Пример #1
    def get_or_create_from_unified_foreign_registry(self, obj_dict, save=True):
        Kind of get_or_create method, to create or update company model
        instance using data from spreadsheet rows of unified format below:
        owner_name, company_name_declaration, company_name_en, zip, city, street,
        appt, country, company_code, status, notes, company_name_orig, link,
        founder_1,... founder_N

        Lookup for get is made using company_code (if present).
        If company_code is absent or no match is found, lookup is made by name

        Returns Company instance and a created flag
        created = False

        company_code = obj_dict["company_code"].strip().replace(" ", "")
        company_name_declaration = obj_dict["company_name_declaration"].strip()
        company_name_en = obj_dict["company_name_en"].strip()
        company_name_orig = obj_dict["company_name_orig"].strip()

        if obj_dict["country"].strip().lower() == "кіпр":
            company_code = re.sub("^HE\s?", "HE", company_code)
            company_code = re.sub("^ΗΕ\s?", "HE", company_code)
            company_code = re.sub("^H\.E\.\s?", "HE", company_code)
            company_code = re.sub("^Η\.E\.\s?", "HE", company_code)

        update_dict = {
            "zip_code": obj_dict["zip"].strip(),
            "city_uk": obj_dict["city"].strip(),
            "street_uk": obj_dict["street"].strip(),
            "appt_uk": obj_dict["appt"].strip(),
            "city_en": obj_dict["city"].strip(),
            "street_en": obj_dict["street"].strip(),
            "appt_en": obj_dict["appt"].strip(),

        if any(v for k, v in obj_dict.items() if k.startswith("founder_")):
            update_dict["other_founders_uk"] = "\n".join(
                obj_dict[k] for k in sorted(obj_dict.keys())
                if k.startswith("founder_"))

        if obj_dict["notes"].strip():
            update_dict["wiki_uk"] = '<p>%s</p>' % obj_dict["notes"].strip()

        if obj_dict["link"].strip():
            update_dict["wiki_uk"] = (
                update_dict.get("wiki_uk", "") +
                '<p><a href="%s" target="_blank">Запис в реєстрі</p>' %
            update_dict["wiki_en"] = (
                update_dict.get("wiki_en", "") +
                '<p><a href="%s" target="_blank">Registry record</p>' %

        if company_name_orig:
            update_dict["also_known_as"] = company_name_orig

        if company_name_declaration:
            update_dict["name_uk"] = company_name_declaration

        if company_name_en:
            update_dict["name_en"] = company_name_en

        if obj_dict["status"]:
            for k, v in Company._status_choices.items():
                if obj_dict["status"].lower() == v:
                    update_dict["status"] = k
                    "Ігноруємо незрозумілий статус для компанії <%s>" %
                    json.dumps(obj_dict, ensure_ascii=False))

        if (not company_code and not company_name_declaration
                and not company_name_en and not company_name_orig):
                "Не можу імпортувати іноземну юр. особу без коду або назви <%s>"
                % json.dumps(obj_dict, ensure_ascii=False))
            return None, created

        # Not using get_or_create to avoid situation
        # when created object is saved immediately
            # Search by code first
            company = Company.objects.deep_get([("edrpou__iexact",
        except (Company.DoesNotExist, Company.MultipleObjectsReturned):
                # Then refine the search if needed
                company = Company.objects.deep_get([
                    ("name_uk__iexact", company_name_declaration),
                    ("name_uk__iexact", company_name_en),
                    ("name_uk__iexact", company_name_orig),
                    ("name_en__iexact", company_name_declaration),
                    ("name_en__iexact", company_name_en),
                    ("name_en__iexact", company_name_orig)

                if (company.edrpou and company_code
                        and company.edrpou.lower() != company_code.lower()):
                    # We found a company by name, but it's probably a wrong one
                        "Юр. особа що була знайдена для запису %s за іменем має відмінний "
                        + "код реєстрації: %s, створюємо нову компанію") %
                    raise Company.DoesNotExist()

            except Company.DoesNotExist:
                company = Company(edrpou=company_code)
                created = True
            except Company.MultipleObjectsReturned:
                    "Не можу імпортувати юр. особу <%s>: в базі таких більше одної"
                    % json.dumps(obj_dict, ensure_ascii=False))
                return None, created

        merger = st.Merger((
            ("name_uk", st.replace_strategy),
            ("name_en", st.replace_strategy),
            (".*", st.replace_if_empty_strategy),

        res = merger.merge(company, update_dict)

        for k, v in res.items():
            if v == st.MergeResult.OLD_VALUE:
                    "Не замінюю поле %s на %s для компанії %s, %s" %
                    (k, update_dict[k], company.name, company.id))

        if save:

        return company, created