def __init__(self): Proto.__init__(self) self.x = 0.0 self.y = 0.0 self.width = 1.0 self.height = 1.0 self.rotation = 0.0 self.can_drag = True self.draw_bounding_box = False self.viewcode = False self.code = "This is not the code" self.editor = None # svg code self.svg = None self.svg_rotate = 0.0 self._buffer = None self.resolutionx = 15.0 # TheWorld.width / 10.0 #15.0 self.resolutiony = 15.0 # TheWorld.height / 10.0 # svg's are saved width,height = 100 pts # handy counter until I can figure out how to # handle setting vars outside myfn scope self.counter = 0 # ignore workspace scaling, translation and rotation self.lock_scale = False self.lock_position = False self.lock_rotation = False
def __init__(self, x, y, w, h): # args are in world coords Proto.__init__(self) # Geometry ################################################################# self.__x = x self.__y = y self.__world_width = w self.__world_height = h self.__rotation = 0.0 # ########################################################################## self.can_drag = True self.draw_bounding_box = False self.viewcode = False self.code = "This is not the code" self.editor = None # svg code - TODO: Break into seperate class self.svg = None self.svg_rotate = 0.0 self._buffer = None self.resolutionx = 15.0 # TheWorld.width / 10.0 #15.0 self.resolutiony = 15.0 # TheWorld.height / 10.0 # svg's are saved width,height = 100 pts # handy counter until I can figure out how to # handle setting vars outside myfn scope self.counter = 0 # ignore workspace scaling, translation and rotation -> TODO: integrate w/ new Geometry handling self.lock_scale = False self.lock_position = False self.lock_rotation = False
def __init__(self): Proto.__init__(self)