Пример #1
    def update_catalog(self, item, spider):
        """Update the catalog (list of mangas and issues)."""

        # A catalog is a list of mangas (collections) updates.  The
        # manga item from a catalog update can have more information
        # that the one created from a collection update.  For now only
        # 'rank' is include in the catalog and not in the collection.

        # The removal (delete) of collection are done outside.  Here
        # we only receive one item at a time, so we can't see the
        # items that are not anymore in the database.  The field
        # `updated` can be used here (only for collection, that is
        # always updated)

        spider_name = spider.name.lower()
        source = Source.objects.get(spider=spider_name)

            manga = Manga.objects.get(url=item['url'], source=source)
        except Manga.DoesNotExist:
            manga = Manga(url=item['url'], source=source)

        manga.rank = item['rank']
        manga.rank_order = item['rank_order']
        self.update_collection(item, spider, manga=manga)
Пример #2
    def update_collection(self, item, spider, manga=None):
        """Update a collection of issues (a manga)."""
        spider_name = spider.name.lower()
        source = Source.objects.get(spider=spider_name)
        if not manga:
                manga = Manga.objects.get(url=item['url'], source=source)
            except Manga.DoesNotExist:
                manga = Manga(url=item['url'], source=source)

        ignore_fields = ('rank', 'rank_order')
        exceptions = ('alt_name', 'genres', 'image_urls', 'images', 'issues')
        fields = [f for f in item if f not in (ignore_fields + exceptions)]
        # Update the fields of the manga object
        for f in fields:
            self._sic(manga, item, f)

        # Save the object to have a PK (creation of relations). Also
        # update the the `modified` field to signalize that the Manga
        # is still there (share semantic with `last_seen`)

        # alt_name
        alt_names = [{'name': i} for i in item['alt_name']]
        self._update_relation(manga, 'altname_set', 'name', alt_names,

        # genres
        genres = [{'name': i} for i in item['genres']]

        # cover
        if item['images']:
            path = urlparse.urlparse(item['image_urls'][0]).path
            name = os.path.basename(path)
            image_path = os.path.join(self.images_store,
            # Update the cover always, so if we remove the image in
            # the MEDIA directory, this will be recreated.
            manga.cover.save(name, File(open(image_path, 'rb')))
        elif manga.cover:

        # issues
        self._update_relation(manga, 'issue_set', 'url', item['issues'],
Пример #3
def full_scan(request):
    Makes the full scan on mangareader, checking for every manga available in their catalogue, and adding to database.
    Creates a log with the SuperUser that triggered the full_scan call, scraps all titles and then insert on database
    if not already exists.

    :param request: Django request object

    log_basic_entry(request, 'Full Scan started')

    all_series_array = get_all_series()
    for series in all_series_array:
        except Manga.DoesNotExist:
            manga = Manga(series_name=series[0], manga_reader_url=series[1])

    log_basic_entry(request, 'Full Scan finished successfully')

    return HttpResponse('Full scan executed.')
Пример #4
    def update_collection(self, item, spider):
        """Update a collection of issues (a manga)."""
        spider_name = spider.name.lower()
        source = Source.objects.get(spider=spider_name)
            manga = Manga.objects.get(url=item['url'], source=source)
        except Manga.DoesNotExist:
            manga = Manga(url=item['url'], source=source)

        # Relations are synchronized later on
        relations = ('alt_name', 'genres', 'image_urls', 'images', 'issues')
        fields = [f for f in item if f not in relations]

        # Note here that some fields are available when the entry
        # point is via `update_catalog`, and not via
        # `update_collection`.  For example, some sources do not
        # provide information about `rank` in the manga register, but
        # only in the catalog view.  In that case we do not want to
        # overwrite, or use the default value when the item do not
        # contain this information.
        # The solution proposed here is to iterate only for the values
        # that are in the `item`, and delegate in `clean` the
        # detection of the values that are required.
        # Update the fields of the manga object that are populated
        for f in fields:
            self._sic(manga, item, f)

        # Save the object to have a PK (creation of relations). Also
        # update the the `modified` field to signalize that the Manga
        # is still there (share semantic with `last_seen`)

        # alt_name
        alt_names = [{'name': i} for i in item['alt_name']]
        self._update_relation(manga, 'altname_set', 'name',
                              alt_names, self._update_name)

        # genres
        genres = [{'name': i} for i in item['genres']]
        self._update_relation(manga, 'genres', 'name',
                              genres, self._update_name,

        # cover
        if item['images']:
            path = urllib.parse.urlparse(item['image_urls'][0]).path
            name = os.path.basename(path)
            image_path = os.path.join(self.images_store,
            # Update the cover always, so if we remove the image in
            # the MEDIA directory, this will be recreated.
            with open(image_path, 'rb') as f:
                manga.cover.save(name, File(f))
        elif manga.cover:

        # issues
        self._update_relation(manga, 'issue_set', 'url', item['issues'],