def start(self): # Loop over every target that was found and perform the actions # that were specified in the command line arguments for in self.targets: ps.module("Booting BlaauwPipe") ps.done(f"Current target: {}") # Construct a working dir where all *new/altered* data goes working_dir_name = os.path.relpath(, cst.tele_path) self.working_dir = os.path.join(cst.base_path, working_dir_name) # Extra check if the working dir already exists, else create it if os.path.isdir(self.working_dir): # TODO: this means this data probably has been handled already... # BUT: not sure what exact operations have been carried out # Maybe we can put some sort of log in each handled dir, containing # a list of all actions that were already performed? Seems better # than just 'checking' manually what has or hasn't been done yet. #print("Folder existed") pass else: os.makedirs(self.working_dir) # Initialize log file logfile_path = os.path.join(self.working_dir, cst.logfile) logging.basicConfig( filename=logfile_path, level=logging.DEBUG, force=True, format= '%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(module)s - %(funcName)s: %(message)s', datefmt='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%03d')"Blaauwpipe: " + ps.done( f"Logfile created at {BlaauwPipe.strip_filepath(logfile_path)}" ) # Create observation object for this target self.create_observation() self.create_pipelineproduct() ps.module("BlaauwPipe booted succesfully!") ps.newline() # Perform core functions self.get_plugins() self.run_plugins() if not self.targets: ps.module("Booting BlaauwPipe") ps.failed("No observation directories found for specified target!", log=False) ps.module("Booting BlaauwPipe failed") else: print("BlaauwPipe done!") print("")
def run_plugins(self): # Execute each plugin for plugin in self.plugins: ps.module( f"Running {'core' if 'core' in plugin.__module__ else 'external'} plugin: {plugin.title}" ) plugin.on_run(self.obs, self.plp) ps.module(f"Plugin {plugin.title} executed!") ps.newline()
def reduce_img(self, obs, plp, light_file, max_days_off): """ Function that reduces a passed light_file. Tries to find correction frames with a maximum relative age of max_days_off. """ # Retrieve basic information binning, fltr, exptime, crtn = plp.get_file_info( light_file, ["BINNING", "FILTER", "EXPTIME", "DATE-OBS"]) creation_datetime = datetime.strptime(crtn, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f") # Retrieve the closest master correction frames try: master_bias, mbias_path, bias_off = BlaauwPipe.get_closest_master( creation_datetime, plp, max_days_off, binning, "master_bias") master_dark, mdark_path, dark_off = BlaauwPipe.get_closest_master( creation_datetime, plp, max_days_off, binning, "master_dark") master_flat, mflat_path, flat_off = BlaauwPipe.get_closest_master( creation_datetime, plp, max_days_off, binning, "master_flat", fltr=fltr) except ers.SuitableMasterMissingError as err: # warnings.warn(f"Re-reduction failed: {err} for {light_file}") # Let's hope the pending log can someday fix this folder_datetime = datetime.strptime( plp.working_dir.replace(cst.base_path, '').split(os.sep)[1], '%y%m%d') new_line = np.array([, "Light file", binning, fltr, "?", "?", "?", "-", light_file ]) pd.append_pending_log(new_line) ps.updateFailed( f"Failed to reduce light file ({err}): {light_file}", progressbar=True) self.failed_reds += 1 return # Open the content of the current light fits hduList = hdu_data = hduList[0].data # Add source files to the header header = fits.getheader(light_file) header = BlaauwPipe.header_add_praw( header, light_file) # Add the raw version to this pipeline reduced file header = BlaauwPipe.header_add_mbias(header, mbias_path, days_off=bias_off) header = BlaauwPipe.header_add_mdark(header, mdark_path, days_off=dark_off) header = BlaauwPipe.header_add_mflat(header, mflat_path, days_off=flat_off) # Reduce the content and save it hdu_data_red = (hdu_data - master_bias - master_dark * exptime) / master_flat filename_ori = os.path.basename(light_file) savepath = os.path.join(plp.red_dir, filename_ori) BlaauwPipe.save_fits(savepath, data=hdu_data_red, header=header) # Add the current file to the raw version pred header = fits.getheader(light_file) header = BlaauwPipe.header_add_pred(header, savepath) BlaauwPipe.save_fits(light_file, data=hdu_data, header=header) # Add to the pending log if need be max_off = abs(max(bias_off, dark_off, flat_off)) if max_off > 0: folder_datetime = datetime.strptime( plp.working_dir.replace(cst.base_path, '').split(os.sep)[1], '%y%m%d') new_line = np.array([, "Light file", binning, fltr, bias_off, dark_off, flat_off, (folder_datetime + timedelta(days=max_off)).date(), light_file ]) pd.append_pending_log(new_line) self.failed_reds += 1 ps.updateWarning( f"Reduced light file with non-zero days-off ({days_off}) saved at {BlaauwPipe.strip_filepath(savepath)}", progressbar=True) else: ps.updateDone( f"Reduced light file saved at {BlaauwPipe.strip_filepath(savepath)}", progressbar=True) ps.newline() return
def main(self, obs, plp): ps.running("Initializing client...") c = Client(api_key=cst.api_key) ps.updateDone("Logged into Astrometry") # set view field width in this range (15-30 arcmin) # WARNING: this can be very different for your application. c.settings.set_scale_range(15, 30) #c.settings.use_sextractor = True # Get the raw & corresponding reduced files fits_files = plp.red_files[:3] # give the iterable of filenames to the function, which returns a # generator, generating pairs containing the finished job and filename. ps.running("Preparing files for uploading...") result_iter = c.upload_files_gen( fits_files) #, filter_func=self.enough_sources) ps.updateDone("Light files are ready for Astrometry") file_counter = 0 success_counter = 0 for job, filename in result_iter: if not job.success(): file_counter += 1 ps.progressBar( file_counter, len(fits_files), f"Astrometry failed for {BlaauwPipe.strip_filepath(filename)}" ) ps.newline() continue # retrieve the wcs file from the successful job wcs = job.wcs_file() file_counter += 1 success_counter += 1 ps.progressBar( file_counter, len(fits_files), f"Received WCS for {BlaauwPipe.strip_filepath(filename)}") ps.newline() with as hdul: # append resulting header (with astrometry) to existing header hdul[0].header.extend(wcs) astrom_file = self.change_filename(filename, plp) ps.running( f"Writing to {BlaauwPipe.strip_filepath(astrom_file)}...") hdul.writeto(astrom_file) ps.updateDone( f"Astrometry results are saved to {BlaauwPipe.strip_filepath(astrom_file)}" ) if success_counter > 0: ps.done( f"{success_counter} files were successfully run through Astrometry!" ) if file_counter - success_counter > 0: ps.warning( f"{file_counter-success_counter} files could not be resolved!")
as a new fits file at save_path """ if os.path.exists(save_path) and data is None: data = fits.getdata(save_path) if os.path.exists(save_path) and header is None: header = fits.getheader(save_path) hduNew = fits.PrimaryHDU(data, header=header) hduNew.writeto(save_path, overwrite=overwrite) @staticmethod def get_kw(filepath, keyword): val = fits.getheader(filepath, 0)[keyword] return val def main(): bp = BlaauwPipe() bp.start() if __name__ == "__main__": try: main() except KeyboardInterrupt as KI: import core.printstatus as ps ps.warning("KeyboardInterrupt! Exiting...") ps.newline() try: sys.exit(1) except SystemExit: os._exit(1)