Пример #1
Файл: iis.py Проект: perldev/zoo
    def get_path_node(self, site_name, virtual_path):
        Returns node of virtual path for server tree
        vdirs = self.get_subvirtualdirectories(site_name, virtual_path)
        for v in vdirs:
            if v.path == virtual_path:
                physical_path = os.path.abspath(v.physical_path)
                name = os.path.basename(physical_path)
                zoo_config_path = os.path.join(physical_path, ".zoo")
                node = {
                    "name": name,
                    "path": combine_virtual_path(site_name, virtual_path),
                    "physical_path": physical_path,
                    "type": "virtual directory",
                    'is_virtual': True,
                    "config": get_zoo_config(zoo_config_path)
                return node

        physical_path = os.path.abspath(self.map_path(site_name, virtual_path))
        name = os.path.basename(physical_path)
        zoo_config_path = os.path.join(physical_path, ".zoo")
        node = {
            "name": name,
            "path": combine_virtual_path(site_name, virtual_path),
            "physical_path": physical_path,
            "type": "directory",
            "config": get_zoo_config(zoo_config_path)
        return node
Пример #2
    def get_path_node(self, site_name, virtual_path):
        Returns node of virtual path for server tree
        vdirs = self.get_subvirtualdirectories(site_name, virtual_path)
        for v in vdirs:
            if v.path == virtual_path:
                physical_path = os.path.abspath(v.physical_path)
                name = os.path.basename(physical_path)
                zoo_config_path = os.path.join(physical_path, ".zoo")
                node = {
                    "name": name,
                    "path": combine_virtual_path(site_name, virtual_path),
                    "physical_path": physical_path,
                    "type": "virtual directory",
                    'is_virtual': True,
                    "config": get_zoo_config(zoo_config_path)
                return node

        physical_path = os.path.abspath(self.map_path(site_name, virtual_path))
        name = os.path.basename(physical_path)
        zoo_config_path = os.path.join(physical_path, ".zoo")
        node = {
            "name": name,
            "path": combine_virtual_path(site_name, virtual_path),
            "physical_path": physical_path,
            "type": "directory",
            "config": get_zoo_config(zoo_config_path)
        return node
Пример #3
    def update_zoo_config(self, site_name, virt_path, new_config):
        Writes zoo app config to .zoo file
        if new_config is empty then just write empty .zoo file (parent app disabled)
        :param site_name: site name
        :param virt_path: virtual path
        :param new_config: zoo app config as dict
        root_path = self.map_path(site_name, virt_path)
        zoo_config_path = os.path.join(root_path, ".zoo")
        config = get_zoo_config(zoo_config_path) or {}

        app = config.get('application')
        # disabled ability
        if 'selected-engine' in new_config:
            new_engine = new_config.get('selected-engine')
            if 'parameters' in app:
                app['parameters']['selected-engine'] = new_engine
                app['parameters'] = OrderedDict()
                app['parameters']['selected-engine'] = new_engine

        if 'engines' in new_config:
            engines = new_config.get('engines')
            app['engines'] = engines

        if 'locations' in new_config:
            app['locations'] = new_config['locations']

        if "description" in app:
            app["description"] = Literal(app["description"])

        if "find_installed_command" in app:
            app["find_installed_command"] = Literal(

        if "install_command" in app:
            app["install_command"] = Literal(app["install_command"])

        if "uninstall_command" in app:
            app["uninstall_command"] = Literal(app["uninstall_command"])

        if "upgrade_command" in app:
            app["upgrade_command"] = Literal(app["upgrade_command"])

        # save .zoo
        YamlHelper.save(config, zoo_config_path)
Пример #4
    def update_zoo_config(self, site_name, virt_path, new_config):
        Writes zoo app config to .zoo file
        if new_config is empty then just write empty .zoo file (parent app disabled)
        :param site_name: site name
        :param virt_path: virtual path
        :param new_config: zoo app config as dict
        root_path = self.map_path(site_name, virt_path)
        zoo_config_path = os.path.join(root_path, ".zoo")
        config = get_zoo_config(zoo_config_path) or {}

        app = config.get('application')
        # disabled ability
        if 'selected-engine' in new_config :
            new_engine = new_config.get('selected-engine')
            if 'parameters' in app:
                app['parameters']['selected-engine'] = new_engine
                app['parameters'] = OrderedDict()
                app['parameters']['selected-engine'] = new_engine

        if 'engines' in new_config:
            engines = new_config.get('engines')
            app['engines'] = engines

        if 'locations' in new_config:
            app['locations'] = new_config['locations']

        if "description" in app:
            app["description"] = Literal(app["description"])

        if "find_installed_command" in app:
            app["find_installed_command"] = Literal(app["find_installed_command"])

        if "install_command" in app:
            app["install_command"] = Literal(app["install_command"])

        if "uninstall_command" in app:
            app["uninstall_command"] = Literal(app["uninstall_command"])

        if "upgrade_command" in app:
            app["upgrade_command"] = Literal(app["upgrade_command"])

        # save .zoo
        YamlHelper.save(config, zoo_config_path)
Пример #5
Файл: iis.py Проект: perldev/zoo
 def get_site_node(self, site_name):
     Returns site node as dict for server tree
     site = self.get_site(site_name)
     if site:
         physical_path = site.default_app["physicalPath"]
         zoo_config_path = os.path.join(physical_path, ".zoo")
         node = {
             "name": site_name,
             "path": combine_virtual_path(site_name, '/'),
             "physical_path": physical_path,
             "type": "site",
             "config": get_zoo_config(zoo_config_path),
             'bindings': site.bindings,
             'urls': site.urls
         node = None
     return node
Пример #6
 def get_site_node(self, site_name):
     Returns site node as dict for server tree
     site = self.get_site(site_name)
     if site:
         physical_path = site.default_app["physicalPath"]
         zoo_config_path = os.path.join(physical_path, ".zoo")
         node = {
             "name": site_name,
             "path": combine_virtual_path(site_name, '/'),
             "physical_path": physical_path,
             "type": "site",
             "config": get_zoo_config(zoo_config_path),
             'bindings': site.bindings,
             'urls': site.urls
         node = None
     return node
Пример #7
Файл: iis.py Проект: perldev/zoo
    def update_zoo_config(self, site_name, virt_path, new_config):
        Writes zoo app config to .zoo file
        if new_config is empty then just write empty .zoo file (parent app disabled)
        :param site_name: site name
        :param virt_path: virtual path
        :param new_config: zoo app config as dict
        root_path = self.map_path(site_name, virt_path)
        zoo_config_path = os.path.join(root_path, ".zoo")
        config = get_zoo_config(zoo_config_path) or {}

        # check engine was updated
        orig_engine = config.get('engine')
        new_engine = new_config.get('engine')
        if orig_engine != new_engine:
            # update env variables from new engine
            # application in .zoo
            app = config.get('application')
            if app:
                # engines section
                engines = app['engines']
                # search engine by name
                engine = search_dict_in_list_by_attr(engines, 'engine', new_engine)
                if engine:
                    # engine envs
                    new_engine_envs = engine.get('environment_variables')
                    if new_engine_envs:
                        if not 'environment_variables' in new_config:
                            new_config['environment_variables'] = {}

        # update .zoo with new config

        # save .zoo
        YamlHelper.save(config, zoo_config_path)
Пример #8
Файл: iis.py Проект: perldev/zoo
    def get_directories(self, site_name, virt_path):
        Returns list of dict with child physical directories of virtual path
        logging.debug("site_name='{0}' virt_path='{1}'".format(site_name, virt_path))
        result = []

        if site_name is None and virt_path is None:
            # return list of sites
            core = Core.get_instance()
            sites = core.api.os.web_server.get_list_of_sites()
            for site in sites:
                # physical_path = self.map_path(site.name, "/")  # slow
                physical_path = site.default_app["physicalPath"]
                zoo_config_path = os.path.join(physical_path, ".zoo")
                        "name": site.name,
                        "path": site.name + '/',
                        "physical_path": physical_path,
                        "type": "site",
                        "config": get_zoo_config(zoo_config_path),
                        "bindings": site.bindings,
                        'urls': site.urls

            # check site exists
            test_site = self.get_site(site_name)
            if test_site:
                # site exists
                root_path = self.map_path(site_name, virt_path)
                sub_dirs = self.get_subdirectories(root_path)

                for d in sub_dirs:
                    physical_path = os.path.abspath(d)
                    name = os.path.basename(physical_path)
                    zoo_config_path = os.path.join(physical_path, ".zoo")
                            "name": name,
                            "path": combine_virtual_path(site_name, combine_virtual_path(virt_path, name)),
                            "physical_path": physical_path,
                            "type": "directory",
                            "config": get_zoo_config(zoo_config_path)

                vdirs = self.get_subvirtualdirectories(site_name, virt_path)

                for vdir in vdirs:
                    physical_path = vdir.physical_path
                    name = os.path.basename(vdir.path[:-1])
                    zoo_config_path = os.path.join(physical_path, ".zoo")

                    self.remove_by_name(result, name)

                            "name": name,
                            "path": combine_virtual_path(site_name, vdir.path),
                            "physical_path": physical_path,
                            "type": "virtual directory",
                            'is_virtual': True,
                            "config": get_zoo_config(zoo_config_path)
                # site not exists
                result = []

        result = sorted(result, key=lambda d: d["name"].lower())

        return result
Пример #9
    def get_directories(self, site_name, virt_path):
        Returns list of dict with child physical directories of virtual path
        logging.debug("site_name='{0}' virt_path='{1}'".format(
            site_name, virt_path))
        result = []

        if site_name is None and virt_path is None:
            # return list of sites
            core = Core.get_instance()
            sites = core.api.os.web_server.get_list_of_sites()
            for site in sites:
                # physical_path = self.map_path(site.name, "/")  # slow
                physical_path = site.default_app["physicalPath"]
                zoo_config_path = os.path.join(physical_path, ".zoo")
                    "name": site.name,
                    "path": site.name + '/',
                    "physical_path": physical_path,
                    "type": "site",
                    # "config": get_zoo_config(zoo_config_path),
                    "bindings": site.bindings,
                    'urls': site.urls

            # check site exists
            test_site = self.get_site(site_name)
            if test_site:
                # site exists
                root_path = self.map_path(site_name, virt_path)
                sub_dirs = self.get_subdirectories(root_path)

                for d in sub_dirs:
                    physical_path = os.path.abspath(d)
                    name = os.path.basename(physical_path)
                    zoo_config_path = os.path.join(physical_path, ".zoo")
                            site_name, combine_virtual_path(virt_path, name)),

                vdirs = self.get_subvirtualdirectories(site_name, virt_path)

                for vdir in vdirs:
                    physical_path = vdir.physical_path
                    name = os.path.basename(vdir.path[:-1])
                    zoo_config_path = os.path.join(physical_path, ".zoo")

                    self.remove_by_name(result, name)

                        combine_virtual_path(site_name, vdir.path),
                        "virtual directory",
                # site not exists
                result = []

        result = sorted(result, key=lambda d: d["name"].lower())

        return result