input(self.t.yellow("\n\t--> Enter string : ")) for s in strings: if target in s: print(self.t.cyan("\t\t --> {}".format(s))) print("\n") else: CommandError("Strings not found (!)") else: CommandError("classes.dex not loaded (!)") else: CommandError("Command not found (!)") except Exception as e: # We might be see an exception like this: # 'utf8' codec can't decode byte 0xc0 in position 0: # invalid start byte raise e CommandError(e.message) def do_components(self, args): """ := components list """ try: if args.split()[0] == "list": if self.apk: self.logger.log("info", "Enumerating components ...\n") if self.components.activities: for a in self.components.activities: print(self.t.yellow("\t--> activity : {}" .format(a))) print("\n") if for s in print(self.t.yellow("\t--> service : {}" .format(s))) print("\n") if self.components.receivers: for r in self.components.receivers: print(self.t.yellow("\t--> receiver : {}" .format(r))) print("\n") if self.components.providers: for r in self.components.providers: print(self.t.yellow("\t--> provider : {}" .format(s))) print("\n") else: CommandError("APK not loaded (!)") else: CommandError("Command not found (!)") except Exception as e: CommandError(e.message) def do_interact(self, args): """ Drop into an interactive IPython session. := interact """ try: if self.vm and self.vmx: from core.brains.interact.interact import Interact i = Interact(self.vm, self.vmx) else: CommandError("classes.dex not loaded (!)") except Exception as e: CommandError(e.message) def do_class_tree(self, args): """ := class_tree """ try: if self.vm: for c in self.vm.get_classes(): print("\n") print(self.t.yellow("\t--> class : {}".format( for f in c.get_fields(): print(self.t.white("\t\t--> field : {}".format( for m in c.get_methods(): print(self.t.cyan("\t\t\t--> method : {}".format( print("\n") else: CommandError("class_tree : classes.dex not loaded (!)") except Exception as e: CommandError("class_tree : {}".format(e)) def do_native(self, args): """ := native """ native_methods = list() try: if self.vm: for method in self.vm.get_methods(): if method.get_access_flags() & 0x100: native_methods.append((method.get_class_name(), method.get_name())) if native_methods: print("\n") for n in native_methods: print(self.t.cyan("\t--> {} : {}".format(n[0], n[1]))) print("\n") else: self.logger.log("info", "class_tree : classes.dex not loaded (!)") except Exception as e: CommandError("native : {}".format(e)) def do_ui(self, args): """ := ui """ try: if self.vm and self.vmx: from core.brains.ui.terminal import TerminalApp ui = TerminalApp(self.vm, self.vmx) except Exception as e: CommandError("ui : {}".format(e)) def do_macro(self, args): """ := macro """ # Locals directory_items = None macro = path.join(self.ROOT_DIR, "macro") selection = None apk_path = None json = None try: print("\n") directory_items = listdir(macro) for i in range(0, len(directory_items)): print(self.t.cyan("\t--> [{}] {}" .format(i, directory_items[i]))) print("\n") selection = raw_input(self.t.yellow("\t--> Select config : ")) print("\n") if selection: for f in directory_items: if selection == f: with open("".join([macro, "/", f]), "rb") as config: # Load the config as JSON json = loads( if json: for k, v in json.items(): if k == "apk": if v: apk_path = str(v) # Call operate() with the path to # apk self.do_operate("apk {}" .format(apk_path)) return else: CommandError("macro : Path to APK not found in {}" .format(selection)) else: CommandError("macro : Error loading {} as JSON" .format(selection)) except Exception as e: CommandError("macro : {}".format(e))
class Run(Lobotomy): def __init__(self, ROOT_DIR): Lobotomy.__init__(self) self.ROOT_DIR = ROOT_DIR self.t = Terminal() self.logger = Logger() self.util = Util() self.apk = None self.package = None self.vm = None self.vmx = None = None self.components = None self.dex = None self.strings = None self.permissions = None self.permissions_details = None self.files = None self.attack_surface = None def _cmd_completer(self, name, text, line, begidx, endidx): fn = getattr(self, 'do_'+name) if not hasattr(fn.im_func, "_expected_args"): return [] a = [arg for arg in fn.im_func._expected_args if arg.startswith(text)] return a def find_dex(self): """ Return True is classes.dex is found within the target APK. Args: None Returns: None """ if self.files: for f in self.files: if "classes" in f: return True break def process_vm(self, apk=False, dex=False): """ Process the application's classes.dex Args: param1 = boolean param2 = boolean Results: None """ try: if apk: # Make sure the APK contains a classes.dex file if self.find_dex(): self.dex = self.apk.get_dex() if self.dex: self.logger.log("info", "Loading classes.dex ...") from androguard.core.bytecodes.dvm import DalvikVMFormat from androguard.core.analysis.analysis import VMAnalysis from androguard.core.analysis.ganalysis import GVMAnalysis # Create a DalvikVMFormat instance ... # In this case self.dex will be a file type self.vm = DalvikVMFormat(self.dex) if self.vm: print(self.t.yellow("\n\t--> Loaded classes.dex (!)\n")) self.logger.log("info", "Analyzing classes.dex ...") # Analyze the DalvikVMFormat instance and return # analysis instances of VMAnalysis and GVMAnalysis self.vmx = VMAnalysis(self.vm) = GVMAnalysis(self.vmx, None) if self.vmx and print(self.t.yellow("\n\t--> Analyzed classes.dex (!)\n")) # Set the analysis properties on the # DalvikVMFormat instance self.vm.set_vmanalysis(self.vmx) self.vm.set_gvmanalysis( # Generate xref(s) and dref(s) self.vm.create_xref() self.vm.create_dref() return else: CommandError("process_vm : Cannot analyze VM instance (!)") return else: CommandError("process_vm : Cannot load VM instance (!)") return else: CommandError("process_vm : classes.dex not found (!)") return if dex: if self.dex: from androguard.core.bytecodes.dvm import DalvikVMFormat from androguard.core.analysis.analysis import VMAnalysis from androguard.core.analysis.ganalysis import GVMAnalysis # Analyze the DalvikVMFormat instance and return # analysis instances of VMAnalysis and GVMAnalysis self.vm = DalvikVMFormat( if self.vm: print(self.t.yellow("\n\t--> Loaded {} (!)\n" .format(self.dex .split("/")[-1]))) self.logger.log("info", "Analyzing {} ..." .format(self.dex .split("/")[-1])) # Set the analysis properties on the # DalvikVMFormat instance self.vmx = VMAnalysis(self.vm) = GVMAnalysis(self.vmx, None) if self.vmx and print(self.t.yellow("\n\t--> Analyzed {} (!)\n" .format(self.dex .split("/")[-1]))) # Set the analysis properties on the # DalvikVMFormat instance self.vm.set_vmanalysis(self.vmx) self.vm.set_gvmanalysis( # Generate xref(s) and dref(s) self.vm.create_xref() self.vm.create_dref() return else: CommandError("process_vm :" + "Cannot analyze VM instance (!)") return else: CommandError("process_vm :" + "Cannot load VM instance (!)") return else: CommandError("process_vm : classes.dex not found (!)") return except Exception as e: CommandError("process_vm : {}".format(e)) def complete_operate(self, *args): return self._cmd_completer("operate", *args) @cmd_arguments(["apk", "dex"]) def do_operate(self, *args): """ := operate apk path_to_apk := operate dex path_to_classes.dex """ # Locals arg0 = args[0].split(" ")[0] arg1 = args[0].split(" ")[1] try: if arg0 == "apk": if arg1: self.logger.log("info", "Loading : {} ..." .format(arg1.split("/")[-1])) from androguard.core.bytecodes.apk import APK self.apk = APK(arg1) if self.apk: print(self.t.yellow("\n\t--> Loaded : {} (!)\n" .format(arg1.split("/")[-1]))) self.package = self.apk.get_package() from core.brains.apk.components import Components # Load activies, services, broadcast receivers, and # content providers self.components = Components(self.apk) self.components.enumerate_components() self.permissions = self.apk.get_permissions() self.files = self.apk.get_files() self.files_type = self.apk.get_files_types() # Process DVM self.process_vm(apk=True) else: CommandError("APK not loaded (!)") elif arg0 == "dex": if arg1: self.logger.log("info", "Loading : {} ..." .format(arg1.split("/")[-1])) self.dex = arg1 self.process_vm(dex=True) except ImportError as e: CommandError("operate : {}".format(e)) def complete_surgical(self, *args): return self._cmd_completer("surgical", *args) def do_surgical(self, *args): """ := surgical """ try: if self.vm and self.vmx: from .surgical import Run run = Run(self.vm, self.vmx) run.prompt = self.t.yellow("(surgical) ") run.ruler = self.t.yellow("-") run.cmdloop() else: CommandError("classes.dex not loaded (!)") except Exception as e: CommandError("surgical : {}".format(e)) def complete_attacksurface(self, *args): return self._cmd_completer("attacksurface", *args) def do_attacksurface(self, *args): """ := attacksurface """ try: if self.apk and self.components: self.logger.log("info", "Loading attacksurface module ...") from core.brains.apk.attacksurface import AttackSurface self.attack_surface = AttackSurface(self.apk, self.components) # Helps with visual spacing after the results are printed print("\n") except ImportError as e: CommandError("attacksurface : {}".format(e)) def complete_permissions(self, *args): return self._cmd_completer("permissions", *args) @cmd_arguments(["list"]) def do_permissions(self, *args): """ := permissions list """ # Locals arg0 = args[0] try: if self.permissions: if args[0] == "list": self.logger.log("info", "Loading permissions ... \n") for p in self.permissions: print(self.t.yellow("\t--> {}".format(p))) print("\n") else: CommandError("Permissions not found (!)") except Exception as e: CommandError("permissions : {}".format(e)) def complete_binja(self, *args): return self._cmd_completer("binja", *args) def do_binja(self, *args): """ := binja """ try: from .binja import Run run = Run(self.files, self.apk) run.prompt = self.t.cyan("(binja) ") run.ruler = self.t.cyan("-") run.cmdloop() except Exception as e: CommandError("binja : {}".format(e)) def complete_files(self, *args): return self._cmd_completer("files", *args) @cmd_arguments(["all", "assets", "libs", "res"]) def do_files(self, *args): """ := files all := files assets := files libs := files res """ # Locals arg0 = args[0] try: if self.files: if arg0 == "assets": self.logger.log("info", "Loading files ... \n") for f in self.files: if f.startswith("assets"): print(self.t.yellow("\t--> {}".format(f))) print("\n") elif arg0 == "libs": self.logger.log("info", "Loading files ... \n") for f in self.files: if f.startswith("lib"): print(self.t.yellow("\t--> {}".format(f))) print("\n") elif arg0 == "res": self.logger.log("info", "Loading files ... \n") for f in self.files: if f.startswith("res"): print(self.t.yellow("\t--> {}".format(f))) print("\n") elif arg0 == "all": self.logger.log("info", "Loading files ... \n") for f in self.files: print(self.t.yellow("\t--> {}".format(f))) print("\n") else: CommandError("Files not populated (!)") except Exception as e: CommandError("files : {}".format(e)) def complete_strings(self, *args): return self._cmd_completer("strings", *args) @cmd_arguments(["list", "search"]) def do_strings(self, *args): """ List and search for strings found in classes.dex := strings list := strings search """ # Locals arg0 = args[0] strings = None try: if arg0 == "list": if self.vm: strings = self.vm.get_strings() if strings: for s in strings: print(self.t.cyan("--> {}".format(s.encode("utf-8", errors="ignore")))) else: CommandError("Strings not found (!)") else: CommandError("classes.dex not loaded (!)") elif arg0 == "search": if self.vm: strings = self.vm.get_strings() if strings: target = raw_input(self.t.yellow("\n\t--> Enter string : ")) for s in strings: if target in s: print(self.t.cyan("\t\t --> {}".format(s.encode("utf-8", errors="ignore")))) print("\n") else: CommandError("Strings not found (!)") else: CommandError("classes.dex not loaded (!)") except Exception as e: CommandError("strings : {}".format(e)) def complete_components(self, *args): return self._cmd_completer("components", *args) @cmd_arguments(["list"]) def do_components(self, *args): """ := components list """ # Locals arg0 = args[0] try: if arg0 == "list": if self.apk: self.logger.log("info", "Enumerating components ...\n") if self.components.activities: for a in self.components.activities: print(self.t.yellow("\t--> activity : {}" .format(a))) print("\n") if for s in print(self.t.yellow("\t--> service : {}" .format(s))) print("\n") if self.components.receivers: for r in self.components.receivers: print(self.t.yellow("\t--> receiver : {}" .format(r))) print("\n") if self.components.providers: for r in self.components.providers: print(self.t.yellow("\t--> provider : {}" .format(s))) print("\n") else: CommandError("APK not loaded (!)") except Exception as e: CommandError("components : {}".format(e)) def complete_interact(self, *args): return self._cmd_completer("interact", *args) def do_interact(self, *args): """ Drop into an interactive IPython session. := interact """ try: if self.vm and self.vmx: from core.brains.interact.interact import Interact i = Interact(self.vm, self.vmx) else: CommandError("classes.dex not loaded (!)") except Exception as e: CommandError("interact : {}".format(e.message)) def complete_class_tree(self, *args): return self._cmd_completer("class_tree", *args) def do_class_tree(self, *args): """ := class_tree """ try: if self.vm: for c in self.vm.get_classes(): # We don't care about Android support classes or resource # classes if"Landroid") or \"/")[-1].startswith("R") or \ "google" in or \ "android" in or \ "log4j" in continue print("\n") print(self.t.yellow("\t--> class : {} {}".format(c.get_access_flags_string(), for f in c.get_fields(): print(self.t.white("\t\t--> field : {} {} {}".format(f.get_access_flags_string(), f.get_descriptor(), for m in c.get_methods(): print(self.t.cyan("\t\t\t--> method : {} {} {}".format(m.get_access_flags_string(),, m.get_descriptor()))) print("\n") else: CommandError("class_tree : classes.dex not loaded (!)") except Exception as e: CommandError("class_tree : {}".format(e)) def complete_native(self, *args): return self._cmd_completer("native", *args) def do_native(self, *args): """ := native """ # Locals native_methods = list() try: if self.vm: for method in self.vm.get_methods(): if method.get_access_flags() & 0x100: native_methods.append((method.get_class_name(), method.get_name())) if native_methods: print("\n") for n in native_methods: print(self.t.cyan("\t--> {} : {}".format(n[0], n[1]))) print("\n") else: self.logger.log("info", "class_tree : classes.dex not loaded (!)") except Exception as e: CommandError("native : {}".format(e)) def complete_ui(self, *args): return self._cmd_completer("ui", *args) def do_ui(self, *args): """ := ui """ try: if self.vm and self.vmx: from core.brains.ui.terminal import TerminalApp ui = TerminalApp(self.vm, self.vmx) except Exception as e: CommandError("ui : {}".format(e)) def complete_macro(self, *args): return self._cmd_completer("macro", *args) def do_macro(self, args): """ := macro """ # Locals directory_items = None macro = path.join(self.ROOT_DIR, "macro") selection = None apk_path = None json = None try: print("\n") directory_items = listdir(macro) for i, item in enumerate(directory_items): print(self.t.cyan("\t--> [{}] {}" .format(i, item))) print("\n") selection = raw_input(self.t.yellow("[{}] Select config : ".format( try: index = int(selection) except ValueError: index = -1 print("\n") if selection: for i, item in enumerate(directory_items): if selection == item or i == index: selection = item break with open("".join([macro, "/", selection]), "rb") as config: # Load the config as JSON json = loads( if json: for k, v in json.items(): if k == "apk": if v: apk_path = str(v) # Call operate() with the path to apk self.do_operate("apk {}" .format(apk_path)) return else: CommandError("macro : Path to APK not found in {}" .format(selection)) else: CommandError("macro : Error loading {} as JSON" .format(selection)) except Exception as e: CommandError("macro : {}".format(e))
class Run(Lobotomy): def __init__(self, ROOT_DIR): Lobotomy.__init__(self) self.ROOT_DIR = ROOT_DIR self.t = Terminal() self.logger = Logger() self.util = Util() self.apk = None self.package = None self.vm = None self.vmx = None = None self.components = None self.dex = None self.strings = None self.permissions = None self.permissions_details = None self.files = None self.attack_surface = None def _cmd_completer(self, name, text, line, begidx, endidx): fn = getattr(self, 'do_'+name) if not hasattr(fn.im_func, "_expected_args"): return [] a = [arg for arg in fn.im_func._expected_args if arg.startswith(text)] return a def find_dex(self): """ Return True is classes.dex is found within the target APK. Args: None Returns: None """ if self.files: for f in self.files: if "classes" in f: return True break def process_vm(self, apk=False, dex=False): """ Process the application's classes.dex Args: param1 = boolean param2 = boolean Results: None """ try: if apk: # Make sure the APK contains a classes.dex file if self.find_dex(): self.dex = self.apk.get_dex() if self.dex: self.logger.log("info", "Loading classes.dex ...") from androguard.core.bytecodes.dvm import DalvikVMFormat from androguard.core.analysis.analysis import VMAnalysis from androguard.core.analysis.ganalysis import GVMAnalysis # Create a DalvikVMFormat instance ... # In this case self.dex will be a file type self.vm = DalvikVMFormat(self.dex) if self.vm: print(self.t.yellow("\n\t--> Loaded classes.dex (!)\n")) self.logger.log("info", "Analyzing classes.dex ...") # Analyze the DalvikVMFormat instance and return # analysis instances of VMAnalysis and GVMAnalysis self.vmx = VMAnalysis(self.vm) = GVMAnalysis(self.vmx, None) if self.vmx and print(self.t.yellow("\n\t--> Analyzed classes.dex (!)\n")) # Set the analysis properties on the # DalvikVMFormat instance self.vm.set_vmanalysis(self.vmx) self.vm.set_gvmanalysis( # Generate xref(s) and dref(s) self.vm.create_xref() self.vm.create_dref() return else: CommandError("process_vm : Cannot analyze VM instance (!)") return else: CommandError("process_vm : Cannot load VM instance (!)") return else: CommandError("process_vm : classes.dex not found (!)") return if dex: if self.dex: from androguard.core.bytecodes.dvm import DalvikVMFormat from androguard.core.analysis.analysis import VMAnalysis from androguard.core.analysis.ganalysis import GVMAnalysis # Analyze the DalvikVMFormat instance and return # analysis instances of VMAnalysis and GVMAnalysis self.vm = DalvikVMFormat( if self.vm: print(self.t.yellow("\n\t--> Loaded {} (!)\n" .format(self.dex .split("/")[-1]))) self.logger.log("info", "Analyzing {} ..." .format(self.dex .split("/")[-1])) # Set the analysis properties on the # DalvikVMFormat instance self.vmx = VMAnalysis(self.vm) = GVMAnalysis(self.vmx, None) if self.vmx and print(self.t.yellow("\n\t--> Analyzed {} (!)\n" .format(self.dex .split("/")[-1]))) # Set the analysis properties on the # DalvikVMFormat instance self.vm.set_vmanalysis(self.vmx) self.vm.set_gvmanalysis( # Generate xref(s) and dref(s) self.vm.create_xref() self.vm.create_dref() return else: CommandError("process_vm :" + "Cannot analyze VM instance (!)") return else: CommandError("process_vm :" + "Cannot load VM instance (!)") return else: CommandError("process_vm : classes.dex not found (!)") return except Exception as e: CommandError("process_vm : {}".format(e)) def complete_operate(self, *args): return self._cmd_completer("operate", *args) @cmd_arguments(["apk", "dex"]) def do_operate(self, *args): """ := operate apk path_to_apk := operate dex path_to_classes.dex """ # Locals arg0 = args[0].split(" ")[0] arg1 = args[0].split(" ")[1] try: if arg0 == "apk": if arg1: self.logger.log("info", "Loading : {} ..." .format(arg1.split("/")[-1])) from androguard.core.bytecodes.apk import APK self.apk = APK(arg1) if self.apk: print(self.t.yellow("\n\t--> Loaded : {} (!)\n" .format(arg1.split("/")[-1]))) self.package = self.apk.get_package() from core.brains.apk.components import Components # Load activies, services, broadcast receivers, and # content providers self.components = Components(self.apk) self.components.enumerate_components() self.permissions = self.apk.get_permissions() self.files = self.apk.get_files() self.files_type = self.apk.get_files_types() # Process DVM self.process_vm(apk=True) else: CommandError("APK not loaded (!)") elif arg0 == "dex": if arg1: self.logger.log("info", "Loading : {} ..." .format(arg1.split("/")[-1])) self.dex = arg1 self.process_vm(dex=True) except ImportError as e: CommandError("operate : {}".format(e)) def complete_surgical(self, *args): return self._cmd_completer("surgical", *args) def do_surgical(self, *args): """ := surgical """ try: if self.vm and self.vmx: from .surgical import Run run = Run(self.vm, self.vmx) run.prompt = self.t.yellow("(surgical) ") run.ruler = self.t.yellow("-") run.cmdloop() else: CommandError("classes.dex not loaded (!)") except Exception as e: CommandError("surgical : {}".format(e)) def complete_attacksurface(self, *args): return self._cmd_completer("attacksurface", *args) def do_attacksurface(self, *args): """ := attacksurface """ try: if self.apk and self.components: self.logger.log("info", "Loading attacksurface module ...") from core.brains.apk.attacksurface import AttackSurface self.attack_surface = AttackSurface(self.apk, self.components) # Helps with visual spacing after the results are printed print("\n") except ImportError as e: CommandError("attacksurface : {}".format(e)) def complete_permissions(self, *args): return self._cmd_completer("permissions", *args) @cmd_arguments(["list"]) def do_permissions(self, *args): """ := permissions list """ # Locals arg0 = args[0] try: if self.permissions: if args[0] == "list": self.logger.log("info", "Loading permissions ... \n") for p in self.permissions: print(self.t.yellow("\t--> {}".format(p))) print("\n") else: CommandError("Permissions not found (!)") except Exception as e: CommandError("permissions : {}".format(e)) def complete_binja(self, *args): return self._cmd_completer("binja", *args) def do_binja(self, *args): """ := binja """ try: from .binja import Run run = Run(self.files, self.apk) run.prompt = self.t.cyan("(binja) ") run.ruler = self.t.cyan("-") run.cmdloop() except Exception as e: CommandError("binja : {}".format(e)) def complete_files(self, *args): return self._cmd_completer("files", *args) @cmd_arguments(["all", "assets", "libs", "res"]) def do_files(self, *args): """ := files all := files assets := files libs := files res """ # Locals arg0 = args[0] try: if self.files: if arg0 == "assets": self.logger.log("info", "Loading files ... \n") for f in self.files: if f.startswith("assets"): print(self.t.yellow("\t--> {}".format(f))) print("\n") elif arg0 == "libs": self.logger.log("info", "Loading files ... \n") for f in self.files: if f.startswith("lib"): print(self.t.yellow("\t--> {}".format(f))) print("\n") elif arg0 == "res": self.logger.log("info", "Loading files ... \n") for f in self.files: if f.startswith("res"): print(self.t.yellow("\t--> {}".format(f))) print("\n") elif arg0 == "all": self.logger.log("info", "Loading files ... \n") for f in self.files: print(self.t.yellow("\t--> {}".format(f))) print("\n") else: CommandError("Files not populated (!)") except Exception as e: CommandError("files : {}".format(e)) def complete_strings(self, *args): return self._cmd_completer("strings", *args) @cmd_arguments(["list", "search"]) def do_strings(self, *args): """ List and search for strings found in classes.dex := strings list := strings search """ # Locals arg0 = args[0] strings = None try: if arg0 == "list": if self.vm: strings = self.vm.get_strings() if strings: for s in strings: print(self.t.cyan("--> {}".format(s.encode("utf-8", errors="ignore")))) else: CommandError("Strings not found (!)") else: CommandError("classes.dex not loaded (!)") elif arg0 == "search": if self.vm: strings = self.vm.get_strings() if strings: target = raw_input(self.t.yellow("\n\t--> Enter string : ")) for s in strings: if target in s: print(self.t.cyan("\t\t --> {}".format(s.encode("utf-8", errors="ignore")))) print("\n") else: CommandError("Strings not found (!)") else: CommandError("classes.dex not loaded (!)") except Exception as e: CommandError("strings : {}".format(e)) def complete_components(self, *args): return self._cmd_completer("components", *args) @cmd_arguments(["list"]) def do_components(self, *args): """ := components list """ # Locals arg0 = args[0] try: if arg0 == "list": if self.apk: self.logger.log("info", "Enumerating components ...\n") if self.components.activities: for a in self.components.activities: print(self.t.yellow("\t--> activity : {}" .format(a))) print("\n") if for s in print(self.t.yellow("\t--> service : {}" .format(s))) print("\n") if self.components.receivers: for r in self.components.receivers: print(self.t.yellow("\t--> receiver : {}" .format(r))) print("\n") if self.components.providers: for r in self.components.providers: print(self.t.yellow("\t--> provider : {}" .format(s))) print("\n") else: CommandError("APK not loaded (!)") except Exception as e: CommandError("components : {}".format(e)) def complete_interact(self, *args): return self._cmd_completer("interact", *args) def do_interact(self, *args): """ Drop into an interactive IPython session. := interact """ try: if self.vm and self.vmx: from core.brains.interact.interact import Interact i = Interact(self.vm, self.vmx) else: CommandError("classes.dex not loaded (!)") except Exception as e: CommandError("interact : {}".format(e.message)) def complete_class_tree(self, *args): return self._cmd_completer("class_tree", *args) def do_class_tree(self, *args): """ := class_tree """ try: if self.vm: for c in self.vm.get_classes(): # We don't care about Android support classes or resource # classes if"Landroid") or \"/")[-1].startswith("R"): continue print("\n") print(self.t.yellow("\t--> class : {} {}".format(c.get_access_flags_string(), for f in c.get_fields(): print(self.t.white("\t\t--> field : {} {} {}".format(f.get_access_flags_string(), f.get_descriptor(), for m in c.get_methods(): print(self.t.cyan("\t\t\t--> method : {} {} {}".format(m.get_access_flags_string(),, m.get_descriptor()))) print("\n") else: CommandError("class_tree : classes.dex not loaded (!)") except Exception as e: CommandError("class_tree : {}".format(e)) def complete_native(self, *args): return self._cmd_completer("native", *args) def do_native(self, *args): """ := native """ # Locals native_methods = list() try: if self.vm: for method in self.vm.get_methods(): if method.get_access_flags() & 0x100: native_methods.append((method.get_class_name(), method.get_name())) if native_methods: print("\n") for n in native_methods: print(self.t.cyan("\t--> {} : {}".format(n[0], n[1]))) print("\n") else: self.logger.log("info", "class_tree : classes.dex not loaded (!)") except Exception as e: CommandError("native : {}".format(e)) def complete_ui(self, *args): return self._cmd_completer("ui", *args) def do_ui(self, *args): """ := ui """ try: if self.vm and self.vmx: from core.brains.ui.terminal import TerminalApp ui = TerminalApp(self.vm, self.vmx) except Exception as e: CommandError("ui : {}".format(e)) def complete_macro(self, *args): return self._cmd_completer("macro", *args) def do_macro(self, args): """ := macro """ # Locals directory_items = None macro = path.join(self.ROOT_DIR, "macro") selection = None apk_path = None json = None try: print("\n") directory_items = listdir(macro) for i, item in enumerate(directory_items): print(self.t.cyan("\t--> [{}] {}" .format(i, item))) print("\n") selection = raw_input(self.t.yellow("[{}] Select config : ".format( try: index = int(selection) except ValueError: index = -1 print("\n") if selection: for i, item in enumerate(directory_items): if selection == item or i == index: selection = item break with open("".join([macro, "/", selection]), "rb") as config: # Load the config as JSON json = loads( if json: for k, v in json.items(): if k == "apk": if v: apk_path = str(v) # Call operate() with the path to apk self.do_operate("apk {}" .format(apk_path)) return else: CommandError("macro : Path to APK not found in {}" .format(selection)) else: CommandError("macro : Error loading {} as JSON" .format(selection)) except Exception as e: CommandError("macro : {}".format(e))