Пример #1
    def update(state: GameState) -> None:
        End turn function that updates the given GameStatus in an irreversibly way, by moving forward the internal
        turn ticker.

        state.turn += 1

        # reduce smoke turn counter

        for team in [RED, BLUE]:
            for figure in state.figures[team]:

                # update status
                if figure.stat != stat('HIDDEN'):
                    figure.stat = stat('NO_EFFECT')

                    if figure.transported_by > -1:
                        figure.stat = stat('LOADED')

                    # compute there cutoff status
                    allies = state.getDistances(figure)
                    if min([len(v) for v in allies.values()]) > CUTOFF_RANGE:
                        figure.stat = stat('CUT_OFF')
Пример #2
    def buildResponses(self,
                       board: GameBoard,
                       state: GameState,
                       figure: Figure,
                       lastAction=None) -> List[Response]:
        """Returns a list of all possible response action that can be performed."""

        responses = []

        if lastAction:
            target = state.getFigure(lastAction)
            target = state.getFigure(state.lastAction)

        if target.team == figure.team:
            return responses

        if not any([
                figure.responded, figure.killed, target.killed, target.stat
                == stat('HIDDEN')

            for _, weapon in figure.weapons.items():
                if weapon.smoke:
                    # smoke weapons cannot be used as response since they do no damage
                        self.actionRespond(board, state, figure, target,
                except ValueError as _:

        return responses
Пример #3
    def setUp(self):

        shape = (16, 16)
        self.board = GameBoard(shape)
        self.state = GameState(shape)

        self.tank = buildFigure('Tank', (8, 8), RED)
Пример #4
def addPlacement(board: GameBoard, state: GameState, team: str,
                 template: dict) -> None:
    """Add a placement zone to a state for the given team, given the correct template."""
    placement_zone = np.zeros(board.shape, dtype='uint8')
    for elem in template[team]['placement']:
        if 'region' in elem:
            start, end = elem['region'].split(',')
            placement_zone[parse_slice(start), parse_slice(end)] = 1

    state.addPlacementZone(team, placement_zone)
Пример #5
    def setUp(self):

        shape = (16, 16)
        self.board = GameBoard(shape)
        self.state = GameState(shape)

        self.red_tank = buildFigure('Tank', (0, 6), RED)
        self.red_inf = buildFigure('Infantry', (0, 12), RED)

        self.blue_tank = buildFigure('Tank', (15, 6), BLUE)
        self.blue_inf = buildFigure('Infantry', (15, 12), BLUE)

        self.state.addFigure(self.red_tank, self.red_inf, self.blue_tank,
Пример #6
    def applyDamage(state: GameState, action: Attack, hitScore: int,
                    score: int, success: int, target: Figure,
                    weapon: Weapon) -> None:
        """Applies the damage of a weapon to the target, if succeeded."""

        target.hp -= success * weapon.damage
        target.hit = True

        if target.hp <= 0:
                f'{action}: ({success} {score}/{hitScore}): KILL! ({target.hp}/{target.hp_max})'
            target.killed = True

            # kill all transported units
            for idx in target.transporting:
                f = state.getFigureByIndex(target.team, idx)
                f.killed = True
                f.hp = 0
                logger.debug(f'{action}: {f} killed while transporting')

                f'{action}: ({success} {score}/{hitScore}): HIT!  ({target.hp}/{target.hp_max})'
            # disable a random weapon
            weapons = [x for x in target.weapons if not weapon.disabled]
            to_disable = np.random.choice(weapons,
                                          weapon.damage * success,
            for x in to_disable:
Пример #7
    def score(self, state: GameState, p: GoalParams) -> float:
        score = 0

        # bonus: be near the target
        for figure in state.getFigures(self.team):
            if not figure.killed:
                score += p.defend_team_near * self.values[
                    figure.position.tuple()] + 1

        # malus: having enemy units near the target
        for figure in state.getFigures(self.hostiles):
            if not figure.killed:
                score -= p.defend_enemy_near * self.values[
                    figure.position.tuple()] + 1

        return score
Пример #8
    def setUp(self):

        self.shape = (8, 8)
        self.board = GameBoard(self.shape)
        self.state = GameState(self.shape)

        self.blue_tank = buildFigure('Tank', (4, 6), BLUE)
        self.red_tank = buildFigure('Tank', (4, 1), RED)
        self.red_inf = buildFigure('Infantry', (1, 4), RED)

        self.state.addFigure(self.red_tank, self.red_inf, self.blue_tank)

        los_on_target = self.state.getLOS(self.blue_tank)

        self.los_tank = los_on_target[self.red_tank.index]
        self.los_inf = los_on_target[self.red_inf.index]
Пример #9
    def buildMovements(self, board: GameBoard, state: GameState,
                       figure: Figure) -> List[Move]:
        """Build all the movement actions for a figure. All the other units are considered as obstacles."""

        distance = figure.move - figure.load

        _, movements = reachablePath(figure, board, state, distance)

        moves = []

        for path in movements:
            if len(path) == 1:
                # avoid stay on the same position

            other = RED if figure.team == BLUE else BLUE
            enemyFigures = state.getFiguresByPos(other, path[-1])

            if enemyFigures:
                # cannot end on the same hex with an enemy figure

            destinationFigures = [
                f for f in state.getFiguresByPos(figure.team, path[-1])
                if not f.killed
            availableTransporters = [
                f for f in destinationFigures if f.canTransport(figure)

            if len(destinationFigures) > 0 and not availableTransporters:
                # we have already another unit on the destination

            if availableTransporters:
                # load into transporter action
                for transporter in availableTransporters:
                    if not transporter.killed:
                            self.actionLoadInto(board, state, figure,
                                                transporter, path))
                # move to destination
                moves.append(self.actionMove(board, state, figure, path))

        return moves
Пример #10
    def testMoveOnRoad(self):
        shape = (1, 16)
        board = GameBoard(shape)

        t = buildFigure('Tank', (0, 0), RED)
        i = buildFigure('Infantry', (0, 15), RED)

        stateTank = GameState(shape)

        stateInf = GameState(shape)

        # movements without road
        nTankNoRoad = len(GM.buildMovements(board, stateTank, t))
        nInfNoRoad = len(GM.buildMovements(board, stateInf, i))

        # adding road
        road = np.zeros(shape, 'uint8')
        road[0, :] = TERRAIN_TYPE['ROAD'].level

        # test for vehicles
        nTankRoad = len(GM.buildMovements(board, stateTank, t))
        nInfRoad = len(GM.buildMovements(board, stateInf, i))

        # tank
        self.assertNotEqual(nTankRoad, nTankNoRoad,
                            'road has no influence for tank')
        self.assertEqual(nTankRoad, 8, 'invalid distance with road for tank')
        self.assertEqual(nTankNoRoad, 6,
                         'invalid distance without road for tank')
        self.assertEqual(nTankRoad - nTankNoRoad, 2,
                         'road does not increase by 2 the distance for tank')

        # infantry
        self.assertNotEqual(nInfRoad, nInfNoRoad,
                            'road has no influence on infantry')
        self.assertEqual(nInfRoad, 4,
                         'invalid distance with road for infantry')
        self.assertEqual(nInfNoRoad, 3,
                         'invalid distance without road  for infantry')
            nInfRoad - nInfNoRoad, 1,
            'road does not increase by 1 the distance for infantry')

        # test for road change
        board.terrain[0, 0] = 0
        board.terrain[0, 15] = 0

        nTankRoad = len(GM.buildMovements(board, stateTank, t))
        nInfRoad = len(GM.buildMovements(board, stateInf, i))

        self.assertEqual(nTankRoad, 8, 'invalid distance for tank')
        self.assertEqual(nInfRoad, 4, 'invalid distance for infantry')
Пример #11
    def score(self, state: GameState, p: GoalParams) -> float:
        score = 0

        # bonus: be near the target
        for figure in state.getFigures(self.team):
            if not figure.killed:
                score += p.reach_team_near * self.values[
                    figure.position.tuple()] + 1

        return score
Пример #12
def reachablePath(figure: Figure, board: GameBoard, state: GameState,
                  max_cost: int) -> (Set[Cube], List[Cube]):
    """This uses Uniform Cost Search."""
    start = figure.position

    visited = set()

    frontier = PriorityQueue()
    frontier.put((0, start))
    came_from = {start: None}
    cost_so_far = {start: 0}

    while not frontier.empty():
        _, current = frontier.get()

        for next in board.getNeighbors(current):
            new_cost = cost_so_far[current] + board.getMovementCost(
                next, figure.kind) + state.getMovementCost(next, figure.kind)

            if new_cost > max_cost:

            if next not in cost_so_far or new_cost < cost_so_far[next]:
                cost_so_far[next] = new_cost
                priority = new_cost
                frontier.put((priority, next))
                came_from[next] = current

    paths = []
    for goal in visited:
        x = goal
        path = [goal]
        # paths.append((cost_so_far[goal], path))
        while x:
            x = came_from[x]
            if x:
                path.insert(0, x)

    return visited, paths
Пример #13
    def check(self, state: GameState) -> bool:
        # for figure in state.figures[self.team]:
        #     key = (figure.position, figure.index)
        #     if figure.position in self.objectives:
        #         if key not in self.entered:
        #             self.entered[key] = state.turn
        #         elif state.turn - self.entered[key] >= self.turns:
        #             return True
        #     else:
        #         for o in self.objectives:
        #             key = (o, figure.index)
        #             if key in self.entered:
        #                 del self.entered[key]
        for obj in self.objectives:
            figures = state.getFiguresByPos(self.team, obj)
            for f in figures:
                if not f.activated:
                    return True

        return False
Пример #14
def addFigure(state: GameState, team: str, fName: str, fData: dict) -> None:
    Add figures to a state for the given team, if needed add the color scheme, and also add the loaded units if there
    are any.
    # setup main figure
    s = stat(fData['status']) if 'status' in fData else stat('NO_EFFECT')
    figure: Figure = buildFigure(fData['type'], fData['position'], team, fName,

    # setup colors
    color = fData.get('color', None)
    if color:
        state.addChoice(team, color, figure)

    for x in fData.get('loaded', []):
        # parse loaded figures
        for lName, lData in x.items():
            # setup loaded figure
            lt = TMPL_FIGURES[lData['type']]
            lFigure = Figure(fData['position'], lName, team, lt['kind'])

            # add parameters to loaded figure
            for lk, lv in lt.items():
                if lk == 'weapons':
                    setup_weapons(lFigure, lv)
                    setattr(lFigure, lk, lv)

            if color:
                state.addChoice(team, color, lFigure)

Пример #15
def buildScenario(name: str) -> Tuple[GameBoard, GameState]:
    """Build the scenario associated with the given name from the loaded templates."""
    template = TMPL_SCENARIOS[name]

    board: GameBoard = parseBoard(template['map'])
    state: GameState = GameState(board.shape, name)

    if 'turn' in template:
        state.turn = template[
            'turn'] - 2  # turns are 0-based and there is 1 initialization update

    for team in [RED, BLUE]:
        if 'placement' in template[team]:
            addPlacement(board, state, team, template)

        if 'objectives' in template[team]:
            for o, v in template[team]['objectives'].items():
                addObjectives(board, team, o, v)

        if 'figures' in template[team]:
            for f in template[team]['figures']:
                addFigure(state, team, f, template[team]['figures'][f])

    return board, state
Пример #16
class TestMovementAction(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):

        shape = (16, 16)
        self.board = GameBoard(shape)
        self.state = GameState(shape)

        self.tank = buildFigure('Tank', (8, 8), RED)

    def testMoveToDestination(self):
        dst = Hex(4, 4).cube()
        move = GM.actionMove(self.board,

        GM.step(self.board, self.state, move)

            self.state.getFiguresByPos(move.team, move.destination)[0],
            self.tank, 'figure in the wrong position')
        self.assertEqual(self.tank.stat, stat('IN_MOTION'),
                         'figure should be in motion')
        self.assertEqual(self.tank.position, dst,
                         'figure not at the correct destination')

    def testMoveOnRoad(self):
        shape = (1, 16)
        board = GameBoard(shape)

        t = buildFigure('Tank', (0, 0), RED)
        i = buildFigure('Infantry', (0, 15), RED)

        stateTank = GameState(shape)

        stateInf = GameState(shape)

        # movements without road
        nTankNoRoad = len(GM.buildMovements(board, stateTank, t))
        nInfNoRoad = len(GM.buildMovements(board, stateInf, i))

        # adding road
        road = np.zeros(shape, 'uint8')
        road[0, :] = TERRAIN_TYPE['ROAD'].level

        # test for vehicles
        nTankRoad = len(GM.buildMovements(board, stateTank, t))
        nInfRoad = len(GM.buildMovements(board, stateInf, i))

        # tank
        self.assertNotEqual(nTankRoad, nTankNoRoad,
                            'road has no influence for tank')
        self.assertEqual(nTankRoad, 8, 'invalid distance with road for tank')
        self.assertEqual(nTankNoRoad, 6,
                         'invalid distance without road for tank')
        self.assertEqual(nTankRoad - nTankNoRoad, 2,
                         'road does not increase by 2 the distance for tank')

        # infantry
        self.assertNotEqual(nInfRoad, nInfNoRoad,
                            'road has no influence on infantry')
        self.assertEqual(nInfRoad, 4,
                         'invalid distance with road for infantry')
        self.assertEqual(nInfNoRoad, 3,
                         'invalid distance without road  for infantry')
            nInfRoad - nInfNoRoad, 1,
            'road does not increase by 1 the distance for infantry')

        # test for road change
        board.terrain[0, 0] = 0
        board.terrain[0, 15] = 0

        nTankRoad = len(GM.buildMovements(board, stateTank, t))
        nInfRoad = len(GM.buildMovements(board, stateInf, i))

        self.assertEqual(nTankRoad, 8, 'invalid distance for tank')
        self.assertEqual(nInfRoad, 4, 'invalid distance for infantry')

    def testActivateMoveToDestination(self):
        dst = Hex(4, 4).cube()
        move = GM.actionMove(self.board,

        self.state1, _ = GM.activate(self.board, self.state, move)
            hash(self.state1), hash(self.state),
            'self.state1 and self.state0 are the same, should be different!')
            'figure is in teh same location for both self.state0 and self.state1!'

        self.state2, _ = GM.activate(self.board, self.state, move)
            hash(self.state2), hash(self.state),
            'self.state2 and self.state0 are the same, should be different!')
            'self.state1 and self.state2 have different end location')

        self.state3, _ = GM.activate(self.board, self.state, move)
            hash(self.state3), hash(self.state),
            'self.state3 and self.state0 are the same, should be different!')
            'self.state1 and self.state3 have different end location')
            'self.state2 and self.state3 have different end location')

    def testMoveWithTransport(self):
        inf1 = buildFigure('Infantry', (7, 7), RED, 'Inf1', stat('NO_EFFECT'))
        inf2 = buildFigure('Infantry', (7, 8), RED, 'Inf2', stat('NO_EFFECT'))
        inf3 = buildFigure('Infantry', (7, 9), RED, 'Inf3', stat('NO_EFFECT'))

        # add infantry units

        # load 2 units
        load1 = GM.actionLoadInto(self.board, self.state, inf1, self.tank)
        load2 = GM.actionLoadInto(self.board, self.state, inf2, self.tank)
        load3 = GM.actionLoadInto(self.board, self.state, inf3, self.tank)

        GM.step(self.board, self.state, load1)
        GM.step(self.board, self.state, load2)

        # load a third unit: cannot do that!
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, GM.step, self.board, self.state, load3)

        self.assertEqual(inf1.position, self.tank.position)
        self.assertEqual(inf2.position, self.tank.position)
        self.assertNotEqual(inf3.position, self.tank.position)

        # move figure in same position of tank
        move = GM.actionMove(self.board,
        GM.step(self.board, self.state, move)

        figures = self.state.getFiguresByPos(RED, self.tank.position)
        self.assertEqual(len(figures), 4,
                         'not all figures are in the same position')
        self.assertEqual(inf1.transported_by, self.tank.index,
                         'Inf1 not in transporter')
        self.assertEqual(inf2.transported_by, self.tank.index,
                         'Inf2 not in transporter')
        self.assertEqual(inf3.transported_by, -1, 'Inf3 is in transporter')

        # move tank
        dst = Hex(8, 2).cube()
        move = GM.actionMove(self.board,
        GM.step(self.board, self.state, move)

        # figures moves along with tank
        self.assertEqual(inf1.position, self.tank.position,
                         'Inf1 not moved with transporter')
        self.assertEqual(inf2.position, self.tank.position,
                         'Inf2 not moved with transporter')
        self.assertEqual(len(self.tank.transporting), 2,
                         'Transporter not transporting all units')

        self.assertGreater(inf1.transported_by, -1)

        # unload 1 figure
        dst = Hex(8, 4).cube()
        move = GM.actionMove(self.board, self.state, inf1, destination=dst)
        GM.step(self.board, self.state, move)

        self.assertEqual(len(self.tank.transporting), 1,
                         'transporter has less units than expected')
            inf1.position, self.tank.position,
            'Inf1 has not been moved together with transporter')

    def testMoveInsideShape(self):
        # top left
        dst = Hex(0, 0).cube()
        self.state.moveFigure(self.tank, dst=dst)

        moves = GM.buildMovements(self.board, self.state, self.tank)

        for move in moves:
            d: Cube = move.destination
            x, y = d.tuple()
            self.assertGreaterEqual(x, 0,
                                    f'moves outside of map limits: ({x},{y})')
            self.assertGreaterEqual(y, 0,
                                    f'moves outside of map limits: ({x},{y})')

        # bottom right
        dst = Hex(15, 15).cube()
        self.state.moveFigure(self.tank, dst=dst)

        moves = GM.buildMovements(self.board, self.state, self.tank)

        for move in moves:
            d: Cube = move.destination
            x, y = d.tuple()
            self.assertLess(x, 16, f'moves outside of map limits: ({x},{y})')
            self.assertLess(y, 16, f'moves outside of map limits: ({x},{y})')

    def testMoveOutsideShape(self):
        # outside of map
        dst = Hex(-1, -1).cube()
        self.state.moveFigure(self.tank, dst=dst)

        moves = GM.buildMovements(self.board, self.state, self.tank)

        self.assertEqual(len(moves), 0, 'moves outside of the map!')
Пример #17
 def checkLine(board: GameBoard, state: GameState,
               line: List[Cube]) -> bool:
     """Returns True if the line is valid (has no obstacles), otherwise False."""
     return not any(
         [state.isObstacle(h) or board.isObstacle(h) for h in line[1:-1]])
Пример #18
class TestLOS(unittest.TestCase):

    def setUp(self):

        self.shape = (8, 8)
        self.board = GameBoard(self.shape)
        self.state = GameState(self.shape)

        self.blue_tank = buildFigure('Tank', (4, 6), BLUE)
        self.red_tank = buildFigure('Tank', (4, 1), RED)
        self.red_inf = buildFigure('Infantry', (1, 4), RED)

        self.state.addFigure(self.red_tank, self.red_inf, self.blue_tank)

        los_on_target = self.state.getLOS(self.blue_tank)

        self.los_tank = los_on_target[self.red_tank.index]
        self.los_inf = los_on_target[self.red_inf.index]

    def testNoBlockers(self):
        self.assertTrue(GM.checkLine(self.board, self.state, self.los_tank), 'tank has no LOS on target')
        self.assertTrue(GM.checkLine(self.board, self.state, self.los_inf), 'infantry has no LOS on target')

    def testDirectBlock(self):
        blocker = np.zeros(self.shape, 'uint8')
        blocker[4, 4] = 1  # continuously adding 1 will cycle through the type of terrains

        # road

        self.assertTrue(GM.checkLine(self.board, self.state, self.los_tank), 'road: tank has no LOS on target')
        self.assertTrue(GM.checkLine(self.board, self.state, self.los_inf), 'road: infantry has no LOS on target')

        # isolated tree

        self.assertFalse(GM.checkLine(self.board, self.state, self.los_tank), 'tree: tank has LOS on target')
        self.assertTrue(GM.checkLine(self.board, self.state, self.los_inf), 'tree: infantry has no LOS on target')

        # forest

        self.assertFalse(GM.checkLine(self.board, self.state, self.los_tank), 'forest: tank has LOS on target')
        self.assertTrue(GM.checkLine(self.board, self.state, self.los_inf), 'forest: infantry has no LOS on target')

        # wooden building

        self.assertFalse(GM.checkLine(self.board, self.state, self.los_tank), 'urban: tank has LOS on target')
        self.assertTrue(GM.checkLine(self.board, self.state, self.los_inf), 'urban: infantry has no LOS on target')

        # concrete building

        self.assertFalse(GM.checkLine(self.board, self.state, self.los_tank), 'building: tank has LOS on target')
        self.assertTrue(GM.checkLine(self.board, self.state, self.los_inf), 'building: infantry has no LOS on target')

    def testForestBlock(self):
        blocker = np.zeros(self.shape, 'uint8')
        blocker[4, 4] = TERRAIN_TYPE['FOREST'].level
        blocker[3, 6] = TERRAIN_TYPE['FOREST'].level
        blocker[4, 6] = TERRAIN_TYPE['FOREST'].level
        blocker[5, 6] = TERRAIN_TYPE['FOREST'].level

        self.assertFalse(GM.checkLine(self.board, self.state, self.los_tank), 'forest: tank has LOS on target')
        self.assertFalse(GM.checkLine(self.board, self.state, self.los_inf), 'forest: infantry has LOS on target')

    def testForestMarginNoBlock(self):
        blocker = np.zeros(self.shape, 'uint8')
        blocker[4, 6] = TERRAIN_TYPE['FOREST'].level
        blocker[3, 7] = TERRAIN_TYPE['FOREST'].level
        blocker[4, 7] = TERRAIN_TYPE['FOREST'].level
        blocker[5, 7] = TERRAIN_TYPE['FOREST'].level

        self.assertTrue(GM.checkLine(self.board, self.state, self.los_tank), 'forest: tank has LOS on target')
        self.assertTrue(GM.checkLine(self.board, self.state, self.los_inf), 'forest: infantry has LOS on target')

    def testBuildingBlock(self):
        blocker = np.zeros(self.shape, 'uint8')
        blocker[4, 4] = TERRAIN_TYPE['CONCRETE_BUILDING'].level
        blocker[3, 6] = TERRAIN_TYPE['CONCRETE_BUILDING'].level
        blocker[4, 6] = TERRAIN_TYPE['CONCRETE_BUILDING'].level
        blocker[5, 6] = TERRAIN_TYPE['CONCRETE_BUILDING'].level

        self.assertFalse(GM.checkLine(self.board, self.state, self.los_tank), 'urban: tank has LOS on target')
        self.assertFalse(GM.checkLine(self.board, self.state, self.los_inf), 'urban: infantry has LOS on target')

    def testArmoredUnitBlock(self):
        dst = Hex(3, 5).cube()
        m1 = GM.actionMove(self.board, self.state, self.red_tank, destination=dst)

        # we move the tank in a blocking position
        GM.step(self.board, self.state, m1)

        los_on_target = self.state.getLOS(self.blue_tank)
        self.los_inf = los_on_target[self.red_inf.index]

        self.assertFalse(GM.checkLine(self.board, self.state, self.los_inf), 'armored: inf has LOS on target')

    def testIndirectFire(self):
        blocker = np.zeros(self.shape, 'uint8')
        blocker[2, 5] = TERRAIN_TYPE['CONCRETE_BUILDING'].level
        blocker[3, 5] = TERRAIN_TYPE['CONCRETE_BUILDING'].level

        # we replace the blue tank with an infantry so we can use the mortar for an indirect hit
        blue_inf = buildFigure('Infantry', (4, 6), BLUE)

        los_on_target = self.state.getLOS(blue_inf)
        self.los_inf = los_on_target[self.red_inf.index]

        self.assertFalse(GM.checkLine(self.board, self.state, self.los_inf), 'indirect: infantry has LOS on target')

        # self.blue_tank.kind = FigureType.INFANTRY

            GM.canShoot(self.board, self.state, self.red_inf, blue_inf, self.red_inf.weapons['MT']),
            'indirect: infantry cannot shot at the target'
Пример #19
    def canShoot(self, board: GameBoard, state: GameState, figure: Figure,
                 target: Figure, weapon: Weapon) -> tuple:
        """Check if the given weapon can shoot against the given target."""

        if not weapon.isAvailable():
            raise ValueError(f'{weapon} not available for {figure}')

        if not weapon.hasAmmo():
            raise ValueError(f'{weapon} does not have enough ammo')

        if figure.stat == stat('LOADED'):
            raise ValueError(
                f'{weapon} cannot hit {target}: unit is LOADED in a vehicle')

        if target.stat == stat('LOADED'):
            raise ValueError(
                f'{weapon} cannot hit {target}: target is LOADED in a vehicle')

        if target.stat == stat('HIDDEN'):
            raise ValueError(f'{weapon} cannot hit {target}: target is HIDDEN')

        if weapon.antitank:
            # can shoot only against vehicles
            validTarget = target.kind == 'vehicle'
            # can shoot against infantry and others only
            validTarget = target.kind != 'vehicle'

        if not validTarget:
            raise ValueError(
                f'{weapon} cannot hit {target}: target is not valid')

        lines = state.getLOS(target)
        lof = lines[figure.index]

        if weapon.curved:
            # at least one has Line-Of-Sight on target
            canHit = False
            guard = None
            los = []
            for idx, line in lines.items():
                possibleGuard = state.figures[figure.team][idx]
                if possibleGuard.killed:

                canHit = self.checkLine(board, state, line)
                if canHit:
                    los = line
                    guard = possibleGuard

            # Line-Of-Sight and Line-Of-Fire are equivalent
            los = lof
            canHit = self.checkLine(board, state, lof)
            guard = figure

        if not canHit:
            raise ValueError(
                f'{weapon} cannot hit {target} from {figure.position}: no LOS on target'

        if not weapon.max_range >= len(lof) - 1:
            raise ValueError(
                f'{weapon} cannot hit {target} from {figure.position}: out of max range'

        return figure, target, guard, weapon, los, lof
Пример #20
class TestAttackAction(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):

        shape = (16, 16)
        self.board = GameBoard(shape)
        self.state = GameState(shape)

        self.red_tank = buildFigure('Tank', (0, 6), RED)
        self.red_inf = buildFigure('Infantry', (0, 12), RED)

        self.blue_tank = buildFigure('Tank', (15, 6), BLUE)
        self.blue_inf = buildFigure('Infantry', (15, 12), BLUE)

        self.state.addFigure(self.red_tank, self.red_inf, self.blue_tank,

    def testAttack(self):
        attack = GM.actionAttack(self.board, self.state, self.red_tank,
                                 self.blue_tank, self.red_tank.weapons['CA'])

        target = self.state.getTarget(attack)
        weapon = self.state.getWeapon(attack)

        o = GM.step(self.board, self.state, attack, True)

        self.assertTrue(o.success, 'failed to attack target')
        self.assertTrue(target.killed, 'target still alive')

        self.assertEqual(target.hp, target.hp_max - 1,
                         'no damage to the target')
        self.assertEqual(weapon.ammo, weapon.ammo_max - 1, 'shell not fired')

    def testActivateAttack(self):
        atk = GM.actionAttack(self.board, self.state, self.red_tank,
                              self.blue_tank, self.red_tank.weapons['CA'])

        t0 = self.state.getTarget(atk)
        w0 = self.state.getWeapon(atk)

        s1, _ = GM.activate(self.board, self.state, atk, True)
        s2, _ = GM.activate(self.board, self.state, atk, True)

        self.assertNotEqual(hash(self.state), hash(s1),
                            'state1 and state0 are the same')
        self.assertNotEqual(hash(self.state), hash(s2),
                            'state2 and state0 are the same')

        t1 = s1.getTarget(atk)
        w1 = s1.getWeapon(atk)

        self.assertNotEqual(t0.killed, t1.killed,
                            'both target have the same status')
        self.assertFalse(t0.killed, 'target for state0 has been killed')
        self.assertTrue(t1.killed, 'target for state1 is still alive')

        self.assertEqual(w0.ammo - 1, w1.ammo,
                         'shots fired in the wrong state')

    def testShootingGround(self):
        ground = Hex(2, 6).cube()
        attack = GM.actionAttackGround(self.red_tank, ground,

        GM.step(self.board, self.state, attack)

        self.assertEqual(self.state.smoke.max(), 2, 'cloud with wrong value')
        self.assertEqual(self.state.smoke.sum(), 6,
                         'not enough hex have cloud')

        self.assertEqual(self.state.smoke.max(), 1, 'cloud decay not working')

        atk = GM.actionAttack(self.board, self.state, self.blue_tank,
                              self.red_tank, self.red_tank.weapons['CA'])
        outcome = GM.step(self.board, self.state, atk)

        self.assertGreaterEqual(outcome.DEF, 18, 'smoke defense not active')

        self.assertEqual(self.state.smoke.max(), 0,
                         'cloud not disappearing correctly')

    def testDisableWeapon(self):
        # TODO
Пример #21
    def step(self,
             board: GameBoard,
             state: GameState,
             action: Action,
             forceHit: bool = False) -> Outcome:
        """Update the given state with the given action in a irreversible way."""

        team: str = action.team  # team performing action
        comment: str = ''

        logger.debug(f'{team} step with {action}')
        state.lastAction = action

        if isinstance(action, Wait):
            logger.debug(f'{action}: {comment}')
            return Outcome(comment=comment)

        if isinstance(action, Pass):
            if isinstance(action, PassFigure):
                f: Figure = state.getFigure(action)  # who performs the action
                f.activated = True
                f.passed = True

            if isinstance(action,
                          PassTeam) and not isinstance(action, Response):
                for f in state.getFigures(team):
                    f.activated = True
                    f.passed = True

            logger.debug(f'{action}: {comment}')

            return Outcome(comment=comment)

        if isinstance(action, Move):
            f: Figure = state.getFigure(action)  # who performs the action
            f.activated = True
            f.moved = True

            f.stat = stat('IN_MOTION')
            if isinstance(action, MoveLoadInto):
                # figure moves inside transporter
                t = state.getTransporter(action)
                comment = f'(capacity: {len(t.transporting)}/{t.transport_capacity})'
            elif f.transported_by > -1:
                # figure leaves transporter
                t = state.getFigureByIndex(team, f.transported_by)
                comment = f'(capacity: {len(t.transporting)}/{t.transport_capacity})'

            state.moveFigure(f, f.position, action.destination)

            for transported in f.transporting:
                t = state.getFigureByIndex(team, transported)
                t.stat = stat('LOADED')
                state.moveFigure(t, t.position, action.destination)

            logger.debug(f'{action}: {comment}')

            return Outcome(comment=comment)

        if isinstance(action, AttackGround):
            f: Figure = state.getFigure(action)  # who performs the action
            x: Cube = action.ground
            w: Weapon = state.getWeapon(action)

            f.stat = stat('NO_EFFECT')
            f.activated = True
            f.attacked = True

            if w.smoke:
                cloud = [
                    x + Cube(0, -1, 1),
                    x + Cube(1, -1, 0),
                    x + Cube(1, 0, -1),
                    x + Cube(0, 1, -1),
                    x + Cube(-1, 1, 0),
                    x + Cube(-1, 0, 1),

                cloud = [(c.distance(f.position), c) for c in cloud]
                cloud = sorted(cloud, key=lambda y: -y[0])

                state.addSmoke([c[1] for c in cloud[1:3]] + [x])

                comment = f'smoke at {x}'

            logger.debug(f'{action}: {comment}')

            return Outcome(comment=comment)

        if isinstance(action, Attack):  # Respond *is* an attack action
            f: Figure = state.getFigure(action)  # who performs the action
            t: Figure = state.getTarget(action)  # target
            # g: Figure = action.guard  # who has line-of-sight on target
            w: Weapon = state.getWeapon(action)
            # los: list = action.los  # line-of-sight on target of guard
            lof: list = action.lof  # line-of-fire on target of figure

            # consume ammunition
            f.stat = stat('NO_EFFECT')

            if forceHit:
                score = [0] * w.dices
                score = np.random.choice(range(1, 21), size=w.dices)

            # attack/response
            if isinstance(action, Response):
                ATK = w.atk_response
                INT = f.int_def
                # can respond only once in a turn
                f.responded = True
                ATK = w.atk_normal
                INT = f.int_atk
                f.activated = True
                f.attacked = True

            # anti-tank rule
            if state.hasSmoke(lof):
                DEF = t.defense['smoke']
            elif w.antitank and t.kind == 'vehicle':
                DEF = t.defense['antitank']
                DEF = t.defense['basic']

            TER = board.getProtectionLevel(t.position)
            STAT = f.stat.value + f.bonus
            END = f.endurance

            hitScore = hitScoreCalculator(ATK, TER, DEF, STAT, END, INT)

            success = len([x for x in score if x <= hitScore])

            # target status changes for the _next_ hit
            t.stat = stat('UNDER_FIRE')
            # target can now respond to the fire
            t.attacked_by = f.index

            if success > 0:
                self.applyDamage(state, action, hitScore, score, success, t, w)

                comment = f'success=({success} {score}/{hitScore}) target=({t.hp}/{t.hp_max})'
                if t.hp <= 0:
                    comment += ' KILLED!'

            elif w.curved:
                # missing with curved weapons
                v = np.random.choice(range(1, 21), size=1)
                hitLocation = MISS_MATRIX[team](v)
                missed = state.getFiguresByPos(t.team, hitLocation)
                missed = [m for m in missed if not m.killed]

                comment = f'({success} {score}/{hitScore}): shell missed and hit {hitLocation}: {len(missed)} hit'

                for m in missed:
                    self.applyDamage(state, action, hitScore, score, 1, m, w)

                logger.debug(f'({success} {score}/{hitScore}): MISS!')

            logger.debug(f'{action}: {comment}')

            return Outcome(
                success=success > 0,