Пример #1
def fehner_coefficient(x, y):
    Value of fehner coefficient
    :param x: list of dependent variable
    :param y: list of independent variable
    :return: value of fehner coefficient
    if ch.check_list(x) and ch.check_list(y):
        if ch.check_equality(x, y):
            xa = avg.average(x)
            ya = avg.average(y)

            xlist = []
            ylist = []
            resulter = []

            for xi in x:
                if xi <= xa:
            for yi in y:
                if yi <= ya:

            for xi, yi in zip(xlist, ylist):
                if xi == yi:
            return (resulter.count("A") - resulter.count("B")) / (
                resulter.count("A") + resulter.count("B"))
Пример #2
def durbin_watson(x, y):
    Find value for Durbin-Watrson criteria
    :param x: list of dependent variable
    :param y: list of independent variable
    :return: value of Durbin-Watrson criteria
    if ch.check_list(x) and ch.check_list(y):
        if ch.check_equality(x, y):
            yx_list = yx(x, y)
            e = []
            for yi, yxi in zip(y, yx_list):
                e.append(yi - yxi)
            i = 0
            e_ei = []
            e_2 = []
            for ei in e:
                if i == 0:
                    i += 1
                    e_ei.append((e[i] - e[i - 1])**2)
                i += 1
            return sum(e_ei) / sum(e_2)
Пример #3
def covariation(x, y):
    """Find covariation coefficient
    :param x: list of dependent variable
    :param y: list of independent variable
    :return: value of covariation coefficient
    if ch.check_list(x) and ch.check_list(y):
        if ch.check_equality(x, y):
            return avg.sample_average(x, y) - (avg.average(x) * avg.average(y))
Пример #4
def sost(x, y):
    Find value remains
    :param x: list of dependent variable
    :param y: list of independent variable
    :return: value of remains
    if ch.check_list(x) and ch.check_list(y):
        if ch.check_equality(x, y):
            return total_amount(x, y) - sf(x, y)
Пример #5
def determination_coefficient(x, y):
    Finds determination coefficient
    :param x: list of dependent variable
    :param y: list of independent variable
    :return: value of determination coefficient
    if ch.check_list(x) and ch.check_list(y):
        if ch.check_equality(x, y):
            return beta_coefficient(x, y)**2
Пример #6
def sost_dispersion(x, y, p=2):
    Find value of ost dispersion
    :param x: list of dependent variable
    :param y: list of independent variable
    :param p: number of factors
    :return: value of ost dispersion
    if ch.check_list(x) and ch.check_list(y):
        if ch.check_equality(x, y):
            return sost(x, y) / (p * (len(x) - 1))
Пример #7
def beta_coefficient(x, y):
    Finds beta coefficient
    :param x: list of dependent variable
    :param y: list of independent variable
    :return: value of beta coefficient
    if ch.check_list(x) and ch.check_list(y):
        if ch.check_equality(x, y):
            return regression.pair_regression(x, y)['b'] * (
                vars.sample_deviation(x) / vars.sample_deviation(y))
Пример #8
def elastic_coefficient(x, y):
    Finds elastic coefficient
    :param x: list of dependent variable
    :param y: list of independent variable
    :return: value of elastic coefficient
    if ch.check_list(x) and ch.check_list(y):
        if ch.check_equality(x, y):
            return regression.pair_regression(
                x, y)['b'] * (avg.average(x) / avg.average(y))
Пример #9
def closure_coefficient(x, y):
    """Find closure indicator
    :param x: list of dependent variable
    :param y: list of independent variable
    :return: value of closure indicator
    if ch.check_list(x) and ch.check_list(y):
        if ch.check_equality(x, y):
            numerator = avg.sample_average(
                x, y) - (avg.average(x) * avg.average(y))
            denumerator = vars.sample_deviation(x) * vars.sample_deviation(y)
            return numerator / denumerator
Пример #10
def approximation_error(x, y):
    """Find approximation error
    :param x: list of dependent variable
    :param y: list of independent variable
    :return: value in percent of approximation error
    if ch.check_list(x) and ch.check_list(y):
        if ch.check_equality(x, y):
            yxl = yx(x, y)
            a = 0
            for yi, yxli in zip(y, yxl):
                a += (np.fabs(yi - yxli)) / yi
            return 100 * (a / len(y))
Пример #11
def fisher_criteria(x, y, m):
    Value of fisher criteria
    :param x: list of dependent variable
    :param y: list of independent variable
    :param m: the number of influencing factors in the trend model
    :return: value of fisher criteria
    if ch.check_list(x) and ch.check_list(y):
        if ch.check_equality(x, y) and ch.check_number(m):
            numerator = determination_coefficient(x, y) * (len(x) - m - 1)
            denumerator = (1 - determination_coefficient(x, y)) * m
            return numerator / denumerator
Пример #12
def expected_value(x, p):
    Find expected value of 2 datasets
    :param x: list of int or float values
    :param p: list of float values
    :return: value of expected value
    if ch.check_list(x) and ch.check_list(p):
        if ch.check_equality(x, p):
            if ch.check_probability(p):
                m = 0
                for xi, pi in zip(x, p):
                    m += xi * pi
                return m
Пример #13
def sample_average(x, y):
    Calculate sample average
    :param x: list of int or float values
    :param y: list of int or float values
    :return: sample average
    if ch.check_list(x) and ch.check_list(y):
        if ch.check_equality(x, y):
            res = 0
            n = len(x)
            for xelem, yelem in zip(x, y):
                res += xelem * yelem
            return res / n
Пример #14
def sf(x, y, p=2):
    Find value sum for factor dispersion
    :param x: list of dependent variable
    :param y: list of independent variable
    :param p: number of factors
    :return: value of sum for factor dispersion
    if ch.check_list(x) and ch.check_list(y):
        if ch.check_equality(x, y):
            xavg = avg.average(x)
            yavg = avg.average(y)
            xyavg = (xavg + yavg) / 2
            return len(x) * (xavg**2 + yavg**2 - p * (xyavg**2))
Пример #15
def significance(x, y):
    Finds significance of correlation coefficient
    :param x: list of dependent variable
    :param y: list of independent variable
    :return: value of significance of correlation coefficient
    if ch.check_list(x) and ch.check_list(y):
        if ch.check_equality(x, y):
            b = beta_coefficient(x, y)
            n = len(x)
            numerator = b * np.sqrt(n - 2)
            denumerator = np.sqrt(1 - b * b)

            return numerator / denumerator
Пример #16
def yx(x, y):
    """Auxiliary function for approximation error
    :param x: list of dependent variable
    :param y: list of independent variable
    :return: list of regression values
    if ch.check_list(x) and ch.check_list(y):
        if ch.check_equality(x, y):
            yxl = []
            a = pair_regression(x, y)['a']
            b = pair_regression(x, y)['b']

            for xi in x:
                yxl.append(b * xi + a)
            return yxl
Пример #17
def dispersion_error_equation(x, y, m):
    Dispersion error equations
    :param x: list of dependent variable
    :param y: list of independent variable
    :param m: the number of influencing factors in the trend model
    :return: value of dispersion error
    if ch.check_list(x) and ch.check_list(y):
        if ch.check_equality(x, y) and ch.check_number(m):
            numerator = 0
            yxl = yx(x, y)
            for yi, yxl in zip(y, yxl):
                numerator += (yi - yxl)**2
            return numerator / (len(y) - m - 1)
Пример #18
def tail_coefficient(x, y):
    Find tail mismatch coefficient
    :param x: list of dependent variable
    :param y: list of independent variable
    :return: value of tail mismatch coefficient
    if ch.check_list(x) and ch.check_list(y):
        if ch.check_equality(x, y):
            numerator = 0
            denumerator = 0
            yxl = regression.yx(x, y)
            for yi, yxl in zip(y, yxl):
                numerator += (yi - yxl)**2
                denumerator += yxl**2
            return numerator / denumerator
Пример #19
def standard_deviation(data):
    Calculate simple standard deviation
    :param data: list of int or float values
    :return: standard deviation
    if ch.check_list(data):
        return np.sqrt(dispersion(data))
Пример #20
def range(data):
    Find range of data list
    :param data: list of int or float values
    :return: max value of list minus min value of list
    if ch.check_list(data):
        return max(data) - min(data)
Пример #21
def SEM(data):
    Calculate standard error of the mean
    :param data: list of int or float values
    :return: standard error of the mean
    if ch.check_list(data):
        return standard_deviation(data) / len(data)
Пример #22
def kurtosis(data):
    Calculate rate of kurtosis
    :param data: list of int or float values
    :return: value of kurtosis
    if ch.check_list(data):
        return (moment(data, degree=4) / vars.standard_deviation(data)**4) - 3
Пример #23
def asymmetry_coefficient(data):
    Calculate asymmetry coefficient
    :param data: list of int or float values
    :return: value of asymmetry coefficient
    if (ch.check_list(data) == True):
        return moment(data, degree=3) / (vars.standard_deviation(data)**3)
Пример #24
def average(data):
    Calculate average of list
    :param data: list of int or float values
    :return: average of list
    if ch.check_list(data):
        return sum(data) / len(data)
Пример #25
def frequency(data):
    Find frequencies of list
    :param data: list of int or float values
    :return: list with dictionary of frequencies and sum of frequencies
    if (ch.check_list(data) == True):
        return [{x: data.count(x) for x in data}, len(data)]
Пример #26
def sample_deviation(data):
    Calculate sample deviation
    :param data: list of int or float values
    :return: sample deviation
    if ch.check_list(data):
        return np.sqrt(sample_dispersion(data))
Пример #27
def capacity(data):
    Find length of list
    :param data: list of int or float values
    :return: list length
    if ch.check_list(data):
        return len(data)
Пример #28
def mode(data):
    Calculate most common use element in list
    :param data: list of int or float values
    :return: mode of list
    if ch.check_list(data):
        most = max(list(map(data.count, data)))
        return list(set(filter(lambda x: data.count(x) == most, data)))
Пример #29
def oscillation_coefficient(data):
    Calculate coefficient of oscillation
    :param data: list of int or float values
    :return: oscillation coefficient
    if ch.check_list(data):
        R = base.range(data)
        x = avg.average(data)
        return R / x
Пример #30
def coefficient_of_variation(data):
    Calculate coefficient of variation
    :param data: list of int or float values
    :return: variation coefficient
    if ch.check_list(data):
        b = vars.standard_deviation(data)
        x = avg.average(data)
        return b / x