def findMinMax(self, model, objectiveName, minValue, targets): positive = {} negative = {} imodel = LinearModel() imodel.extend(model) if minValue < 0: imodel.addColumnLimit(objectiveName,(None,minValue)) else: imodel.addColumnLimit(objectiveName,(minValue,None)) lp = LinearOptimization() lp.setModel(model) for t in targets: lp.clearObjective() lp.setObjectiveMap({t: -1}) lp.runSimplex() fluxes = lp.getPredictionMap() lowValue = fluxes[t] negative[t] = lowValue lp.clearObjective() lp.setObjectiveMap({t: 1}) lp.runSimplex() fluxes = lp.getPredictionMap() highValue = fluxes[t] positive[t] = highValue return (positive,negative)
def findBoundaryProduction(originalModel, bounds, combiLimits, objectiveName, productionName): model = LinearModel() model.extend(originalModel) if combiLimits != None: for (targetValues,limit) in combiLimits: model = addCombinationLimit(model, targetValues,limit) #objectiveMap = {objectiveName:-1.0} objectiveMap = {productionName:1.0} model.addColumnLimits(bounds) lp = LPSolver() fluxMap =,objectiveMap) objectiveValue = fluxMap[objectiveName] productionValue = fluxMap[productionName] return (fluxMap,objectiveValue,productionValue)
def LinearModelVariableBoundarys(originalModel, objectiveName, targets=None, pickleFileName=None, strict=False, minObjectivePercent=None,searchSize=1): ''' Find min and max boundaries for the dependent variables of a linear model. Uses limitMap as constraints on model. Add cumulative boundary persistence as pickle file function. @param linearModel: linear model to be analyzed @type linearModel: LinearModel @param limitMap: map of variable names and lower and upper limits @type limitMap: {variableName, (float, float) @param targets: list of variables to perform analysis on @type targets: list @return: dictionary of lower and upper limits for each variable @rtype: {variableName: (lowerlimit, upperlimit)} ''' linearModel = LinearModel() linearModel.extend(originalModel) if pickleFileName != None: if os.path.isfile(pickleFileName): print "loading saved flux boundaries" pFile = open(pickleFileName) result = pickle.load(pFile) pFile.close() return result originalLimits = linearModel.getColumnLimits() originalObjectiveLimit = originalLimits[objectiveName] objectiveVector = {objectiveName:-1.0} solver = LPSolver() originalValues =, objective=objectiveVector) originalObjectiveValue = originalValues[objectiveName] if minObjectivePercent != None: minObjectiveValue = originalObjectiveValue * minObjectivePercent linearModel.addColumnLimit(objectiveName,(minObjectiveValue,None)) if targets == None: targets = linearModel.getColumnNames() targets.add(objectiveName) print "Searching flux boundaries for %s > %s" % (objectiveName, minObjectiveValue) result = {} targetValues = targetValueCombinations(targets, [-1.0,1.0]) controlSubSets = combinations(targetValues,searchSize) xcontrolSubSets = set(controlSubSets) for name in targets: nameTag = name # if name not in linearModel.getColumnNames(): # print "target %s not found in model" # print "boundary discovery not possible" # continue #for iTargetValues in xcontrolSubSets: # name = "testControlValue" # nameTag = iTargetValues # linearModel = combinationLimitBuilder(linearModel, iTargetValues, name) result[name] = (None,None) negObjective = {name:1.0} posObjective = {name:-1.0} solver.clearObjective() negValues =, objective=negObjective) negValue = negValues[name] solver.clearObjective() posValues =, objective=posObjective) posValue = posValues[name] delta = 1e-4 if posValue != 0 or negValue !=0: pass if False: originalValue = originalValues[name] originalLimit = originalLimits[name] if not (negValue - delta <= originalValue <= posValue + delta): print "original value not in boundary" print "objective value [%s] (%s) %s <= %s <= %s (%s)" % (name, originalLimit[0], negValue, originalValue, posValue, originalLimit[1]) #print "value neg code %s pos code %s" % (nscode, pscode) (negValue,posValue) = (originalLimit[0],originalLimit[1]) else: #print "objective value [%s] (%s) %s <= %s <= %s (%s)" % (name, originalLimit[0], negValue, originalValue, posValue, originalLimit[1]) pass if negValue == None or negValue == float("-inf"): continue if posValue == None or posValue == float("-inf"): continue result[nameTag] = (negValue,posValue) print "%s < [%s] < %s " % (negValue,nameTag,posValue) if pickleFileName != None: pFile = open(pickleFileName,'w') pickle.dump(result, pFile) pFile.close() solver.clear() del solver linearModel.addColumnLimit(objectiveName,originalObjectiveLimit) #targets.remove(objectiveName) return result