Пример #1
class Cli(cli.Application):
    Command-Line options received.
    AUTHOR = "Adastra"
    VERSION = "1.1"
    DESCRIPTION = "Tortazo is used to audit and attack hidden services and relays in TOR"
    verbose = cli.Flag(["-v", '--verbose'], help="Verbose Mode.")
    useMirror = cli.Flag(["-d", '--use-mirrors'], help="Use the mirror directories of TOR. This will help to not overwhelm the official directories")
    useShodan = cli.Flag(["-s", '--use-shodan'], help="Use ShodanHQ Service. (Specify -k/--shodan-key to set up the file where's stored your shodan key.)")
    useCircuitExitNodes = cli.Flag(["-c", "--use-circuit-nodes"], help="Use the exit nodes selected for a local instance of TOR.")
    openShell = cli.Flag(["-o", "--open-shell"], excludes=["--mode"], requires=["--zombie-mode"],  help="Open a shell on the specified host.")
    useDatabase = cli.Flag(["-D", '--use-database'], help="Tortazo will store the last results from the scanning process in a database. If you use this flag, Tortazo will omit the scan and just will try use the data stored from the last execution.")
    cleanDatabase = cli.Flag(["-C", '--clean-database'], help="Tortazo will delete all records stored in database when finished executing. This option will delete every record stored, included the data from previous scans.")
    listPlugins = cli.Flag(["-L", '--list-plugins'], help="List of plugins loaded.")
    useLocalTorInstance = cli.Flag(["-U", '--use-localinstance'], help="Use a local TOR instance started with the option -T/--tor-localinstance (Socks Proxy included) to execute requests from the plugins loaded. By default, if you don't start a TOR local instance and don't specify this option, the settings defined in 'config.py' will be used to perform requests to hidden services.")

    exitNodesToAttack = 10 #Number of default exit-nodes to filter from the Server Descriptor file.
    shodanKey = None #ShodanKey file.
    scanPorts = "21,22,23,53,69,80,88,110,139,143,161,162,389,443,445,1079,1080,1433,3306,5432,8080,9050,9051,5800" #Default ports used to scan with nmap.
    scanArguments = None #Scan Arguments passed to nmap.
    exitNodeFingerprint = None #Fingerprint of the exit-node to attack.
    queue = Queue.Queue() #Queue with the host/open-port found in the scanning.
    controllerPort = '9151'
    zombieMode = None
    mode = None
    runCommand = None
    pluginManagement = None
    pluginArguments =  None
    torLocalInstance = None
    scanIdentifier = None
    activateOnionRepositoryMode = None
    workerThreads = 10
    onionRepositoryMode = ""
    validchars ='234567' + string.lowercase

    socksHost = None
    socksPort = None

    @cli.switch(["-n", "--servers-to-attack"], int, help="Number of TOR exit-nodes to attack. If this switch is used with --use-database, will recover information stored from the last 'n' scans. Default = 10")
    def servers_to_attack(self, exitNodesToAttack):
        Number of "exit-nodes" to attack received from command-line
        self.exitNodesToAttack = exitNodesToAttack

    @cli.switch(["-m", "--mode"], cli.Set("windows", "linux", "darwin", "freebsd", "openbsd", "bitrig","netbsd", case_sensitive=False),  excludes=["--zombie-mode"] , help="Filter the platform of exit-nodes to attack.")
    def server_mode(self, mode):
        Server Mode: Search for Windows or Linux machines.
        self.mode = mode

    @cli.switch(["-k", "--shodan-key"], str, help="Development Key to use Shodan API.", requires=["--use-shodan"])
    def shodan_key(self, shodanKey):
        This option is used to specify the file where the shodan development key is stored
        self.shodanKey = shodanKey

    @cli.switch(["-l", "--list-ports"], str, help="Comma-separated List of ports to scan with Nmap. Don't use spaces")
    def list_ports(self, scanPorts):
        List of ports used to perform the nmap scan.
        self.scanPorts = scanPorts

    @cli.switch(["-a", "--scan-arguments"], str, help='Arguments to Nmap. Use "" to specify the arguments. For example: "-sSV -A -Pn"')
    def scan_arguments(self, scanArguments):
        Arguments used to perform the nmap scan.
        self.scanArguments = scanArguments

    @cli.switch(["-e", "--exit-node-fingerprint"], str, help="ExitNode's Fingerprint to attack.")
    def exitNode_Fingerprint(self, exitNodeFingerprint):
        If we want to perform a single attack against an known "exit-node", We can specify the fingerprint of the exit-node to perform the attack.
        self.exitNodeFingerprint = exitNodeFingerprint

    @cli.switch(["-i", "--controller-port"], str, help="Controller's port of the local instance of TOR. (Default=9151)", requires=["--use-circuit-nodes"])
    def controller_port(self, controllerPort):
        Controller's Port. Default=9151
        self.controllerPort = controllerPort

    @cli.switch(["-z", "--zombie-mode"], str, help="This option reads the tortazo_botnet.bot file generated from previous successful attacks. With this option you can select the Nicknames that will be excluded. (Nicknames included in the tortazo_botnet.bot). For instance, '-z Nickname1,Nickname2' or '-z all' to include all nicknames.")
    def zombie_mode(self, zombieMode):
        Zombie mode to execute commands across the compromised hosts.
        if zombieMode == None:
            self.zombieMode = ""
        self.zombieMode = zombieMode

    @cli.switch(["-r", "--run-command"], str, excludes=["--mode"], requires=["--zombie-mode"],  help='Execute a command across the hosts of the botnet. Requieres the -z/--zombie-mode. example: --run-command "uname -a; uptime" ')
    def run_command(self, runCommand):
        Command to execute across the compromised hosts.
        self.runCommand = runCommand

    @cli.switch(["-P", "--use-plugin"], str, help='Execute a plugin. To see the available plugins, execute Tortazo with switch -L / --list-plugins')
    def plugin_management(self, pluginManagement):
        Plugin Management.
        self.pluginManagement = pluginManagement

    @cli.switch(["-A", "--plugin-arguments"], str, requires=["--use-plugin"],  help='Args to execute the specified plugin with the switch -P / --use-plugin. List of key/value pairs separated by colon. Example= nessusHost=,nessusPort=8843,nessusUser=adastra,nessusPassword=adastra')
    def plugin_arguments(self, pluginArguments):
        Plugin Arguments.
        self.pluginArguments = pluginArguments

    @cli.switch(["-T", "--tor-localinstance"], str, help='Start a new local TOR instance with the "torrc" file specified. DO NOT RUN TORTAZO WITH THIS OPTION AS ROOT!')
    def tor_localinstance(self, torLocalInstance):
        TOR Local Instance.
        self.torLocalInstance = torLocalInstance

    @cli.switch(["-S", "--scan-identifier"], int, requires=["--use-database"],  help="scan identifier in the Scan table. Tortazo will use the relays related with the scan identifier specified with this option.")
    def scan_identifier(self, scanIdentifier):
        Scan Identifier. Tortazo will use the relays associated with this scan. (Relation between the Scan and TorNodeData tables.)
        self.scanIdentifier = scanIdentifier

    @cli.switch(["-O", "--onionpartial-address"], str, help="Partial address of a hidden service. Used in Onion repository mode.")
    def onionRepository_mode(self, onionRepositoryMode):
        Generator Threads. Number of threads used by the generator of onion addresses.
        self.onionRepositoryMode = onionRepositoryMode

    @cli.switch(["-R", "--onion-repository"], cli.Set("ssh", "ftp", "http", "onionup", case_sensitive=False), help="Activate the Onion Repository mode and try to find hidden services in the TOR deep web.")
    def activateOnionRepository_Mode(self, activateOnionRepositoryMode):
        Onion repository mode.
        self.activateOnionRepositoryMode = activateOnionRepositoryMode

    @cli.switch(["-W", "--workers-repository"], int, requires=["--onion-repository"], help="Number of threads used to process the ONION addresses generated.")
    def workers_repository(self, workers_repository):
        Worker Threads for processing the ONION addresses generated.
        self.workerThreads = workers_repository

    @cli.switch(["-V", "--validchars-repository"], str, help="Valid characters to use in the generation process of onion addresses. Default: All characters between a-z and digits between 2-7")
    def validchars_repository(self, validchars_repository):
        Valid characters to use in the generation process of onion addresses.
        self.validchars = validchars_repository

    def logsTorInstance(self, log):
        Shows the Logs for the TOR startup.
        self.logger.debug(term.format(log, term.Color.GREEN))

    def __killTorProcess(self):
        #If TOR process has been started, it should be stopped.
        if hasattr(self, 'torProcess') and self.torProcess is not None:
            self.logger.info(term.format("[+] Killing TOR process with PID %s " %(self.torProcess.pid), term.Color.YELLOW))
        self.logger.info((term.format("[+] Process finished at "+ strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", gmtime()), term.Color.YELLOW)))

    def main(self):
        Initialization of logger system and banner ascii.
        fonts = ['slant','doom','avatar', 'barbwire', 'big', 'bigchief', 'binary', 'calgphy2', 'chunky', 'colossal', 'computer','cosmic','cosmike','cyberlarge','digital','doh','dotmatrix',
                 'drpepper', 'eftitalic','eftiwater','epic','gothic','isometric1','invita', 'isometric2','isometric3', 'isometric4','larry3d', 'lean','linux','madrid','mini','ntgreek', 'ogre',
        bannerTortazo = Figlet(font=random.choice(fonts))
        print bannerTortazo.renderText('Tortazo v %s.%s' %(tortazoConfiguration.tortazo_majorversion,tortazoConfiguration.tortazo_minorversion) )

        bannerAuthor = Figlet(font='digital')
        print bannerAuthor.renderText('By Adastra ' )
        print bannerAuthor.renderText('@jdaanial \n' )

        self.logger = log
        self.exitNodes = []
        if tortazoConfiguration.dbPostgres:
            self.database = TortazoPostgreSQL()
        elif tortazoConfiguration.dbMySQL:
            self.database = TortazoMySQL()
            self.database = TortazoSQLiteDB()

        if self.verbose:
            self.logger.basicConfig(format="%(levelname)s: %(message)s", level=log.DEBUG)
            self.logger.debug(term.format("[+] Verbose mode activated.", term.Color.GREEN))
        self.logger.info(term.format("[+] Process started at " + strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", gmtime()), term.Color.YELLOW))

        if self.cleanDatabase:
            self.logger.info(term.format("[+] Cleaning database... Deleting all records.", term.Color.YELLOW))

        if self.listPlugins:
            print "[*] Plugins list... "
            import pluginsDeployed
            for plugin in pluginsDeployed.plugins.keys():
                completeModulePath = pluginsDeployed.plugins.get(plugin)
                pluginModule = completeModulePath[:completeModulePath.rfind(".")]
                module = __import__(pluginModule)
                components = completeModulePath.split('.')
                for comp in components[1:]:
                    module = getattr(module, comp)
                inst = module([])
                print "Plugin package: %s" %(completeModulePath)
                print "Plugin Name: %s" %(inst.name)
                print "Plugin Description: %s" %(inst.desc)
                print "Plugin Version: %s" %(inst.version)
                print "Plugin Author: %s" %(inst.author)
                print "Plugin Arguments Available: %s" %(inst.pluginConfigs.keys())
                print "\n"

        if self.torLocalInstance:
            if os.path.exists(self.torLocalInstance) and os.path.isfile(self.torLocalInstance):
                torrcFile = open(self.torLocalInstance,'r')
                torConfig = {}
                import pwd

                if pwd.getpwuid(os.getuid()).pw_uid != 0:
                    #Running TOR as non-root user. GOOD!
                    for line in torrcFile:
                        if line.startswith("#", 0, len(line)) is False and len(line.split()) > 0:
                            torOptionName = line.split()[0]
                            if len(line.split()) > 1:
                                torOptionValue = line[len(torOptionName)+1 : ]
                                torConfig[torOptionName] = torOptionValue
                        self.logger.info(term.format("[+] Starting TOR Local instance with the following options: ", term.Color.YELLOW))
                        for config in torConfig.keys():
                            self.logger.info(term.format("[+] Config: %s value: %s " %(config, torConfig[config]), term.Color.YELLOW))
                        self.torProcess = stem.process.launch_tor_with_config(config = torConfig, tor_cmd = tortazoConfiguration.torExecutablePath, init_msg_handler=self.logsTorInstance)
                        if self.torProcess > 0:
                            #If SocksListenAddress or SocksPort properties are empty but the process has been started, the socks proxy will use the default values.
                            self.logger.debug(term.format("[+] TOR Process created. PID %s " %(self.torProcess.pid),  term.Color.GREEN))
                            if torConfig.has_key('SocksListenAddress'):
                                self.socksHost = torConfig['SocksListenAddress']
                                self.socksHost = ''
                            if torConfig.has_key('SocksPort'):
                                self.socksPort = torConfig['SocksPort']
                                #Starting TOR from the command "tor". The default Socks port in that case is '9050'. If you run tor with tor bundle, the default socks port is '9150'
                                self.socksPort = '9050'
                    except OSError, ose:
                        print sys.exc_info()
                        #OSError: Stem exception raised. Tipically, caused because the "tor" command is not in the path.
                        exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info()
                        self.logger.warn(term.format("Exception raised during the startup of TOR Local instance.... "+str(ose), term.Color.RED))
                        self.logger.warn(term.format("Details Below: \n", term.Color.RED))
                        self.logger.warn(term.format("Type: %s " %(str(exc_type)), term.Color.RED))
                        self.logger.warn(term.format("Value: %s " %(str(exc_value)), term.Color.RED))
                        self.logger.warn(term.format("Traceback: %s " %(str(exc_traceback)), term.Color.RED))
                    self.logger.warn(term.format("You cannot run TOR as root user! Please, use an account with limited privileges ", term.Color.RED))

                self.logger.warn(term.format("The specified torrc file is not valid: %s " %(str(self.torLocalInstance)), term.Color.RED))

        if self.activateOnionRepositoryMode != None:
            #Tortazo should start a process and the goes to sleep. In this mode should not be other actions to be performed.
            #This switch will invalidate the other switches, just repository mode should be started.
            # Setup and start the simulation
                serviceConnector = ServiceConnector(self)
                self.logger.info(term.format("[+] Entering in Onion Repository Mode. This process could take a lot of time depending what you know of the hidden service to discover...", term.Color.YELLOW))
                if tortazoConfiguration.loadKnownOnionSites:
                    self.logger.info(term.format("[+] Reading the file of known hidden services located in 'db/knwonOnionSites.txt'. Tortazo will try to feed the local database with that information. If you want to avoid this behavior, set to False the property: 'loadKnownOnionSites' in the 'config/config.py' configuration file ...", term.Color.YELLOW))
                if self.onionRepositoryMode.lower() == 'random':
                    self.logger.info(term.format("[+] Random address generator selected ...", term.Color.YELLOW))
                    self.logger.info(term.format("[+] Incremental address generator selected ...", term.Color.YELLOW))
                    self.onionRepositoryMode = (self.onionRepositoryMode.replace('http://', '')).replace('.onion', '')
                    if len(self.onionRepositoryMode) == 0:
                        self.logger.warn(term.format("[+] Consider to use the switches -O / --onionpartial-address or -V / --validchars-repository to filter the results. ", term.Color.YELLOW))
                    if len(self.onionRepositoryMode) <= 10:
                        self.logger.warn(term.format("[+] You've entered an address with 10 or less characters [just %s chars]. The number of combinations will be very huge. You'll need a considerable process capacity in this machine and let run this process for hours, days or even weeks! If you're sure, let this process run" %(str(len(self.onionRepositoryMode))), term.Color.YELLOW))
                        sys.stdout.write('%s [y/n]\n' %('Are you sure?'))
                        while True:
                                input = raw_input
                                if strtobool(input().lower()) == True:
                            except NameError:
                            except ValueError:
                                sys.stdout.write('Please respond with \'y\' or \'n\'.\n')
                if hasattr(self, "socksHost") and hasattr(self, "socksPort"):
                    if self.socksPort is not None and self.socksPort.isdigit():
                        serviceConnector.setSocksProxySettings(self.socksHost, int(self.socksPort))
                self.logger.info(term.format("[+] Starting the Onion repository mode against "+self.activateOnionRepositoryMode+" services...  " + strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", gmtime()), term.Color.YELLOW))
                repository =  RepositoryGenerator(self.validchars, serviceConnector, self.database, self.onionRepositoryMode, self.workerThreads)
                repository.startGenerator(tortazoConfiguration.loadKnownOnionSites, self.activateOnionRepositoryMode)
                self.logger.info(term.format("[+] Onion repository finished...  " + strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", gmtime()), term.Color.YELLOW))

            except KeyboardInterrupt:
                print "Interrupted!"
            except StandardError as standardExcept:
                self.logger.warn((term.format(standardExcept.message, term.Color.RED)))

            #repository = RepositoryGenerator('',self.generatorThreads,self.workerThreads)

        if self.zombieMode is None and self.useDatabase is False and self.mode is None:
            self.logger.warn(term.format("Specify the execution mode. You should use Info Gathering (-m), Botnet Mode (-z) or Database Mode (-D). Type '--help' to see the available options. ", term.Color.RED))

            List and Scan the exit nodes. The function will return an dictionary with the exitnodes found and the open ports.
        if self.zombieMode:
            In zombie mode, The program should read the file named "tortazo_botnet.bot".
            In that file, every line have this format: host:user:password:nickname
            Extract every host and then, create a list of bots.
            botnet = BotNet(self)

            discovery = Discovery(self, self.database)

            if self.useDatabase:
                #There's a previous scan stored in database. We'll use that information!
                if self.scanIdentifier is None:
                    self.logger.info(term.format("[+] Getting the last %s scans executed from database..."  %(self.exitNodesToAttack),  term.Color.YELLOW))
                    self.logger.debug(term.format("[+] Use -n/--servers-to-attack option to include more or less records from the scans recorded in database.",  term.Color.GREEN))
                    self.exitNodes = self.database.searchExitNodes(self.exitNodesToAttack, None)
                    self.logger.info(term.format("[+] Getting the relays for the scan %d ..."  %(self.scanIdentifier),  term.Color.YELLOW))
                    self.exitNodes = self.database.searchExitNodes(self.exitNodesToAttack, self.scanIdentifier)

                if len(self.exitNodes) > 0:
                    self.logger.info(term.format("[+] Done!" , term.Color.YELLOW))
                    if self.scanIdentifier is None:
                        self.logger.info(term.format("[+] No records found... You should execute an initial scan." , term.Color.YELLOW))
                        self.logger.warn(term.format("[-] You've chosen to use the database records, however the database tables are empty because you have not run an initial scan." , term.Color.RED))
                        self.logger.warn(term.format("[+] No records found with the scan identifier specified, check the database..." , term.Color.RED))
                if self.useCircuitExitNodes:
                    #Try to use a local instance of TOR to get information about the relays in the server descriptors.
                    self.exitNodes = discovery.listCircuitExitNodes()
                elif self.mode:
                    #Try to connect with the TOR directories to get information about the relays in the server descriptors.
                    self.exitNodes = discovery.listAuthorityExitNodes() #Returns a list of TorNodeData objects

            if self.exitNodes is not None and len(self.exitNodes) > 0:
                reporter = Reporting(self)
                reporter.generateNmapReport(self.exitNodes, tortazoConfiguration.NmapOutputFile)
                self.shodanHosts = []
                for torNode in self.exitNodes:
                    if self.useShodan == True:
                        #Using Shodan to search information about this machine in shodan database.
                        self.logger.info(term.format("[+] Shodan Activated. About to read the Development Key. ", term.Color.YELLOW))
                        if self.shodanKey == None:
                            #If the key is None, we can't use shodan.
                            self.logger.warn(term.format("[-] Shodan Key's File has not been specified. We can't use shodan without a valid key", term.Color.RED))
                            #Read the shodan key and create the Shodan object.
                                shodanKeyString = open(self.shodanKey).readline().rstrip('\n')
                                shodanHost = discovery.shodanSearchByHost(shodanKeyString, torNode.host)
                            except IOError, ioerr:
                                self.logger.warn(term.format("[-] Shodan's key File: %s not Found." %(self.shodanKey), term.Color.RED))

                if len(self.shodanHosts) > 0:
                    reporter.generateShodanReport(self.shodanHosts, tortazoConfiguration.ShodanOutputFile)

                #Check if there's any plugin to execute!
                if self.pluginManagement != None:
                    self.loadAndExecute(self.pluginManagement, self.exitNodes, self.pluginArguments)
Пример #2
    def main(self):
        Initialization of logger system and banner ascii.
        fonts = ['slant','doom','avatar', 'barbwire', 'big', 'bigchief', 'binary', 'calgphy2', 'chunky', 'colossal', 'computer','cosmic','cosmike','cyberlarge','digital','doh','dotmatrix',
                 'drpepper', 'eftitalic','eftiwater','epic','gothic','isometric1','invita', 'isometric2','isometric3', 'isometric4','larry3d', 'lean','linux','madrid','mini','ntgreek', 'ogre',
        bannerTortazo = Figlet(font=random.choice(fonts))
        print bannerTortazo.renderText('Tortazo v %s.%s' %(tortazoConfiguration.tortazo_majorversion,tortazoConfiguration.tortazo_minorversion) )

        bannerAuthor = Figlet(font='digital')
        print bannerAuthor.renderText('By Adastra ' )
        print bannerAuthor.renderText('@jdaanial \n' )

        self.logger = log
        self.exitNodes = []
        if tortazoConfiguration.dbPostgres:
            self.database = TortazoPostgreSQL()
        elif tortazoConfiguration.dbMySQL:
            self.database = TortazoMySQL()
            self.database = TortazoSQLiteDB()

        if self.verbose:
            self.logger.basicConfig(format="%(levelname)s: %(message)s", level=log.DEBUG)
            self.logger.debug(term.format("[+] Verbose mode activated.", term.Color.GREEN))
        self.logger.info(term.format("[+] Process started at " + strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", gmtime()), term.Color.YELLOW))

        if self.cleanDatabase:
            self.logger.info(term.format("[+] Cleaning database... Deleting all records.", term.Color.YELLOW))

        if self.listPlugins:
            print "[*] Plugins list... "
            import pluginsDeployed
            for plugin in pluginsDeployed.plugins.keys():
                completeModulePath = pluginsDeployed.plugins.get(plugin)
                pluginModule = completeModulePath[:completeModulePath.rfind(".")]
                module = __import__(pluginModule)
                components = completeModulePath.split('.')
                for comp in components[1:]:
                    module = getattr(module, comp)
                inst = module([])
                print "Plugin package: %s" %(completeModulePath)
                print "Plugin Name: %s" %(inst.name)
                print "Plugin Description: %s" %(inst.desc)
                print "Plugin Version: %s" %(inst.version)
                print "Plugin Author: %s" %(inst.author)
                print "Plugin Arguments Available: %s" %(inst.pluginConfigs.keys())
                print "\n"

        if self.torLocalInstance:
            if os.path.exists(self.torLocalInstance) and os.path.isfile(self.torLocalInstance):
                torrcFile = open(self.torLocalInstance,'r')
                torConfig = {}
                import pwd

                if pwd.getpwuid(os.getuid()).pw_uid != 0:
                    #Running TOR as non-root user. GOOD!
                    for line in torrcFile:
                        if line.startswith("#", 0, len(line)) is False and len(line.split()) > 0:
                            torOptionName = line.split()[0]
                            if len(line.split()) > 1:
                                torOptionValue = line[len(torOptionName)+1 : ]
                                torConfig[torOptionName] = torOptionValue
                        self.logger.info(term.format("[+] Starting TOR Local instance with the following options: ", term.Color.YELLOW))
                        for config in torConfig.keys():
                            self.logger.info(term.format("[+] Config: %s value: %s " %(config, torConfig[config]), term.Color.YELLOW))
                        self.torProcess = stem.process.launch_tor_with_config(config = torConfig, tor_cmd = tortazoConfiguration.torExecutablePath, init_msg_handler=self.logsTorInstance)
                        if self.torProcess > 0:
                            #If SocksListenAddress or SocksPort properties are empty but the process has been started, the socks proxy will use the default values.
                            self.logger.debug(term.format("[+] TOR Process created. PID %s " %(self.torProcess.pid),  term.Color.GREEN))
                            if torConfig.has_key('SocksListenAddress'):
                                self.socksHost = torConfig['SocksListenAddress']
                                self.socksHost = ''
                            if torConfig.has_key('SocksPort'):
                                self.socksPort = torConfig['SocksPort']
                                #Starting TOR from the command "tor". The default Socks port in that case is '9050'. If you run tor with tor bundle, the default socks port is '9150'
                                self.socksPort = '9050'
                    except OSError, ose:
                        print sys.exc_info()
                        #OSError: Stem exception raised. Tipically, caused because the "tor" command is not in the path.
                        exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info()
                        self.logger.warn(term.format("Exception raised during the startup of TOR Local instance.... "+str(ose), term.Color.RED))
                        self.logger.warn(term.format("Details Below: \n", term.Color.RED))
                        self.logger.warn(term.format("Type: %s " %(str(exc_type)), term.Color.RED))
                        self.logger.warn(term.format("Value: %s " %(str(exc_value)), term.Color.RED))
                        self.logger.warn(term.format("Traceback: %s " %(str(exc_traceback)), term.Color.RED))
                    self.logger.warn(term.format("You cannot run TOR as root user! Please, use an account with limited privileges ", term.Color.RED))

                self.logger.warn(term.format("The specified torrc file is not valid: %s " %(str(self.torLocalInstance)), term.Color.RED))