Пример #1
    def update(self):
        self.__content.fill(style.get('.infobar-page-tt', 'background'))

        self.__content.blit(self.__tt_images[ProjectManager.selected_project.selected], (0, 0))

        return self.__content
Пример #2
    def _update(self):
        screen = pygame.display.get_surface()
        cursor = pygame.mouse.get_pos()


        for i, rect in style.sequence('.infobar-tabs', of=range(1)):
            style.draw_button('.infobar-tabs-expr', rect, sel=i == self.__open_tab)


        x, y, _, _ = style.get('.infobar-page-viewer', 'rect')
        screen.blit(self.__viewer.update(), (x, y))
            style.get('.infobar-page-viewer', 'outline'),
            style.get('.infobar-page-viewer', 'rect'), 1

        x, y, _, _ = style.get('.infobar-page-tt', 'rect')
        screen.blit(self.__truth_table.update(), (x, y))
            style.get('.infobar-page-tt', 'outline'),
            style.get('.infobar-page-tt', 'rect'), 1


        pygame.display.update(style.get('.infobar', 'rect'))
Пример #3
    def _update(self):
        for item, rect in style.sequence('.toolbar-panel-buttons', of=GATES):

        pygame.display.update(style.get('.toolbar', 'rect'))
Пример #4
    def handle(self, event):
        vx, vy, _, _ = style.get('.infobar-page-viewer', 'rect')
        for id_, rect in style.sequence('.viewer-items', of=ProjectManager.selected_project.order):
            x, y, w, h = rect
            if in_bounds((x + vx, y + vy, w, h), event.pos):
                ProjectManager.selected_project.selected = id_
                return True

        x, y, w, h = style.get('.viewer-sidebar-add', 'rect')
        if in_bounds((x + vx, y + vy, w, h), event.pos):
                val = GUISystem.get_value()
                scheme = Scheme.from_string(ProjectManager.selected_project, val)
            except ValueError:
Пример #5
    def update(self):
        self.__content.fill(style.get('.infobar-page-viewer', 'background'))

        indent, _, _, _ = style.get('.viewer-item', 'rect')

        for id_, rect in style.sequence('.viewer-items', of=ProjectManager.selected_project.order):
            x, y, w, h = rect
            sub = ProjectManager.selected_project.get(id_).sub
            style.blit_button(self.__content, '.viewer-item', rect=(x + sub * indent, y, w - sub * indent, h), sel=ProjectManager.selected_project.selected == id_)
            img_rect: pygame.Rect = self.__struct_images[id_].get_rect()
            img_rect.centery = y + h // 2
            img_rect.x = style.get('.viewer-item', 'indent')
            self.__content.blit(self.__struct_images[id_], img_rect)

        style.blit_block(self.__content, '.viewer-sidebar')

        style.blit_block(self.__content, '.viewer-sidebar-add')

        return self.__content
Пример #6
def draw_tt(expr: sympy.Symbol):
    font: pygame.font.Font = style.get('.tt-font', 'font')
    color = style.get('.tt-font', 'font-color')
    background = style.get('.tt-item', 'background')
    indent, _, cell_width, _ = style.get('.tt-item', 'rect')
    _, _, width, height = style.get('.infobar-page-tt', 'rect')
    _, sy = style.get('.tt-items', 'shift')

    variables, truth_table = calculate_tt(expr)

    result = Surface((width, height), pygame.SRCALPHA)

    back = Surface((width, (len(truth_table) + 1) * sy))
    result.blit(back, (0, 0))

    for i, var in enumerate(variables + ('RES', )):
        letter = font.render(str(var), True, color << 8)
        result.blit(letter, (indent + i * cell_width, 0))

    # lts = {
    #     '0': font.render('0', True, color << 8),
    #     '1': font.render('1', True, color << 8)
    # }

    lts = {
        '0': style.get('.tt-false', 'icon'),
        '1': style.get('.tt-true', 'icon')
    ix, iy, _, _ = style.get('.tt-false', 'icon-rect')

    for i, res in enumerate(truth_table):
        for j, char in enumerate(
                bin((i << 1) + bool(res))[2:].zfill(len(variables) + 1)):
                        (indent + ix + j * cell_width, iy + (i + 1) * sy))

    return result
Пример #7
    def _handle(self, event: pygame.event.Event):
        if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
            if self.__viewer.handle(event):
                return True

            if in_bounds(style.get('.infobar-page-simplify', 'rect'), event.pos):
                scheme = ProjectManager.selected_project.selected_scheme
                res = sympy.to_dnf(scheme.symbol, simplify=True)

                index = ProjectManager.selected_project.order.index(ProjectManager.selected_project.selected)
                index += 1
                if index == len(ProjectManager.selected_project.order):
                    index = None
                simplified = Scheme.from_string(ProjectManager.selected_project, str(res))
                simplified.sub = True

                ProjectManager.selected_project.add_scheme(simplified, index=index)
Пример #8
    def setup(self):
        _, _, width, height = style.get('.infobar-page-tt', 'rect')
        self.__content = pygame.Surface((width, height))

Пример #9
def draw_expr(expression: t_Expr, brackets_everywhere: bool = False):
    """Возвращает изображение выражения в математическом виде"""
    bar_height = style.get('.viewer-expression', 'bar')
    font: pygame.font.Font = style.get('.viewer-expression', 'font')
    color = style.get('.viewer-expression', 'font-color')

    interval = style.get('.viewer-expression', 'font-spacing')

    def __priority(operation: int):
        return int(operation == T_AND)

    def __draw_bar(surface: Surface, width: int, height: int, x: int, y: int):
        img = Surface((width, 1))
        surface.blit(img, (x, y - height - bar_height))

    def __draw_symbol(surface: t.Optional[Surface], symbol: str, x: int,
                      y: int):
        img = font.render(symbol, True, color << 8)
        rect = img.get_rect()
        if surface:
            rect.bottomleft = x, y
            surface.blit(img, rect)
        return rect.size

    def __draw_constant(surface: t.Optional[Surface], expr: Constant, x: int,
                        y: int) -> (int, int):
        return __draw_symbol(surface, style.EXPR_CONSTANT_MAPPING[expr.value],
                             x, y)

    def __draw_variable(surface: t.Optional[Surface], expr: Variable, x: int,
                        y: int) -> (int, int):
        return __draw_symbol(surface, style.EXPR_VARIABLE_MAPPING[expr.type],
                             x, y)

    def __draw_operation(surface: t.Optional[Surface], expr: Expression,
                         x: int, y: int) -> (int, int):
        return __draw_symbol(surface,
                             style.EXPR_OPERATION_MAPPING[expr.operation], x,

    def __draw_open_bracket(surface: t.Optional[Surface], x: int,
                            y: int) -> (int, int):
        return __draw_symbol(surface, style.EXPR_BRACKETS[0], x, y)

    def __draw_close_bracket(surface: t.Optional[Surface], x: int,
                             y: int) -> (int, int):
        return __draw_symbol(surface, style.EXPR_BRACKETS[1], x, y)

    def __draw_expr(surface: t.Optional[Surface], expr: t_Expr, x: int, y: int,
                    brackets: bool):
        if type(expr) is Constant:
            width, height = __draw_constant(surface, expr, x, y)
            return width, height

        if type(expr) is Variable:
            width, height = __draw_variable(surface, expr, x, y)
            if expr.is_inverted and surface:
                __draw_bar(surface, width, height, x, y)
            return width, height + bar_height * expr.is_inverted

        total = 0

        ob_height = 0
        if brackets:
            width, ob_height = __draw_open_bracket(surface, x, y)
            total += width

        needs_brackets = brackets_everywhere or type(
            expr.operand_1) is Expression and __priority(
                expr.operation) > __priority(expr.operand_1.operation)
        width1, height1 = __draw_expr(surface, expr.operand_1, x + total, y,
        total += width1 + interval

        width, op_height = __draw_operation(surface, expr, x + total, y)
        total += width + interval

        needs_brackets = brackets_everywhere or type(
            expr.operand_1) is Expression and __priority(
                expr.operation) > __priority(expr.operand_1.operation)
        width2, height2 = __draw_expr(surface, expr.operand_2, x + total, y,
        total += width2

        oc_height = 0
        if brackets:
            width, oc_height = __draw_close_bracket(surface, x + total, y)
            total += width

        height = max(ob_height, height1, op_height, height2, oc_height)

        if expr.is_inverted and surface:
            __draw_bar(surface, total, height, x, y)

        return total, height + bar_height * expr.is_inverted

    size = __draw_expr(None, expression, 0, 0, False)
    result = Surface(size, pygame.SRCALPHA)
    __draw_expr(result, expression, 0, size[1], False)
    return result
Пример #10
def draw_scheme(expression: t_Expr):
    """Возвращает изображение выражения в виде схемы"""
    _, _, block_width, block_height = style.get('.board-gates', 'item-rect')
    pad_x, pad_y = style.get('.board-gates', 'shift')
    color = style.get('.board-gates-and', 'outline')
    shift = 10

    def __draw_line(surface: Surface, pos1: (int, int), pos2: (int, int)):
        x1, y1 = pos1
        x2, y2 = pos2
        pygame.draw.line(surface, color, (x1, y1), (x1 - shift, y1), 2)
        pygame.draw.line(surface, color, (x2, y2), (x2 + shift, y2), 2)
        pygame.draw.line(surface, color, (x1 - shift, y1), (x2 + shift, y2), 2)

    def __draw_block(surface: Surface, element: str,
                     rect: (int, int, int, int)):
        style.blit_button(surface, element, rect)

    def __draw_block_constant(surface: Surface, expr: Constant, x: int,
                              y: int):
        element = f'.board-gates-{style.CONSTANT_MAPPING[expr.value]}'
        __draw_block(surface, element, (x, y, block_width, block_height))

    def __draw_block_variable(surface: Surface, expr: Variable, x: int,
                              y: int):
        element = f'.board-gates-{style.VARIABLE_MAPPING[(expr.type, expr.is_inverted)]}'
        __draw_block(surface, element, (x, y, block_width, block_height))

    def __draw_block_operation(surface: Surface, expr: Expression, x: int,
                               y: int):
        element = f'.board-gates-{style.OPERATION_MAPPING[(expr.operation, expr.is_inverted)]}'
        __draw_block(surface, element, (x, y, block_width, block_height))

    def __draw_scheme(surface: t.Optional[Surface], expr: t_Expr, x: int,
                      y: int):
        if type(expr) is Constant:
            if surface:
                __draw_block_constant(surface, expr, x, y)
            return block_width, block_height

        if type(expr) is Variable:
            if surface:
                __draw_block_variable(surface, expr, x, y)
            return block_width, block_height

        if surface:
            __draw_line(surface, (x, y + block_height // 3),
                        (x - pad_x, y + block_height // 2))
        width1, height1 = __draw_scheme(surface, expr.operand_1,
                                        x - block_width - pad_x, y)

        if surface:
            __draw_line(surface, (x, y + block_height * 2 // 3),
                        (x - pad_x, y + height1 + pad_y + block_height // 2))
        width2, height2 = __draw_scheme(surface, expr.operand_2,
                                        x - block_width - pad_x,
                                        y + height1 + pad_y)

        if surface:
            __draw_block_operation(surface, expr, x, y)

        return block_width + pad_x + max(width1,
                                         width2), height1 + pad_y + height2

    size = __draw_scheme(None, expression, 0, 0)
    result = Surface(size)
    result.fill(style.get('.projectbar-page-board', 'background'))
    result.set_colorkey(style.get('.projectbar-page-board', 'background'))
    __draw_scheme(result, expression, size[0] - block_width, 0)
    return result